Number Message Cause Action
ASF001 For general evaluation please enter evaluation type. The Evaluation Type has to be entered. The valid values for a General Evaluation are 1-8. Please enter evaluation type (1 to 8).
ASF002 This is the first page. You tried to page backwards from the first page. None required.
ASF003 This is the last page. You tried to page forward from the last page. None required.
ASF004 Direct command:1:not supported. You entered a direct command which is not defined in the ASF system. None required.
ASF005 Cursor out of defined area. You tried to select by cursor positioning but the cursor is not on the right position. Position the cursor at the first character of the value you want to select and press ENTER again.
ASF006 You can't add more pages. There is no more editor space available. Reduce the amount of elements.
ASF007 You are already on the left side. You tried to scroll to the left, but you are already at the left margin. None required.
ASF008 You are already on the right side. You tried to scroll to the right, but you are already at the right margin. None required.
ASF010 For Database:1:no store data exists. You are displaying an evaluation of type 1, and you have just used the PF5 or PF6 key to scroll to the data for a new database. However, ASF has no data stored for this database. Store some nucleus records for the relevant database before running this evaluation again or remove the database from the evaluation profile.
ASF011 No store data exists for DB: 1:file:2::3::4: You are displaying an evaluation of type 5, and you have just used the PF5 or PF6 key to scroll to the data for a new file. However, ASF has no data stored for this and probably more files. None. This message is for information only. To avoid this message, store some nucleus records for the file(s) before running the evaluation, or delete the file(s) from the evaluation profile.
ASF012 End of profile. There are no more profile elements (for example DATABASES) but you wanted to access them by "next" (PF6/PF11). None required.
ASF013 First database/file reached. You pressed the PF5 key (scroll backwards) in an evaluation of type 1 or 5, but you are already at the start of the database/file list, or you pressed the PF11 key (previous DBID) in the Profile Administration, but you are already at the start of the database list. None required.
ASF014 Print in progress, please wait. The printout which you requested is being processed. No further ASF operations can be selected while this message is displayed. Wait until ASF stops displaying this message, then continue.
ASF015 Operation in progress, please wait. The ASF operation which you requested requires some time, during which the message remains displayed. Wait until ASF stops displaying the message, then continue.
ASF016 Trend generation in progress, please wait The trend generation which you requested will require some time to complete. Wait until ASF stops displaying the message, then continue.
ASF017 Trend evaluation in progress, please wait The Trend evaluation which you requested will require some time to complete. Wait until ASF stops displaying the message, then continue.
ASF018 Critical report in progress, please wait The critical report you requested will take some time to complete. Wait until ASF stops displaying the message, then continue.
ASF020 Terminal is not a PC. Output in PC-File not possible. You tried to send data to a PC file, but ASF does not recognize your terminal as a PC. To download data to a PC, you must be using Natural Connection to run ASF from a PC. Check that Natural Connection is installed and that the PC connection is activated.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF021 First group reached. You tried to page backwards from the first group in the selection list. None required.
ASF022 Last group reached. You tried to page forward from the last group in the selection list. None required.
ASF030 Unexpected response while reading the Natural version. Internal error: ASF received an unexpected response when it tried to determine the Natural version. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ASF031 ASF system file number not defined. The ASF system files (ASF Data, ASF Profiles) have not been specified in the Natural parameter module (NTFILE) nor at the Natural start (LFILE). Specify the ASF system file numbers in Natural or use the ASF direct command 'LFILE'.
ASF040 SYSRDC is not active. SYSRDC has not been activated, e.g. the SYSRDC buffer has not been allocated or CMRDC has not been linked to Natural. Start Natural with RDCSIZE > 2.
ASF041 SYSRDC in error. SYSRDC has been disabled after an error situation. Check whether SYSRDC has been correctly initialized. Refer to the Natural Utilities Manual for more information.
ASF042 Unexpected return code:1:at call to SYSRDC. Internal error: when calling 'CMRDC' an unexpected return code was received. Please contact your Software AG technical support representative.
ASF079 Display error-message - interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort displaying an error message. None required.
ASF080 Confirm file-linkage - interrupted by PF-KEY. You used PF3 to interrupt linking one file to multiple databases. None required.
ASF081 No evaluation profile present. When you use the LINK FILE command, ASF refers to the current or most recently used evaluation profile. If you have not yet used an evaluation profile in the current ASF session, the LINK FILE command cannot work. Enter the name of the evaluation profile to which the LINK FILE command refers in the "Eval. profile" field of any menu, then retry LINK FILE.
ASF082 No store profile present. When linking a file to databases via the "link file"-command, the file-name would be displayed if ASF-records are read. For reading ASF-records, a store-profile and store-type have to be defined. Enter a store profile for example in the general evaluation menu.
ASF083 No store type present. When linking a file to databases via the "link file"-command, the file-name would be displayed if ASF-records are read. For reading ASF-records, a store-type and store-profile have to be defined. Enter a store-type for example in the general evaluation menu.
ASF110 Evaluation types are 1 to 10. Available evaluation types are 1 to 10. Enter a correct evaluation type or choose by active help.
ASF111 Only numeric values allowed. The input field accepts numeric characters only. Ensure that the input field contains only numeric characters.
ASF112 Please enter profile name. The function you selected requires a profile, but you have not specified one. Enter the name of a profile.
ASF113 Please enter store type. The function you requested requires a store type, but you have not specified one. Enter the name of a store type.
ASF114 To get help on DB-ID first enter profile name. The active help can only work on the field "Reduced on DB-ID" if the name of a profile is entered. Enter a profile name.
ASF115 Database:1:not linked to profile:2:. You tried to store nucleus records with a database ID entered in the field "reduced on DBID". But this database is not linked to this store profile. Link the database to the store profile or enter another DBID in the field "reduced on DBID".
ASF116 Only one output medium allowed. You are only allowed to mark one output medium. Ensure that only one output medium is selected, then retry the operation.
ASF117 Please mark one output medium. At least one of the available output media must be selected. Mark one of the available output media, then retry the operation.
ASF118 Please enter evaluation profile name. For the current operation, you must input the name of an evaluation profile. Input the name of an evaluation profile, then retry the operation.
ASF119 Please enter store profile name. For the current operation, you must input the name of a store profile. Enter the name of a store profile, then retry the operation.
ASF120 Alias definition interrupted by PF-KEY. You aborted the definition of an alias name for a profile by pressing the PF3 key. None required.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF121 Rename profile interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort renaming a profile. None required.
ASF122 Copy profile interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort copying a profile. None required.
ASF123 Delete profile interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort deleting a profile. None required.
ASF124 Select fields/groups interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort the selection of fields or groups in a profile. None required.
ASF125 Select files - interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort the selection of files in a profile. None required.
ASF126 Delete nucleus records - interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort the deletion of nucleus records. None required.
ASF127 Confirm printer environment - interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort the definition of the printer environment. None required.
ASF128 Confirm user profile - interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort the definition of a user profile. None required.
ASF129 Please enter: ALL or NU or TR The valid input values for the Origin field are:

NU: nucleus records only

TR: trend records only

ALL: both nucleus and trend records.

Enter a valid value for the Origin field.
ASF130 Steps of days has to be between 1 and 999 The value input for the field "Steps of days" must be 1-999. Input a value in the range 1-999.
ASF131 Only 24 store events allowed. In order to limit the amount of data which is stored when trend records are generated, the maximum number of store events is limited to 24. The length of the trend period which you specified, combined with the value of "Steps of days", would result in a number of store events which exceeds the maximum value. As a guide, the number of store events generated is given approximately by the formula: (number of days in trend period)/(steps of days). Thus, if you wish to generate trend records for a period of 3 months (90 days), and you specify steps of days=3, then the number of store events generated would be about 90/3 = 30, which would exceed the maximum value. If, however, you specify steps of days=4, then the maximum would not be exceeded (90/4 =22.5). Reduce the time period for the trend generation or increase the variable "Step of days".
ASF132 Head profiles must not be deleted. You tried to delete a head profile. You must not delete these profiles, as they are used by ASF for formatting the output reports. None required.
ASF133 Head profiles must be neither renamed nor modified. You tried to rename or modify a Head Profile. You must not rename or modify the Head Profiles, as they are used by ASF for formatting output reports. None required.
ASF134 Capture / modify evaluation - interrupted by PF-KEY. You used the PF3 key to abort capturing or modifying an evaluation. None required.
ASF135 There are still records with store profile:1:. The store profile may only be deleted if there are no ASF records stored with this store profile. All records with this store profile must be deleted first. Then try again to delete this store profile.
ADS137 Eval. profiles can't be handled in store profile menu. In the store profile administration menu only store profiles may be maintained. To maintain evaluation profiles use the evaluation profile menu.
ASF138 Store profiles can't be handled in eval. profile menu. In the evaluation profile administration menu only evaluation profiles may be maintained. To maintain store profiles use the store profile menu.
ASF139 Generating average/delta-records interrupted by PF-KEY. You aborted the definition of nucleus-end store-type for generating combined average/delta records. None required.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF140 Evaluation type:1:and:2:are not compatible. Only the following groups of evaluation types are compatible with themselves:

Type 1,2,3,4

Type 5,6,7,8

Type 9,10

Choose evaluations with compatible types.
ASF141 Profile: 1:alias:2:already exists. The name of a profile or its alias already exists. Choose another name.
ASF142 Profile: 1: does not exist. Neither an evaluation profile nor a store profile exists with this name. Enter the name of an existing profile, or add (create) the profile.
ASF143 To add a profile please enter evaluation type. When adding a profile you must specify the evaluation type. Enter the evaluation type (1 to 10).
ASF144 Confirm with profile name and alias. For reasons of security, ASF is requesting you to repeat the profile name and alias. Enter profile name and alias again.
ASF145 Field: 1::2::3::4:already selected. The named fields are already selected and should not be selected again. None required.
ASF146 File: 1::2::3::4:already selected. The named files are already selected and should not be selected again. None required.
ASF147 Store type:1:does not exist. For the purposes of storing nucleus data or evaluating, an existing store type has to be used. Enter the name of an existing store type or add (create) this store type.
ASF148 Database not available When using PSBA0001 for storing data at nucleus start, the program checks whether the database comes up (is active after a time) or not. None required.
ASF151 Store profiles are not allowed here In the evaluation profile menu, only evaluation profiles may be maintained. Enter the name of an evaluation profile.
ASF152 Evaluation profiles are not allowed here. In the store profile menu, only store profiles may be maintained. Enter the name of a store profile.
ASF153 DB-related evaluation: No file-related fields allowed. This evaluation only concerns databases, not files. There are fields especially for databases and others especially for files. Here only fields especially for databases are allowed. Specify DB-related fields only.
ASF154 File-related evaluation: No DB-related fields allowed. This evaluation only concerns files, not databases. There are fields especially for databases and others especially for files. Here only fields especially for files are allowed. Specify file-related fields only.
ASF155 Critical report / trend. Only limit fields allowed. The critical report and the critical trend report check whether the selected fields have reached the given limit. However there are fields for which a limit is not meaningful (e.g. DB-Name). If such a field has been entered this message occurs. Select only fields for which a limit is meaningful.
ASF156 The correct relative format is '+nnn' or '-nnn'. 'nnn' stands for a number with 3 digits maximum. - Instead of an absolute date a relative date can be entered. nnn days will be added or subtracted from today's date. Use the correct relative format or an absolute date.
ASF157 :1:alias:2:is defined as store profile. Store profiles are not allowed in this context. Enter the name of an evaluation profile or use active help.
ASF158 :1:alias:2:is defined as evaluation profile. Evaluation profiles are not allowed in this context. Enter the name of a store profile or use active help.
ASF159 Trend dates have to be in future. Trend records cannot be generated for a period of time which lies in the past. Specify a period of time which lies in the future.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF160 Relative month-format is '+nnMii' or '-nnM'. 'nn' stands for a number with 2 digits maximum. nn may not exceed 36 (36 months). 'ii' means the day of the month. Instead of an absolute date a relative date can be entered. nn months will be added or subtracted from today's date. 'F' points to the first day in the month, 'U' points to the last day (ultimo)


'-1M15': The 15th of last month
'-1M31': The ultimo of last month
'+1M1' : The first day of next month
'+1M'   : The first day of next month
Use the correct relative format or an absolute date.
ASF161 The correct date format is 'DD.MM.YYYY'. The date format can be determined in the user profile (direct command 'profile'). In this case format '2' has been entered, so the correct format is 'DD.MM.YYYY'. This message is also displayed, if the year is outside the range from 1582 to 2699. Enter the correct format or change the user profile.
ASF162 The correct date format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. The date format can be determined in the user profile (direct command 'profile'). In this case format '1' has been entered, so the correct format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. This message is also displayed, if the year is outside the range from 1582 to 2699. Enter the correct format or change the user profile.
ASF163 The correct time format is 'HH:MM'. You used an invalid format when specifying the time. Use the correct time format.
ASF164 Please enter 'from'-date. If the 'from'-date is not entered the function cannot be executed. Enter the 'from'-date.
ASF165 Please enter 'to'-date. If the 'to'-date is not entered the function cannot be executed. Enter the 'to'-date.
ASF166 'To'-date has to be later than 'from'-date. 'To'-date has to be later than 'from'-date because otherwise no correct time frame is defined. Change 'to'-date or 'from'-date.
ASF167 'From'-date has to be in past.

This message occurs in the following cases:

Critical trend report: The time frame it is based on must be in the past.

Maintain nucleus records: Nucleus records are stored at a specific time. To maintain them a time frame (in the past) must be entered to select them.

Generate trend records: Trend records are generated based on nucleus records in a specific time frame in the past.

Evaluation: Evaluations are based on a time frame in the past.

Enter a 'from'-date which is in the past.
ASF169 Relative time format has to be <= 999 and >= -999. A relative date may not contain more than 3 digits. Enter a relative or absolute date in the correct format.
ASF170 Relative month-format has to be <=+36 and >= -36 (F or U). A relative month-date may not exceed 36. Enter a relative or absolute date in the correct format.
ASF171 Left margin has to be between 0 and 10. You requested ASF to print an evaluation, but you specified an incorrect value for the size of the left margin. Enter a value between 0 and 10.
ASF172 Characters per line can be 80 or 132 only. You requested ASF to print an evaluation, but you specified an invalid value for the output line length. The only two valid values are 80 and 132. Enter either 80 or 132.
ASF173 Date format is 1 or 2 only. Date format 1 means that all dates should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD', date format 2 means that all dates should be in the format 'DD.MM.YYYY'. No other date formats are supported. Enter 1 or 2 as date format.
ASF174 Decimal character is '.' or ',' only. The decimal character can be either '.' (English) or ',' (German). No other decimal characters are supported. Enter '.' or ',' as the decimal character.
ASF175 Separating character is ',' or '.' only. The separating character can be either ',' (English) or '.' (German). It separates groups of thousands in numerical output. No other separating characters are allowed. Enter ',' or '.' as the separating character.
ASF176 Enter 'Y' for YES and 'N' for NO please. These types of parameters allow 'Y' for yes and 'N' for no. Enter 'Y' or 'N'.
ASF177 Batch output is 1 or 2 only. Batch output can be written on a sequential file (1) or in SYSOUT (2). Enter 1 or 2 for batch output.
ASF178 Decimal char. and separating char. may not be the same. Decimal character and separating character may not be the same because otherwise they cannot be differentiated. Enter different values for decimal character and separating character.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF180 For printers with 132 chr/line no left margin allowed. Left margin is only allowed for printers with 80 characters/line. Enter '0' for left margin.
ASF181 Limit must not exceed 9999999. The limits which you specify for CPU units and Adabas calls may not exceed 9999999. Enter limits which do not exceed 9999999.
ASF182 Accuracy level has to be between 0 and 99. You specified a value for accuracy which is not in the valid range of 0-99. Critical trend reports will not display ASF fields whose computed accuracy lies below the given figure. Enter a number between 0 and 99.
ASF183 For mega-conversion mark kilo-conversion with 'Y' too. If the mega-conversion is set to 'Y' then certain values greater than 1000000 will be displayed using the M notation, e.g. 2000000 will be replaced by 2 M. In the same way, the kilo-conversion applies to values greater than 1000. They will be displayed using the K notation. The use of mega-conversion requires that kilo-conversion is also selected. If you wish to use mega-conversion, mark both the mega-conversion and the kilo-conversion.
ASF185 'Limited to' has to be later than 'Trend based on'. The 'trend based on' is the start and end time of the period in which the original ASF Nucleus Records were stored. The 'limited to' is the end date and time to be considered for the critical trend - therefore it should be later than the 'trend based on'. Change the dates until they fit.
ASF186 'Limited to' has to be later than 'Trend based on'. The 'trend based on' is the start and end time of the period in which the original ASF Nucleus Records were stored. The 'limited to' is the end date and time to be considered for the critical trend - therefore it should be later than the 'trend based on'. Change the dates until they fit.
ASF187 Please enter 'limited to'. The 'limited to' date and time is the end date and time to be considered for the critical trend. The default time is 23:59. The format of the date field is the same as for 'Trend based on'. The 'limited to' date and time must be filled. Enter values for the 'limited to' date and time.
ASF188 Field currently not supported by ASF. You entered a field name which is not supported in the current version of ASF. The field name is reserved by ASF because it was supported in a previous version or because it will be used in a future version of ASF. Use another field name.
ASF191 Please mark only one period of time. It is not allowed to mark more than one time period. Mark only one time period.
ASF192 To mark "Restart", Reduced DB-ID has to be entered. It is not allowed to mark "Restart" with (X) if there is no Reduced DB-ID. Enter Reduced DB-ID or clear "Restart" (X).
ASF193 A time period (month, week, day ...) has to be entered. You have to enter the code for a time period. Enter a time period or get active help by entering '*'.
ASF194 Relative week-format is '+nnnW' or '+nnnWm'

The relative week-format is interpreted as follows:

'+nnnW': Date nnn weeks in future

'-nnnW': Date nnn weeks in past

'+nnnWm': The m'th day of the week nnn weeks in future


'+3w' : Monday in 3 weeks

'-3w1' : Monday in 3 weeks

'-1w5' : Friday of last week

Time will be interpreted from input.

Enter the correct date-format.
ASF195 The correct relative day-format is '+nnn' or '+nnnD'.

The relative day-format will be interpreted as follows:

'+nnn': nnn days in future. Time will be the actual time when program is active.

'-nnn': nnn days in past. Time will be the actual time when program is active.

'+nnnD': nnn days in future. Time is taken from input.

'-nnnD': nnn days in past. Time is taken from input.

Enter the correct date-format.
ASF196 Relative week-format has to be <= +160 and >= -160. A relative week-date may not exceed 160. Enter a relative or absolute date in the correct format.
ASF197 A time period:1:does not exist. The code for a time period you have entered does not exist. Enter the correct code or get active help with '*'.
ASF198 A time offset:1: does not exist. The code for a time offset you have entered does not exist. Enter the correct code or get active help with '*'.
ASF200 No database stored for profile:1:. There was no database entered when adding this profile. Modify the profile or use another profile.
ASF201 Profile:1:added successfully. The profile has been added successfully. This means that it can be used now for evaluation. None required.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF202 Profile:1:modified successfully. The modifications on the profile have been stored. None required.
ASF203 Wrong field name. You entered an unknown field name. Enter a valid field name or select the active help feature for a list of valid field names.
ASF204 Sequence only from 1 to:1: allowed. The sequence of ASF fields can be changed by overwriting the sequence numbers. The new numbers must not exceed the current maximum sequence number. Enter valid sequence numbers.
ASF206 Profile:1:exists. Profile can be modified. A profile with this name already exists. You can modify the existing profile if you wish. Modify the profile if you wish.
ASF207 Database not stored, no files can be added. Files can only be added to a database which has already been specified. The cursor was not located on a database when you pressed PF4. Place the cursor on a database and try PF4 again.
ASF208 No files stored for this database. You are in the store profile administration or in the evaluation profile administration and want to link files to a database. There are no files linked yet to the selected database. Link files to the database or leave with PF3.
ASF209 Database(s) added successfully to profile. This message appears when you add one or more database IDs to a profile. None required.
ASF210 Files modified for database:1: :2: You added files successfully to a database. None required.
ASF211 Databases modified successfully You successfully added a database to a store/evaluation profile. None required.
ASF212 Profile:1:is already saved. You saved a profile even if there were no modifications done. None required.
ASF213 Field number out of range. This message appears when you are specifying ASF fields in an evaluation profile by using the ASF field number: if you specify a number which is not in the defined range, the error message is generated. The minimum valid field number is 1. The maximum field number is version-dependent. Enter a valid ASF field number.
ASF215 No fields selected You used the SELECT function to include all currently selected ASF fields in an evaluation profile, but you have not selected any fields yet. Select at least one ASF field before using this function, or abort the operation by pressing the PF3 key.
ASF216 No duplicate DB-ID's allowed. Database:1:exists. You have already specified this database ID for the profile. Remove one of the duplicate database IDs.
ASF217 You can't define more then 256 DB's in one DB-Profile The maximum number of database IDs which can be included in a profile is 256. Reduce the number of database IDs to 256.
ASF218 No more lines possible (max. = 256 lines) You tried to insert a new file or database, but there was no more space. Reduce the amount of files (or databases) to 256.
ASF219 Only numeric and '.I' allowed. In a table of files or databases you can enter a file/database ID, or '.I' to insert a new number. Enter a correct number or insert with '.I'.
ASF220 '0' is not a valid DB-ID The valid values for a database ID are 1-65535. Enter a valid database ID.
ASF221 No duplicate File-ID's allowed. File:1:exists. You have tried to specify the same file ID twice in the profile. Only one occurrence of the file ID is allowed. Remove one of the duplicated file IDs.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF222 Invalid file number specified. The valid values for a file number are 1-5000. Enter a valid file number.
ASF223 Store types modified successfully. You have successfully updated the list of store types. None required.
ASF224 Store type :1: already exists. The store type which you tried to create already exists. None required.
ASF225 No files selected. No files have been added to the profile. None required.
ASF226 No duplicate Field-ID's allowed.Field :1: exists. You tried to specify the same field twice in the profile. Remove one of the duplicated field names.
ASF230 Field :1: can't be represented as blocks. The unit of measurement "blocks" is not valid for this field. Select one of the valid units of measurement for this field.
ASF231 Field :1: can't be represented as cylinder. The unit of measurement "cylinders" is not valid for this field. Select one of the valid units of measurement for this field.
ASF232 Field :1: can't be represented as megabytes. The unit of measurement "megabytes" is not valid for this field. Select one of the valid units of measurement for this field.
ASF233 Field :1: can't be represented as bytes. The unit of measurement "bytes" is not valid for this field. Select one of the valid units of measurement for this field.
ASF234 Field :1: can't be represented as PER CENT. The unit of measurement "percent" is not valid for this field. Select a valid unit of measurement for this field.
ASF235 Field:1:can't be represented as PER MINUTE. The unit of measurement "per minute" is not valid for this field. Select a valid unit of measurement for this field.
ASF236 :1: is not a valid unit (BL, CY, BY, MB, PC, PM, SE, MS). What you typed is not one of the valid units of measurement. The valid units of measurement are:

BL: blocks

CY: cylinders

BY: bytes

MB: megabytes

PC: percent

PM: per minute

SE: seconds

MS: milliseconds

Select one of the valid units of measurement.
ASF237 Field :1: can't be represented as nominal. The field must be specified with one of the units of measurement (blocks, cylinders, megabytes, bytes, percent, per minute, seconds). Enter a valid unit of measurement.
ASF238 You have to input a relation. You must specify one of the valid relations for the limit value:

EQ: is equal to

NE: is not equal to

LT: is less than

LE: is less than or equal to

GT: is greater than

GE: is greater than or equal to

Input a valid relation.
ASF239 Critical report / trend forces relations for each field. You modified/added an evaluation profile of type 9 or 10. In these profiles it is necessary to define a relation for each limit. Possible relations are:

EQ: is equal to

NE: is not equal to

LT: is less than

LE: is less than or equal to

GT: is greater than

GE: is greater than or equal to

Input a valid relation.
ASF240 :1: is not a valid relation (EQ, LE, LT, GE, GT, NE). What you typed is not a valid relation. The valid relations are:

EQ: is equal to

NE: is not equal to

LT: is less than

LE: is less than or equal to

GT: is greater than

GE: is greater than or equal to

Input a valid relation.
ASF241 No min / max operations allowed with field :1: The functions "minimum" and "maximum" are not meaningful in this context. Do not select the operation "min" or "max".
ASF242 No arithmetic operations allowed with field :1: Arithmetic operations are not meaningful for the current field. Do not select arithmetic operations for the current field.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF243 You can't save a DB-Profile without DB's. You selected the SAVE function, but you have not yet defined any database IDs for the profile. You can only save the profile if you have defined at least one database ID for the profile. Either define a database ID for the profile, or abort the operation by pressing the PF3 key.
ASF244 You can't save a file-profile without files. You selected the SAVE function to store the current list of files, but you have not defined any files yet. You must define at least one file before using the SAVE function. Either define at least one file before using SAVE, or abort the operation by pressing the PF3 key.
ASF245 You can't save a profile without fields. You tried to save the current list of fields, but you have not defined any fields yet for this profile. You must define at least one field for the profile before using the SAVE function. Define at least one field for the profile, or abort the operation by pressing the PF3 key.
ASF248 A critical trend / report profile needs units. You tried to store a profile for a critical report or critical trend report, but you have not yet defined the units of measurement to be used in the report. Select the "Units" screen for the report, and define the units of measurement.
ASF249 For fields with default unit you have to mark one. This field can only be expressed with a unit. Enter a unit for this field.
ASF250 No data found for selection criteria. No records were found which match your selection criteria. None required.
ASF251 At least one of the criteria has to be entered. To select records from the ASF data, you must enter data for at least one of the input fields on the screen. Enter data for at least one of the input fields on the screen, then retry the evaluation.
ASF252 If 'from'-date is entered, 'to'-date has to be specified. When specifying a range of dates as a selection criterion, you must specify both the starting date and the finishing date. Here, you have specified the starting date but not the finishing date. Input the finishing date and retry the operation.
ASF253 If 'to'-date is entered, 'from'-date has to be specified. When specifying a range of dates as a selection criterion, you must specify both a starting date and a finishing date. Here, you have specified a finishing date but not a starting date. Enter a starting date and retry the operation.
ASF254 Confirm with 'DELETE' or cancel with PF3. You have specified a set of ASF records to be deleted. Before ASF deletes the records, you must either confirm the deletion by typing the word DELETE (then pressing ENTER), or abort the deletion by pressing the PF3 key. If you wish to delete the records, type DELETE and press the ENTER key. If you do not wish to delete the records, press the PF3 key.
ASF255 :1: records deleted successfully. This message is displayed when you have deleted ASF records. The number of records deleted is included in the message. None required.
ASF256 General evaluation displayed successfully. This message is displayed after you have terminated the display of a general evaluation (report with Evaluation Type 1-8). None required.
ASF257 General evaluation (:1:page(s)) printed successfully. This message appears when a general evaluation has been output to a hardcopy printer. The number of pages printed is included in the message. None required.
ASF258 User profile modified successfully The contents of a user profile were updated successfully. None required.
ASF259 User Profile handling interrupted by PF Key This message is displayed when you abort the processing of a user profile by pressing the PF3 key. None required.
ASF260 Insufficient authority for this function You are not allowed to use this function. For example, only administrators may use the 'U'ser maintenance. Contact your administrator or use another function.
ASF261 :1: is not consistent in file-relation. You started the evaluation with an evaluation profile of type 5/6/7/8 but there is at least one database with no linked file in the profile. Link files to all databases in the mentioned profile.
ASF262 :1: is not consistent in db-relation (db's missing). ASF expects that databases are linked to this profile. Link databases to the mentioned profile.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF263 :1: is not consistent in file- and db-relation. You started a general evaluation with a profile which is not correctly linked to databases and files. Link databases and files to mentioned profile.
ASF264 Profile maintenance stopped by PF-KEY. This message appears when you use the PF3 key to abort the creation of a new profile or the modification of an existing profile. None required.
ASF265 File maintenance stopped by PF-KEY. You pressed the PF3-Key in the Profile Administration/Link Files to DB. This stops the file maintenance without saving your work. To save your work, select the files for this database again and press the PF6-Key to save the selection. None required.
ASF266 Database maintenance stopped by PF-KEY. You pressed the PF3-Key in Profile Administration/Link DB. This stops the database maintenance without saving your work. To save your work, select the database again and press the PF6-Key. None required.
ASF267 Store type maintenance stopped by PF-KEY. You pressed the PF3-Key in the Store Type Administration. This stops the store type administration without saving your work. To save it repeat your last action (adding, deleting or modifying a store type) and press the PF6-Key. None required.
ASF268 Database :1: in error. File-help not available. When a database is active, you can get active help on the files. When the database is in error or not active, there is no run time information for the files. Nevertheless, you can add files without using the active help. None required.
ASF269 Head profiles are not evaluation profiles. You tried to start an evaluation with a profile named HEAD-PROFILE-XX. ASF uses these profiles to format the titles of the reports. They are automatically used when starting an evaluation. The head profile which is used for the evaluation depends on the evaluation type. Therefore, for each evaluation type XX there is a head profile HEAD-PROFILE-XX. To change the title of your evaluation, you can modify the head profiles. Enter the name of an evaluation profile.
ASF270 Cumulation already active. You pressed the PF9-Key to display the external accumulation values, but these values are already being displayed. None required.
ASF271 Accumulation not available. Correct eval.-profile. You pressed the PF9-Key, but there is no accumulation marked for this profile. The accumulation is therefore not available. To get accumulation, you have to modify the evaluation profile. None required.
ASF272 Profile too big for critical report (more than 50 cond.). You wanted to start a critical report or critical trend report. The profile contains more than fifty entries to be checked for reaching a critical value. That exceeds the allowable maximum of 50. Reduce the number of entries in the relevant profile.
ASF274 Report profiles don't fit in general evaluation. You started a General Evaluation with a profile of evaluation type 9/10. Profiles of these evaluation types are started by "Critical Report" or "Critical Trend Report" on the main menu. For general evaluation you can only use profiles of evaluation type 1 to 8. Enter the name of a profile of evaluation type 1 to 8 or select "Critical Report" (for profiles with evaluation type 9) or "Critical Trend Report" (for profiles with evaluation type 10).
ASF275 Only profiles with evaluation type 9 or 10 allowed. You started a critical report or a critical trend report with a profile of evaluation type 1 to 8. To start a profile of this evaluation type, select "General Evaluation" from the main menu. Enter the name of a profile with evaluation type 9 or 10 or use General Evaluation to start profiles with evaluation type 1 to 8.
ASF277 General evaluation (:1: page(s)) downloaded successfully. You started a general evaluation with output medium PC. This evaluation was completed successfully. None required.
ASF278 Evaluation type 9 and 10 allow only one unit. You marked more than one unit for a profile of evaluation type 9 or 10. The resulting values from profiles of this evaluation type can only be displayed in one unit of measurement. Select only one unit of measurement for each entry in the row "Field name".
ASF280 You can't add files at dynamic location. You wanted to select files even though the selection "dynamic" is marked for this database. "Dynamic" means that all files for this database are selected. Therefore you can't select single files for this database. To change the file selection, remove the X from "dynamic" and press the PF4-key.
ASF281 Last field in evaluation profile reached. By scrolling forwards with PF6 in an evaluation of type 4 or 8, you reached the last field in the profile. None required.
ASF282 First field in evaluation profile reached. By scrolling backwards with PF5 in an evaluation of type 4 or 8, you reached the first field in the profile. None required.
ASF283 Field :1: can't be represented as SEconds. The unit of measurement "seconds" is not valid for this field. Select one of the valid units of measurement for this field.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF284 :1: records exported successfully. You exported records from the ASF-Data file to a workfile. The message tells you how many records have been successfully exported. None required.
ASF285 :1: records imported successfully. You imported ASF records from the workfile to the ASF-Data file. The message tells you how many records were imported. None required.
ASF286 :1: records from :2: records imported successfully. This message appears when you use the IMPORT function to load data from a workfile, but some of the records already exist in the ASF database. If an imported record already exists, ASF ignores the imported record and continues with the IMPORT function. None required.
ASF287 :1: records transferred successfully. You transferred foreign ASF records from the workfile to the ASF-DATA file. The message tells you how many records were transferred. None required.
ASF288 :1: records from :2: records transferred successfully. The message appears when you use the TRANSFER function of the ASF Utilities to load records from a workfile, but some of the records exist already in the ASF database. If a transferred record already exists, ASF ignores the transferred record and continues with the TRANSFER function. None required.
ASF290 User maintenance not possible - ASF not people-protected. If you want to maintain the users, ASF calls Natural Security to get the group of users which is linked to ASF. If however ASF is not people protected, no users are linked to ASF and the call fails. It doesn't make sense to call the user maintenance because if ASF is not people protected everybody may use ASF. Set the application SYSASF to "people protected" in Natural Security.
ASF291 User :1: should only be linked via ASFGROUP. This user is linked directly to the ASF application but he should only be member of the group ASFGROUP and ASFGROUP be linked to the ASF application. Enter user to group ASFGROUP, delete link from user to ASF application and link ASFGROUP to SYSASF application.
ASF292 No limit reached. The limits which are chosen in the evaluation profile of this critical report, are not be reached by the data selected by the store profile and store type. No action required.
ASF293 No critical value found. None of the limits defined in the evaluation profile will become critical until the given time limit. None required.
ASF294 ASF294 :1: lines, :2: columns downloaded successfully. The General Evaluation was written successfully to the PC. If the maximum number of columns (201) supported by ASF has been reached, the remaining columns have been ignored and are not downloaded. If you have more than 200 fields in the evaluation, you should distribute them into multiple evaluations for the download. Otherwise no action required.
ASF301 Profile :1: alias :2: renamed to :3: alias :4: . You renamed either the profile name or the profile alias. The message tells you what the old name and alias were and what the new profile name and alias are. None required.
ASF302 Profile :1: alias :2: intentionally left unrenamed. You started to rename a profile, but the name of the source and the name of the target profile were the same. Therefore the renaming operation was ignored. None required.
ASF303 Profile :1: alias :2: copied to :3: alias :4: . You copied a profile. The message tells you the name and alias of the original profile and the name and alias of the new profile. None required.
ASF304 Profile :1: alias :2: has been deleted. The named profile has been successfully deleted. None required.
ASF305 Critical report displayed successfully. ASF successfully displayed a critical report which was started from the critical report menu. None required.
ASF306 Critical report listed on :1: . The report with output medium printer or pc file was completed successfully. None required.
ASF307 Critical trend displayed successfully. You terminated a critical trend report which was started from the critical trend report menu. None required.
ASF308 Critical trend listed on :1: . A critical trend report with output medium printer or pc file was completed successfully. None required.
ASF309 :1: trend records generated. The generation of trend records was completed successfully. The message tells you how many records have been generated. None required.
ASF310 :1: records stored successfully. You stored nucleus records. The message tells you how many records have been stored successfully. It also means that all records required by the store profile have been stored. None required.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF311 :2: of :1: records stored successfully. Not all records requested by the store profile have been stored. Possible reasons are:

Database/file is not available

You do not have the right to access these databases/files (only if ADAESI is active).

Correct the store profile. Press the PF9 key for a detailed list of messages.
ASF312 Store nucleus data records in progress. Please wait. ASF is collecting all data required by the store profile at this moment. None required.
ASF314 Nucleus records listed successfully. All selected nucleus records were displayed, or you stopped the display of nucleus records by pressing the PF3-key. None required.
ASF315 General evaluation displayed successfully. When leaving the general evaluation by PF3, you get the information that the general evaluation was displayed successfully. None required.
ASF317 Please wait. Processing help-text number :1: . Helptext migration is running. None required.
ASF318 :1: help-texts have been processed successfully. Migration of help-texts has been terminated successfully. None required.
ASF321 The first line has to be entered as evaluation title. You want to capture an evaluation but you did not fill in the first line in the information window. If this line is not filled there would be no title in the Workplan for this evaluation. Therefore the first line should be filled. Fill in at least the first line in the information window.
ASF322 All 96 slots for predefined evaluations are in use. The Workplan is full. There is no more room to capture a new evaluation. Delete one evaluation of the Workplan and capture the other evaluation again.
ASF323 Evaluation :1: has been stored successfully. You captured an evaluation. Now it is stored in the Workplan. None required.
ASF324 Evaluation :1: has been modified successfully. You modified the parameters of an entry of the Workplan. None required.
ASF325 Evaluation :1: has been deleted. An evaluation has been deleted from the Workplan. This slot is now empty. None required.
ASF327 Please mark only one evaluation. You marked several evaluations in the Workplan at the same time, but ASF can only process one evaluation at a time. Mark only one evaluation with "S", "M" "I" or "D".
ASF328 Evaluation :1: has been deleted. You deleted the named evaluation from the Workplan. None required.
ASF329 Evaluation :1: has been displayed. The predefined evaluation has been displayed successfully. None required.
ASF330 'S'tart for evaluation or 'I'nfo, 'M'odify, 'D'elete, '*', '.' This is an informational message. Select one of the options mentioned in the section Workplan: Predefined Evaluations and Reports in the ASF User's Guide.
ASF331 There is no predefined evaluation on marked position. You entered an option in an empty line of the Workplan. Capture an evaluation for this line in the Workplan or choose another line of the Workplan.
ASF332 Not enough place for copying X to Y. To copy predefined evaluations between X and Y there have to be at least as much free slots as evaluations in X to Y. Reduce amount of predefined evaluations and try again.
ASF333 Copied / moved lines overlap target line. Target line may not be located inside X and Y. Use another target line.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF334 X-position may not be situated behind Y-position. Top copy or move lines, Y-position has to follow X-position. Exchange X and Y.
ASF335 No line marked with 'X'. The lines to copy or move have to be marked with X and Y. Mark the lines with X and Y.
ASF340 You're not licensed to evaluate. Natural Security is active and SYSASF is therein a protected library. So several users have different rights in ASF, as specified in the User Maintenance. You don't have the right to start evaluations or your user ID is not mentioned in the User Maintenance or you are not defined as administrator in Natural Security or you are linked to SYSASF personally in addition to the link via ASFGROUP. Check the reasons mentioned above and correct the entries in SYSSEC or in the ASF User Maintenance.
ASF341 You're not licensed to handle evaluation profiles. Natural Security is active and SYSASF is therein a protected library. So several users have different rights in ASF, as specified in the User Maintenance. You don't have the right to modify evaluation profiles or your user ID is not mentioned in the User Maintenance or you are not defined as administrator in Natural Security or you are linked to SYSASF personally in addition to the link via ASFGROUP. Check the reasons mentioned and correct the entries in SYSSEC or in the ASF User Maintenance.
ASF342 You're not licensed to handle store profiles. Natural Security is active and SYSASF is therein a protected library. So several users have different rights in ASF, as specified in the User Maintenance. You don't have the right to modify store profiles or your user ID is not mentioned in the User Maintenance or you are not defined as administrator in Natural Security or you are linked to SYSASF personally in addition to the link via ASFGROUP. Check the reasons mentioned and correct the entries in SYSSEC or in the ASF User Maintenance.
ASF343 Only the administrator is allowed to handle user profiles. You tried to invoke the 'U'ser maintenance function of ASF though you aren't a Natural Security administrator. None required.
ASF344 You're not licensed to generate nucleus/trend. Natural Security is active and SYSASF is therein a protected library. So several users have different rights in ASF, as specified in the User Maintenance. You don't have the right to store nucleus records/trend records or your user ID is not mentioned in the User Maintenance or you are not defined as administrator in Natural Security or you are linked to SYSASF personally in addition to the link via ASFGROUP. Check the reasons mentioned and correct the entries in SYSSEC or in the ASF User Maintenance.
ASF345 User maintenance not possible. Natural Security failed. Natural Security is not active for the application SYSASF. That means either that Natural Security is not installed or the library SYSASF is not people protected. Activate Natural Security or protect the library if desired.
ASF346 Natural Security initialization failed. Natural Security is active but the required Natural Security modules are not found. Set up the user security as described in the section Step 5: Setting up User Security in the ASF Installation documentation.
ASF350 Please enter CONNECT cabinet. If you want critical reports to be sent to CONNECT you have to enter at least one cabinet - otherwise remove all the other entries on this map, too. Enter a cabinet or remove all other entries, too.
ASF351 CONNECT return code :1: occured at function :2: . Internal error: A return code occurred at a special CONNECT call. Inform your administrator.
ASF352 CONNECT cabinet 'SYSASF' does not exist. If critical reports are to be sent to CONNECT they are put into the cabinet 'SYSASF' at first and then sent to the specific cabinets. Add cabinet 'SYSASF', password 'SYSASF' as shared cabinet in CONNECT.
ASF353 Password of cabinet 'SYSASF' must be 'SYSASF' ASF needs the cabinet 'SYSASF' with password 'SYSASF' to add critical reports to CONNECT. Enter cabinet 'SYSASF' and change password to 'SYSASF'.
ASF354 The following cabinet(s) do(es) not exist: :1: :2: :3: . If a cabinet does not exist a critical report cannot be sent to it. However the critical report is sent to the other cabinets which exist. Enter the missing cabinets in CONNECT or remove them from your profile.
ASF361 ASF-records read: :1:, average-records stored: :2: . To condense ASF-data to average records, the original ASF records have been read and average records have been stored. None required.
ASF362 ASF-records read: :1:, delta-records stored: :2: . To condense ASF-data to delta records, the original ASF records have been read, and delta records have been stored. None required.
ASF363 :1: average records with delta-cumulative fields generated. To condense ASF-data to average records with delta-computed cumulative fields, records had to been processed. None required.
ASF364 :1: ASF-records successfully synchronized. The ASF-records have been synchronized, that means, the store-times have been slightly modified. None required.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF365 :1: ASF-records successfully regenerated. The ASF-records have been regenerated, that means the store-times have been changed to those values they got before synchronizing. None required.
ASF371 To-time-offset has to be entered as 'NE' (next day). If storage-time (from) greater storage-time (to), the to-time offset has to be 'NE' (next day). Enter 'NE' (next day) as to-time-offset.
ASF372 To-time offset has to be entered as 'SA' (same day). If storage-time (from) less storage-time (to), the to-time offset has to be 'SA' (same day). Enter 'SA' (same day) as to-time offset.
ASF373 Time-stamp offset has to be entered as 'SA' (same day). If storage-time (from) and storage-time (to) are situated in the same day, the time-stamp offset has also to be 'SA' (same day). Enter 'SA' (same day) as time-stamp offset.
ASF374 Enter storage time (lower bound). Storage time (lower bound) has to be entered. Enter storage time (lower bound).
ASF375 Enter storage time (upper bound). Storage time (upper bound) has to be entered. Enter storage time (upper bound).
ASF376 Enter generation time-stamp. Generation time-stamp has to be entered. Enter generation time-stamp.
ASF377 Enter generation time-stamp offset. Generation time-stamp offset has to be entered. Enter generation time-stamp offset.
ASF378 Enter single storage to-time offset. Single storage to-time offset has to be entered. Enter single storage to-time offset.
ASF379 Generated time-stamp must be inside single storage bounds. The time for the time-stamp generated by synchronization has to be greater from-time and smaller to-time of the area of single storage. Change timestamp.
ASF400 Evaluation profile not found. You want to process an evaluation profile that does not exist. Add this profile or choose another one to process.
ASF401 Error in evaluation profile. Parts of the evaluation profile are not consistent, so ASF cannot interpret the profile contents. You should not use this profile any more. Add a new evaluation profile.
ASF403 This is the last database in the evaluation profile. By scrolling forward with 'NEXT' (PF6) you reached the last database. None required.
ASF404 This is the first store time defined by evaluation. By scrolling backwards with 'PREVIOUS' (PF5) you reached the first store time defined by times-from and times-to. None required.
ASF405 This is the last store time defined by evaluation. By scrolling forward with 'NEXT' (PF6) you reached the last store time defined by time-from and time-to. None required.
ASF501 Invalid function code. The function must be '00' (for initialization) or '01' through '03' for different sort sequences. Please enter '00' through '03' for function code.
ASF502 Either Profile or Profile Id may be filled - not both. If you enter profile name ASF searches the respective profile id and vice versa. If you enter both ASF is confused. Please enter Profile or Profile Id - not both.
ASF503 Profile or Profile Id must be filled. If you enter the profile name, ASF searches the respective profile id or vice versa - but it needs at least one of them. Please fill profile name or profile id.
Number Message Cause Action
ASF504 Initialization of API completed successfully. With function code '00' the parameters of the API are reset. No action required
ASF505 End of records reached. The subprogram has now delivered all records it could find with the given search criteria. No action required.
ASF506 Nbr. of records does not fit into output field. The output field has 150 places. The number of records you want, multiplied by the number of fields you want (plus 1 for the key) must be less or equal 150 - this is not the case.


(Nbr. of records) * (Nbr. of fields + 1) <= 150

Reduce Nbr. of records or set it to 0 or reduce Nbr. of fields so that the formula is valid.
ASF507 Not all the records found could be displayed yet. The subprogram found more records than fit into the output field. This time it shows only a part of them. If you call the subprogram once more without changing the parameters you get the next part of the records. No action required.
ASF508 Work parameters have been changed. If you call the API several times to get all records fitting in your selection criteria you must not change the parameters. If you want to change the parameters call the API with function code '00' first to initialize the parameters and then assign new values Don't change the parameters between two calls of the API or use function code '00' to reset the parameters correctly.
ASF509 Parameter:1:must be numeric. Because of internal reasons this parameter must be numeric. Please enter a numeric value in the named parameter.
ASF510 Wrong format code. The parameters FORMAT-CODE, KILO-TRANSFORMATION or MEGA-TRANSFORMATION must be filled with blank, 0 or 1. 1 means activation of the function. Enter blank, 0 or 1 into FORMAT-CODE, KILO-TRANSFORMATION and MEGA-TRANSFORMATION.
ASF513 DB missing. If a File is entered, the concerning DB must also be entered because a file number on its own is not unique. Enter DB.
ASF514 Invalid field name specified. An invalid field name or a not unique abbreviation of a field name was specified. The invalid name and the field number are returned in #WRONG-VALUE and #PARAM-NO. Correct the field name.
ASF651 Storage overflow, text contains more than 170 lines. This text may not contain more than 170 lines. Reduce the number of lines.
ASF652 Help-text copied successfully. You just copied a help text. None required
ASF653 Copying help texts interrupted. You interrupted copying help texts by pressing a PF-Key. None required.
ASF654 Storage overflow, text contains more than 3000 characters. This text may not contain more than 3000 characters. Reduce the number of characters.
ASF661 Edit mode on helptext set ON. You switched the editor mode ON. None required.
ASF662 Edit mode on helptext set OFF. You switched the editor mode OFF. None required.
ASF750 Help-text was stored successfully. The help text was saved and stored. None required.
ASF751 Help-text was updated. The help text was saved and updated. None required.
ASF991 :1: page(s) printed successfully. This message is displayed when data has been sent to a hardcopy printer. The number of pages printed is included in the message. None required.
ASF992 :1: line(s) downloaded successfully. This message is displayed when data has been downloaded to a PC. The number of lines downloaded is included in the message. None required.
ASF993 Function cancelled. The current function was not confirmed and has been cancelled. None required.
ASF994 Current values successfully selected. The values from the map currently displayed have been successfully selected. None required.
ASF997 Confirm with ENTER without changing data. Before performing the operation which you requested, ASF asks you to press the ENTER key to confirm your request. If you press ENTER, the operation will be carried out. If you press any other key, the operation will be aborted. Either press ENTR to confirm your request, or any other key to cancel your request.
ASF998 Function key :1: not allowed. The function key which you pressed is not valid in the current context. Press a valid function key.
ASF999 Please enter valid code. The code which you input is not valid in the current context. Enter a code which is valid in the current context.