You can create a sequential output file of replicated transactions, if needed.
To create a sequential output file of replicated transactions,
complete the following steps:
Define a File destination to the Event Replicator Server using either DDKARTE statements in the Event Replicator Server startup job or using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. Using a File destination definition, replicated data can be written to the CLOG, using TLOG URBLTDOD records.
For complete information on defining File destinations, read DESTINATION Settings and DTYPE Parameter. To define a File destination using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem, read Adding a File Destination Definition.
Verify that an appropriate Event Replicator Server subscription definition uses the File destination. For complete information on subscription definitions, read SUBSCRIPTION Settings or read Maintaining Subscription Definitions.
Start up the Event Replicator Server.
As the Event Replicator Server runs, it will write replicated data to the File destination as TLOG URBLTDOD records.
When you are ready to create your sequential output file, issue the Adabas FEOFCL command to the Event Replicator Server. This will close the current dual or multiple command log (CLOG) and switch to another command log. This command is valid only if dual or multiple command logging is in effect.
Once the CLOG has been closed and switched, run the Adabas ADARES CLCOPY utility to copy the closed CLOG data set (with an earlier time stamp) to a new sequential data set.
Once the CLCOPY function completes successfully, the copied CLOG data set is marked as empty. This function may, therefore, be used only once for any given CLOG data set.
Once the new sequential data set has been created, write a program to select TLOG records of URBLTYPE=URBLTDOD from it.
The output from this program, wherever you choose to store it, will contain the replicated transaction records.
You can optionally use:
Utility ADARPE to extract records from the sequential CLOG file. For more information, read ADARPE Utility: Extract TLOG Records.
Utility ADARPP to print some or all of the TLOG records on the sequential CLOG file. For more information, read ADARPP Utility: Print TLOG Records.