
This document lists the Adabas for zIIP 8.3 SP5 and related Adabas 8.3 enhancements.

Category Enhancements
Adabas for zIIP 8.3 SP5 Enhancements Adabas 8.3 ADARUN Parameter Enhancements
Adabas 8.3 Operator Command Enhancements
zIIP-Related Session Statistics
Alternative Code Page Conversion System ICS
Documentation Enhancements

Adabas 8.3 ADARUN Parameter Enhancements

This section describes the ADARUN Parameter enhancements made with Adabas for zIIP Version 8.3 SP5.

For more information about any ADARUN parameter, read Adabas Initialization (ADARUN Statement).

ZIIP: Enable zIIP Usage

This release introduces a new ADARUN parameter called ZIIP. This parameter controls whether or not Adabas activates the selectable unit Adabas for zIIP (AZPAD). Valid values are YES or NO; NO is the default.

This parameter is valid for z/OS operating environments only.

For complete information about the ZIIP parameter, read ZIIP Parameter: Activate Usage of Adabas for zIIP.

Adabas 8.3 Operator Command Enhancements

This section describes the operator command enhancements made in Adabas for zIIP Version 8.3 SP5.

DPARM Command

With Adabas for zIIP version 8.3 SP5, the DPARM operator command displays the current value of the ZIIP parameter, as do the ADADBS OPERCOM DPARM function and AOS menu Display Parameters.

DZSTAT Command

Adabas for zIIP Version 8.3 SP5 introduces the DZSTAT operator command. This command can be given to an Adabas nucleus that has been started with ZIIP=YES. Use the DZSTAT command to display statistics about the execution of Adabas in SRB mode and TCB mode and about the CPU time consumed on System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP) and general central processors (GCP).

In response to operator command DZSTAT, Adabas displays basic zIIP-related statistics. If, additionally, the parameter ALL is specified (DZSTAT,ALL), Adabas displays basic and extended zIIP-related statistics.

For more information, refer to DZSTAT Command.

The DZSTAT command is also available via the ADADBS OPERCOM DZSTAT function and via AOS menu Display session utilization / zIIP Statistics.

ZIIP Command

Adabas for zIIP Version 8.3 SP5 introduces the ZIIP operator command. Use this command to turn on or off the use of System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP) in the Adabas nucleus.

Issuing ZIIP=YES will tell the Adabas nucleus to run in SRB mode whenever possible, enabling the use of zIIPs. Issuing ZIIP=NO will tell the Adabas nucleus to always run in TCB mode, using only general processors.

The ZIIP operator command may only be used in an Adabas nucleus that was started with ADARUN parameter ZIIP=YES.

For more information, refer to ZIIP Command.

The ZIIP command is also available via the ADADBS OPERCOM ZIIP function and via AOS menu Modify Parameters.

zIIP-Related Session Statistics

Adabas for zIIP prints extensive statistics about its execution in SRB mode and TCB mode and about the CPU time consumed on System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP) and general central processors (GCP), both at session termination and before refreshing the statistics in the course of an ADADBS REFRESHSTATS function (subject to the REFSTPRT parameter).

Also, selected zIIP-related statistics are stored in the SYNS-60 Nucleus statistic checkpoints that Adabas creates at regular intervals (see ADARUN parameter INTNAS). They are displayed by the ADAREP CPEXLIST function.

For details on the zIIP-related statistics, see the section Monitoring zIIP Usage in the Adabas for zIIP documentation.

Alternative Code Page Conversion System ICS

The Universal Encoding Support (UES) in Adabas for zIIP 8.3 SP5 has been enhanced to optionally use ICS, a new, alternative code page conversion subsystem. ICS is based on International Components for Unicode (ICU V58.2), an open source project initiated by IBM (http://site.icu-project.org). ICU is already being used with other Software AG products like Natural for Mainframes and Adabas on Linux, UNIX and Windows.

For the time being, Software AG's Entire Conversion Services (ECS) remains the default code page conversion subsystem for Adabas for Mainframes, but it will be retired and replaced by ICS in the future.

The code page modules of ICS are provided in the separate ICS221.LOAD library. If ICS is to be used, this load library must be concatenated to the AZP835.LOAD library in the Adabas nucleus/utility job or job step. Furthermore, special zap AY835165 must be applied to switch to using ICS instead of ECS. This zap can be found in member ZAPOPT of the AZP835.SRCE library.

ICS does not require the SMARTS runtime system (APS). It supports the same code pages as ECS. When used with Adabas for zIIP, ICS is more efficient than ECS in converting text between code pages.

Documentation Enhancements

Information on the basic concepts around zIIP processing can be found in the new Adabas for zIIP documentation.