
This service is used to define and maintain the rules and client runtime controls that are required by Adabas Vista.

Maintenance Menu

Start of instruction setTo display the Maintenance menu

  • Select service 1 from the main menu.

    The Current LFILE 152 Settings window may appear before the Maintenance menu. See the section System Settings for more information.

    15:27:37      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-07-18
                                -  Maintenance  -                        V11000M1
                      Code    Service
                      ----    ----------------------------
                       1      File Partitioning
                       2      File Translation
                       3      Client runtime controls
                       .      Exit
                      ----    ----------------------------
               Code..: _
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu
    From this menu, you can Service Cmd
    Maintain partitioned files as described in the section File Partitioning. 1 1.1
    Maintain file translation rules as described in the section File Translation. 2 1.2
    Maintain client runtime controls as described in the section Client Runtime Controls. 3 1.3

File Partitioning

Partitioned file definitions, which tend to be static in comparison to translation rules, are not currently subject to generations and generation deltas.

List Partitioned Files

Start of instruction setTo list the files that have been defined as partitioned

  1. Select service 1 from the Maintenance menu or enter the command 1.1 on a command line.

    18:41:24      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-07-18
                          -  Maintain Partitioned Files  -               V11P00M1
     Reposition: Database: _____ File: _____
     C  <--------- Source ---------->    Partitioning Field
     _        11     300   EMPL1         LAST-NAME
     _        11     301   VEHCL2        DATE-OF-MANUFACTURE
     _        11     302   EMPL3         AE  A 20
     _        11     303   VEHCL4        AG  U 4
     Mark with any character to expand or (P)urge (C)opy
    End of List
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu
  2. Each partitioned file is uniquely identified by a database number, and file number. In Natural systems, database and file numbers are defined in the DDM. The name is an optional field which you can use to help identify the partitioned file. If you provide a name, it must be unique.

  3. Partitioning field shows the Adabas short name, format and length of the field used to distribute the data into the separate partitions. You can assign a logical name to this field which is shown instead of the short name, format and length.

  4. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select an entry:

    p purge
    c copy
    Other Any other non-blank character lists the partitions of the file.

Add (Define) a Partitioned File

Start of instruction setTo add a partitioned file

  1. 1. Press PF10 from the Maintain Partitioned Files screen to display the Add Partitioned File screen.

     11:45:09      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2012-05-16
                                -  Add Partitioned File  -               V11P10M1  
     Source ... Database: 11__   File: 1___   Name: TESTFL1_ (optional)            
                Type: S  S = standard; E = extreme; any other mark for more options
       Partitioning Criteria .. Field Name ..... AA    (from                       
                                      Format ... A          Adabas                 
                                      Length ... 8____            FDT)             
                                Display as ..... ____________________
        Mark to use lower-case in the Field Name _ 
              Options .. Command Limit ......... 0_________ (0=no limit)                
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                     More              Menu
  2. Refer to section Adabas Vista Parameters for detailed information about each input field.

  3. If PF10 is pressed with the cursor on one of the partitioned files shown on the list screen, source information is taken from that definition. If the cursor is elsewhere on the screen when PF10 is pressed, there is no associated definition that can be used. In either case, new data may be specified in all fields on the screen.

  4. Enter the source database and file number. An optional name may be defined for the partitioned file to make it easier to identify.

  5. Specify the Source Type.

    For a standard partitioned file specify a source type of "S" (the default).

    For an Extreme partitioned file specify a source type of "E". For more information on Extreme partitioned files, refer to Using Extreme partitioned files in the Programming Guidelines.

    Refer to the parameter Source Type for more information.

    Specifying any mark other than "S" or "E" will currently result in the following pop-up window:

    12:25:32                 -  Partition Type  -                  V11P10M3  
     Partition file type (mark one): _ Standard                               
                                     X Extreme                                
                                       Use only as directed by Software AG:   
                                       _ Restricted to ACBX-only style        
                                       _ Extreme using special FDT field      
                                         __ Special FDT field name
                                         _ Mark to use lower-case field name

    This screen is obsolete and will be removed in a future update - return to the Add Partitioned File screen and select a type of "S" or "E" as appropriate.

  6. Enter the Adabas field information for the Partitioning Field.

    Refer to the parameter Partitioning Field for more information.

    If the Adabas field name contains lower-case characters, enter any non-blank character against "Mark to use lower-case in the Field Name".

    Your terminal must be defined appropriately to the TP system to allow lower-case input.

  7. Specify a command limit, if required.

  8. Press PF9 for additional options.

    For a standard partitioned file (Source type = "S")

    11:52:25           -  Additional Options  -            V11P10M2  
       Partition ID Assignment....... VISTA                           
       Maximum number of Partitions.. 255__                           
       ==> Default Partition TOPISN.. 16777215                        
       Enable ISN Positioning........ YES                             
       User Partition Concurrency.... 8__  (max. active CIDs/user)    
       Store Control Option.......... 1                               
                            PF3 Exit   PF5 Upd                        

    For an extreme partitioned file (Source type = "E")

    16:17:30           -  Additional Options  -            V11P10M4  
       Partition ID Assignment....... VISTA                           
       Enable ISN Positioning........ YES                             
       User Partition Concurrency.... 8__  (max. active CIDs/user)    
       Store Control Option.......... 1                               
                            PF3 Exit   PF5 Upd                        

    Refer to section Adabas Vista Parameters for detailed information about each input field.

  9. Press PF5 to add the partitioned file definition.

  10. If you need to make changes to the file definition just added, select it from the list by marking column C with an "m".

  11. Define the physical partitions that will make up this file.

    You have now defined the partitioned file, but you still need to define the physical partitions that will make up the file. You must define at least one physical partition to a partitioned file.

Modify a Partitioned File Definition

Start of instruction setTo modify a partitioned file definition

  1. Select it by marking column C with any non-blank character (other than p or c).

     14:51:39      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2011-12-07
                               -  Maintain Partitions  -                 V11P60M1  
     Source ... Database: 11     File: 300    Name:                                
                Type: S   Standard file                                            
     Criteria: Field: AE  Format: A  Length: 20     Name: LAST-NAME                
      Selection:  Partition Database: _____ File: _____                Parts: 0    
     C    Name  Database  File      Part ID   ACSI   Partitioning Field High Value 
     Mark with (T)est,(M)odify,(P)urge                                             
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr              Top               Add   Head  Menu   
  2. Press PF11.

    19:10:26      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2011-02-28
                             -  Modify Partitioned File  -               V11P30M1
                                  Last Modified: 2006-07-18 at 17:09:01 by UKSJU
                                          Added: 2006-07-18 at 17:09:01 by UKSJU
     Source ... Database: 11     File: 300    Name: EMPL1___
                Type: S   standard
                      S = standard; E = extreme; any other mark for more options
       Partitioning Criteria .. Field Name ..... AE    (from
                                      Format ... A          Adabas
                                      Length ... 20___            FDT)
                                Display as ..... LAST-NAME___________
        Mark to use lower-case in the Field Name _
              Options .. Command Limit ......... 0_________ (0=no limit)
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit        Upd                     More              Menu
  3. Make any necessary modifications.

    If the Adabas field name contains lower-case characters, enter any non-blank character against "Mark to use lower-case in the Field Name".

    Your terminal must be defined appropriately to the TP system to allow lower-case input.

  4. Press PF5 to confirm any modifications.

  5. Press PF9 to modify the additional options.

  6. Press PF5 to confirm any modifications.

Purge a Partitioned File Definition

Start of instruction setTo purge a partitioned file definition

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a "p".

    !  19:13:21                    Purge Profile                        V11P00M2 !
    !                                                                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !  Source ... Database: 11     File: 300    Name: EMPL1              !
    !                                                                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !                                                                            !
    !                           PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                          !
    !                                                                            !
    !                                                                            !
  2. Press PF5 to confirm the purge request.

Maintain Partitions

List Partitions

Start of instruction setTo display the list of partitions defined to the partitioned file

  1. Select the partitioned file from the list on the Maintain Partitioned Files screen by marking column C with a non-blank character:

     09:39:57      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2011-02-28
                               -  Maintain Partitions  -                 V11P60M1
     Source ... Database: 11     File: 302    Name: EMPL3
                Type: S   Standard file
     Criteria: Field: AE  Format: A  Length: 20     Name: NAME
      Selection:  Partition Database: _____ File: _____                Parts: 3
     C    Name  Database  File      Part ID   ACSI   Partitioning Field High Value
     _  PART0001    110     16           1    FYND   G9999999999999999999
     _  PART0002    110     26           2    FYND   O9999999999999999999
     _  PART0003     11    260           3    FYND   Z9999999999999999999
     Mark with (T)est,(M)odify,(P)urge
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr              Top               Add   Head  Menu 
  2. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select an entry:

    t test
    m modify
    p purge
  3. Each partition is identified by a database and file number that is used by Adabas Vista to direct a command in order to satisfy a request for data.

  4. The Partition ID (Part ID) uniquely identifies a partition and, together with the Adabas ISN, forms the Adabas Vista ISN.

  5. The field ACSI contains the partition options: Access, Critical, Shared Partition, Adabas TOPISN. In the case of Adabas TOPISN, a value of D means that the default TOPISN for the partitioned file is in use for that partition. A value of U means that the default TOPISN has been overridden.

  6. The field Partitioning Field High Value is the highest value of the partitioning field that can reside in each partition.

  7. Refer to section Adabas Vista Parameters for detailed information about each input field.

  8. You can use the selection fields to restrict the list to partitions on a given database, or database file.

Add Partitions

Start of instruction setTo add a new partition

  1. Press PF10 from the List Partitions screen to display the Add Partition screen.

    09:43:09      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-07-19
                                -  Add Partition  -                      V11P61M1
     Source ... Database: 11     File: 302    Name: EMPL3
     PARTITION  Name: ________   Database: _____       File: _____
                 Access .... FULL     Adabas TOPISN ..... 16777215__
                 Critical .. YES      Shared Partition .. NO_
           Partitioning Field High Value ( A 20  )
      ===>                                                                  <===
      ===>                                                                  <===
      ===>                                                                  <===
      ===>                                                                  <===
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu
  2. Enter the partition database and file number. You may specify an optional name for the partition to more easily identify it.

  3. Review the default options supplied and then specify the highest value of the partitioning field that will reside on this partition.

    Refer to section Parameters for detailed information about each input field.

  4. Press PF5 to add the partition and return to the partition list.

  5. To make changes to the partition just added, select the entry from the list by marking column C with an "m".

Test partition settings

Start of instruction setTo test a partition

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a "t".

  2. The partition definition will be checked to see that it matches what is in the physical files.

  3. A subsequent "Test Partition For Validity" screen will pop-up with the result.

  4. A successful test will look like this:

      10:18:25       Test Partition For Validity       2011-03-03  
      Partition database: 110   file: 16                           
          Partition test successful                                
                               PF3 Exit                            

This function is not currently supported for shared partitions.

Modify a Partition

Start of instruction setTo modify a partition

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a "m":

    09:44:53      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-07-19
                                -  Modify Partition  -                   V11P63M1
                                  Last Modified: 2006-07-19 at 09:38:55 by UKSJU
                                          Added: 2006-07-19 at 09:38:55 by UKSJU
     Source ... Database: 11     File: 302    Name: EMPL3
     PARTITION  Name: PART0001   Database: 110__   File: 16___
                 Access .... FULL     Adabas TOPISN ..... 16777215__
                 Critical .. YES      Shared Partition .. NO_
           Partitioning Field High Value ( A 20  )
      ===> G9999999999999999999                                             <===
      ===>                                                                  <===
      ===>                                                                  <===
      ===>                                                                  <===
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu
  2. Press PF5 to confirm any modifications.

Purge a Partition

Start of instruction setTo purge a partition

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a "p".

    !  09:45:47      Purge Partition       V11P60M2  !
    !                                                !
    !  Name: PART0001  Database: 110    File: 16     !
    !                                                !
    !            PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm             !
    !                                                !
  2. Press PF5 to confirm the purge request.

File Translation

A number of simple steps are needed to perform configuration changes and to make the changes available to Adabas Vista enabled jobs.

For example, the steps involved in making a Translation File configuration change are as follows:

  • Select the File Translation maintenance option

  • Select (List change deltas) the generation of rules for which you wish to make the change (Add new generation if appropriate)

  • Select (Expand) the generation delta in which you wish to make the change (Add new generation delta if appropriate)

  • Select (Expand) the page in which you wish to make the change (Add new page if appropriate)

  • Make the configuration change required

  • Apply the generation delta to the base generation.

  • Activate the generation (only required if the generation is not the active one)

Refer to the following sections for more information about each of these steps.

Generation Maintenance

List Generations

Start of instruction setTo list the available generations

  1. Select service 1 from the Maintenance menu or enter the command 1.1 on a command line.

    11:35:14      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-05-29
                           -  Maintain Generations  -                    V11200M1  
     C Generation Created              Activated              Status               
     _  *STARTUP  2006-03-27 16:11:07  2006-03-27 16:11:07    Active               
     Mark with any character to expand or (A)ctivate,(L)ist change deltas,
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu   
  2. Each generation is uniquely identified by an alphanumeric name of length 8 characters.

    The date the generation was created and the date when the generation was last activated are shown on the list screen. A generation status is also shown. This may be Active, Inactive or Purge-deferred.

    Adabas Vista runtime only executes against the Active generation.

  3. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select an entry:

    a activate generation
    l expand generation for generation delta maintenance
    m modify generation information
    p purge generation (and all rules)
    c copy generation (and all rules)
    Any other non-blank browse generation configuration

    The very first time you select the maintenance service from the main menu, Adabas Vista will determine if any generations are already defined. If so, these generation names will be inherited. If not, the generation name *STARTUP will be assigned to the initial generation created by the conversion of existing rules or by the initialization of a new configuration file.

Add Generation

Start of instruction setTo add a generation

  1. Press PF10 from the Maintain Generations screen.

    12:17:30      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-05-29
                            -  Add Generation  -                         V11210M1  
     Generation: CFG00001                                                          
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   
  2. Define a generation name of your choice. An optional description may be given – perhaps to describe the reason for the configuration change or to refer to your own internal change request identification.

  3. Press PF5 to add the generation and return control to the maintenance list.

    C Generation Created              Activated              Status   
    _  *STARTUP  2006-04-12 11:37:51  2006-04-12 11:37:51    Active   
    _  CFG00001  2006-04-12 12:23:15                         Inactive

    A new generation is always added with a status of Inactive.

    After a new generation has been added, its configuration content will consist of:

    • No Translation Rules

    • Automatically inherited copy of the Target Categories defined to the currently Active generation

    • No generation deltas

Browse Generation Configuration

Start of instruction setTo browse a generation’s configuration

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with any non-blank character (other than those specifically mentioned).

     16:08:19      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                                 -  Maintain Pages  -                    V11T00M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     Reposition to page: ________                                   Delta: DELTA001
     C  Page Name    Description                                                   
     _  *site                                                                 
     _  PAGE0001                                                                   
     _  PAGE0002                                                                   
     _  PAGE0003                                                                   
     _  PAGE0004                                                                   
     _  PAGE0005                                                                   
     _  PAGE0006                                                                   
     _  PAGE0007                                                                   
     _  PAGE0008                                                                   
     Mark with any character to expand or (P)urge,(C)opy                         
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                    Fwd   Site  Add         Menu

    The translation rule pages are listed. These are the rules that are actually in effect at runtime, if this is the active generation. The pages and rules may only be browsed. See Expand Generation Delta for more information on how to navigate the page and rule maintenance screens.

Activate Generation

Start of instruction setTo activate a generation

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with an “a”.

    13:04:26           Activate Generation Configuration             V11260M1
     Activate Generation: CFG00001                                            
     On confirmation of this activation request, any newly started job        
     running with this configuration file will use the newly activated        
     Any existing Active generation will be set to Inactive                   
                              PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                         
  2. Press PF5 to confirm activation.

    The currently active generation will become Inactive.


  1. The newly activated generation becomes immediately available for use by all sessions. Sessions that exist at the time the new generation is activated will only acknowledge the new generation when they reach a situation where there are no outstanding cursors (CIDs) and transactions because it is impossible to alter a target file (etc.) in the middle of these activities.
  2. For the correct recognition of configuration changes, the configuration file must have been modified after job initialization. Jobs must be restarted if configuration changes implemented by restoring a previously modified configuration file are to be recognized.

Expand Generation for Generation Delta Maintenance

Start of instruction setTo expand a generation for generation delta maintenance

Modify Generation

Start of instruction setTo modify a generation

  1. Expand its change deltas by marking column C with "l".

     15:17:59      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2011-12-07
                         -  Maintain Generation Deltas  -                V11270M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     C Delta                                                   Status              
     _ DELTA001                                                In use              
     Mark with any character to expand or (P)urge,(C)opy,(A)pply                   
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add   Desc  Menu   
  2. Press PF11.

    12:36:22      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                              - Modify Generation  -                     V11230M1  
     Status: Inactive             Last Modified: 2006-04-12 at 12:23:15 by UKGXN   
                                        Created: 2006-04-12 at 12:23:15 by UKGXN   
     Generation: CFG00001                                                          
     Last Activated:                                                               
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu
  3. Make any necessary modifications and press PF5 to confirm.

You may not modify the automatically created generation *STARTUP.

Purge Generation

Start of instruction setTo purge a generation

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “p”.

    13:26:31                 Purge Generation Data                   V11240M1
     Purge all data for Generation: CFG00001                                  
                         _ Run Purge process now                              
                         _ Defer Purge process                                
                              PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                         
  2. There are two options for purge generation; the first will perform an immediate purge, the second allows the purge to be deferred (generation status is set to ‘purge deferred’).

  3. Press PF5 to confirm the purge request.

    For generations with large numbers of Partitioned and Translation files, it may be preferable to use the purge deferred option to indicate the intention to purge and then to actually perform the purge at an appropriate time. This is due to the amount of configuration file activity necessary to purge large numbers of Partitioned and Translation files.

    Once a generation is in ‘purge deferred’ status, the only way to recover maintainability to it is to perform a copy to a new generation name.

Copy Generation

Start of instruction setTo copy a generation

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “c”.

    13:50:10                 Copy Generation Data                    V11250M1
     Copy all data for Generation: CFG00001                                   
                    to Generation: ________                                   
                              PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                         
  2. Define a new generation name of your choice.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm the copy request.

  4. A new generation description may be provided by using the modify option.

The newly copied generation is always created with a status of Inactive.

After the copy, the configuration content of the newly created generation will consist of:

  • A copy of any base generation Partitioned Files

  • A copy of any base generation Translation Files

  • A copy of any base generation Target Categories

  • A copy of any generation deltas and their configuration changes

Generation Delta Maintenance

Delta Locking

To prevent inconsistent modifications in a delta, Adabas Vista implements a delta locking mechanism based on the Natural *USER system variable. You may only make modifications in a delta, or apply or purge the delta if either:

  • the delta is not currently locked, or

  • the delta is locked by you. That is, the delta owner matches the current value of *USER.

If you attempt to apply, purge or make modifications in a delta locked by someone else, the following warning appears

|  17:31:21            Delta Lock Details           2008-05-22 |
|                                                   V1DEL0M1   |
|                                                              |
|  Delta DELTA001 was locked by UKSJU    at 17:27:58 on        |
|  2008-05-22 in job/transaction NAT42    with comment:        |
|                                                              |
|  You cannot make any modifications in this delta unless you  |
|  reset the lock by marking: _ and pressing PF5.              |
|  Optional comment when resetting the lock:                   |
|  __________________________________________________          |
|                                                              |
|  Warning: Do not reset the lock unless you are sure that the |
|  other party has failed to release it or is in full          |
|  agreement that their ownership is to be transferred.        |
|  Otherwise, unpredictable results will occur.                |
|                                                              |
|                    PF3 Exit    PF5 Reset                     |
|                                                              |

This screen shows information about who locked the delta and when. It also shows the comment entered by that user when they locked the delta. If necessary, you can take ownership of the delta by marking the indicated field, entering an optional comment and pressing PF5. This must only be done when the other party is known to have permanently given up their existing lock otherwise unpredictable results will occur.

For example:

|  17:33:11            Delta Lock Details           2008-05-22 |
|                                                   V1DEL0M1   |
|                                                              |
|  Delta DELTA001 was locked by UKSJU    at 17:27:58 on        |
|  2008-05-22 in job/transaction NAT31    with comment:        |
|                                                              |
|  You cannot make any modifications in this delta unless you  |
|  reset the lock by marking: X and pressing PF5.              |
|  Optional comment when resetting the lock:                   |
|  TAKE OVER PAYROLL CHANGE ACC/03/21A_______________          |
|                                                              |
|  Warning: Do not reset the lock unless you are sure that the |
|  other party has failed to release it or is in full          |
|  agreement that their ownership is to be transferred.        |
|  Otherwise, unpredictable results will occur.                |
|                                                              |
|                    PF3 Exit    PF5 Reset                     |
|                                                              |

You can now make the necessary changes in this delta.

When you exit maintenance the following screen appears:

|  17:43:16            Delta Lock Details           2008-05-22 |
|                                                   V1DEL0M2   |
|                                                              |
|  Delta DELTA001 was locked by you at 17:39:42 on 2008-05-22  |
|  in job/transaction NAT42                                    |
|  Enter Y to retain the lock or N to release it: _ and press  |
|  PF5 to confirm.                                             |
|  If you retain the lock, only you can modify the delta. If   |
|  you release the lock, the delta is available for someone    |
|  else to make modifications in it.                           |
|  Optional comment (when retaining the lock):                 |
|  CONTINUE PAYROLL CHANGE ACC/03/21A________________          |
|                                                              |
|                         PF5 Confirm                          |
|                                                              |

This screen allows you to choose between:

  • retaining the lock, so that no-one else can apply, purge or make modifications in the delta without resetting the lock, as above

  • releasing the lock, so that the delta is available for anyone else to apply, purge or modify

List Generation Deltas

Start of instruction setTo list the available generation deltas

  1. Select it from the Generation Maintenance list by marking column C with an "e".

    14:11:07      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                         -  Maintain Generation Deltas  -                V11270M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     C Delta                                                                       
     Mark with any character to expand or (P)urge,(C)opy,(A)pply
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add   Desc  Menu   
  2. Each generation delta is uniquely identified by an alphanumeric name of length 8 characters.

  3. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select an entry:

    p purge generation delta (and all changes)
    c copy generation delta (and all changes)
    a apply generation delta to base generation
    Any other non-blank expand generation delta for rule maintenance

The first time you “expand” a generation in order to list generation deltas, you will be directed to the Add Generation Delta screen. You can choose to add one or not. This automatic direction is only done once - all subsequent expansions of that generation will be directed to the generation delta list screen.

Add Generation Delta

Start of instruction setTo add a generation delta

  1. Press PF10 from the Maintain Generation Deltas screen.

    15:07:04      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                           -  Add Generation Delta  -                    V11271M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     Delta: DELTA001                                                               
     PAYROLL CHANGE IN PROGRESS                   - CHANGE NUMBER ACC/03/21A.    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   
  2. Define a generation delta name of your choice. An optional description may be given – perhaps to describe the reason for this particular change or to refer to your own internal change request identification.

  3. Press PF5 to add the generation delta and return control to the maintenance list.

                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     C Delta                                                                       
     _ DELTA001                                                                    

Modify Generation Delta

Start of instruction setTo modify a generation delta

  1. Expand it by marking column C with a non-blank character.

     15:28:11      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2011-12-07
                                 -  Maintain Pages  -                    V11T00M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     Reposition to page: ________                                   Delta: DELTA001
     C  Page Name    Description                                                   
     _  *site                                                                      
     Mark with any character to expand or (P)urge,(C)opy                           
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                          Site  Add   Desc  Menu   
  2. Press PF11.

    14:47:53      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                          - Modify Generation Delta  -                   V11273M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     Status: In use               Last Modified: 2006-04-12 at 14:37:53 by UKGXN   
                                        Created: 2006-04-12 at 14:37:53 by UKGXN   
     Delta: DELTA001                                                               
     PAYROLL CHANGE IN PROGRESS                   - CHANGE NUMBER ACC/03/21A.                           
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu   
  3. Make any necessary modifications and press PF5 to confirm.

Purge Generation Delta

Start of instruction setTo purge a generation delta

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “p”.

    14:52:02                 Purge Generation Delta                  V11274M1
     Purge Delta DELTA001 of Generation: CFG00001                             
     All modifications contained in this delta will also be purged.           
     If this is the last delta for this generation, any outstanding changes to
     target policy will be discarded too.                                     
                              PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                         
  2. Press PF5 to confirm the purge request.

If you are purging the last generation delta for a particular generation then any changes made to Target Categories and their policies will be purged too.

Copy Generation Delta

Start of instruction setTo copy a generation delta

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “c”.

    14:58:09                  Copy Generation Delta                  V11275M1
     Copy from Delta DELTA001 of Generation: CFG00001                         
            to Delta ________                                                 
     All modifications contained in this delta will also be copied            
                              PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                         
  2. Define a new generation delta name of your choice.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm the copy request.

  4. A new generation delta description may be provided by using the modify option.

Apply Generation Delta

Start of instruction setTo apply a generation delta to the base generation

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with an “a”.

    15:00:27                 Apply Generation Delta                  V11276M1 
     Apply Delta DELTA001 to Generation: CFG00001                              
     Mark _ to retain the Delta                                                
                              PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                          
  2. Press PF5 to confirm application.

The configuration changes in this generation delta will be applied to the base generation. An option is available for the generation delta to be retained instead of deleted (the default).


  1. If the affected base generation is the currently active generation, the modified active generation becomes immediately available for use by all sessions. Sessions that exist at the time the generation is modified will only acknowledge the modifications when they reach a situation where there are no outstanding cursors (CIDs) and transactions because it is impossible to alter a target file (etc.) in the middle of these activities.
  2. For the correct recognition of configuration changes, the configuration file must have been modified after job initialization. Jobs must be restarted if configuration changes implemented by restoring a previously modified configuration file are to be recognized.

Expand Generation Delta

Start of instruction setTo expand a generation delta for rule maintenance

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a non-blank character.

     16:08:19      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                                 -  Maintain Pages  -                    V11T00M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     Reposition to page: ________                                   Delta: DELTA001
     C  Page Name    Description                                                   
     _  *site                                                                 
     _  PAGE0001                                                                   
     _  PAGE0002                                                                   
     _  PAGE0003                                                                   
     _  PAGE0004                                                                   
     _  PAGE0005                                                                   
     _  PAGE0006                                                                   
     _  PAGE0007                                                                   
     _  PAGE0008                                                                   
     Mark with any character to expand or (P)urge,(C)opy                          
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                          Site  Add   Desc  Menu  

    This lists the available file translation pages.

    Each file translation page is uniquely identified by an alphanumeric name of length 8 characters.

  2. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select an entry:

    p purge file translation page (and all rules within)
    c copy file translation page (and all rules within)
    Any other non-blank expand file translation page for rule maintenance

The page list displays the pages defined to the base generation in addition to any new pages added to the current generation delta. Changes staged in the current generation delta are highlighted.

PF9 is used to access the Site Policies for Target Categories maintenance screen.

File Translation Page Maintenance

Add File Translation Page

Start of instruction setTo add a file translation page

  1. Press PF10 from the Maintain File Translation Pages screen.

    16:09:16      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                                    -  Add Page  -                       V11T10M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
                                                                    Delta: DELTA001
     Specify Page Name: PAGE0009                                                   
     Description: _____________________________________________                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   
  2. Define a page name of your choice. An optional description may be given.

    Any number of pages can be defined. In order to make translation file rules available to Adabas Vista enabled jobs, the client runtime controls for those jobs must specify the appropriate page name(s) within which are the required translation file rules to be effective for each job. For those translation file rules that are required for all Adabas Vista enabled jobs then a mandatory page can be defined. This page is called ‘*site’ and is always checked at runtime.

    If no *site page is defined the add screen above has an extra line as follows:

    Specify Page Name: ________                                                  
          or mark here: _ in order to establish a system-wide mandatory page      
  3. Press PF5 to add the page and return control to the maintenance list.

    C  Page Name    Description                                                   
     _  *site                                                                 
     _  PAGE0001                                                                   
     _  PAGE0002                                                                   
     _  PAGE0003                                                                   
     _  PAGE0004                                                                   
     _  PAGE0005                                                                   
     _  PAGE0006                                                                   
     _  PAGE0007                                                                   
     _  PAGE0008                                                                   
     _  PAGE0009                                                                   

The newly added PAGE0009 is highlighted to indicate that this page is currently staged in the current generation delta.

Modify File Translation Page

Start of instruction setTo modify a file translation page

  1. Expand it by marking column C with a non-blank character.

     15:36:05      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2011-12-07
                          -  Maintain Translation Rules  -               V11T60M1  
     Page Name: TEAM1                           Generation: *STARTUP Status: Active
     Reposition: Database: _____  File: _____                       Delta: TESTSHOW
        Database/File       Translated database/file (or redirect)...              
        <---Source-->       <---TEST-->   <----QA--->   <-PRE-PROD>   <---PROD-->  
     _   17078      7       17079    77       -     -       -     -       -     -  
     Mark with any character to expand or (P)urge,(C)opy                           
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add   Desc  Menu     
  2. Press PF11.

    16:39:39      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                                  -  Modify Page  -                      V11T30M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
                                                                    Delta: DELTA001
     Page Name  : PAGE0009         Last modified 2006-04-12 at 16:11:06 by UKGXN   
                                           Added 2006-04-12 at 16:11:06 by UKGXN   
     Description: _____________________________________________                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu   
  3. Make any necessary modifications and press PF5 to confirm.

Purge File Translation Page

Start of instruction setTo purge a file translation page

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “p”.

    16:42:31     Purge     2006-04-12
                  Page      V11T40M1  
      Page Name: PAGE0009             
     All translation rules in this    
     page will also be purged.        
        *  PF5 to Confirm Purge *     
     Command ==>                      
           PF1 Help    PF3 Exit       
  2. Press PF5 to confirm the purge request.

Copy File Translation Page

Start of instruction setTo copy a file translation page

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “c”.

    16:43:27     Copy      2006-04-12
                  Page      V11T60M1  
      Page Name: PAGE0009             
        Copy to: ________             
     All translation rules will also  
     be copied to the new page.       
         *  PF5 to Confirm Copy *     
     Command ==>                      
           PF1 Help    PF3 Exit       
  2. Define a new page name of your choice.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm the copy request.

  4. A new page name description may be provided by using the modify option.

Expand File Translation Page

Start of instruction setTo expand a file translation page

Translation Rule Maintenance

Translation Rules

A translation rule is used by Adabas Vista to re-direct a command issued against a source file to a target file. The source file is identified by a source database and file number.

  • The source database and file number identifies the file to the application. In Natural systems, this is the database and file number defined in the DDM.

  • The target database and file number indicate where a qualified command is to be directed.

Translation rules are defined within pages. Within each page a source file can have a number of different targets, one for each defined Target Category. Refer to Target Categories for more information.

List Translation Rules

Start of instruction setTo display a list of translation rules

  1. Select it from the File Translation Page list by marking column C with an “e”.

    17:06:40      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                         -  Maintain Translation Rules  -               V11T60M1
     Page Name: PAGE0009                      Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     Reposition: Database: _____  File: _____                       Delta: DELTA001
        Database/File       Translated database/file (or redirect)...              
        <---Source-->       <---TEST-->   <----QA--->   <-PRE-PROD>   <---PROD-->  
     _      11    259          12   259       -     -       -     -       -     -  
     Mark with any character to expand or (P)urge,(C)opy                                   
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add   Desc  Menu
  2. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select a translation rule:

    p purge
    c copy
    Any other non-blank expand the translation rule

Add a Translation Rule

Start of instruction setTo add a new translation rule

  1. Press PF10 from the Maintain Translation Rules screen to display the Add Translate Rule screen.

    17:13:05      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                           -  Add Translation Rule  -                   V11T61M1  
     Page Name: PAGE0009                      Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
                                                                    Delta: DELTA001
     Source ... Database: 1____  File: 0____                               
              Mandatory/ <-- Target Information --->  Or     Command       User
               Priority  Database File (or Redirect) None     limit        Info
     TEST      N  0____    2____  0____   ________     _    0_________   ________
     QA        _  0____    _____  0____   ________     _    0_________   ________
     PRE-PROD  _  0____    _____  0____   ________     _    0_________   ________
     PROD      _  0____    _____  0____   ________     _    0_________   ________                                                                               
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   
  2. Enter the source database and file number and, for each target category (as required), the target database and file number.

    A source and target file number of zero indicates that the translation rule applies to all files for the source database number. If such a rule exists and a rule also exists for a specific file with the same source database number, then the file rule will override the "all-files" rule.

    In the example screen, any Adabas Vista enabled job with PAGE0009 defined in its runtime controls and running with a Target Category of TEST will cause any access to database 1 to be translated to database 2.

    Refer to Translation Parameters for more information on the available options.

  3. Press PF5 to add the translation rule definition.

  4. To make changes to the rule just added, select the rule from the list by marking column C with an "m".

Modify a Translation Rule

Start of instruction setTo modify a file translation rule

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a non-blank character.

    17:19:34      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                          -  Modify Translation Rule  -                 V11T63M1  
     Page Name: PAGE0009                      Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
                                                                    Delta: DELTA001
                                   Last modified 2006-04-12 at 17:18:17 by UKGXN   
                                           Added 2006-04-12 at 17:18:17 by UKGXN   
     Source ... Database: 1      File: 1                                   
              Mandatory/ <-- Target Information --->  Or     Command       User
               Priority  Database File (or Redirect) None     limit        Info
     TEST      N  0____    1____  10___   ________     _    0_________   ________
     QA        _  0____    _____  0____   ________     _    0_________   ________
     PRE-PROD  _  0____    _____  0____   ________     _    0_________   ________
     PROD      _  0____    _____  0____   ________     _    0_________   ________                                                                               
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu   
  2. Press PF5 to confirm any modifications.

  3. Refer to Translation Parameters for more information on the available options.

Purge a Translation Rule

Start of instruction setTo purge a translation rule

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with "p".

    15:46:52           Purge Translation Rule          V11T60M2
           Source ... Database: 1      File: 1
                      PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm
  2. Press PF5 to confirm the purge request.

Copy a Translation Rule

Start of instruction setTo copy a translation rule

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with "c".

    17:23:31      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                           -  Copy Translation Rule  -                  V11T64M1
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
     Page Name: PAGE0009                                            Delta: DELTA001
      Source ... Database: 1      File: 1
      Source ... Database: 1____  File: 1____
      Page Name: PAGE0009
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Copy                                      Menu   
  2. Specify (as appropriate) a new database and file number and Page name.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm the copy request

    Any validation processing performed as a result of the copy is identical to that of an Add Translation rule request.

Site Policies for Target Categories

Target Categories

For information on the purpose and usage of target categories, see section Target Categories.

List Target Categories

Start of instruction setTo display a list of target categories

  1. Press PF9 (Site) from the Maintain File Translation Pages screen

    18:04:13      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                      -  Site Policies for Target Categories  -          V11C00M1  
                                              Generation: CFG00001 Status: Inactive
         Target                                                     Delta: DELTA001
     C  Category     First-level Null Definition Policy                                       
     _  TEST         Allow                                                         
     _  QA           Allow                                                         
     _  PRE-PROD     Allow                                                         
     _  PROD         Allow                                                         
     Mark with (M)odify,(P)urge,(A)fter,(B)efore                          
    Top of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu   
  2. Enter one of the following options in the C column:

    m modify
    p purge
    a after
    b before

Add a Target Category

Start of instruction setTo add a new target category

  1. Select the position in the list where the new Target Category is to be inserted by marking column C with an “a” or “b” as appropriate.

    18:06:23                 Add Target Category                    V11C10M1  
     Target Category: ________                                                 
        Enter the name of the new target category, which must not already      
        exist. Adding a new target category causes all translation rules in    
        all modification deltas for the current generation to be updated.      
        This may be a long-running process. You are strongly advised to add    
        or purge target categories for the generation before making any        
        changes to its translation rules.                                      
                             PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                           
  2. Enter the new target category.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm the add.

  4. To make changes to the target category just added, select it from the list by marking column C with an "m".

Modify a Target Category

Start of instruction setTo modify a target category

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with "m".

    15:54:32      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-07-19
                           -  Modify Target Category  -                  V11C30M1
                                                Generation: *STARTUP Status: Active
                                                                    Delta: DELTA001
     Target Category: QA          Last Modified: 2006-07-14 at 18:53:02 by UKSJU
                                          Added: 2006-07-14 at 16:43:49 by UKSJU
     Description  :
     Command limit: 0_________ (0=no limit)
     Category adjustment policy (mark one only):
           X  allow a rule in a page to change (redirect) category
              (default is ‘yes’, only the first replacement during the page
              merge is taken)
           _  reject with response 249, subcode 107
     First-level null definition policy (mark one only):
           X  allow calls for which no rules exist (default)
           _  reject with response 249, subcode 106 at end of page-merge
           _  use the rule from category ________
     Second-level null definition policy (mark one only):
           X  allow calls for which no rules exist (default)
           _  reject with response 249, subcode 108 at end of page-merge
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit        Upd                                       Menu
  2. Press PF5 to confirm any modifications.

  3. Refer to Target Category Parameters for more information on the available options.

Purge a Target Category

Start of instruction setTo purge a target category

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a "p".

    18:15:01                Purge Target Category                   V11C40M1 
     Target Category: PRE-PROD                                                
        Purging a target category causes all translation rules in all         
        modification deltas for the current generation to be updated.         
        This may be a long-running process. You are strongly advised to add   
        or purge target categories for the generation before making any       
        changes to its translation rules.                                     
                             PF3 Exit    PF5 Confirm                          
  2. Press PF5 to confirm the purge request.

Client Runtime Controls

Runtime controls determine the operational behavior of Adabas Vista in the job. You can adjust this behavior on a case-by-case basis by specifying overrides to tailor operation for a particular transaction code (TP systems), stepname (batch jobs) or login id.

Adabas Vista can be installed in all client jobs, but will remain inactive until a Vista runtime control is defined for the job. This enables an installation to deploy Vista in advance of their actual use in a job. It also enables the use of a common library set between jobs that use Vista and those that do not.

See section Parameters for a complete description of all runtime controls.

Maintain Client Runtime Controls

Start of instruction setTo display a list of client runtime controls

  1. Select service 2 from the Maintenance menu or enter the command 1.2 on the command line.

     17:36:21      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-12
                            -  Client Runtime Controls  -                U11300M1  
                                                     Reposition to Type: ________  
                                                                   Name: ________  
                                  Client Controls                                  
     C Type         Name       AFP   AVI   ATM   COR       Comments                
     _ Batch        VI81J007          Y           Y                                
     _              VI81J008          Y           Y                                
     Mark with Jobs,Modify,Purge,Rename,Copy,Overrides,Information,History    
    End of List                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add   Prods Menu   
  2. This screen lists the runtime controls that have been defined for all Adabas Add-on products that share the same configuration file and indicates which job has runtime controls defined for which product.

  3. To position within the list, enter the job type and name in the fields in the top right area of the screen.

  4. PF11 allows you to maintain the runtime controls for any product from any product’s online system.

  5. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select an entry

    j list jobs in DTR service
    m modify
    p purge
    r rename
    c copy
    o overrides
    i site information

Add a Runtime Control

Start of instruction set To add a new runtime control

  1. Press PF10 from the Client Runtime Controls screen.

    14:36:48   ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 (I004) *****    2008-05-22
                          -  Add Client Runtime Control  -               U11310M1  
     Select (mark one) :                                                           
                              _ Batch                                              
                              _ COM-PLETE                                          
                              _ CICS (DTR - Dynamic transaction routing)           
                              _ CICS (Standard)                                    
                              _ IMS (DTR)                                          
                              _ UTM (DTR)                                          
                              _ TSO                                                
                              _ CMS                                                
                              _ TIAM                                               
                              _ more choices for type or                           
                              _ API controlled - type 1                            
                              _ API controlled - type 2                            
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu   
  2. Mark the type of job required.

    Each different job type has a different characteristic: it is important to select the correct type.

    Select the job type "CICS (Standard)" if CICS/MRO is to be used without dynamic transaction routing or for other CICS environments. Select the job type "CICS (DTR – Dynamic Transaction Routing)" if CICS/MRO is to be used with dynamic transaction routing.

  3. If you mark the selection "more choices for type", another selection window will appear with additional job types. If you need to use any of these, contact Software AG for advice.

    If you mark either of the API controlled types, you can define a set of runtime controls which can be activated dynamically by API. You must enable API overrides for any job where you want to use this API definition and name it in the job’s list of permissible APIs.

    Dynamically activated API runtime controls are not yet available.

  4. After selecting a job type, press Enter.

    11:14:14      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2007-02-13
                          -  Add Client Runtime Control  -               U11310M3
             Type: Batch
             Name: VI81J009 (* for default controls for this type)
     This is a standard type of runtime.
    Command ==>
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu   
  5. Enter a job name in the resulting screen.

    It is possible to enter one or more asterisks (*) to indicate a wild card. For example, the runtime control with the name CICS**PR is found by any job with the name CICS in positions 1-4 and PR in positions 7-8, no matter what the characters are in positions 5-6. If an asterisk (*) is the last character in a job name, the remainder of positions in the name through the eighth are padded with asterisks.

    The initial runtime control values set up for the new job are copied from those specified in the *DEFAULT entry for the selected job type.

    If no default entry exists for the job type, then Adabas Vista product default values are used.

    Runtime controls are always matched on type. The order of search within type is

    1. Match on exact job name.

    2. Match on wild card definitions.

    3. Use the default for the job type, if one has been defined.

    Note that the number of wild card job names defined for a job type has a direct effect on the number of Adabas commands needed to establish the runtime controls at initialization. This is particularly relevant to batch jobs that process relatively few Adabas commands.

  6. To create a default runtime control, select the appropriate job type and enter a "*" as the name.

    A specific job runtime control overrides any default runtime control for the same job type.

  7. Use PF5 to continue.

     16:43:41      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2011-12-07
                      -  System Coordinator Runtime Controls  -          U11310M5  
     Type: Batch        Name: VI81J009                                             
       Operation: Normal autodetect: X Enable without products: _ Disable all: _   
       API runtime overrides....: N (Y/N)                                          
       Use additional exits.....: N (Y/N)                                          
       Maximum idle time (sec)..: __________                                       
       Runtime messages.........: Y Default _ Local (DDMSG) file _ Daemon (DDMSG)  
       Activity pulse every.....: _______ commands or _____ seconds                
         Display (mark one).....: _ Daemon shared memory                           
                                  _ Daemon memory                                  
         Latency (mark one).....: X Local                                          
                                  _ Group latency disk file                        
                                  _ Daemon shared memory                           
                                  _ Daemon memory                                  
         Group name.............: ________ (required if group/daemon services used)
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu    
  8. If no Adabas System Coordinator runtime controls are defined for this job name, you must define them now. Please refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for an explanantion of these (and additional optional) runtime controls. You can subsequently modify these if required.

  9. Use PF5 to continue.

     11:28:03      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2007-02-13
                         -  Adabas Vista Runtime Controls  -             U1133VM1  
     Type: Batch                                                                   
     Name: VI81J009                Last modified 2007-02-13 at 11:28:03 by UKGXN   
                                           Added 2007-02-13 at 11:28:03 by UKGXN   
                                           Vista ON/OFF for Job ...... ON_         
              Database number for ET-Data ............... 0____                    
              Enable Multiple Database Updates .......... YES                      
              Global Format IDs    Natural... YES  3GL... NO_                      
              Distributed Lock Mode ..................... 0                        
              Error Response Code (ADARSPnnn) ........... 249                      
              Trace Activation .............. NO_  Cmds.. 128__                    
              Error Reporting WTO ....................... NO_                      
              Command Time (Hex.) ....................... 00000000                 
              Extended Hold ............................. MINIMUM                  
              Mask OP/RSP148 .. YES   Result data:  ISQ.. 07040400  ADDS4.. 740000 
              Origin CID transport: In ACBUSER: N or in UB: N hex offset: 0000                                                                                                                                          
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit        Upd                     More              Menu   
  10. These runtime controls are pulled from the *DEFAULT entry for the selected job type - if such an entry doesn’t exist, the product default values are used. Use PF5 to confirm these settings.

  11. Use PF9 for an additional controls screen and to define the file translation pages to be referenced by this job:

    16:46:25      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2011-12-07
                        -  Adabas Vista Runtime Controls  -             U1133VMP  
    Type: Batch                                                                   
    Name: VI81J009                Last modified 2011-12-07 at 16:46:20 by UKSJU   
                                          Added 2011-12-07 at 16:46:20 by UKSJU   
    Mode: NEWDEFLT                                                                
    Permissible pages for this runtime, in order of preference:                   
    *site          ________     ________     ________     ________                
                   ________     ________     ________     ________                
    Convergence processing controls:                                              
        CL commands (mark one) X Dilute to RC on demand (default)                 
                               _ Only honor when ETID is used                     
                               _ Always honor                                     
                               _ Only reject when ETID is used                    
                               _ Always reject (RSP249/22)                        
                           PF3 Return  PF5 Upd  PF9 Check                         
  12. You now need to define the mode (or Target Category) under which this job will run and any file translation pages which must be referenced for it’s correct operation.

  13. If a *site page exists, then all jobs will automatically reference this file translation page. The existence of this page is identified by “*site” displayed on the screen.

  14. If this job needs to also reference other file translation pages for correct operation, these pages should be specified here. The order they are defined in is the search order used by Adabas Vista to resolve any source files to their approppriate translation targets.

  15. PF9 provides an optional check facility if you wish to confirm that the pages you define here actually do exist. In addition, at runtime, a policy can be defined in order to control Adabas Vista’s runtime processing if it determines that a defined page does not exist.

  16. For more information refer to the Pages runtime control.

  17. Use PF5 to confirm these settings.

Modify Runtime Control

Start of instruction set To modify a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with "m".

    11:40:15      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2007-02-13
                         -  Adabas Vista Runtime Controls  -             U1132VM1  
     Type: Batch                                                                   
     Name: VI81J009                Last modified 2007-02-13 at 11:36:07 by UKGXN   
                                           Added 2007-02-13 at 11:36:07 by UKGXN   
                                           Vista ON/OFF for Job ...... ON          
              Database number for ET-Data ............... 0                        
              Enable Multiple Database Updates .......... YES                      
              Global Format IDs:   Natural... YES  3GL... NO                       
              Distributed Lock Mode ..................... 0                        
              Error Response Code (ADARSPnnn) ........... 249                      
              Trace Activation .............. NO   Cmds.. 128                      
              Error Reporting WTO ....................... NO                       
              Command Time (Hex.) ....................... 00000000                 
              Extended Hold ............................. MINIMUM                  
              Mask OP/RSP148 .. YES   Result data:  ISQ.. 07040400  ADDS4.. 740000 
              Origin CID transport: In ACBUSER: N or in UB: N hex offset: 0000                                                                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit                                More              Menu   
  2. Make any necessary modifications.

  3. Use PF9 for an additional controls screen which includes the mode (Target Category) and file translation pages used by this job.

  4. Press PF5 to confirm.

List jobs in a DTR service

Start of instruction setTo list jobs in a DTR service

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a "j".

    16:18:28      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-07-19
                        -  Client Runtime Service Members  -             U11390M1
          Job type: CICS (DTR)
      Service name: CICCLUST
                  C Name                                   Comments
     Mark with Purge,Rename
    No records found for selection
     Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu
  2. List jobs is only relevant for DTR definitions. It allows you to define which jobs comprise that DTR service. Use PF10 to add a job. You can subsequently purge or rename it by marking it with P or R. For more information please refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation.

Purge a Runtime Control

Start of instruction setto purge a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “p”.

      11:46:50     Purge     2007-02-13  
            Runtime Control U11340M1    
         Type: Batch                    
         Name: VIAP3000                 
         _   All                        
         _   Vista                      
       Mark Product(s) to purge or All  
       (Overrides will also be purged)  
     Command ==>                        
      PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Purge   
  2. Mark which products runtime controls you wish to purge.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm

Rename a Runtime Control

Start of instruction setto rename a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “r”.

      11:24:21     Rename     2006-04-24   
              Runtime Control U11350M1  
               Job Type: Batch  
               Job Name: VI81J000
               New Name: ________    
        Press PF5 to confirm rename
      Command ==>                        
      PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Rename 
  2. Specify the new job name.

  3. Press PF5 to confirm

Copy a Runtime Control

Start of instruction setto copy a runtime control

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “c”.

      11:25:37     Copy        2006-04-24   
              Runtime Control U11360M1  
               Type: Batch  
               Name: VI81J000
               _ All
               _ Vista  
        Mark Product(s) to copy or All   
        Copy to job ..: ________
        Copy Overrides: N (Y/N - All) 
     Command ==>                        
      PF1 Help   PF3 Exit   PF5 Copy  
  2. Mark which products runtime controls you wish to copy.

  3. Specify the job name to which these runtime controls will be copied.

  4. If you select All, you may also copy any defined overrides by entering Y against Copy Overrides.

  5. Press PF5 to confirm

Maintain Site Information

Start of instruction setTo maintain site information

  1. Select it from the list by marking column C with a “i”.

    11:30:30      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-24
                  -  Client Runtime Controls Site Information  -        U11370M1
    Type: Batch
    Name: VI81J000
    Site Information 
    You may define up to 256 bytes of alphanumeric data (site information), which 
    is stored with this runtime control definition and may be retrieved at runtime
    using the documented API.                                                     
    Command ==>
          Help        Exit        Add                                       Menu
  2. Press PF5 to confirm.

Maintain Client Runtime Control Overrides

Start of instruction setto list runtime control overrides

  1. Select it from the Runtime Control maintenance list by marking column C with an ‘o’.

    11:41:44      ***** A D A B A S   VISTA SERVICES 8.2.2 *****        2006-04-24 
                   -  Client Runtime Controls Override Summary  -       U11380M1
    Type: Batch        Name: VI81J001 
    C Type         Name       AFP   AVI   ATM   COR       Comments 
    _ Stepname     STEP0002          Y
     Mark with Modify,Purge,Rename,Copy,Information
    End of List
    Command ==>
          Help        Exit  Refr                                Add         Menu
  2. This screen lists the runtime control overrides that have been defined for the selected job.

  3. Enter one of the following options in the C column to select an entry:

    m modify
    p purge
    r rename
    c copy
    i site information
  4. These options are the same as the ones available for maintaining client runtime controls except that they maintain the override controls rather than the jobs base level controls.

Dynamic Client Runtime Configuration

Please refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation and the section on Dynamic Client Runtime Configuration for Experts.