Guidelines for Configuring Data Archiving for Adabas

This section provides basic guidelines for configuring a data archiving environment.

Defining the Components to be used

The first step in configuring an environment is to understand the function of the Data Archiving for Adabas components and to identify their necessary location depending on where your archive/transfer activities are to take place.

Data Archiving for Adabas has three main components; the Data Archiving Service, the Extractor and the Accumulator.

  • The Data Archiving Service runs within an Adabas System Coordinator daemon and manages the activities taking place on the local computer and cooperates with peer Data Archiving Services on other machines;

  • The Extractor component is used by the Data Archiving Service to pull data from one or more Adabas databases, and must run locally to these databases in order to provide the most optimal extraction performance;

  • The Accumulator component is used by the Data Archiving Service to push extracted data into the intended target and, this too, must run locally to such a target; a flat-file Vault (if archiving) or multiple Adabas files (if transferring).

This provides the capability of extracting data from Adabas in one computer and placing it in another computer, enabling an archive/transfer activity to be performed across computers with different architectures.

In addition, offloading the Accumulator processing to a different computer allows you to control where the costs will be borne within your enterprise computing resources.

So, for each archive/transfer activity, you must decide:

  • The computer where the Extractor component needs to run in order to pull data from your source files;

  • • The computer where the Accumulator component needs to run in order to push data into a Vault (if archiving) or Adabas file(s) (if transferring).

Of course, the Extractor and Accumulator can run in the same computer.

Refer to the Summary of Steps to Configure Data Archiving for Adabas for a step-by-step guide on how to define the necessary configuration for your archive/transfer requirements.

Defining Plans and Actions

Plans and Actions define and implement your archiving rules and policies. Through configuration they control and parameterize your Archive and Transfer requirements.

All configuration information is maintained using the System Management Hub and the Data Archiving for Adabas user interface.

For information on how to define your archiving rules and policies, refer to Plans and Actions.

Summary of Steps to Configure Data Archiving for Adabas

The following provides an overall summary of the steps involved in implementing your archive/transfer requirements.

Step Activity System Management Hub User Interface Location For more information ...
Steps 1-5 Define an Adabas System Coordinator daemon to run on each computer that needs to communicate with each other to perform your archive/transfer requirements. In each of these daemons ensure Data Archiving for Adabas runs as a service.    
1 Add all the Computers that will need to run the Data Archiving Extractor and Accumulator services. Node Computers under Adabas System Coordinator
  • “Add Computer”

See Note below.
2 Add a Group where all the Computers that will need to communicate with each other to perform your archive/transfer requirements can be specified. Node Groups under Adabas System Coordinator
  • “Add Group”

See Note below.
3 Add all Computers to the Group that need to communicate with each other to perform your archive/transfer requirements.

Adabas System Coordinator and the Data Archiving for Adabas runtime must have been installed on each of these computers before adding them to the Group.

Node Groups under Adabas System Coordinator
  • Select Group

  • “Add Computer to Group”

See Note below.
4 Add at least one Daemon for each of the Computers in step 3. A Daemon manages services and will manage the Data Archiving Service for that computer. Node Groups under Adabas System Coordinator
  • Select Group

  • Select Computer

  • “Add Daemon to Computer”

See Note below.
5 Add the Data Archiving for Adabas service to each of the Daemons created in step 4. Node Groups under Adabas System Coordinator
  • Select Group

  • Select Computer

  • Select Daemon

  • “Add Service to Daemon”

See Note below.
Step 6 Define an archive vault.    
6 Add a Vault to be used as the target for an archive activity and define the Vault Path for each Computer.

The Vault Path is the physical location of the Vault and is specified using the file system directory name or a UNC/HFS path.

Node Vaults under Data Archiving for Adabas
  • “Add Vault”

Steps 7-8 Define Plans and Actions.    
7 Add a Plan (used to describe a set of Actions specific to a particular business application, division, or department). Node Plans under Data Archiving for Adabas
  • “Add Plan”

8 For each Plan defined in step 7, add Actions to define your required archive/transfer requirements. When you define an Action, you specify the controls and parameters to be used (Extractor settings, Accumulator settings, Source File(s), Scheduling, etc.). Node Plans under Data Archiving for Adabas
  • Select Plan

  • Select node Actions

  • “Add Plan”


Refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation for more information.