The ADARPP utility prints selected TLOG records from an Adabas command log (CLOG) file. Records can be selected based on date and time, destination, and subscription. The level of printed output can be controlled for each type of TLOG data. The printed output can be formatted, produced in dump format, or both. Finally, the printed dates and times of the TLOG records can be adjusted for specific time zones.
This document covers the following topics:
Before it can be processed by the ADARPP utility, the Adabas command log must first be copied using the CLCOPY function of the ADARES utility. For more information about this function, refer to your Adabas utilities documentation.
The syntax of the ADARPP utility is as follows:
ADARPP [DESTINATION=destination-list] [DTLASSIGN={0|1|2|3}] [DTLCOMP={0|1|2|3}] [DTLSLOGREAD={0|1|2|3}] [DTLSLOGWRITE={0|1|2|3}] [DTLTOUTPUT={0|1|2|3}] [FROMDATE=yyyymmdd [FROMTIME=hhmmssth]] [PAGESIZE={linecount|58}] [PRINT={DUMP|FORMAT|BOTH}] [STATE={YES|NO}] [STLFILTER={0|1|2|3}] [STLIGNORE={0|1}] [STLINPUT={0|1|2|3}] [STLMATCH={0|1}] [STLNOMATCH={0|1}] [STLOUTPUT={0|1|2|3}] [SUBSCRIPTION= subscription-list] [TIMEZONE={LOCAL|MACHINE|nn}] [TLCOMP={0|1}] [TLINPUT={0|1|2|3}] [TLISTATE={0|1|2|3}] [TLISTATECOMP={0|1|2|3}] [TLNOSUB={0|1|2|3}] [TLQCOMP={0|1|2|3}] [TLREQERR={0|1|2|3}] [TLREQRECV={0|1|2}] [TLREQREJECT={0|1|2}] [TLRETRANS={0|1|2|3}] [TLSTATUS={0|1|2|3}] [TODATE=yyyymmdd [TOTIME=hhmmssth]]
Each parameter is described in the following table.
Parameter | Description | Valid Values | Default |
DESTINATION | Specifies the name of one or more
destination definitions for which TLOG records should be eligible for printing.
Other TLOG records for other destinations would NOT be eligible for printing.
Note: Up to 32 destination names may be specified. If more than one is specified, they must be specified together in single quotes and separated by commas. For example: ADARPP DESTINATION='DEST01,DEST02' |
Any valid destination definition names | All records for all destinations are eligible for printing |
DTLASSIGN | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction was assigned to a destination. Values have the
following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
DTLCOMP | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction is successfully output to a destination. Values have
the following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
DTLSLOGREAD | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction is read from the SLOG. Values have the following
0-3 | 3 |
DTLSLOGWRITE | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction is written to the SLOG. Values have the following
0-3 | 3 |
DTLTOUTPUT | Sets the print level for TLOG URBLTDOD
records in the CLOG. Values have the following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
FROMDATE | Specifies a date in
yyyymmdd format. TLOG records with this date or
later will be eligible for printing. When no date is specified, records from
the beginning of the TLOG file or later are eligible for printing.
FROMDATE values must be less than or equal to any values specified for TODATE. |
--- | none |
FROMTIME | Specifies a time in
hhmmssth format. This parameter cannot be specified
unless the FROMDATE parameter is
specified also.
TLOG records with this date and time or later will be eligible for printing. When no time is specified, records in the TLOG file from the beginning of the day specified by the FROMDATE parameter or later are eligible for printing. FROMDATE and FROMTIME values must be less than or equal to any values specified for TODATE and TOTIME. |
--- | none |
PAGESIZE | Adjusts the number of lines per page in the DDDRUCK file. | A valid integer greater than or equal to 20. | 58 |
Identifies the print output format.
Values have the following meanings:
STATE | Indicates whether state change TLOG
records should be printed. Values have the following meanings:
YES or NO | YES |
STLFILTER | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction is excluded from replication due to filter
specifications or a user exit. Values have the following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
STLIGNORE | Set the print level for the event when
a filter is ignored for an output transaction. Values have the following
0-1 | 1 |
STLINPUT | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction is assigned to a subscription. Values have the
following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
STLMATCH | Set the print level for the event when
a filter is matched by an output transaction. Values have the following
0-1 | 1 |
STLNOMATCH | Set the print level for the event when
a filter is not matched by an output transaction. Values have the following
0-1 | 1 |
STLOUTPUT | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction is output for a subscription. Values have the
following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
SUBSCRIPTION | Specifies the name of one or more
subscription definitions for which TLOG records should be eligible for
printing. Other TLOG records for other subscriptions would NOT be eligible for
Note: Up to 32 subscription names may be specified. If more than one is specified, they must be specified together in single quotes and separated by commas. For example: ADARPP SUBSCRIPTION='SUBS01,SUBS02' |
Any valid subscription definition names | All records for all subscriptions are eligible for printing |
TIMEZONE | Adjusts the time zone prior to
converting time values for the report. Values have the following meanings:
LOCAL, MACHINE, or-23 to +23 | LOCAL |
TLCOMP | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction has been completely processed by the
Event Replicator Server. Values have the following meanings:
0-1 | 1 |
TLINPUT | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged for transaction assignment queue events. Values have the following
0-3 | 3 |
TLISTATE | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when an initial-state request is started. Values have the following
0-3 | 3 |
TLISTATECOMP | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when an initial-state request is completed by the
Event Replicator Server. Values have the following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
TLNOSUB | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a transaction is not assigned to any subscription. Values have the
following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
TLQCOMP | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged prior to a transaction being assigned to the completion queue. Values
have the following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
TLREQERR | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a user request is rejected. Values have the following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
TLREQRECV | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a user request has been received. Values have the following
0-2 | 2 |
TLREQREJECT | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a user request is rejected due to an error. Values have the
following meanings:
0-2 | 2 |
TLRETRANS | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a retransmit (resend) request is received from the user. Values
have the following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
TLSTATUS | Sets the print level for TLOG records
logged when a status request is received from the user. Values have the
following meanings:
0-3 | 3 |
TODATE | Specifies a date in
yyyymmdd format. TLOG records with this date or
earlier will be eligible for printing. When no date is specified, records to
the end of the TLOG file or earlier are eligible for printing.
FROMDATE values must be less than or equal to any values specified for TODATE. |
--- | none |
TOTIME | Specifies a time in
hhmmssth format. This parameter cannot be specified
unless the TODATE parameter is
specified also.
TLOG records with this date and time or earlier will be eligible for printing. When no time is specified, records in the TLOG file from the end of the day specified by the TODATE parameter or earlier are eligible for printing. FROMDATE and FROMTIME values must be less than or equal to any values specified for TODATE and TOTIME. |
--- | none |
The following job control information must be specified to run the ADARPP utility on z/OS systems:
Item | DD Name | Storage | Description |
TLOG file, created by ADARES CLCOPY | DDCLOG | disk | Copied form of the command log (CLOG) file. |
ADARPP report and messages | DDDRUCK | printer | Parameters, messages, and printed report. |
ADARUN messages | DDPRINT | printer | Messages and codes |
ADARUN parameters | DDCARD | reader | Operations |
ADARPP parameters | DDKARTE | reader | ADARPP selection and print criteria. |
A sample job, PRITLOG, is provided in the MVSJOBS data set.