Compatibility with Previous Versions of ASF

The ASF 8.1 Data file requires new Adabas fields. These fields are added to the ASF Data file as described in the section Upgrading to ASF 8.1.1.

ASF 8.1 is unable to work with data of previous ASF versions as long as the new fields are not added. If you try to access data where the new fields have not been added, an Adabas response 41 (“Invalid format buffer”) is returned from ASF.

On the other hand, ASF 7.1 can work on the ASF 8.1 Data file but it does not access any of the new fields.

The ASF Profiles file has not been changed. Thus you can continue to work with your existing Profiles file. The delivered new Profiles file contains some new Evaluation Profiles as described in the ASF Examples documentation. Most delivered sample evaluations do no longer specify any database or file number. This change makes the evaluation more flexible because they can be used for any Store Profile data. For more details, see the section Link Databases to Profile in the ASF User’s Guide.