Relational Database Installation Considerations

This document describes installation steps and considerations related to your relational database that you should perform or review prior to installing the Event Replicator Target Adapter. It is organized by the following headings:

Installation Considerations for DB2

Start of instruction setTo set up the DB2 environment to support Event Replicator Target Adapter, complete the following steps:

  1. Install DB2 for open systems, if it is not already installed. For information on how to install DB2, refer to your DB2 documentation.

    When you install the DB2 database, you must specify an instance name or the DB2 installation will not continue.

  2. Turn on TCP/IP support in DB2 and bind it to the default port 50000.

  3. If DB2 is running on a remote PC, open the port 50000 exception in the Windows firewall of the remote PC.

  4. Determine the URL for the DB2 database you created in these steps using the following URL format:


    You will need this URL later when configuring the DB2 database later for Event Replicator Target Adapter. Substitute the host name on which DB2 is installed for hostname, substitute the DB2 listening port for port (the default is 50000), and substitute the DB2 database instance name you created when you installed the DB2 database for instance.

When these steps are complete, you can finish installing the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Once the Event Replicator Target Adapter is installed, you must configure the Event Replicator Target Adapter to work with the DB2 database you intend to use. For complete information, read Maintaining RDBMS Database Target Definitions.

Installation Considerations for DB2 on z/OS

Start of instruction setTo set up the DB2 for z/OS environment to support Event Replicator Target Adapter, complete the following steps:

  1. Install DB2 Connect (provided with DB2 Management Clients) on Windows.

  2. Copy the db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar JDBC license driver file from the DB2 Connect installation directory (<DB2 Connect installation directory>\SQLLIB\java) to the Event Replicator Target Adapter directory for JDBC driver files (as described in Prerequisite Products).

  3. Install DB2 Management Clients for z/OS. This is a z/OS application connectivity package to DB2 on z/OS and includes a component known as DB2 Universal Driver for z/OS.

  4. Turn on TCP/IP support in DB2 for z/OS and bind it to a port.

  5. Determine the URL for the DB2 for z/OS database in these steps using the following URL format:


    You will need this URL later when configuring the DB2 database later for Event Replicator Target Adapter. Substitute the host name on which DB2 is installed for hostname, substitute the DB2 listening port for port, and substitute the DB2 database instance name you created when you installed the DB2 database for instance.

When these steps are complete, you can finish installing the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Once the Event Replicator Target Adapter is installed, you must configure the Event Replicator Target Adapter to work with the DB2 for z/OS database you intend to use. For complete information, read Maintaining RDBMS Database Target Definitions.

Installation Considerations for Microsoft SQL Server

Start of instruction setTo set up Microsoft SQL Server to support Event Replicator Target Adapter, complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the Microsoft SQL Server's security settings are for "SQL Server and Windows" authentication. JDBC will not work with Windows-only authentication.

  2. Turn on TCP/IP support in Microsoft SQL Server and bind it to the desired port. You may choose any unused port, including the default 1433.

  3. Verify that Microsoft SQL Server is installed. If it is not, the chosen port will not open. Use the netstat -a command to verify that the chosen port is active or that ms-sql-s is "LISTENING".

  4. If Microsoft SQL Server is running on a remote PC, open the chosen port exception in the Windows firewall of the remote PC.

  5. Use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to create a database for use by Event Replicator Target Adapter.

    The database name is case-sensitive.

  6. Use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to create a user name and password with access to the database you created in the previous step. To check this, make the following series of selections in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager:

    • Select "Microsoft SQL Servers"

    • Select "SQL Server Group"

    • Select the Microsoft SQL Server PC name (if you are running Windows NT only)

    • Select "Databases"

    • Select "Users"

    You should see the user name you created in this step with database access of "Permit" for the database you created in the previous step.

  7. Determine the URL for the Microsoft SQL Server database you created in these steps using the following URL format:


    You will need this URL later when configuring the Microsoft SQL Server database for Event Replicator Target Adapter. Substitute the host name on which Microsoft SQL Server is installed for hostname, substitute the chosen SQL server listening port for port, and substitute the case-sensitive name of the Event Replicator Target Adapter database you created in these steps for dbname.

    Note that named SQL Server instances are allowed and supported. Every instance (named or default) must run on a different port. With Event Replicator Target Adapter 2.7 hotfix 3 and later releases, when you specify an instance name, it takes precedence over any port number you might also supply; with earlier releases of the Event Replicator Target Adapter, the port number takes precedence over the instance name. If neither an instance name or port number is provided, the default port 1433 will be assumed. According to Microsoft, however, optimal performance is obtained by specifying the port number without the instance name. See Microsoft connection URL documentation for details. So the safest and fastest way to specify the URL for named instances that will work even using the bulk loader is using the hostname:port syntax.

When these steps are complete, you can finish installing the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Once the Event Replicator Target Adapter is installed, you must configure the Event Replicator Target Adapter to work with the Microsoft SQL Server database you intend to use. For complete information, read Maintaining RDBMS Database Target Definitions.

Installation Considerations for MySQL

Start of instruction setTo set up the MySQL environment to support Event Replicator Target Adapter, complete the following steps:

  1. Install MySQL, if it is not already installed. For information on how to install MySQL, refer to your MySQL documentation.

    When you install the MySQL database, you must specify an instance name or the MySQL installation will not continue.

  2. Turn on TCP/IP support in MySQL and bind it to the default port 3306.

  3. If MySQL is running on a remote PC, open the port 3306 exception in the Windows firewall of the remote PC.

  4. Determine the URL for the MySQL database you created in these steps using the following URL format:


    You will need this URL later when configuring the MySQL database later for Event Replicator Target Adapter. Substitute the host name on which MySQL is installed for hostname, substitute the MySQL listening port for port (the default is 3306), and substitute the MySQL database instance name you created when you installed the MySQL database for instance.

When these steps are complete, you can finish installing the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Once the Event Replicator Target Adapter is installed, you must configure the Event Replicator Target Adapter to work with the MySQL database you intend to use. For complete information, read Maintaining RDBMS Database Target Definitions.

Installation Considerations for Oracle

Start of instruction setTo set up the native Oracle environment to support Event Replicator Target Adapter, complete the following steps:

  1. Install Oracle, if it is not already installed. For information on how to install Oracle, refer to your Oracle documentation.

    When you install the Oracle database, you must specify an instance name or the Oracle installation will not continue.

  2. Turn on TCP/IP support in Oracle and bind it to the default port 1521.

  3. If Oracle is running on a remote PC, open the port 1521 exception in the Windows firewall of the remote PC.

  4. Determine the URL for the Oracle database you created in these steps using the following URL format:


    You will need this URL later when configuring the Oracle database later for Event Replicator Target Adapter. Substitute the host name on which Oracle is installed for hostname, substitute the Oracle listening port for port (the default is 1521), and substitute the Oracle database instance name you created when you installed the Oracle database for instance.

Oracle identifiers are limited to 30 characters. The Event Replicator Target Adapter concatenates the subscription name, file name, and PE or MU name to construct a table name if the Event Replicator's destination definition DCLASSPARM parameter (Destination Class Parameter Data field) is not set to "NOSPRE"; if the concatenation of these names exceeds 30 characters, Oracle errors will occur. For more information, read about Event Replicator Server destination definitions in Replication Definition Overview and Maintenance.

When these steps are complete, you can finish installing the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Once the Event Replicator Target Adapter is installed, you must configure the Event Replicator Target Adapter to work with the Oracle database you intend to use. For complete information, read Maintaining RDBMS Database Target Definitions.

Installation Considerations for PostgreSQL

Start of instruction setTo set up the PostgreSQL environment to support Event Replicator Target Adapter, complete the following steps:

  1. Install PostgreSQL, if it is not already installed. For information on how to install PostgreSQL, refer to your PostgreSQL documentation. The minimum version supported by Event Replicator Target Adapter is 9.2.

  2. The following JDBC driver is required: postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar. Download this JDBC driver file from your relational database vendor or obtain it from an installation package and copy it to the appropriate Event Replicator Target Adapter subdirectory as as described in Prerequisite Products.

  3. Edit the pg_hba.conf file, generally located in <Program Data>/PostgreSQL/9.2/data. This file controls client authentication for the PostgreSQL database. Create a record in this file to allow your local database to be accessed by all remote hosts. For example:

    Host   all   all   all   trust

    For complete information on the format of records in the pg_hba.conf file, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation at the following link:

  4. Edit the postgresql.conf file, generally located in <Program Data>/PostgreSQL/9.2/data. Add the following two lines to indicate that the local database should bind all available IP addresses and the specific IP port 5432:


When these steps are complete, you can finish installing the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Once the Event Replicator Target Adapter is installed, you must configure the Event Replicator Target Adapter to work with the PostgreSQL database you intend to use. For complete information, read Maintaining RDBMS Database Target Definitions.

No loader mode support is available for PostgreSQL in the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Installation Considerations for Teradata

Start of instruction setTo set up the Teradata environment to support Event Replicator Target Adapter, complete the following steps:

  1. Install Teradata on Open Systems, if it is not already installed. For information on how to install Teradata, refer to your Teradata documentation.

  2. If you don't have a JDBC driver for Teradata Version 2 Release 6.01 installed, you can download it by accessing, selecting "Drivers and Connectivity Software", and selecting TTU8.1 Windows i386 TeraJDBC. After downloading the ZIP file and unzipping it into a temporary directory, you will be able to locate the three Teradata JDBC driver files required in the next step.

  3. Copy the tdgssconfig.jar, tdgssjava.jar, and terajdbc4.jar files from the Teradata installation directory to the Event Replicator Target Adapter directory for JDBC driver files (as described in Prerequisite Products.

  4. Determine the URL for the Teradata database you created in these steps using the following URL format:


    You will need this URL later when configuring the Teradata database later for Event Replicator Target Adapter. Substitute the host name on which Teradata is installed for hostname, substitute the Teradata database name for dbname; and substitute the Teradata listening port for port.

When these steps are complete, you can finish installing the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Once the Event Replicator Target Adapter is installed, you must configure the Event Replicator Target Adapter to work with the Teradata database you intend to use. For complete information, read Maintaining RDBMS Database Target Definitions.

The following notes apply to current Event Replicator Target Adapter processing for Teradata databases:

  • Some temporary tables are created during runtime. The pattern of the temporary tables names is in the format ART-TEMPnnnn.

  • Some SQL commands will not maintain the same transaction boundary in Teradata databases as in Adabas. This means that if an error occurs that requires that the Event Replicator Target Adapter to roll back a transaction or shut down, some SQL commands may not be able to roll back.