XML data sent to Event Replicator Target Adapter is in EBCDIC character encoding. However, support for UTF-8 encoding of the RDBMS data (not table or column names) is available for internationalization purposes. To send XML messages to Event Replicator Target Adapter using UTF-8 format, make sure the SACODE parameter is set to "4091" in the Event Replicator subscription definition used for Event Replicator Target Adapter processing.
Wide-character fields sent to Event Replicator Target Adapter are translated to hexadecimal. However, support for UTF-8 encoding is available for internationalization purposes. To send wide-character fields to Event Replicator Target Adapter using UTF-8 format, make sure the SWCODE parameter is set to "4091" in the Event Replicator subscription definition used for Event Replicator Target Adapter processing.
For more information about these parameters, read SACODE Parameter and SWCODE Parameter.
If you want to use UTF-8 character encoding, you must verify that
your GFB field lengths are increased as required to accommodate the character
set referenced by the code page you select and the data requested in the GFB.
You can increase these field lengths manually by editing the GFB itself or by
editing the Predict file or data definition module (DDM) used when the GFB is