Migration Utility

The Migration Utility enables the migration of configuration data from a previous version of Data Archiving for Adabas to a newly installed version.

The installation kit for Data Archiving for Adabas includes and installs Adabas System Coordinator. The Migration Utility is part of Adabas System Coordinator and it is run using the corlfile executable located in the bin subdirectory underneath the Adabas System Coordinator installation directory.

For migration, the corlfile executable is run with the following parameters:

Parameters Description

The /m parameter causes corlfile to run in migration mode.


The from-file parameter specifies the database and file number of the Repository whose content is to be read and migrated.


The to-file parameter specifies the database and file number of the Repository into which the migrated content is to be written


By default the migration process will not write to an existing file unless the file is empty. The optional /o parameter changes this behaviour and allows existing content to be overwritten by refreshing the file.

Use of this parameter may cause data loss.


To use the utility on Windows, start a Command Prompt and change to to the bin directory underneath the new Adabas System Coordinator installation directory:

C:\>cd \SoftwareAG\cor\vvrs\bin

where vrs is the newly installed Adabas System Coordinator version.

Then run the corlfile executable with the appropriate parameters:

C:\SoftwareAG\cor\vvrs\bin>corlfile /m from-file=1,500 to-file=1,501

Linux, Unix and z/OS (USS)

To use the utility on Linux, Unix and z/OS (USS), source the Adabas System Coordinator environment script and then change to the bin directory underneath the new Adabas System Coordinator installation directory:

ukrdu@dali166 => cd /opt/softwareag
ukrdu@dali166 => export ADABAS_ADDONS=yes
ukrdu@dali166 => . bin/sagenv.new
[Setting environment for Adabas System Coordinator]
[Enabling Adabas Add-On products]
[Setting environment for Adabas Data Archiving]
ukrdu@dali166 => cd $CORDIR/$CORVERS/bin
ukrdu@dali166 =>

Then run the corlfile executable with the appropriate parameters:

ukrdu@dali166 => corlfile /m from-file=1,500 to-file=1,501


After the utility has successfully completed the migration, Data Archiving for Adabas needs to be reactivated in order to use the new Repository:

  1. Stop all Archiving Services. For more information refer to Shutting down the Launch Controller.

  2. Re-run the Activation process specifying the newly migrated Repository in the COR tab. For more information refer to the Activation section in the Installation procedures for the relevant installation platform.