Installing Adabas for zIIP

The installation of Adabas for zIIP is basically the same as for Adabas Version 8.3 SP4. All ADARUN parameters that are available with Adabas Version 8.3 SP4 are valid except for those mentioned in Current Limitations in the Adabas for zIIP documentation. The only additional parameter provided for the support of Adabas for zIIP is the ADARUN parameter ZIIP .

This document is organized as follows:


Prerequisite for Adabas for zIIP is a z13 mainframe with one or more zIIP engines, running z/OS 2.1 or above. Adabas for zIIP needs one zIIP engine to perform effectively.

To run with zIIP support enabled (e.g., ADARUN parameter ZIIP=YES), the Adabas nucleus must be APF-authorized.


The support of Adabas for zIIP is being provided as a service pack for Adabas Version 8.3. It is separate from but, aside from the zIIP support, offers the same functionality as Adabas Version 8.3. The following libraries are provided for the install:

  • AZP835.EC00

  • AZP835.ERRN

  • AZP835.INPL

  • AZP835.JOBS

  • AZP835.LOAD

  • AZP835.SRCE

  • AZP835.TZ00

Furthermore, test data is provided in the AZP835.EMPL, AZP835.MISC, AZP835.PERC and AZP835.VEHI datasets.

The AZP835.LOAD library replaces the ADA834.LOAD library for Adabas. It contains all modules from the ADA834 library and includes several zaps, four reassembled modules and two new modules for the support of zIIP. This library also has all official ADA834 zaps applied.

If the Adabas SVC used for running Adabas for zIIP is also to be used for V8.4 databases, use a V8.4 ADASVC with the following maintenance applied:

  • ADASVC from ADA842.LOAD: Apply zap AO842003.

  • ADASVC from ADA841.LOAD: Apply zap AO841008.

For the Adabas Caching Facility, Adabas Delta Save Facility, and the Adabas Online System, the following libraries are provided:

  • ACF835.LOAD (Caching Facility)

  • ADE835.LOAD (Delta Save Facility)

  • AOS835.IS01 (Online System)

  • AOS835.LOAD

No new libraries are provided for the other selectable units of Adabas 8.3.

For the Adabas for zIIP license check (see License below), use the Mainframe License Check version 1.3.3 from the following library:

  • MLC133.LOAD

For UES-enabled databases, if you elect to use the alternative code page conversion system ICS (see Alternative Code Page Conversion System ICS in the Release Notes), use ICS version 2.2.1 from the following library:

  • ICS221.LOAD

and apply special zap AY835165 to the AZP835.LOAD library.


An Adabas nucleus that is to run with the Adabas for zIIP add-on product requires an associated license file (AZPAD) in addition to the Adabas license file. If the AZPAD license is not provided or erroneous, the nucleus will run with Adabas for zIIP deactivated (ZIIP=NO).

The AZPAD license can be transferred to the mainframe in the same way as the Adabas license. The license can be made available to the nucleus as a load module with the name AZPADLIC. This is similar to the handling of the Adabas license load module ADALIC described in Step 5: Customize and Start the Adabas Nucleus and Test Adabas Communications.

Alternatively, the license file can be referred to by a ‘DDLAZPAD’ DD statement in the nucleus job/started task. This is a fallback in case the AZPADLIC module cannot be loaded.

Selectable Units

Use the following libraries and maintenance for running selectable units with Adabas for zIIP:

  • Adabas Caching Facility - Use the ACF835.LOAD library provided with AZP835.

  • Adabas Delta Save Facility - Use the ADE835.LOAD library provided with AZP835.

  • Adabas Online System - Use the AOS835.LOAD library and install the AOS835.IS01 INPL library provided with AZP835.

  • All others - Use the same load libraries as with ADA834.

For all libraries, apply the latest available maintenance.

Using the Adabas System Coordinator-based Add-ons

If Adabas Vista, Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Transaction Manager, or Adabas SAF Security is being used, please refer to Using 8.2 COR-based Add-ons in the Release Notes for installation instructions.

Installation Steps

Start of instruction setPerform the following steps to install Adabas for zIIP

  1. Set up one or more load libraries for your Adabas nuclei that are to be run with Adabas for zIIP (see also Libraries, Selectable Units and Using the Adabas System Coordinator-based Add-ons above).

  2. Set up the required license modules or datasets (see License above).

  3. If you plan to use Adabas Online System with Adabas for zIIP, install the AOS835.IS01 INPL (see also Selectable Units above).

  4. Install the Adabas SVC.

    • Module ADASVC from the AZP835.LOAD library supports Adabas Version 8.3 databases.

    • Module ADASVC from the ADA842.LOAD library, with zap AO842003 applied, supports Adabas Version 8.4 and Adabas Version 8.3 databases, including Adabas for zIIP.

      Alternatively, use module ADASVC from the ADA841.LOAD library, with zap AO841008 applied.

  5. Specify ADARUN parameter ZIIP=YES.

  6. Start the Adabas nucleus.