AOS Features Supporting Event Replicator for Adabas

Adabas Online System (AOS) includes several other features that support Event Replicator for Adabas. Presentation of AOS is different depending on whether the database is an Event Replicator Server (Replication) database or a standard Adabas database and depending on whether or not replication is turned on for an Adabas database. An Event Replicator Server is one for which the REPTOR parameter of ADADEF DEFINE is set to YES (REPTOR=YES).


  1. Any AOS screen not described in this section is unchanged for the Event Replicator for Adabas and remains the same as presented in the current version of the AOS documentation.
  2. AOS is not able to modify file parameters for Adabas files incorporated in Predict. This is because AOS cannot modify the FCB of these files. Error messages are produced when such an attempt is made. We recommend that you use a supported version of Predict to make file parameter updates for Adabas files incorporated in Predict.

This document covers the following topics:

Screen Differences

Main Menu Differences

The only change that appears on the AOS Main Menu when an Event Replicator Server is selected, is the addition of the word "Replicator" on the upper left side of the screen. If a standard Adabas database is selected, no word is shown. Here is the Main Menu for a standard Adabas database.

16:24:57          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
                               -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
             Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
              A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
              C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
              F    File maintenance             3    Trigger Maintenance      
              M    Database maintenance         4    AOS Security             
              O    Session opercoms             5    Transaction Manager      
              R    Database report              6    Adabas Statistics        
              S    Space calculation            7    Vista                    
              ?    Help                         8    Fastpath                 
              .    Exit                         9    SAF Security             
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
 Code ....... _                                                               
 Database ... 1955    (WIS1955)                                               
MENU04 : - Session Monitoring -  Function interrupted                         
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                                       

Here is the Main Menu for an Event Replicator Server:

16:24:28          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
Replicator                     -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
             Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
              A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
              C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
              F    File maintenance             3    Trigger Maintenance      
              M    Database maintenance         4    AOS Security             
              O    Session opercoms             5    Transaction Manager      
              R    Database report              6    Adabas Statistics        
              S    Space calculation            7    Vista                    
              ?    Help                         8    Fastpath                 
              .    Exit                         9    SAF Security             
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
 Code ....... _                                                               
 Database ... 1234    (WIS1234)                                               
MENU04 : - Session Monitoring -  Function interrupted                         
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                                       

Display Parameter Screen Differences

The Display Parameters screen consists of a series of screens that display general database parameters. The final screen displays parameters related to replication.

If a standard Adabas database is selected and replication is turned on for the database, the last screen of the Display Parameters series of screens displays parameters information related the replication of the Adabas database.

15:30:30          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-03
DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD22   
---- Replication Parameters -------                                           
Replication .......... YES                                                    
RPWARNPercent ........ 0                                                      
RPWARNINCrement ...... 10                                                     
RPWARNINTerval ....... 60                                                     
RPWARNMessagelimit ... 5                                                      
RPCONNECTCount ....... 0                                                      
RPCONNECTInterval .... 0                                                      
RPLSORT .............. YES                                                    
LRPL ................. 100000                                                 
                                                                   Page 6 of 6
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                         -                 Menu        

If an Event Replicator Server is selected, the last screen of the Display Parameters series of screens displays parameter information for the Event Replicator Server database used during replication.

15:31:58          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-03
DBID 1234                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD22   
------- Reptor Parameters -------                                             
RPLParms ............. File                                                   
RPWARNPercent ........ 0                                                      
RPWARNINCrement ...... 10                                                     
RPWARNINTerval ....... 60                                                     
RPWARNMessagelimit ... 5                                                      
RPCONNECTCount ....... 0                                                      
RPCONNECTInterval .... 0                                                      
LRPL ................. 25000000                                               
                                                                   Page 6 of 6
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                         -                 Menu        

Display General DB-Layout Screen Differences

The Display General DB-Layout screen consists of a series of screens that display general database information. These screens vary slightly, depending on whether an Event Replicator Server or a standard Adabas database is selected.

If an Event Replicator Server is selected, the first screen of the Display General DB-Layout series of screens indicates whether this is an Event Replicator Server. This information appears in the Replicator Facility field on the first screen:

15:38:45          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2013-04-03   
DBID 1234                - Display General DB-Layout -              PDRG012   
 Database Name ............ WIS1234                                           
 Database Number .......... 1234                                              
 Database Version ......... ?                                                 
 Database Load Date ....... 2008-08-25 11:48:38                               
 System Files ............. 19 , 0 , 0 , 89 , 30 , 0 , 0                      
 Maximum Number of Files .. 100                                               
 Number of Files Loaded ... 3                                                 
 Highest File Loaded ...... 89                                                
 Size of RABN ............. 3 Bytes                                           
 Current Log Tape Number .. 563                                               
 Delta Save Facility ...... Inactive     Replicator Facility ...... Yes       
 Recovery Aid Facility .... Inactive                                          
 Universal Encoding Sup. .. Inactive                                          
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

If a standard Adabas database is selected and replication is not started, the first screen of the Display General DB-Layout series of screens does not include the Replication Facility field on the first screen. If replication is started, the first screen looks the same as if an Event Replicator Server database is selected. The following is an example of a standard Adabas database without replication started.

15:39:17          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2013-04-03   
DBID 1955                - Display General DB-Layout -              PDRG012   
 Database Name ............ WIS1955                                           
 Database Number .......... 1955                                              
 Database Version ......... ?                                                 
 Database Load Date ....... 2010-12-14 11:29:33                               
 System Files ............. 19 , 2 , 10 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0                       
 Maximum Number of Files .. 1000                                              
 Number of Files Loaded ... 31                                                
 Highest File Loaded ...... 400                                               
 Trigger File Number ...... 10                                                
 Size of RABN ............. 3 Bytes                                           
 Current Log Tape Number .. 332                                               
 Delta Save Facility ...... Inactive      
 Recovery Aid Facility .... Inactive                                          
 Universal Encoding Sup. .. Inactive                                          
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Display File Layout Screen Differences

The Display File Layout screen consists of a series of screens that display general file information. These screens vary slightly, depending on whether replication has been turned on for a standard Adabas database file.

If an Event Replicator Server file is selected, the screens are unchanged and remain as described in the AOS documentation.

If a standard Adabas database file is selected and if replication has not been turned on for the Adabas database file, the screens are unchanged and remain as described in the AOS documentation.

However, if a standard Adabas database file is selected and replication has been turned on for the database file, the first screen of the Display File Layout series of screens includes the field Replication with a value of "Yes".

16:37:26          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2013-04-02   
DBID 1955                   - Display File Layout -                 PDRF043   
 *  File 1      *   EMPLOYEES                                                 
 Records loaded ..... 1107          Date loaded .......... 2009-02-17 19:07:58
 TOP ISN ............ 1107          Date of last update .. 2012-04-20 10:22:03
 Max ISN expected ... 1695          Max Compr Rec Lngth .. 5060               
 Minimum ISN ........ 1             Asso/Data Padding .... 10%/10%            
 Size of ISN ........ 3 Bytes       Highest Index Level .. 3                  
 Number of Updates .. 188           RPLUPDATEONLY. No                         
 ISN Reusage ........ Yes           USERISN ...... No   PGMREFRESH ..... No   
 Space Reusage ...... Yes           MIXDSDEV ..... No   NOACEXTENSION .. No   
 ADAM File .......... No            Spanned rec .. No   MU/PE indices .. 1    
 Ciphered File ...... No            Replication .. Yes  Privileged Use . No   
 Coupled Files ...... None                                                    
 Blk per DS Extent .. 0                                                       
 Blk per UI Extent .. 0             Total Changed Blks ... 124                
 Blk per NI Extent .. 0             Multi Client File .... 0                  
                                    Press Enter to display more information   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu        

In addition, if replication has been turned on and you press the Enter key on the first screen of the Display File Layout series of screens, the following additional Display File Layout screen appears. If replication is not turned on for the file, this screen does not appear.

 02:08:31          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2013-04-02   
 DBID 1955                   - Display File Layout -                 PDRF043   
  Target Replicator ID ........... 1234                                        
     Primary Key .................                                             
     Replicate UPD before image .. Yes                                         
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
 Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu        

The remaining Display File Layout screens appear as described in the existing AOS documentation.

The following table describes the replication information displayed on this screen. These parameters can be changed on the Modify File Parameters screen:

Field Name Description
Primary Key The primary key of the records to be replicated.
Replicate UPD before image Indicates whether or not before images of data storage are collected for replication during the update of a record on a file.
Target Replicator ID The database ID of the Event Replicator Server to be used for replication.

Modify File Parameters Screen Differences

The Modify File Parameters screen allows you to modify file parameters for a file in an Adabas database. This screen varies slightly, depending on whether the database in which the file resides is an Event Replicator Server or a standard Adabas database.

If an Event Replicator Server file is selected, the classic Modify File Parameters screen appears, as described in the AOS documentation. There are no changes to the fields shown on the screen or to the number of screens available.

If a standard Adabas database file is selected, the Replication field appears. In addition, if replication has been turned on for the file, the PF6 key is activated:

17:54:11          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
DBID 1955                -  Modify File Parameters  -               PFLM022   
File No. ... 1                                                                
File Name .. EMPLOYEES                        in Parallel ....... YES         
ASSO PFAC ......... 10                 Max. UI Blks per extent .. 0           
DATA PFAC ......... 10                 Max. NI Blks per extent .. 0           
Max. RECL .........  5060              Max. DS Blks per extent .. 0           
                                       ISN Reuse ................ ON_         
New File Name ..... EMPLOYEES_______          with RESET ........ ___         
New File No. ...... 1                  DS Reuse ................. ON_         
User ISN .......... OFF                       with RESET ........ ___         
File Password .....                    Mixed DS Device .......... OFF         
Filereadonly ...... OFF                Program Refresh .......... OFF         
Spanned Records ... OFF                Max occur system fields .. 0           
MU/PE indices ..... 1                  Replication .............. ON          
Reptor update only. OFF                                                       
AlphaNum Encoding . 0                                                         
WideChar Encoding . 0                                                         
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6------ PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----  
Help               Exit                Repl Parm                   Menu       

If you press the PF6 key, the following pop-up File Replication Parameters screen appears on which you can specify additional information for the replicated file. (This pop-up screen also appears if you change the Replication field to "ON" when it was set "OFF" before):

    - File Replication Parameters -        
  * File   1      *                        
  Target replicator ID .......... 1234_    
  Primary key for replication ...          
  Replicate UPD before image .... YES      
  in Parallel ................... NO_      

You can control replication for an Adabas file using the Modify File Parameters screen as well as this pop-up screen. For more information, read Controlling Replication of an Adabas Database File.

High Water Marks Screen Differences

The High Water Marks screen displays the maximum percent of use of selected pools and queues in the current session, and the date and time when the high point was reached. This screen varies slightly, depending on whether the current database is an Event Replicator Server or a standard Adabas database.

If an Event Replicator Server is selected, the classic High Water Marks screen appears, as described in the AOS documentation. There are no changes to the fields shown on the screen.

If the database is a standard Adabas database, statistics for Replication are shown on the second page of the High Water Marks screens:

 18:04:19          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-03
 DBID 1957                   -  High Water Marks  -                  PACUH12   
  Pool / Queue       I    Size    I    Used    I %Used I   Date       Time   I 
Attached Buffer(NAB) I     409600 I      49152 I  12.0 I                     I 
Command Queue  (NC)  I      38400 I        384 I   1.0 I 2013-04-02 12:54:20 I 
Format Pool    (LFP) I     150000 I       6112 I   4.0 I 2013-04-03 12:02:12 I 
Hold Queue     (NH)  I      83200 I          0 I   0.0 I 2013-04-03 14:00:29 I 
ISN-List Table (LI)  I     360000 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
Seq. Cmd. Table(LQ)  I      20000 I        436 I   2.1 I 2013-04-03 14:03:34 I 
User Queue     (NU)  I      61200 I       1200 I   1.9 I 2013-04-02 12:55:16 I 
Unique DE Pool (DUQ) I      50000 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
Security Pool  (LCP) I      10000 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
UQ File List   (UQF) I      19584 I        144 I   0.7 I 2013-04-02 12:55:16 I 
ATM Trans. IDs (XID) I          0 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
Work Pool      (LWP) I    1500000 I      36768 I   2.4 I 2013-04-03 14:00:32 I 
Redo Pool      (LRDP)I          0 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
                                                                   Page 1 of 2 
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
 Help               Exit      Refresh                     +        Menu        
 18:04:19          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-03
 DBID 1957                   -  High Water Marks  -                  PACUH12   
  Pool / Queue       I    Size    I    Used    I %Used I   Date       Time   I 
Replication     (RPL)I    1500000 I        784 I   0.0 I 2013-04-02 12:54:20 I 
Work Part 1      (LP)I       1000 I          1 I   0.1 I                     I 
Work Part 2   (LWKP2)I        188 I          2 I   1.0 I 2013-04-03 12:02:12 I 
Work Part 3          I       1502 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
PLOG Prot buf(NPLOGB)I          1 I          1 I 100.0 I 2013-04-02 08:16:05 I 
Work Prt1 Prot bf(NW)I          1 I          1 I 100.0 I 2013-04-02 08:16:05 I 
                                                                   Page 2 of 2 
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
 Help               Exit      Refresh            -                 Menu        

Managing Replication from AOS

You can manage replication from the Adabas Online System (AOS). Specifically, you can:

  • Activate and deactivate Event Replicator definitions

  • Activate and deactivate Event Replicator Servers and their files

  • Open and close Event Replicator destination and IQUEUE definitions

  • Display some of the Event Replicator global parameter settings

  • Display Event Replicator statistics

  • Run the Event Replicator RPLCHECK and RPLCLEANUP operator commands.

  • Access the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem from which you can maintain Event Replicator definitions.

AOS is not able to modify file parameters for Adabas files incorporated in Predict. This is because AOS cannot modify the FCB of these files. Error messages are produced when such an attempt is made. We recommend that you use a supported version of Predict to make file parameter updates for Adabas files incorporated in Predict.

This section covers the following topics:

Controlling Replication of an Adabas Database File

You can control replication for an Adabas database file in AOS. Specifically, you can:

  • turn replication on or off for the file

  • indicate whether the change requests made in AOS should run simultaneously with any other running Adabas functions that might be modifying the file.

  • specify the primary key for replication

  • specify the replication target database ID

  • indicate whether or not before images are stored when updates occur to the Adabas file.

Start of instruction setTo control replication for an Adabas database file in AOS:

  1. Make sure the Adabas database ID is selected on any AOS screen.

  2. Access the Modify File Parameters screen, as described in your AOS documentation.

    17:54:11          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    DBID 1955                -  Modify File Parameters  -               PFLM022   
    File No. ... 1                                                                
    File Name .. EMPLOYEES                        in Parallel ....... YES         
    ASSO PFAC ......... 10                 Max. UI Blks per extent .. 0           
    DATA PFAC ......... 10                 Max. NI Blks per extent .. 0           
    Max. RECL .........  5060              Max. DS Blks per extent .. 0           
                                           ISN Reuse ................ ON_         
    New File Name ..... EMPLOYEES_______          with RESET ........ ___         
    New File No. ...... 1                  DS Reuse ................. ON_         
    User ISN .......... OFF                       with RESET ........ ___         
    File Password .....                    Mixed DS Device .......... OFF         
    Filereadonly ...... OFF                Program Refresh .......... OFF         
    Spanned Records ... OFF                Max occur system fields .. 0           
    MU/PE indices ..... 1                  Replication .............. OFF          
    Reptor update only. OFF                                                       
    AlphaNum Encoding . 0                                                         
    WideChar Encoding . 0                                                         
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6------ PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----  
    Help               Exit                Repl Parm                   Menu       
  3. Use the Replication field to turn replication for the file "ON" and "OFF".

  4. Optionally, use the in Parallel field to indicate whether this change request (to turn replication processing on or off) should run simultaneously with any other running Adabas functions that might be modifying the file. Specify "YES" to force this change request and other running Adabas functions to be processed simultaneously. If you specify "NO", Adabas tries to complete this replication change request, but may reject it if other running Adabas functions against the file conflict with it.

    File integrity is always maintained. However, if you specify "YES", the functions that are executing against the file may experience difficulty. Make sure you are aware of the impact on your environment and the consequences of performing your selected functions against a file while using the in Parallel=YES option.

    The in Parallel field is always set to "NO" unless you manually change it. When you do change it, the "YES" setting is only used for the current replication change request. When you return to this screen, this field will be set back to "NO".

  5. Press the PF6 key to review and change additional information for the replicated file.

    The following pop-up File Replication Parameters screen appears (this pop-up screen also appears if you change the Replication field to "ON" when it was set "OFF" before):

        - File Replication Parameters -        
      * File   1      *                        
      Target replicator ID .......... 1234_    
      Primary key for replication ...          
      Replicate UPD before image .... YES      
      in Parallel ................... NO_      
  6. Fill in the fields on this pop-up screen, as described in the following table:

    Field Name Specify
    in Parallel Whether this change request (specified by any of the other fields on this screen) should run simultaneously with any other running Adabas functions that might be modifying the file. Specify "YES" to force this change request and other running Adabas functions to be processed simultaneously. If you specify "NO", Adabas tries to complete this replication change request, but may reject it if other running Adabas functions against the file conflict with it.

    File integrity is always maintained. However, if you specify "YES", the functions that are executing against the file may experience difficulty. Make sure you are aware of the impact on your environment and the consequences of performing your selected functions against a file while using the "in Parallel=YES" option.

    This field is always set to "NO" unless you manually change it. When you do change it, the "YES" setting is only used for the current replication change request. When you return to this screen, this field will be set back to "NO".

    Primary key for replication The primary key of the records to be replicated. The field name specified must be a descriptor on the file. Note that descriptor in this case is used generically, as the field may be a descriptor, subdescriptor, superdescriptor, etc. This is the equivalent of specifying the KEY parameter for the ADADBS REPLICATION function.

    If the primary key is left blank (or set to blanks), it is the equivalent of specifying the NOKEY parameter for the ADADBS REPLICATION function.

    For more information about how the primary key is used, read Adabas Nucleus Detail Processing.

    Replicate UPD before image Indicates whether or not before images of data storage are collected for replication during the update of a record on a file. This is the equivalent of specifying the DSBI parameter for the ADADBS REPLICATION function.

    For more information about this processing, read Nucleus Processing.

    Target replicator ID The database ID of the Event Replicator Server to be used for replication. This is the equivalent of specifying the TARGET parameter for the ADADBS REPLICATION function.
  7. After making all modifications to the Modify File Parameters and File Replication Parameters screens, pressing Enter will save your modifications and return you to the prior menu.

Accessing the Event Replicator Server Definition Management Area

To manage Replication definitions from AOS, you must first access the Event Replicator Server definition management area of AOS.

Start of instruction setTo access the Event Replicator Server definition management area of AOS:

  1. Make sure an Event Replicator Server ID is selected on any AOS screen.

  2. Navigate to the Session Monitoring screen.

  3. Select Replicator Management (option V) on the command line of the Session Monitoring screen.

    The Replicator Management screen appears.

    18:10:20          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Replicator Management -                  PRPT002   
                            Code   Service                                        
                            ----   --------------------------                     
                             A     Activate/deact/open/close                      
                             D     Display Reptor definitions                     
                             F     Display Reptor statistics                      
                             H     Perform RPLCheck                               
                             L     Perform RPLCleanup                             
                             P     Perform RPLRefresh                             
                             R     Parameter subsystem                            
                             ?     Help                                           
                             .     Exit                                           
                            ----   --------------------------                     
              Code ......... _                                                    
              Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                      
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help     File Serv Exit                                           Menu        

Activating and Deactivating Replication Definitions and Databases

You can activate and deactivate subscription and destination definitions for your Event Replicator Server. You can also activate and deactivate the database itself or individual files within the database.

Be careful when you activate and deactivate replication definitions and databases, especially if replication is ongoing at the time. Whenever you activate or deactivate definitions or databases, you run the risk of altering what data is replicated and how that replication occurs. If the Event Replicator Server receives data from an Adabas database for which it has no active definitions, replication simply does not occur.

Start of instruction setTo get started activating and deactivating replication definitions and databases:

  • Select "A" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close screen appears.

    18:10:20          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234   - Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close -          PRPT002   
        Code    Service                       Code    Service                     
        ----    ---------------------         ----    -----------------------     
         B      Activate Subscription          R      Deactivate Subscription     
         D      Activate Destination           S      Deactivate Destination      
         F      Activate DBID/File             U      Deactivate DBID/File        
         I      Activate DBID                  X      Deactivate DBID             
         K      Open Destination               Y      Close Destination           
         O      Open Iqueue                    Z      Close Iqueue                
         ?      Help                           .      Exit                        
        ----    ---------------------         ----    -----------------------     
                Code ........... _                                                
                Subscription ... ________                                         
                Destination .... ________                                         
                Iqueue ......... ________                                         
                Database ID .... _____                                            
                File ........... ____                                             
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                                       

This section describes:

Activating Definitions

Start of instruction setTo activate subscription or destination definitions:

  1. On the Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close screen, tab to the Subscription field and specify the name of a valid, inactive, subscription definition.

    Tab to the Destination field and specify the name of a valid, inactive, destination definition.

  2. Tab to the Code field and type either a "B" to activate the subscription or a "D" to activate the destination (depending on which kind of definition you named in Step 1).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The specified definition is activated for use.

Deactivating Definitions

Start of instruction setTo deactivate subscription or destination definitions:

  1. On the Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close screen, tab to the Subscription field and specify the name of a valid, activated, subscription definition.

    Tab to the Destination field and specify the name of a valid, activated, destination definition.

  2. Tab to the Code field and type either an "R" to deactivate the subscription or an "S" to deactivate the destination (depending on which kind of definition you named in Step 1).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The specified definition is deactivated and cannot be used until it is activated again.

Activating Event Replicator Servers and Files

Start of instruction setTo activate Event Replicator Servers or a file within a selected Event Replicator Server:

  1. On the Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close screen, tab to the Database ID field and specify the valid database ID of an inactive Event Replicator Server.

  2. Optionally, tab to the File field and specify the number of a valid, inactive, file within the Event Replicator Server identified in Step 1.

  3. Tab to the Code field and type either a "F" to activate a file within a the database (if you specified a file number in Step 2) or an "I" to activate the entire database.

  4. Press ENTER.

    The specified Event Replicator Server and file are activated for use.

    If no specific file is selected in the File field, all deactivated files that are known to the selected Event Replicator Server are activated.

Deactivating Event Replicator Servers and Files

Start of instruction setTo deactivate Event Replicator Servers or a file within a selected Event Replicator Server:

  1. On the Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close screen, tab to the Database ID field and specify the valid database ID of an active Event Replicator Server.

  2. Optionally, tab to the File field and specify the number of a valid, active, file within the Event Replicator Server identified in Step 1.

  3. Tab to the Code field and type either a "U" to deactivate a file within a the database (if you specified a file number in Step 2) or an "X" to deactivate the entire database.

  4. Press ENTER.

    The specified Event Replicator Server and file are deactivated and cannot be used until it is activated again.

    If no specific file is selected in the File field, all activated files that are known to the selected Event Replicator Server are deactivated.

Opening and Closing Event Replicator Destination and IQUEUE Definitions

You can open and close destination and IQUEUE definitions for your Event Replicator database.

Start of instruction setTo get started activating and deactivating replication definitions and databases:

  • Select "A" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close screen appears.

    18:10:20          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234   - Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close -          PRPT002   
        Code    Service                       Code    Service                     
        ----    ---------------------         ----    -----------------------     
         B      Activate Subscription          R      Deactivate Subscription     
         D      Activate Destination           S      Deactivate Destination      
         F      Activate DBID/File             U      Deactivate DBID/File        
         I      Activate DBID                  X      Deactivate DBID             
         K      Open Destination               Y      Close Destination           
         O      Open Iqueue                    Z      Close Iqueue                
         ?      Help                           .      Exit                        
        ----    ---------------------         ----    -----------------------     
                Code ........... _                                                
                Subscription ... ________                                         
                Destination .... ________                                         
                Iqueue ......... ________                                         
                Database ID .... _____                                            
                File ........... ____                                             
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                                       

This section describes:

Opening and Closing Destination Definitions

Start of instruction setTo open or close destination definitions:

  1. On the Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close screen, tab to the Destination field and specify the name of a valid, inactive, destination definition.

  2. Tab to the Code field and type either a "K" to open the destination or a "Y" to close the destination (depending on what you want to do).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The specified destination definition is either opened or closed, as requested.

Opening and Closing IQUEUE Definitions

Start of instruction setTo open or close IQUEUE definitions:

  1. On the Replicator Activate/Deact/Open/Close screen, tab to the Iqueue field and specify the name of a valid IQUEUE definition.

  2. Tab to the Code field and type either a "O" to open the IQUEUE definition or a "Z" to close the IQUEUE definition (depending on what you want to do).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The specified IQUEUE definition is either opened or closed, as requested.

Displaying Event Replicator Global Value Definitions

You can review some of the Event Replicator global values set in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem screens.

You can review these settings; you cannot change them here. You must use the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem to modify them.

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator global values:

  1. Select "D" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Display Reptor Definitions menu appears.

    17:12:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2017-09-12
    Replicator 1234        - Display Reptor Definitions -               PRPTD02   
    Code   Service                          Code   Service                        
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
     A     Global definitions                Q     Input queue definitions        
     D     Destination definitions           R     Resend buffer definitions      
     G     Global format definitions         S     Subscription definitions       
     I     Initial-state definitions                                              
     ?     Help                                                                   
     .     Exit                                                                   
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
           Code ......... _                                                       
           Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                         
           Select name .. ________                                                
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        
  2. Select "A" on the Display Reptor Definitions screen.

    The Global Definitions screen appears.

    17:31:13          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2017-09-12
    Replicator 1234             - Global Definitions -                  PRPTD02   
    Global definitions -------------------------  --------------------------------
    Number of subtasks ...........             3  Broker name ...... BKIMBTSO     
    Maximum output msg size ......       100,000  Verify mode ...... No           
    Input req. error msg limit ...            10  Rec. PLOG info ... No           
    Input req.err msg limit time .            60  FB Validation .... None         
    Max. decompressed rec. size ..        32,767  Retry interval ...             0
    MAXVARRECORDSIZE .............        32,767  Retry count ......            10
    Subtaskwait ..................            10  Loginputtransact .            80
    NPADACALLS ...................             3   status of ....... Off          
    GQFULLDELAY ..................            60  GOpen ............ Yes          
    STATINTERVAL .................             0  SLOGACTHRESHOLD ..            70
    SLOGCHECKINTERVAL ............             0  SLOGDSTHRESHOLD ..            70
    ASSOTHRESHOLD ................            80  SLOGNITHRESHOLD ..            70
    DATATHRESHOLD ................            80  SLOGUITHRESHOLD ..            70
    Replicator version detected .. 361                                            
                                             Press 'Enter' to see TLOG information
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF7--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit       Refresh                             Menu
    17:31:13          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****         2017-09-12
    Replicator 1234              - TLOG Definitions -                   PRPTD02  
    TLOG definitions ------------------      ----------------------------------- 
    RPL-pool maximum % ............  50      Input request rejected ........   0 
    RPL-pool restart % ............  40      Subscription status request ...   0 
    Transaction input .............   0      Transaction resend request ....   0 
    No subscription match .........   0      Initial-state started .........   0 
    Queued for completion .........   0      Initial-state completed .......   0 
    Transaction completion ........   0      Input request error ...........   0 
    Input request received ........   0      Replicator version detected ... 361 
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF7--------  PF12-----  
    Help               Exit       Refresh                             Menu       

The global values displayed on this screen are summarized in the following table:

Parameter Name Displays
Broker name The default EntireX Broker stub name to be used by the Event Replicator Server if no other name is specified. EntireX Broker is a component of webMethods EntireX.
FB Validation The level of format buffer validation that should occur for subscriptions. Possible values are a blank, "A", "D", "None", or "W".
  • If a blank or "None" are listed, format buffer validation is not performed at Event Replicator initialization, at the initial handshake of databases, or when an updated FDT is received. Format buffer validation still occurs during the subscription phase of transaction processing, with validation errors written to the URBRRSP field of the URBR record.

  • If "A" is listed, format buffer validation is performed. If validation errors are identified at Event Replicator Server initialization, the Event Replicator Server is terminated. If validation errors are identified after Event Replicator initialization, warning messages are issued for each format buffer in error.

  • If "D" is listed, format buffer validation is performed. If validation errors are identified, the subscription for which format buffer validation failed is deactivated and warning messages are issued for each format buffer in error.

  • If "W" is listed, format buffer validation is performed. If validation errors are identified, warning messages are issued for each format buffer in error.

GQFULLDELAY The number of seconds between retry attempts when resending output transactions to a previously-full webMethods EntireX or MQSeries destination.
GOpen Whether or not destinations with DOPEN=GLOBAL and input queues with IQOPEN=GLOBAL specified in their definitions should be opened at Event Replicator Server startup.
Initial-state completed The level of transaction logging that occurs when an initial-state information request has completed. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event and URBS), "2" (log event and URBI, if available), or "3" (log event, URBS, and URBI, if available).
Initial-state started The level of transaction logging that occurs when a user request for initial-state information for a file has started. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event and URBS), "2" (log event and URBI), or "3" (log event, URBS, and URBI).
Input request error The level of transaction logging that occurs when a user request is rejected due to an error in carrying out the request. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event and URBS), "2" (log event and URBI), or "3" (log event, URBS, and URBI).
Input req. error msg limit time The interval during which the message limit specified by the Input request error message limit field applies.
Input request error msg limit The maximum number of input request error messages issued by Event Replicator Server during the interval set by the Input req. error msg limit time field (also on this screen).
Input request received The level of transaction logging that occurs when a user request has been received. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event but no data), or "2" (log event and the entire input buffer before and after translation if appropriate).
Input request rejected The level of transaction logging that occurs when a user request has been received. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event but no data), or "2" (log event and the entire input buffer before and after translation if appropriate).
Loginputtransact & status of Whether and when database-related input transactions are written to the SLOG system file.

If a number appears in the Loginputtransact parameter, it indicates a percentage of the setting of the LRPL parameter. this threshold is exceeded, database-related input transactions will be stored in and processed from the SLOG system file. When the threshold is no longer exceeded and all database-related input transactions have been processed, database-related input transactions from the Adabas nucleus are stored in and processed from the replication pool.

The status of parameter indicates whether or not SLOG system file usage is always active for database-related input transactions. When "On" is shown, database-related input transactions from the Adabas nucleus are written to the SLOG system file. When "Off" is shown, the transactions are processed, as usual, using the Event Replicator Server replication pool.

Max. decompressed rec. size The maximum length (in bytes) of any decompressed record that can be processed by the Event Replicator Server.
Maximum output message size The maximum output message size for the Event Replicator for Adabas.
MAXVARRECORDSIZE The maximum length (in bytes) of variable decompressed records that can be processed by the Event Replicator Server.
No subscription match The level of transaction logging that occurs when a transaction is not queued to any subscription in Event Replicator Server. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event and input transaction data), "2" (log event, input transaction, and file/record information), or "3" (log event and all available input information for the event).
NPADACALLS The maximum number of parallel Adabas calls that can be made.
Number of subtasks The number of subtasks in Event Replicator Server.
Queued for completion The level of transaction logging that occurs prior to a transaction being assigned to the completion queue. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event and input transaction data, "2" (log event, input transaction, and file/record information), or "3" (log event and all input information available for the event).
Rec. PLOG info Whether or not PLOG information is saved in the Replicator system file. Valid values are "Y" (store the information) or "N" (do not store the information).
Replicator version detected The version of the Event Replicator Server detected.
Retry count The default number of times that an attempt to retry opening a destination or input queue is attempted at the interval specified by the Retry interval parameter.
Retry interval The default number of seconds between attempts to retry opening a destination or input queue.
RPL-pool maximum % The maximum percentage of the Event Replicator Server replication pool that can be used for transaction log (TLOG) processing. .
RPL-pool restart % The amount of available Event Replicator Server replication pool storage that must be available before transaction logging (TLOG logging) can restart.
Subscription status request The level of transaction logging that occurs when a user request for status on an Event Replicator Server resource has been processed. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event and URBS), "2" (log event and URBI), or "3" (log event, URBS, and URBI).
Subtaskwait The number of seconds the Event Replicator Server will wait for the successful initialization of an input or output subtask.
Transaction completion The level of transaction logging that occurs when a transaction has been fully processed and Adabas has been informed that the transaction was successfully replicated. Possible values are "0" (no logging) or "1" (log event and input transaction data).
Transaction input The level of transaction logging that occurs when a transaction is taken off the input queue and put on the transaction assignment queue. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event and input transaction data), "2" (log event, input transaction, and file/ record information), or "3" (log event and all available input information for the event).
Transaction resend request The level of transaction logging that occurs when a user request to retransmit a specific transaction has been processed. Possible values are "0" (no logging), "1" (log event and URBS), "2" (log event and URBI), or "3" (log event, URBS, and URBI).
Verify mode Whether the Event Replicator for Adabas should run in verify (test) mode or not. Possible values are "Y" (run in verify mode) or "N" (do not run in verify mode).

Displaying Event Replicator Destination Definitions

You can review some of the Event Replicator destination definitions set in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem screens.

You can review these settings; you cannot change them here. You must use the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem to modify them.

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator destination definitions:

  1. Select "D" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Display Reptor Definitions menu appears.

    18:12:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234        - Display Reptor Definitions -               PRPTD02   
    Code   Service                          Code   Service                        
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
     A     Global definitions                Q     Input queue definitions        
     D     Destination definitions           R     Resend buffer definitions      
     G     Global format definitions         S     Subscription definitions       
     I     Initial-state definitions                                              
     ?     Help                                                                   
     .     Exit                                                                   
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
           Code ......... _                                                       
           Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                         
           Select name .. ________                                                
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        
  2. Select "D" on the Display Reptor Definitions screen.

    A list of destination definitions appears on the Destination Information screen.

    10:50:10          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-06
    Replicator 1234          - Destination Definitions -                PRPTD33   
    Mark  Name      Type    Op/Cls  Act/Inact                                     
      -   --------  ------  ------  --------                                      
      _   ADABAS1   Adabas  Open    Active                                        
      _   DESTFILE  File    Closed  Active                                        
      _   DI040155  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI042060  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI042200  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI046088  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI062026  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI062029  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI062035  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI062055  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI062079  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI062106  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI062143  ETB     Closed  Inactive                                      
      _   DI064121  ETB     Closed  Inactive     Enter (S)elect (A)ctivate (O)pen 
      _   DI120248  ETB     Closed  Inactive                 (I)nactivate (C)lose 
    PF1-----  PF2-----  PF3-----  PF4-----  PF7--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
    Help      Repos     Exit      Refresh   -            +            Menu        

    From this screen, you can review a destination definition in more detail (see the next step) or you can quickly activate, deactivate, open, or close a definition, as described in the following table.

    Type this character in the Mark Column next to a destination definition: To:
    A Activate the definition.
    C Close the definition.
    I Deactivate the definition.
    O Open the definition.
    S Select the definition for review. See the next step in these instructions.

    Select a destination definition to review by typing an "S" in the corresponding Mark column and pressing Enter.

    A Destination Definitions panel, such as this one, appears showing the details of the destination definition.

    18:26:36          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Destination Definitions -                PRPTD33   
    ------------------------------------    ------------------------------------- 
    Name ................. ADABAS1          TLOG indicators:                      
    Type ................. Adabas             Assignment ..........   0           
                                              Output completion ...   0           
    Informational flags:                      Slog write ..........   0           
      Destination is open                     Slog read ...........   0           
      Destination is active                   Adabas ..............   0           
                                            DAERROR setting ....... Altaction     
                                            Open dest at startup .. Global        
    Open retry:                                                                   
      Interval ........... Default                                                
      Count .............. Default                                                
      Time ............... N/A                                                    
      Retries remaining ..                                                        
                                                      Press 'Enter' to continue   
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF7--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                 DB/File exp               Menu        

    If you press PF6 on the screen, another screen such as this one appears:

    18:26:36          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Destination Definitions -                PRPTD33   
    --------------------------    --------------------                            
    Name ............ ADABAS1                                                     
    Input DBID ......  1955       Target DBID ..  1957                            
    Input File ......     1       Target File ..     1                            
    DAREPLICATEUTI .. Yes                                                         
    DATMETHOD ....... ISN                                                         
    Displaying   1 of   3                               Press 'Enter' to continue 
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF7--------  PF12-----   

Displaying Event Replicator Global Format Buffer (GFB) Definitions

You can review some of the Event Replicator global values set in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem screens.

You can review these settings; you cannot change them here. You must use the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem to modify them.

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator global format buffer (GFB) definitions:

  1. Select "D" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Display Reptor Definitions menu appears.

    18:12:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234        - Display Reptor Definitions -               PRPTD02   
    Code   Service                          Code   Service                        
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
     A     Global definitions                Q     Input queue definitions        
     D     Destination definitions           R     Resend buffer definitions      
     G     Global format definitions         S     Subscription definitions       
     I     Initial-state definitions                                              
     ?     Help                                                                   
     .     Exit                                                                   
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
           Code ......... _                                                       
           Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                         
           Select name .. ________                                                
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        
  2. Select "G" on the Display Reptor Definitions screen.

    A list of global format definitions appears on the Global Format Definitions screen.

    10:47:59          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-06
    Replicator 1234         - Global Format Definitions -               PRPTD42   
    Mark  Glb Fmt   DBID   File                                                   
     -    --------  -----  -----                                                  
     _    FILE200   42     200                                                    
     _    F040155   40     155                                                    
     _    F042060   42     60                                                     
     _    F046088   46     88                                                     
     _    F062026   62     26                                                     
     _    F062029   62     29                                                     
     _    F062035   62     35                                                     
     _    F062055   62     55                                                     
     _    F062079   62     79                                                     
     _    F062106   62     106                                                    
     _    F062143   62     143                                                    
     _    F064121   64     121                                                    
     _    F120248   120    248                                                    
     _    F215168   215    168                                                    
    PF1-----  PF2-----  PF3-----  PF4-----  PF7--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
    Help                Exit      Refresh                             Menu        
  3. Select a global format buffer definition to review by typing an "S" in the corresponding Mark column and pressing Enter.

    A Selected Global Format panel appears showing the details of the GFB definition.

     10:47:59          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-06
     Replicator 1234           - Selected Global Format -                PRPTD42   
     Global format name .. FILE200                    Press 'Enter' to continue    
     Format buffer                                                                 
     PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF7--------  PF12-----   
     Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Displaying Event Replicator Initial-State Definitions

You can review some of the Event Replicator initial-state definitions defined in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem screens.

You can review these settings; you cannot change them here. You must use the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem to modify them.

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator initial-state definitions:

  1. Select "D" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Display Reptor Definitions menu appears.

    18:12:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234        - Display Reptor Definitions -               PRPTD02   
    Code   Service                          Code   Service                        
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
     A     Global definitions                Q     Input queue definitions        
     D     Destination definitions           R     Resend buffer definitions      
     G     Global format definitions         S     Subscription definitions       
     I     Initial-state definitions                                              
     ?     Help                                                                   
     .     Exit                                                                   
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
           Code ......... _                                                       
           Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                         
           Select name .. ________                                                
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        
  2. Select "I" on the Display Reptor Definitions screen.

    A list of initial-state definitions appears on the Initial-State Definitions screen.

    18:30:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234         - Initial-State Definitions -               PRPTD72   
    Mark  Name     Max Concur.   Subscription      # Subs    # Dests   # DB/Files 
      -   -------- ------------- -------- --------  -------   -------   -------   
      _   I040155              1 SI040155                 1         1         1   
      _   I042060              1 SI042060                 1         1         1   
      _   I042200              1 SI042200                 1         1         1   
      _   I046088              1 SI046088                 1         1         1   
      _   I062026              1 SI062026                 1         1         1   
      _   I062029              1 SI062029                 1         1         1   
      _   I062035              1 SI062035                 1         1         1   
      _   I062055              1 SI062055                 1         1         1   
      _   I062079              1 SI062079                 1         1         1   
      _   I062143              1 SI062143                 1         1         1   
      _   I064121              1 SI064121                 1         1         1   
      _   I120248              1 SI120248                 1         1         1   
      _   I215168              1 SI215168                 1         1         1   
      _   TEST                 1                                    1         1   
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF7--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit       Refresh                             Menu        
  3. Select an initial-state definition to review by typing an "S" in the corresponding Mark column and pressing Enter.

    An Initial-State Definitions panel appears showing the details of the initial-state definition.

      18:30:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
      Replicator 1234         - Initial-State Definitions -               PRPTD72   
     Name ................. I040155                                                 
     Max Concurrent .......             1                                           
     Subscriptions  -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------  
     Destinations   -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------  
     DBID-file-type   ----- ----- -  ----- ----- -  ----- ----- -  ----- ----- -    
       40    155   A                                                                
      PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
      Help               Exit                 Exp DBID/Fi               Menu        

    If you press the PF6 key on the initial-state definitions screen, details regarding the DBID files associated with the initial-state definition appears on the Expanded DBID File screen.

    18:30:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234            - Expanded DBID File -                   PRPTD72   
    Initial state: I040155                                                        
    Mark  DBID  File  Type                                                        
      -   ----- ----- --------                                                    
      _   40    155   All ISNs                                                    
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF7--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                                       
  4. If a selection criteria buffer is defined for a DBID/file combination, you can select a DBID on the Expanded DBID File screen by entering an "S" in the corresponding Mark column.

    The Selcrit Buffer panel pops up displaying selection criteria for the database. Here is an example.

                         - Selcrit Buffer -                         
      Initial state name .. I1991433                                
      DBID ................ 1955                                    
      File ................ 23                                      
      SB length ........... 6                                       
      Press Enter to continue                                       

Displaying Event Replicator Input Queue Definitions

You can review some of the Event Replicator input queue definitions defined in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem screens.

You can review these settings; you cannot change them here. You must use the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem to modify them.

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator input queue definitions:

  1. Select "D" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Display Reptor Definitions menu appears.

    18:12:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234        - Display Reptor Definitions -               PRPTD02   
    Code   Service                          Code   Service                        
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
     A     Global definitions                Q     Input queue definitions        
     D     Destination definitions           R     Resend buffer definitions      
     G     Global format definitions         S     Subscription definitions       
     I     Initial-state definitions                                              
     ?     Help                                                                   
     .     Exit                                                                   
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
           Code ......... _                                                       
           Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                         
           Select name .. ________                                                
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        
  2. Select "Q" on the Display Reptor Definitions screen.

    A list of input queue definitions appears on the Input Queue Definitions screen.

    18:34:04          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Input Queue Definitions -                PRPTD54   
    Mark  Name      Type      Status                                              
      -   --------  --------  ------                                              
      _   ABCDEF1   MQSeries  Closed                                              
      _   ETBIN1    ETBroker  Open                                                
      _   ETBQUEUE  ETBroker  Closed                                              
      _   E2        ETBroker  Closed                                              
      _                                             Enter (S)elect (O)pen (C)lose 
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF7--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit       Refresh                             Menu        

    This shows the name, type and status of the input queue definition. From this screen, you can review an input queue definition in more detail or you can quickly open or close a definition, as described in the following table.

    Type this character in the Mark Column next to an input queue definition: To:
    C Close the definition.
    O Open the definition.
    S Select the definition for review. S

    If you select a definition (by entering an "s" in the Mark column corresponding to the definition), a detailed description of the input queue definition appears, such as this one:

    18:34:04          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Input Queue Definitions -                PRPTD54   
    ------------------------------------------ -----------------------------      
    Name ................. ETBIN1              IQOPEN ............... Global      
    Type ................. ETBroker                                               
    Status ............... Open                                                   
    Open retry:                                                                   
      Interval ........... Default                                                
      Count .............. Default                                                
      Time ............... N/A                                                    
      Retries remaining ..         0                                              
     ETB queue names:                                                             
      ETB broker id:                                    
      ETB Service:        OUT1                                                    
      ETB Service Name:   JRSERV                                                  
      ETB Service Class:  REPTOR                                                  
                                                      Press 'Enter' to continue   
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF7--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Displaying Event Replicator Resend Buffer Definitions

You can review some of the Event Replicator resend buffer definitions defined in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem screens.

You can review these settings; you cannot change them here. You must use the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem to modify them.

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator resend buffer definitions:

  1. Select "D" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Display Reptor Definitions menu appears.

    18:12:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234        - Display Reptor Definitions -               PRPTD02   
    Code   Service                          Code   Service                        
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
     A     Global definitions                Q     Input queue definitions        
     D     Destination definitions           R     Resend buffer definitions      
     G     Global format definitions         S     Subscription definitions       
     I     Initial-state definitions                                              
     ?     Help                                                                   
     .     Exit                                                                   
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
           Code ......... _                                                       
           Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                         
           Select name .. ________                                                
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        
  2. Select "R" on the Display Reptor Definitions screen.

    A list of resend buffer definitions appears on the Resend Buffer Information screen.

    19:21:15          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234         - Resend Buffer Information -               PRPTD62   
    ResB Name Size          I  ResB Name Size          I  ResB Name Size          
    --------  ------------- I  --------  ------------- I  --------  ------------- 
    RSNDFMIX      1,048,576 I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
                            I                          I                          
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF7--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit       Refresh                             Menu        

Displaying Event Replicator Subscription Definitions

You can review some of the Event Replicator subscription definitions defined in the Replicator system file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem screens.

You can review these settings; you cannot change them here. You must use the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem to modify them.

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator subscription definitions:

  1. Select "D" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Display Reptor Definitions menu appears.

    18:12:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234        - Display Reptor Definitions -               PRPTD02   
    Code   Service                          Code   Service                        
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
     A     Global definitions                Q     Input queue definitions        
     D     Destination definitions           R     Resend buffer definitions      
     G     Global format definitions         S     Subscription definitions       
     I     Initial-state definitions                                              
     ?     Help                                                                   
     .     Exit                                                                   
    ----   -------------------------        ----   -------------------------      
           Code ......... _                                                       
           Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                         
           Select name .. ________                                                
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        
  2. Select "S" on the Display Reptor Definitions screen.

    A list of subscription definitions appears on the Subscription Information screen.

    18:37:40          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234         - Subscription Definitions -                PRPTD23   
    Mark  Name      Status   Destinations                DBID  File  DBID  File   
      -   --------  -------- -------- -------- --------  ----- ----- ----- -----  
      _   SADABAS1  Active   ADABAS1                     1955  1     1955  3      
      _   SI040155  Active   DI040155                    40    155                
      _   SI042060  Active   DI042060                    42    60                 
      _   SI042200  Active   DI042200                    42    200                
      _   SI046088  Active   DI046088                    46    88                 
      _   SI062026  Active   DI062026                    62    26                 
      _   SI062029  Active   DI062029                    62    29                 
      _   SI062035  Active   DI062035                    62    35                 
      _   SI062055  Active   DI062055                    62    55                 
      _   SI062079  Active   DI062079                    62    79                 
      _   SI062106  Active   DI062106                    62    106                
      _   SI062143  Active   DI062143                    62    143                
      _   SI064121  Active   DI064121                    64    121                
      _   SI120248  Active   DI120248                    120   248                
    Enter (S)elect (A)ctivate (I)nactivate                                        
    PF1----- PF2-----  PF3-----   PF4-----  PF7--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
    Help     Repos     Exit       Refresh   -            +            Menu        
  3. Select a subscription definition to review by typing an "S" in the corresponding Mark column and pressing Enter.

    A Subscription Definition panel appears, such as the following, showing the details of the subscription definition.

    18:37:40          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Subscription Definitions -               PRPTD23   
    ---------------------------    -------------------------  TLOG ---------------
    Name ........... SI040155      Architec Key.. 2           Input ..........   0
    Status ......... Active        Alpha Code ...          0  Filter .........   0
    Max trans seq ..          0    Wide Code ....          0  Output .........   0
    Resend buffer ..                                          Filter match ...   0
    Increment Initial-state sequence number ..... No          Filter nomatch..   0
    Deactivate Subscription when file deactive .. Yes         Filter ignore ..   0
    Destinations ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------       
    DBID  File   ----- -----  ----- -----  ----- -----  ----- -----  ----- -----  
    40    155                                                                     
                                                      Press 'Enter' to continue   
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF7--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                 Exp DBID/Fi               Menu        

    If you press the PF6 key on the subscription definitions screen, details regarding the DBID files associated with the subscription definition appears on the Expanded DBID File screen.

    12:07:42          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-07
    Replicator 1234            - Expanded DBID File -                   PRPTD23   
    Subscription: SI040155                                                        
    Mark  DBID  File                                                              
      -   ----- -----                                                             
      _   40    155                                                               
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF7--------  PF8--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                                       

    You can select a DBID/file pair for review by entering an "S" in the Mark column associated with the pair. The Selected DBID File screen appears providing additional information about the file.

    12:07:42          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-07
    Replicator 1234             - Selected DBID File -                  PRPTD23   
    ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- 
    Name ........... SI040155 DBID File ... 40    155   Alpha code ...            
                              Exit name ...                                       
    Indicator Flags           ------------------------- ------------------------- 
    No indicators to display                                                      
     - Mark to view                          - Mark to view                       
     _ Filter ................                                                    
     _ Filter GLB for. after .               _ Local Filter FB after ...          
     _ Filter GLB for. before.               _ Local Filter FB before ..          
     _ Global format after ... F040155       _ Local FB after length ...          
     _ Global format before .. F040155       _ Local FB before length ..          
     _ Global format key .....               _ Local FB key length .....          
                                                     Press 'Enter' to continue    
    PF1-----           PF3-----   PF4-----  PF6--------  PF7--------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Displaying Event Replicator Statistics

You can review statistics about Event Replicator processing using the AOS screens.

Start of instruction setTo get started activating and deactivating replication definitions and databases:

  • Select "F" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Display Reptor Statistics screen appears.

    01:54:52          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-03-14
    Replicator 1234        - Display Reptor Statistics -                PRPTS04   
                            Code   Service                                        
                            ----   -------------------------                      
                             B     Global statistics                              
                             D     Destination statistics                         
                             I     Input queue statistics                         
                             L     Load/replay tokens                             
                             R     Subscription statistics                        
                             S     Output Subtask statistics                      
                             ?     Help                                           
                             .     Exit                                           
                            ----   -------------------------                      
              Code ......... _                                                    
              Database ID .. 1234  (WIS1234)                                      
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        

This section covers the following topics:

In addition, to these statistics, if you select option L on the Display Reptor Statistics screen, the load/replay tokens you can use are listed.

Displaying Event Replicator Global Statistics

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator global statistics :

  1. On the Display Reptor Statistics screen, tab to the Code field and type a "B".

  2. Press ENTER.

    The Global Statistics screen appears, showing Event Replicator statistics.

    18:39:31          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234             - Global Statistics -                   PRPTS14   
    Input transactions ...........                          0                     
    Pending input transactions ...                          0                     
    Output items .................                          2                     
    Pending items ................                          0                     
    Output messages ..............                          2                     
     Bytes sent ..................                        384                     
    Input messages ...............                          0                     
     Bytes received ..............                          0                     
    Input commits ................                          0                     
    Input backouts ...............                          0                     
    Items de-logged ..............                          0                     
    Items logged .................                         13                     
    Items on SLOG ................                        611                     
                                                                  More: press PF8 
    PF1---  PF3---  PF4-----  PF5--------  PF6--------  PF7---  PF8---  PF12----- 
    Help    Exit    Refresh   DBID/Token                        +       Menu      
     18:39:31          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
     Replicator 1234             - Global Statistics -                   PRPTS14   
     Database-related input transactions                                           
     De-logged ......                          0                                   
     Logged .........                          0                                   
     On SLOG ........                          0                                   
     FCBs on SLOG ...                          0                                   
     Log input transaction status. Off                                             
     PF1---  PF3---  PF4-----  PF5--------  PF6--------  PF7---  PF8---  PF12----- 
     Help    Exit    Refresh   DBID/Token                -               Menu      

    The PF7 and PF8 keys allow you to toggle between the two screens of this display.

    When there are individual replay dbid/tokens available or being executed, pressing PF5 will show you a list of what is currently active.

Displaying Event Replicator Destination Statistics

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator destination statistics :

  1. On the Display Reptor Statistics screen, tab to the Code field and enter a "D".

    The Destination Statistics screen appears, listing the destination definitions that have been defined.

    18:41:18          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Destination Statistics -                 PRPTS20   
    Mark   Dest Name  Type   Output items                   Pending items         
       -    --------  ------ --------------------------     -------------         
       _    ADABAS1   Adabas                          0                 0         
       _    DESTFILE  File                            0                 0         
       _    DI040155  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI042060  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI042200  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI046088  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI062026  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI062029  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI062035  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI062055  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI062079  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI062106  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI062143  ETB                             0                 0         
       _    DI064121  ETB                             0                 0         
    Select detail information by marking with 'S'                                 
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4-------   PF7-------  PF8-------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit      Refresh      -           +           Menu        
  2. Select a destination by typing an "S" in the Mark column for the corresponding destination and pressing Enter.

    The Destination Statistics screen appears, showing detailed statistics for the selected destination.

    12:17:49          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-07
    Replicator 1234           - Destination Statistics -                PRPTS20   
    Destination name   : DI040155                                                 
    Destination type   : ETBroker                                                 
    Output items ..................                          0                    
    Pending items .................                          0                    
    Item time at source ........... N/A                                           
    Messages ......................                          0                    
     Bytes ........................                          0                    
    Commits .......................                          0                    
    Commit time at destination .... N/A                                           
    Pending messages ..............                          0                    
     Pending bytes ................                          0                    
    De-logged from SLOG ...........                          0                    
    Logged to SLOG ................                          0                    
    Items on SLOG .................                          0                    
    Press 'Enter' to continue                                                     
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4-------   PF7-------  PF8-------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Displaying Event Replicator Input Queue Statistics

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator input queue statistics :

  1. On the Display Reptor Statistics screen, tab to the Code field and enter a "I".

    The Input Queue Statistics screen appears, listing the input queue definitions that have been defined.

    18:45:31          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Input Queue Statistics -                 PRPTS50   
    Mark    IQ Name    Input items                                                
       -    --------   --------------------------                                 
       _    ABCDEF1                             0                                 
       _    ETBIN1                              0                                 
       _    ETBQUEUE                            0                                 
       _    E2                                  0                                 
    Select detail information by marking with 'S'                                 
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4-------   PF7-------  PF8-------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu        
  2. Select an input queue by typing an "S" in the Mark column for the corresponding input queue and pressing Enter.

    The Input Queue Statistics screen appears, showing detailed statistics for the selected input queue

    12:18:56          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-07
    Replicator 1234          - Input Queue Statistics -                 PRPTS50   
    Input Queue name: ETBIN1                                                      
    Input items ................                          0                       
    Pending items ..............                          0                       
    Item time at source ........ N/A                                              
    Messages ...................                          0                       
     Bytes .....................                          0                       
    Pending messages ...........                          0                       
     Bytes .....................                          0                       
    Commits ....................                          0                       
    Commit time at input queue . N/A                                              
    Backouts ...................                          0                       
    Press 'Enter' to continue                                                     
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4-------   PF7-------  PF8-------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Displaying Event Replicator Subscription Statistics

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator subscription statistics:

  1. On the Display Reptor Statistics screen, tab to the Code field and enter a "D".

    The Subscription Statistics screen appears listing the subscription definitions that have been defined.

    18:42:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234          - Subscription Statistics -                PRPTS30   
    Mark   Subscription  Output items                                             
       -   --------      --------------------------                               
       _   SADABAS1                               0                               
       _   SI040155                               0                               
       _   SI042060                               0                               
       _   SI042200                               0                               
       _   SI046088                               0                               
       _   SI062026                               0                               
       _   SI062029                               0                               
       _   SI062035                               0                               
       _   SI062055                               0                               
       _   SI062079                               0                               
       _   SI062106                               0                               
       _   SI062143                               0                               
       _   SI064121                               0   Select detail information   
       _   SI120248                               0   by marking with 'S'         
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4-------   PF7-------  PF8-------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit      Refresh      -           +           Menu        
  2. Select a subscription by typing an "S" in the Mark column for the corresponding subscription and pressing Enter.

    The Subscription Statistics screen appears, showing detailed statistics for the subscription you selected.

     18:42:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
     Replicator 1234          - Subscription Statistics -                PRPTS30   
     Subscription name: SADABAS1                                                   
     Input items ...............                          0                        
     Output items ..............                          0                        
      C5 data ..................                          0                        
      Data lost ................                          0                        
      Initial-state completed ..                          0                        
      Initial-state data .......                          0                        
      Security functions .......                          0                        
      User transactions ........                          0                        
      Utility functions ........                          0                        
     Item time at source ....... N/A                                               
     Item processed ............ N/A                      Press 'Enter' to continue
                                                          Displaying 1   of 3      
     DBID File ................. 1955  1                                           
     Inserts .                          0 Initial state.                          0
     Updates .                          0 Filtered out .                          0
     Deletes .                          0                                          
     PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4-------   PF7-------  PF8-------  PF12-----   
     Help               Exit                                                       

Displaying Event Replicator Output Subtask Statistics

Start of instruction setTo display Event Replicator output subtask statistics :

  1. On the Display Reptor Statistics screen, tab to the Code field and enter a "S".

    The Output Subtask Statistics appears, showing Event Replicator statistics.

    18:43:49          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2013-04-02
    Replicator 1234         - Output Subtask Statistics -               PRPTS04   
    Subtask  Output items                     Subtask  Output items               
    ----     --------------------------       ----     -------------------------- 
    Main                              0                                           
      1                               1                                           
      2                               1                                           
      3                               0                                           
      4                               0                                           
                                                       Press 'Enter' for messages 
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4-------   PF7-------  PF8-------  PF12-----   
    Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu        

    The total number of replicated transactions for each subtask are listed.

Running the RPLCHECK Command

You can run the RPLCHECK command from AOS to perform the replication cross-check function for all active databases known to the Event Replicator Server. For complete information, read RPLCHECK Command.

Start of instruction setTo run the RPLCHECK command :

  1. Select "H" on the Replicator Management screen.

    A RPLCheck popup screen appears.

                    - RPLCheck -               
      Press Enter to perform a RPLCheck.       
  2. Press Enter to run RPLCHECK or PF3 to quit out of the popup screen without running RPLCHECK.

Running the RPLCLEANUP Command

You can run the RPLCLEANUP command from AOS to stop replay processing if the Replay Utility (ADARPL) abends. For complete information, read RPLCLEANUP Command.

Start of instruction setTo run the RPLCLEANUP command :

  1. Select "L" on the Replicator Management screen.

    A RPLCleanup popup screen appears.

                  - RPLCleanup -               
      Press Enter to perform a RPLCleanup.     
      Specify Token number as required.        
      Token .......... _____                   
  2. Specify a token number on the popup screen and press Enter to run RPLCLEANUP or press PF3 to quit out of the popup screen without running RPLCLEANUP.

Running the RPLREFRESH Command

You can run the RPLREFRESH command from AOS to refresh resource definitions in your Event Replicator Server configuration while the Event Replicator Server is running or to abort scheduled (pending) RPLREFRESH processing. For complete information, read RPLCLEANUP Command.

Start of instruction setTo run the RPLREFRESH command :

  1. Select "P" on the Replicator Management screen.

    A RPLRefresh popup screen appears.

                   - RPLRefresh -
                 1 - Full refresh
                 2 - Global resources
                 3 - Subscription
                 4 - Destination
                 5 - Initial state
                 6 - Input queue
                 7 - Resend buffer
                 8 - Abort refresh
       Type .... 
       Name ....
       Select 'Type' of RPLRefresh required
       and enter Resource Name if required.
       Press Enter.
  2. In the Type field, specify the number of the menu item that identifies the type of refresh you want to occur. Specifying 1 refreshes all resources; specifying 2 refreshes all global resources; specifying 8 aborts a scheduled resource refresh attempt. All of the other menu options specify that an individual resource be refreshed.

  3. If you selected menu item 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 in the Type field, you must also specify the name of the resource you wish to refresh in the Name field.

    This step should be skipped if you selected menu items 1, 2, or 8 in the "Type" field.

  4. When values for the "Type" and "Name" field have been specified, press Enter to start refresh processing.

    Refresh processing starts. Be sure to check the console messages to determine when refresh processing completes and for possible refresh processing errors. Even if refresh processing appears to have occurred correctly in AOS, the console messages should be reviewed to verify that refresh processing occurred without error.

Accessing the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem from AOS

You can access the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem from AOS. Using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem, you can create, modify, and delete replication definitions in the Event Replicator Server. For more information about maintaining replication definitions, read Replication Definition Overview and Maintenance.

Start of instruction setTo access the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem from AOS:

  • Select "R" on the Replicator Management screen.

    The Main Menu of the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem appears.

    16:00:57      ***** A D A B A S  EVENT REPLICATOR SUBSYSTEM *****    2010-05-28
    Vers 3.3.1                        Main Menu                          M-RP0010
    DBID 1234  File 89
                      Code    Function
                      ----    --------------------------------
                        A     Administrator Functions
                        D     Destination Definitions
                        F     Transaction Filter Definitions
                        G     Global Format Buffer Definitions
                        I     Initial-State Definitions
                        Q     Input Queue Definitions
                        R     Resend Buffer Definitions
                        S     Subscription Definitions
                        ?     Help
                        .     Exit
                      ----    --------------------------------
               Code ... _
    Command ==>
          Help        Exit

Read About the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem for more information.