Adabas for zIIP 8.3 Release Notes

This document provides information on Adabas for zIIP, a selectable unit of Adabas that enables Adabas to make use of IBM’s zIIP engine. Whether running the basic Adabas nucleus, Adabas Cluster Services, or Adabas Parallel Services, Adabas for zIIP enables Adabas on z/OS to offload part of the Adabas workload from the mainframe’s general central processors (GCP) to System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP).

Offloading work from the GCPs will free up some of their capacity. This helps decrease the total cost of operation (TCO) of the GCPs and makes room for running additional workload on them. Furthermore, the use of Adabas for zIIP may result in performance benefits by increasing the throughput for certain workloads.

Adabas for zIIP 8.3 SP5 provides the same functionality, features and corrective maintenance as Adabas 8.3 SP4, plus the support for zIIPs. It is intended for use in Adabas 8.3 installations that wish to run some of their Adabas workload on zIIPs.

Adabas for zIIP supports other selectable units that are integrated into the Adabas nucleus:

  • Adabas Caching Facility

  • Adabas Cluster Services

  • Adabas Delta Save Facility

  • Adabas Fastpath

  • Adabas Online System

  • Adabas Parallel Services

  • Adabas SAF Security

  • Adabas Transaction Manager

  • Adabas Vista

  • Event Replication for Adabas (in Adabas source databases)

Adabas nuclei running with Adabas Review enabled are supported, but the Review subtasks do not currently run on zIIPs. Also, the Adabas Review Hub, the Event Replicator server (Reptor) and the Adabas utilities do not currently support execution on zIIPs.

This document provides a brief summary of the features in Adabas for zIIP 8.3 SP5, with links for more information to other areas of the Adabas documentation set. New and changed features in Adabas 8.3 up to SP4 are described in the release notes for Adabas 8.3 SP4.

This document covers the following topics:

Supported Operating System Platforms Describes the currently supported operating environments for this version of Adabas.
Enhancements Describes the new and changed features in Adabas 8.3.
Installation and License Describes where installation and license information for Adabas for zIIP can be found.
Limitations and Restrictions Lists the limitations and restrictions currently existing in this version of Adabas for zIIP.
Applying Zaps Describes general information on where to locate and how to apply Adabas zaps.
Software AG Mainframe Product Compatibility Describes the compatibility of this version of Adabas with other Software AG mainframe products.
Using 8.2 COR-based Add-ons Describes using version 8.2 SP2 of the COR-based add-on products Adabas System Coordinator (COR), Adabas SAF Security (AAF), Adabas Fastpath (AFP), Adabas Transaction Manager (ATM), and Adabas Vista (AVI) with this version of Adabas.
End of Maintenance Describes how you can determine the end-of-support dates for your Software AG products.
Documentation and Other Online Information Describes the documentation and other online information you can obtain for this release of Adabas.