Using the Event Replicator Target Adapter

This document describes how to use the Event Replicator Target Adapter to transform and apply replicated Adabas mainframe data to a relational database, such as DB2, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, or Teradata.

Event Replicator Target Adapter only supports replicating data to one relational database at a time.

It covers the following topics:

Starting the Event Replicator Target Adapter Describes how to start the Event Replicator Target Adapter in Windows and UNIX environments.
Activating Event Replicator Target Adapter Processing Describes how to activate Event Replicator Target Adapter processing.
Deactivating Event Replicator Target Adapter Processing Describes how to deactivate Event Replicator Target Adapter processing.
Shutting Down the Event Replicator Target Adapter Describes how to shut down the Event Replicator Target Adapter in Windows and UNIX environments.
Requesting Initial-State Data Describes how to request that initial-state data be applied to your RDBMS using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem.
Replicating Data to JMS Queues or Topics Describes how to use the Event Replicator Target Adapter to replicate data to JMS queues and topics that are managed by webMethods Broker JNDI providers.
Replicating Data to Adabas Describes how to use the Event Replicator Target Adapter to replicate data to Adabas.
Replicating Data to Terracotta Caches Describes how to use the Event Replicator Target Adapter to replicate data to Terracotta in memory caches.
Replicating Data to TerracottaDB Describes how to use the Event Replicator Target Adapter to replicate data to TerracottaDB.
Using the DB2 CONNECT IMPORT Command to Load Initial-State Data Describes how to use the DB2 CONNECT IMPORT command to load initial-state data into a DB2 database.
Using the Microsoft SQL Server Bulk Copy (bcp) Utility to Load Initial-State Data Describes how to use the Microsoft SQL Server bulk copy (bcp) utility to load initial-state data into a Microsoft SQL Server database.
Using the Oracle SQL*Loader to Load Initial-State Data Describes how to request that initial-state data be applied to your Oracle database using the Oracle SQL*Loader.
Using the PostgreSQL psql Utility to Load Initial-State Data Describes how to use the PostgreSQL psql utility to process and load initial-state data into a PostgreSQL database.
Using the Teradata MultiLoad (MLoad) Utility to Load Initial-State Data Describes how to use the Teradata MultiLoad (MLoad) utility to load initial-state data into a Teradata database.
Requesting RDBMS Data Refreshes Describes how to request RDBMS data refreshes.
Dropping RDBMS Tables Describes how to drop RDBMS tables.
Replicating ADALOD Data to the RDBMS Tables Describes how to replicate ADALOD data to your RDBMS tables.
Managing Event Replicator Target Adapter Log Files and Console Messages Describes how to manage and review the Event Replicator Target Adapter log files and console messages.
Controlling Event Replicator for Adabas Destination Definitions Describes batch utilities provided in the Event Replicator Target Adapter that you can use to activate, deactivate, open and close Event Replicator for Adabas destination definitions.
Samples Provides a sample of Event Replicator Target Adapter use.