Version 8.2.5
 —  User Guide  —

Monitoring Adabas Sessions

The Adabas session monitoring functions allow you to control and manage major Adabas resources. These functions are most useful when analyzing system performance or seeking the cause of performance problems. Session monitoring functions can be accessed from the Session Monitoring menu:

16:01:21          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
                           -  Session Monitoring  -                 PAC0002   
 Code   Service                         Code   Service                        
 ----   --------------------------      ----   ----------------------------   
  A     Display cluster members          R     Refresh nucleus statistics     
  C     Maintain user profiles           S     Current resource statistics    
  D     Display parameters               T     Maintain TCP/IP URL            
  I     Display installed products       U     Display resource utilization   
  L     Display event log buffer         V     Replicator Management          
  P     Modify parameters                Z     Display maintenance levels     
  Q     Display queues                                                        
  ?     Help                             .     Exit                           
 ----   --------------------------      ----   ----------------------------   
        Code ......... _                                                      
        Database ID .. 1955    (WIS1955)                                      
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

In cluster environments, the PF2 key allows you to scroll sequentially through nucleus IDs in the cluster using the NextNucid command. In addition, the current nucleus ID is shown in a NucID field on this screen. When the highest nucleus in a cluster is reached, PF2 causes AOS to cycle back to the beginning and changes the nucleus ID to the lowest nucleus ID in the cluster. Once the nucleus ID is changed, it remains in use for all Adabas Online System screens until it is changed again.

Using the session monitoring environment you can monitor the Adabas nuclei in a multiprocessing environment. When you enter the DBID of a cluster database on the Session Monitoring menu, subsequent screens include a field to specify the ID of the nucleus (NUCID) in the cluster you want to monitor:

Using the AOS session monitoring environment, you can perform the following functions, accessible by menu option:

Option Function
A Displaying Cluster Members
C Maintaining User Profiles
D / P Displaying or Modifying Parameters
I Displaying Installed Products
L Displaying the Event Log Buffer
Q Displaying Queues
R Refreshing Nucleus Statistics
S Obtaining Current Resource Statistics
T Maintaining TCP/IP URLs
U Monitoring Resource Utilization
V Replicator Management
Z Displaying Maintenance Levels

Displaying Cluster Members

Selecting option A from the Session Monitoring menu to display cluster members produces the following screen:

 14:02:01          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-12
 DBID 1955                - Display Cluster Members -                PACA002   
Total number of active(WORK not empty) nuclei in the cluster ... 5             
I Sel I NucID | Image ID I Jobname  I Status   I  Available Plex Services  I   
I  _  I  1    I DAEMVS   I ADANUC01 I Active   I All                       I
I  _  I  2    I DAEMVS   I ADANUC02 I Inactive I List,Cache                I
I  _  I  3    I DDZMVS   I ADANUC03 I Active   I All                       I
I  _  I  4    I DDZMVS   I ADANUC04 I Active   I All                       I
I  _  I 1021  | ZHST     | USAXXXRP | Active   | All                       I   
I     I       |          |          |          |                           I   
I     I       |          |          |          |                           I   
I     I       |          |          |          |                           I   
I     I       |          |          |          |                           I   
I     I       |          |          |          |                           I   
I     I       |          |          |          |                           I   
I     I       |          |          |          |                           I   
 Command ==>                                                                   
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
 Help     PPT       Exit      Refresh    --       -        +       Menu        

The screen displays a list of nuclei participating in the cluster and information about the current status of each nucleus.

Start of instruction setTo select a nucleus for additional processing:

Start of instruction setTo display additional information about a nucleus:

Start of instruction setTo display the PPT for this DBID:

Top of page

Maintaining User Profiles

Adabas allows you to retain user-related information from session to session in a user profile table that includes

Selecting Maintain user profiles (option C) on the Session Monitoring menu displays the following Maintain User Profiles menu:

16:50:03          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
                         -  Maintain User Profiles  -               PACIC02   
                   Code    Service                                            
                   ----    ---------------------------                        
                    L      List/modify user profile(s)                        
                    M      Mass function                                      
                    X      Delete ETID-ranges                                 
                    ?      Help                                               
                    .      Exit                                               
                   ----    ---------------------------                        
     Code ......... _                                                         
     Start UID .... ________                                                  
     Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                          
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

From the Maintain User Profiles menu, you can:

If necessary, you can supply a starting user ID. If the Start UID field is left empty, Basic Services displays entries starting from the beginning of the user profile table. You can use range notation for the starting value. For example, if you enter JA* in the Start UID field, the display begins with user IDs that start with the letters "JA".

If necessary, you can change the database by specifying the database ID in the Database ID field..

Start of instruction setTo list and modify the user profile table

  1. Enter L in the Code field.

    The List/Modify User Profiles screen displays the user profile table:

    16:54:18          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
    DBID 1955              -  List/Modify User Profiles  -              PACICL2   
      Mark entries with 'M' to  modify or 'X' to  delete :
      -  -------- ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----------
      _  BAFKE    9    100   100   100   100
      _  CC       9    100   100   100   100
      _  CICS
      _  CPNJV

    You can modify existing profiles and add new user ones. For each user, you can maintain

Start of instruction setTo copy the attributes of a user profile to one or more other user profiles

  1. Enter M in the Code field.

    16:55:44          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
    DBID 1955                -  Maintain User Profiles  -               PACICM2   
       Set the user profiles of the userids entered below to the same as
         userid .. USER1___
         Userid    Userid    Userid    Userid    Userid    Userid    Userid
         --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
         XYZ1      XYZ2

    On the resulting screen, you can type in the user ID of the profile to be copied, and the names of the users whose profiles are to be taken from that user ID.

    In the example, users XYZ1 and XYZ2 inherit all values from user USER1 and effectively define a group.

Start of instruction setTo delete a range of user IDs

  1. Enter X in the Code field.

  2. Specify a complete or partial user ID or an asterisk (all user IDs) in the Start UID field.

    A window opens asking whether you want to delete all user IDs or select the user IDs to be deleted:

    17:00:42          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
                             -  Maintain User Profiles  -               PACIC02   
                         Code    Service
                         ----    ---------------------------
                          L      List/modify user profile(s)
                          M      Mass function
                          X      Delete ETID-ranges
                          ?      Help
                          .      Exit      +-------------------------------+
                         ----    --------- |  'Y' - Select ETIDs for       |
           Code ......... x                |        Deletion               |
           Start UID .... ba*              |  'N' - Delete ETIDs with NO   |
           Database ID .. 105    (RD-105)  |        Selection              |
                                           |   Y   <==== Select Option     |
                                           |  PF1=Help    PF3=Exit         |
       Command ==>                         +-------------------------------+
      PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
      Help               Exit                                           Menu
    Be careful about answering N (No) to the prompt. You could inadvertently delete IDs that you want to keep.
  3. If you enter N (No) in the window's Select Option field, Basic Services deletes all user IDs in the specified range without any confirmation.

    If you answer Y (Yes, the default), the Mass Delete of ET-IDs screen is displayed so that specific ETIDs may be marked for retention:

    10:40:33         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2009-08-11
       DBID 1955                -   Mass Delete of ET-IDs   -              PACICD2
        Delete all ET-IDs starting with Userid =  BA*
         All entries marked 'K' (Keep) will  N O T  be deleted.
          Userid     Userid     Userid     Userid     Userid     Userid     Userid
          --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   --------   -------
          BASMOR     BASWAN     BASWIG

    As indicated in the message on the screen, you need to mark with "k" those user IDs that you want to keep. Unmarked user IDs will be deleted when you press ENTER.

    When a user ID is deleted, both the user profile and any ET data for the user are deleted.

    You can leave the screen without deleting any user IDs by using the EXIT key PF3 .

Top of page

Displaying or Modifying Parameters

Start of instruction setTo view Adabas nucleus (ADARUN) parameters:

  1. Select option D on the Session Monitoring menu and press Enter.

    The equivalent direct command is


    A series of Display Parameters screens appear. You can scroll through the screens using the PF7 (scroll backward) and PF8 (scroll forward) keys. The information on these screens and the number of screens that appear varies depending on the type database you have selected. ADARUN Parameter Reference

    The following screens might display for a regular Adabas database:

    20:33:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
     -------------- Pools --------------  ------------- Queues ------------------ 
     Sort Area         (LS).. 19968       Command Queue          (NC) .. 20       
     Int. User Buffer  (LU).. 400000      Hold Queue             (NH) .. 800      
     Buffer Pool      (LBP).. 106240      User Queue             (NU) .. 200      
     Format Pool      (LFP).. 150000      ------------ Time Windows ------------- 
     ISN List Table    (LI).. 360000      Transaction Time       (TT) .. 4858     
     Seq. Cmd. Table   (LQ).. 20000       Max Transaction Time (MXTT) .. 3600     
     Work Pool        (LWP).. 1500000     Nonactivity ACC-User (TNAA) .. 4858     
     Attached Buffer  (NAB).. 100         Nonactivity ET-User  (TNAE) .. 4858     
     Security Pool    (LCP).. 10000       Nonactivity EXU-User (TNAX) .. 4858     
     UQ-DE Pool    (LDEUQP).. 50000       Max Nonactivity Time(MXTNA) .. 3600     
     Err. Recovery (MSGBUF).. 36          Time Limit Sx-Cmds (TLSCMD) .. 300      
                                          Max Time for Sx-Cmds(MXTSX) .. 3600     
                                          Command Time           (CT) .. 3858     
                                          SYNS60 Interval    (INTNAS) .. 3600     
                                                                       Page 1 of 5
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                  +        Menu        
    20:33:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
     --------- Miscellaneous -----------   -------- User Specific Limits ---------
     Read only session(READONLY) .. NO     Hold Queue Limit  (NISNHQ) .. 200      
     UTI only session  (UTIONLY) .. NO     CIDs per User      (NQCID) .. 40       
     OPEN required      (OPENRQ) .. NO     ISN per TBI Element(NSISN) .. 100      
     Ignore DIB Entry   (IGNDIB) .. NO     ------------ Buffer Pool --------------
     Local nucleus       (LOCAL) .. NO     Bufferflush Dur.  (TFLUSH) .. 1        
     Number of Threads      (NT) .. 5      Parallel LFIOP I/O (FMXIO) .. 1        
     Non DE Search      (NONDES) .. YES    Async. by Vol-Ser (ASYTVS) .. YES      
     Log AOS/DBS Update (AOSLOG) .. NO                                            
     Batch Support       (BATCH) .. NO                                            
     Data Protection Area   (LP) .. 1000                                          
     Ignore Work Part 4 (IGNDTP) .. NO                                            
     WORK-Part-4 Area     (LDTP) .. 0                                             
     WORK-Part-2 Area    (LWKP2) .. 106                                           
     SVC                   (SVC) .. 249                                           
                                                                       Page 2 of 5
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
    20:33:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
     ---- Command Logging ----      ------------ Command Logging? -------------   
     Command Logging .. YES         Log VOLSER info    (LOGVOLIO) .. NO           
     LOGCB ............ NO          Max buffer size/cmd (CLOGMAX) .. 16384        
     LOGFB ............ YES         Max buffer size/buf(CLOGBMAX) .. 4096         
     LOGRB ............ YES         Log ABDX            (LOGABDX) .. 7073         
     LOGSB ............ NO          Log multifetch buffer (LOGMB) .. NO           
     LOGVB ............ NO          Log users buffer      (LOGUB) .. NO           
     LOGIB ............ NO          Command log layout(CLOGLAYOUT).. 5            
     LOGIO ............ NO                                                        
     LOGUX ............ NO                                                        
     LOGSIZE .......... 5064        ---------- Protection Logging -----------     
     DUAL CLOG Size ... 675         PLOG required        (PLOGRQ) .. YES          
     DUAL CLOG Dev. ... 3390        DUAL PLOG Size      (DUALPLS) .. 240          
     NCLOG ............ 0           DUAL PLOG Device    (DUALPLD) .. 3390         
                                    NPLOG .......................... 0            
                                                                       Page 3 of 5
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
     20:33:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
     DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
     ------------ Large Pools ------------       --------- Other Services ---------
     Flush I/O Pool (LFIOP) .. 80000             Triggers / Procedures (SPT) .. NO 
                                                 Delta Save Facility   (DSF) .. YES
                                                 Cache Facility      (CACHE) .. NO 
                                                 Transaction Manager   (ATM) .. NO 
                                                 TCP/IP Support      (TCPIP) .. NO 
     ------ Additional Miscellaneous -----       Ext. Error Recovery  (SMGT) .. YES
     LARGEPAGE ................ NO               2 Phase Commit Support(DTP) .. NO 
     V64BIT ................... NO                                                 
     Number plog buffers ...... 1                Review:                           
     Number work1 buffers ..... 1                 Support  (REVIEW) .. NO          
     Event log buffer size .... 1024                                               
     SRLOG .................... Upd               Filter ............. YES         
     LOGWARN .................. 0                 Max bufsize cmd .... 16384       
                                                  Max bufsize buf .... 5120        
                                                                        Page 4 of 5
     PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
     Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
    20:33:33          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Display Parameters  -                 PACPD12   
    ---- Replication Parameters -----                                             
    Replication .......... YES                                                    
    RPWARNPercent ........ 0                                                      
    RPWARNINCrement ...... 10                                                     
    RPWARNINTerval ....... 60                                                     
    RPWARNMessagelimit ... 5                                                      
    RPCONNECTCount ....... 0                                                      
    RPCONNECTInterval .... 0                                                      
    RPLSORT .............. YES                                                    
                                                                       Page 5 of 5
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -                 Menu        

    In cluster environments, the PF2 key allows you to scroll sequentially through nucleus IDs in the cluster using the NextNucid command. In addition, the current nucleus ID is shown in a NucID field on this screen. When the highest nucleus in a cluster is reached, PF2 causes AOS to cycle back to the beginning and changes the nucleus ID to the lowest nucleus ID in the cluster. Once the nucleus ID is changed, it remains in use for all Adabas Online System screens until it is changed again.

Start of instruction setTo modify Adabas nucleus (ADARUN) parameters:

  1. Choose option P on the Session Monitoring menu and press Enter. Modifiable values are highlighted (intensified) on the displays. The equivalent direct command is:


    A series of Modify Parameters screens appear. You can scroll through the screens using the PF7 (scroll backward) and PF8 (scroll forward) keys. The information on these screens and the number of screens that appear varies depending on the type database you have selected. For a description of each ADARUN parameter, read ADARUN Parameter Reference.

    The following screens might display for a regular Adabas database that is part of a cluster:

    20:42:00          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Modify Parameters  -                  PACP012   
    Modify parameters below, as required:                                         
     -------------- Pools --------------  ------------- Queues ------------------ 
     Sort Area         (LS).. 19968       Command Queue          (NC) .. 20       
     Int. User Buffer  (LU).. 400000      Hold Queue             (NH) .. 800      
     Buffer Pool      (LBP).. 106240      User Queue             (NU) .. 200      
     Format Pool      (LFP).. 150000      ------------ Time Windows ------------- 
     ISN List Table    (LI).. 360000      Transaction Time       (TT) .. 4858     
     Seq. Cmd. Table   (LQ).. 20000       Max Transaction Time (MXTT) .. 3600     
     Work Pool        (LWP).. 1500000     Nonactivity ACC-User (TNAA) .. 4858     
     Attached Buffer  (NAB).. 100         Nonactivity ET-User  (TNAE) .. 4858     
     Security Pool    (LCP).. 10000       Nonactivity EXU-User (TNAX) .. 4858     
     UQ-DE Pool    (LDEUQP).. 50000       Max Nonactivity Time(MXTNA) .. 3600     
     Err. Recovery (MSGBUF).. 36          Time Limit Sx-Cmds (TLSCMD) .. 300      
                                          Max Time for Sx-Cmds(MXTSX) .. 3600     
                                          Command Time           (CT) .. 3858     
                                          SYNS60 Interval    (INTNAS) .. 3600     
                                                                       Page 1 of 5
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                  +        Menu        
    20:42:00          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Modify Parameters  -                  PACP012   
    Modify parameters below, as required:                                         
     --------- Miscellaneous -----------   -------- User Specific Limits ---------
     ReadOnly session (READONLY) .. NO     Hold Queue Limit  (NISNHQ) .. 200      
     UTI only session  (UTIONLY) .. NO     CIDs per User      (NQCID) .. 40       
     OPEN required      (OPENRQ) .. NO     ISNs / TBI Element (NSISN) .. 100      
     Ignore DIB Entry   (IGNDIB) .. NO     ------------ Buffer Pool --------------
     Local nucleus       (LOCAL) .. NO     Bufferflush Dur.  (TFLUSH) .. 1        
     Number of Threads      (NT) .. 5      Parallel LFIOP I/O (FMXIO) .. 1        
     Non DE Search      (NONDES) .. YES    Async. by Vol-Ser (ASYTVS) .. YES      
     Log AOS/DBS Update (AOSLOG) .. NO                                            
     Batch Support       (BATCH) .. NO                                            
     Data Protection Area   (LP) .. 1000                                          
     Ignore Work Part 4 (IGNDTP) .. NO                                            
     WORK-Part-4 Area     (LDTP) .. 0                                             
     WORK-Part-2 Area    (LWKP2) .. 106                                           
     SVC                   (SVC) .. 249                                           
                                                                       Page 2 of 5
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
    20:42:00          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Modify Parameters  -                  PACP012   
    Modify parameters below, as required:                                         
     ---- Command Logging ----      ------------ Command Logging? -------------   
     Command Logging .. YES         Log VOLSER info    (LOGVOLIO) .. NO           
     LOGCB ............ NO          Max buffer size/cmd (CLOGMAX) .. 16384        
     LOGFB ............ YES         Max buffer size/buf(CLOGBMAX) .. 4096         
     LOGRB ............ YES         Log ABDX            (LOGABDX) .. 7073         
     LOGSB ............ NO          Log multifetch buffer (LOGMB) .. NO           
     LOGVB ............ NO          Log users buffer      (LOGUB) .. NO           
     LOGIB ............ NO          Command log layout(CLOGLAYOUT).. 5            
     LOGIO ............ NO                                                        
     LOGUX ............ NO                                                        
     LOGSIZE .......... 5064        ---------- Protection Logging -----------     
     DUAL CLOG Size ... 675         PLOG required        (PLOGRQ) .. YES          
     DUAL CLOG Dev. ... 3390        DUAL PLOG Size      (DUALPLS) .. 240          
     NCLOG ............ 0           DUAL PLOG Device    (DUALPLD) .. 3390         
                                    NPLOG .......................... 0            
                                                                       Page 3 of 5
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
    20:42:00          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Modify Parameters  -                  PACP012   
    ------------ Large Pools ------------       --------- Other Services ---------
    Flush I/O Pool (LFIOP) .. 80000             Triggers / Procedures (SPT) .. NO 
                                                Delta Save Facility   (DSF) .. YES
                                                Cache Facility      (CACHE) .. NO 
                                                Transaction Manager   (ATM) .. NO 
                                                TCP/IP Support      (TCPIP) .. NO 
    ------ Additional Miscellaneous -----       Ext. Error Recovery  (SMGT) .. YES
    LARGEPAGE ................ NO               2 Phase Commit Support(DTP) .. NO 
    V64BIT ................... NO                                                 
    Number plog buffers ...... 1                Review:                           
    Number work1 buffers ..... 1                 Support  (REVIEW) .. NO          
    Event log buffer size .... 1024                                               
    SRLOG .................... Upd               Filter ............. YES         
    LOGWARN .................. 0                 Max bufsize cmd .... 16384       
                                                 Max bufsize buf .... 5120        
                                                                       Page 4 of 5
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
    20:42:00          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
    DBID 1955                  -  Modify Parameters  -                  PACP012   
    NucID: 1021                                                                   
    ----- Cluster/Parallel Services -------    ---- Cluster/Parallel Services ----
    Environment .......... Sysplex             MXMSG .................. 300       
    Arm element name .....                     MXMSGWarn .............. 0         
    Cache structure name . ADA_CACHE4          MXCANCEL ............... 300       
    Lock structure name .. ADA_LOCK4           MXCANCELWarn ........... 75        
    Sysplex group name ... WISPLEX             MXWtor ................. 0         
    Cache type ........... DSP                 MXStatus ............... 15        
    DIrratio ............. 4                                                      
    ELemratio ............ 1                                                      
    Redo Pool (LRDP) ..... 80000                                                  
    CLOGMRg .............. NO                                                     
    CLUCACHEUnchanged .... No                                                     
    CLULOCKSize .......... 0                                                      
    CLUCACHESize ......... 0                                                      
                                                                       Page 5 of 6
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                         -        +        Menu        
     20:42:00          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-12-18
     DBID 1955                  -  Modify Parameters  -                  PACP012   
     ---- Replication Parameters -----                                             
     Replication .......... YES                                                    
     RPWARNPercent ........ 0                                                      
     RPWARNINCrement ...... 10                                                     
     RPWARNINTerval ....... 60                                                     
     RPWARNMessagelimit ... 5                                                      
     RPCONNECTCount ....... 0                                                      
     RPCONNECTInterval .... 0                                                      
     RPLSORT .............. YES                                                    
                                                                        Page 5 of 5
     PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
     Help               Exit                         -                 Menu        

    In cluster environments, the PF2 key allows you to scroll sequentially through nucleus IDs in the cluster using the NextNucid command. In addition, the current nucleus ID is shown in a NucID field on this screen. When the highest nucleus in a cluster is reached, PF2 causes AOS to cycle back to the beginning and changes the nucleus ID to the lowest nucleus ID in the cluster. Once the nucleus ID is changed, it remains in use for all Adabas Online System screens until it is changed again.

Top of page

Displaying Installed Products

Choose option I on the Session Monitoring menu and press ENTER to display a list of installed products.

10:32:36          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-12
DBid  1955             - Display Installed Products -               PACII02   
   -------------------------- -----    ------------------------------- ----   
   Cache Facility ........... NO       Extended Error Recovery ....... YES    
   Delta Save Facility ...... YES      Recovery Aid .................. YES    
   Cluster Services ......... NO       Stored Procedures & Triggers .. NO     
   Parallel Services ........ NO       Two Phase Commit .............. NO     
   Fastpath ................. NO       TCPIP support ................. NO     
   Vista .................... NO       Event Replicator .............. YES    
   Transaction Manager ...... NO                                              
   SAF Security Interface ... NO                                              
   Review ................... NO                                              
   Adabas Online System ..... YES                                             
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

This screen displays what is installed on the current selected Adabas

Top of page

Displaying the Event Log Buffer

Selecting Display Event Log Buffer (option L) from the Session Monitoring menu invokes the Display Event Log Buffer screen.

The Adabas event log is a wraparound log in memory that is used to log each response code 145 (RSP145) event. The INFOBUFFERSIZE ADARUN parameter identifies the size of the Adabas event log. Each entry in the event log is currently 128 bytes, although this may change in later Adabas releases. When the Adabas event log fills up, the oldest entries in the log are overwritten.

This is the equivalent of running the ADADBS DEVENTLOG utility function.

22:13:04          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-14
DBID 11131             -  Display Event Buffer Log  -               PACL002   
Sel  Nucid File  Resp  ISN        Date       Time      Aff Jobn  Causer Jobn  
---  ----- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- --------  --------  --------     
 _         1     145   9999       2009-08-14 20:12:18  SCAATATU  SCAATATU     
                                             Enter 'S' to display             
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

When you enter an "S" next to an event listed on the Display Event Buffer Log screen, the Selected Event Buffer Log screen appears, allowing you to review detailed log data in the event log for the selected event.

22:13:04          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-14
DBID 11131            -  Selected Event Buffer Log  -               PACL002   
 File  Resp  ISN        Date       Time      Nucid                            
 ----- ----- ---------- ---------- --------  ------                           
 1     145   9999       2009-08-14 20:12:18                                   
  Jobname   ET id     SAF id                                                  
  --------  --------  --------                                                
  SCAATATU    ???                                                             
  Userid (hex)                                                                
  Jobname   ET id     SAF id                                                  
  --------  --------  --------                                                
  SCAATATU    ???                                                             
  Userid (hex)                                                                
                                                    Press ENTER to continue   

Top of page

Displaying Queues

Choose option Q on the Session Monitoring menu and press ENTER to display the Queue Displays menu.

10:33:15          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-12
                             -  Queue Displays  -                   PACQ002   
                       Code    Service                                        
                       ----    ---------------------------                    
                        A      Display User Queue Elements                    
                        C      Display Command Queue                          
                        H      Display Hold Queue                             
                        ?      Help                                           
                        .      Exit                                           
                       ----    ---------------------------                    
   Code ............... _                                                     
   Max No. Elements ... 100                                                   
   Last Activity ...... 0         (elapsed time in seconds)                   
   Selection Criteria                                                         
     ET-ID (User-ID) .. ________  User Type ... ___                           
     Job Name ......... ________                                              
     Terminal ID ...... ________                                              
   Database ID ........ 1955      (WIS1955)                      0            
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Clear UID                            Menu        

In cluster environments, the PF2 key allows you to scroll sequentially through nucleus IDs in the cluster using the NextNucid command. In addition, the current nucleus ID is shown in a NucID field on this screen. When the highest nucleus in a cluster is reached, PF2 causes AOS to cycle back to the beginning and changes the nucleus ID to the lowest nucleus ID in the cluster. Once the nucleus ID is changed, it remains in use for all Adabas Online System screens until it is changed again.

The Display Queues function shows, in table format, the contents of the user, command or hold queues. Each displayed table entry contains a related TID, job name, user ID, current status, and related information such as files currently in use and command type.

If you try to display a queue that is currently empty, an appropriate message appears on the Display Queues menu.

Individual entries in the selected queues can be displayed to provide more detailed information, or selected for a later Basic Services function (the individual user-level statistics sampling described in section Current Resource Statistics is an example).

This section covers the following topics:

Displaying User Queue Elements

If you select Display User Queue Elements (option A) on the Queue Displays menu, you must also specify the maximum number of elements to display. Other selection criteria you may optionally specify include:

If multiple selection criteria are specified, they are combined with logical ORs.

The equivalent display direct command is:

DISPLAY UQ user queue
10:37:07          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-12
DBID 1955                  -  Display User Queue  -                 PACQA32   
SEL-CRIT: MAX-NUM = 100                                                       
                                                         Total Users .. 1     
Mark entries with 'D' (Display) or 'S' (Select):                              
    I          I          I          I User I        I Last     I            I
  M I   TID    I  ET-ID   I Job Name I Type I Status I Activity I File(s)    I
  _ I BANLW    I BANLW    I COMPLETE I AOS  I        I          I 19,100...  I
    I BARAW  1 I BARAW    I COMPLETE I ET   I ET     I     2361 I 50,100     I
    I BASMA  1 I BASMA    I COMPLETE I ET   I ET     I      135 I 100        I
  _ I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
  _ I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
  _ I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
  _ I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
  _ I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
  _ I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
  _ I          I          I          I      I        I          I            I
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh            -        +        Menu        

In cluster environments, the PF2 key allows you to scroll sequentially through nucleus IDs in the cluster using the NextNucid command. In addition, the current nucleus ID is shown in a NucID field on this screen. When the highest nucleus in a cluster is reached, PF2 causes AOS to cycle back to the beginning and changes the nucleus ID to the lowest nucleus ID in the cluster. Once the nucleus ID is changed, it remains in use for all Adabas Online System screens until it is changed again.

If you choose to display (D) an individual user ID, a user queue element information screen similar to the following appears:

11:44:18         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2009-08-12
   DBID 1955             -  Display User Queue Element  -             PACQA32
   I          I          I          I User I        I Last     I Trans-I
   I   TID    I User ID  I Job Name I Type I Status I Activity I lator I
   I BANLW  1 I BANLW    I DCOMPLET I AOS  I        I        0 I 0     I
   Global Uid= 5203405496720001 4040404040404040 00FB1900 E2C1C7D3E64040F1
   Hold Queue Limit ............ 1500
   Max. parallel CIDs per User . 100        Start Times
   Max. ISNs per TBI Element ... 51           Session ...... 2006-07-14 11:04:28
   Max. Time of Nonactivity .... 3775         Transaction .. 0000-00-00
   Max. Transaction Time ....... 0
   Time Limit for Sx Commands .. 315        File List
   No. of ISNs currently held .. 0             19,100,110
   No. of CIDs currently in use: 1
   No. of Calls ................ 105
   No. of I/Os ................. 74
   Priority from ET/CP File .... 0
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

Displaying the Command Queue

If you choose Display Command Queue (option C) on the Queue Displays menu, the current commands in the command queue and their status are listed. PF2 allows you to switch the display between "time-in" and "job name".

The equivalent display direct command is:

10:53:54          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-12
DBID 1955                 -  Display Command Queue  -               PACQC02   
Mark entries with 'S' to select :                                             
  M I   TID    I Jobname  I   Cmd. Status     I PrtyI Fnr.  I Cmd I Cmd.Seq.Nr
    I BANLW  1 I COMPLETE I In Process        I  93 I       I  UC I       2712
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
    I          I          I                   I     I       I     I           
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     T-in/Jobn Exit      Refresh            -        +        Menu        

Displaying the Hold Queue

If you choose Display Hold Queue (option H) on the Queue Displays menu, a list of the ISNs currently in hold status is displayed.

The equivalent display direct command is:


Top of page

Refreshing Nucleus Statistics

Selecting Refresh Nucleus Statistics (option R) on the Session Monitoring menu displays the Refresh Statistics screen:

10:57:24          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-12
DBID 1955                  -  Refresh  Statistics  -                PACR002   
                  Mark each nucleus statistic to be reset:                    
                              _   Command Usage                               
                              _   File Usage                                  
                              _   Pool Usage                                  
                              _   Thread Usage                                
                              _   Counters                                    
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

To select the statistics to be refreshed, place an "X" in the space next to the statistic type.

More than one statistic may be refreshed at the same time. The statistics selected are reset to zero.

PF3 cancels the request and returns to the Session Monitoring menu. PF12 cancels the request and returns to the AOS Main Menu.

Top of page

Obtaining Current Resource Statistics

Selecting Current Resource Statistics (option S) on the Session Monitoring menu invokes the Resource Statistics menu:

11:04:13          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-12
                          -  Resource Statistics  -                 PACS002   
                    Code    Service                                           
                    ----    -----------------------------                     
                     G      Start General Statistics                          
                     R      Read General Statistics                           
                     S      Read User Statistics                              
                     U      Start User Statistics                             
                     ?      Help                                              
                     .      Exit                                              
                    ----    -----------------------------                     
      Code ......... _                                                        
      Duration ..... 60   seconds                                             
      User ID ......                                                          
      Database ID .. 1955     (WIS1955)                                       
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Disp UQ   Exit      Clear UID                            Menu        

Resource statistics provide information about file and command use either for a single user (user statistics) or for all currently active users (general statistics). The statistics must first be collected by starting a sampling period for which you have specified a time period in seconds (duration).

Start of instruction setTo obtain statistics for all currently active users

  1. Start general statistics (option G) and, after the specified duration, read them (option R).

    The equivalent direct commands are:


    For more information, read Basic Services Direct Commands.

    If user statistics are started (option U) or subsequently read (option S), a user ID must either be indicated on this screen or have been previously selected in the Display User Queue (PF2) or Display Command Queue options. PF4 is used to deselect a previously selected user ID.

This section covers the following topics:

Two screens of statistics are displayed: the first shows command usage and the second shows file usage. You can use PF4 to toggle between the two screens:

Command Usage Display

The following command usage information is displayed for specific users:

18:42:07          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-19
DBID 1955           -  General Statistic:  Command Usage  -         PACSR22   
Statistic Start Time ...... 2009-08-19  14:34:19                              
 L1/4 - Read/Get Record ...               A1/A4 - Update Record ....          
 L2/5 - Read Physical .....               N1/N2 - Add Record .......          
 L3/6 - Read Logical ......         5     E1/E4 - Delete Record ....          
 L9   - Read Descriptor ...                                                   
 LF   - Read Field Def. ...               OP    - Open User Sess ...          
 RE   - Read ET Data ......               CL    - Close User Sess ..          
                                          ET    - End Transaction ..          
 S1/4 - Find Records ......         5     BT    - Backout Tran. ....          
 S2   - Find Sorted .......                                                   
 S5   - Find Coupled ISN ..               RC    - Release Cmd ID ...         8
 S8   - Process ISN List ..               UC    - Utility Command ..         6
 S9   - Sort ISN List .....                                                   
                                                  Press PF8 for more          
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      File      --                +        Menu        
18:42:07          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-19
DBID 1955           -  General Statistic:  Command Usage  -         PACSR22   
Statistic Start Time ...... 2009-08-19  14:34:19                              
 REST - Follow up cmds ....               U0   - U0 commands .......          
                                          U1   - U1 commands .......          
 YA   - YA commands .......               U2   - U2 commands .......          
 YB   - YB commands .......               U3   - U3 commands .......          
 YC   - YC commands .......                                                   
 YP   - YP commands .......                                                   
 YCAL - YCAL commands .....                                                   
 V1   - V1 commands .......                                                   
 V2   - V2 commands .......                                                   
 V3   - V3 commands .......                                                   
 V4   - V4 commands .......                                                   
                                          Total Commands .......            24
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      File      --       -                 Menu        

File Usage Display

The following file usage information is displayed for specific users:

18:42:07          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-19
DBID 1955            -  General Statistic:  File Usage  -           PACSR22   
Statistic Start Time ...... 2009-08-19  14:34:19                              
 File   File Name            No. Cmds    File   File Name            No. Cmds 
 -----  -------------------  ---------   -----  -------------------  ---------
     0  *Cmds with no Fnr*          14      11  NAT-SYSTEM                  10
                                                   Total Commands:          24
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Cmds      --       -        +        Menu        

Top of page

Maintaining TCP/IP URLs

Selecting Maintain TCP/IP URL (option T) from the Session Monitoring menu invokes the Display/Maintain URL screen:

14:33:42         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2009-08-12
 DBID 1955                  -  Display/Maintain URL  -               PACTC02

 Mark entries with 'O' to Open or 'C' to Close a URL:

                 M           URL            Status     Message
                 -   --------------------   -------    -------
                 _   HPS://TCPIPMVS:1962_   Closed
                 _   HPS://TCPIPMVS:1963_   Open
                 _   HPS://TCPIPMVS:1964_   Open
                 _   HPS://TCPIPMVS:1965_   Open
                 _   ____________________

 Command ===>
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
 Help               Exit      Refr      --       -        +        Menu

The screen displays a list of all defined URLs and their current status: open or closed.

Start of instruction setTo change the status of a URL:

Start of instruction setTo define a new URL and open it:

Once you have made your changes, press PF4 (Refr) to refresh the list.

Top of page

Monitoring Resource Utilization

Resource utilization displays provide a comprehensive overview of Adabas operation.

Each of the resource utilization options contain a refresh capability (PF4) that allows you to refresh the displayed values, a convenience for long-term monitoring of Adabas system functions.

Selecting Resource Utilization (option U) from the Session Monitoring menu invokes the Resource Utilization menu:

14:06:59          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
                          -  Resource Utilization  -                PACU002   
Code  Service                           Code  Service                         
----  -------------------------------   ----  ------------------------------- 
 C    Command usage                      S    System status                   
 F    File usage                         T    Thread usage                    
 H    High water marks (pools/queues)    W    WORK status                     
 L    Workpool (LWP) usage               X    Cluster usage                   
 N    Nucleus File Status                Y    Display PPT table               
 P    PLOG status                                                             
 ?    Help                                                                    
 .    Exit                                                                    
----  -------------------------------   ----  ------------------------------- 
        Code ......... _                                                      
        File Number .. 0                                                      
        Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1021             
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

In cluster environments, the PF2 key allows you to scroll sequentially through nucleus IDs in the cluster using the NextNucid command. In addition, the current nucleus ID is shown in a NucID field on this screen. When the highest nucleus in a cluster is reached, PF2 causes AOS to cycle back to the beginning and changes the nucleus ID to the lowest nucleus ID in the cluster. Once the nucleus ID is changed, it remains in use for all Adabas Online System screens until it is changed again.

This section covers the following topics:

Monitoring Command Usage

Selecting Command Usage (option C) on the Resource Utilization menu displays the Command Usage screen, which shows the total and average execution time of each Adabas command type issued during the current session and processed by the Adabas nucleus. It also shows the total of all Adabas commands issued.

The equivalent direct command is:


A two-screen display appears:

 14:15:32         ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
 DBID 1955                   -  Command Usage   -                   PACUC12   
 NucID: 1021                                                                  
 Total Commands .. 3813                                                       
 CMD-Type I  Nr. CMDs  I Aver. Dur. I   CMD-Type I  Nr. CMDs  I Aver. Dur. I  
 ------------------------------------   ------------------------------------  
  A1/4    I            I            I    BT      I          2 I    152.921 I  
  CL      I         17 I      0.176 I    ET      I          2 I      0.581 I  
  E1/4    I        147 I      0.320 I    L1/4    I            I            I  
  L2/5    I          1 I            I    L3/6    I       1072 I      3.139 I  
  L9      I         31 I      4.392 I    LF      I            I            I  
  N1/2    I        138 I      2.605 I    OP      I         32 I      4.237 I  
  UC      I        360 I      1.003 I    RC      I        317 I      0.030 I  
  RE      I            I            I    REST    I       1371 I            I  
  S1/4    I        292 I      8.313 I    S2      I            I            I  
  S5      I            I            I    S8      I            I            I  
  S9      I            I            I    YA      I            I            I  
 (Aver. Dur. - units of milliseconds)                            Page 1 of 2  
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                     +        Menu        
 14:15:32         ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
 DBID 1955                   -  Command Usage   -                   PACUC12   
 NucID: 1021                                                                  
 Total Commands .. 3813                                                       
 CMD-Type I  Nr. CMDs  I Aver. Dur. I   CMD-Type I  Nr. CMDs  I Aver. Dur. I  
 ------------------------------------   ------------------------------------  
  YB      I            I            I    YF      I            I            I  
  YP      I            I            I    YCAL    I            I            I  
  V1      I          1 I      9.988 I    V2      I            I            I  
  V3      I         15 I            I    V4      I         15 I      0.009 I  
  U0      I            I            I    U1      I            I            I  
  U2      I            I            I    U3      I            I            I  
 (Aver. Dur. - units of milliseconds)                            Page 2 of 2  
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh            -                 Menu        

Adabas includes some V* and Y* commands , which you may see mentioned in Adabas shutdown statistics or in Adabas Online System (AOS) screens. These commands are used internally by Adabas and Adabas add-on products and should not be used in direct calls in your applications. Should you use them, errors will result.

Monitoring File Usage

Selecting File Usage (option F) on the Resource Utilization menu displays the File Usage screen, which shows all files of the database used during the session and the number of accesses to each file.

The equivalent direct command is:

14:17:32          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID 1955                      -  File Usage  -                     PACUF12   
Nucid: 1021                                                                   
  Fnr  I Tot. Cmds   Fnr  I Tot. Cmds   Fnr  I Tot. Cmds   Fnr  I Tot. Cmds   
 ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------  
     0 I       2141    11 I       1683    19 I          3                     
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Repos     Exit      Refresh   --                         Menu        

If a file number other than zero is specified on the Resource Utilization menu, the File Usage display shows file use information for the specified file:

14:17:32          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID 1955                      -  File Usage  -                     PACUF12   

   Usage Numbers for File 100   :    ACC Users .. 1        EXU Users ..
                                     UPD Users ..          UTI Users ..
                       -- USERS --
           M   TID/User  Jobname      CPU-ID      VM-ID     Open Mode
           -   --------  --------  ------------  --------  -----------
               BADFAM 3  COMPLETE  999999999999            EXF UTI EXU

   Mark entry with a 'S' to select a User
   Total Users in this list for this file is 1                     Page 1 of 1

Reviewing High Water Marks

Selecting High Water Marks (option H) on the Resource Utilization menu displays the maximum percent used of selected pools and queues in the current session, as well as the date and time when the high point was reached.

Values are displayed for the user, command, and hold queues; the ISN list and sequential command tables; the format and work pools; and the attached buffers (NAB).

These values are a good starting point when looking for a problem with limited buffer, pool, or queue space, or if you are looking for unused storage resources.

The equivalent direct command is:


A multiple-screen report appears.

 14:55:08          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
 DBID 1955                   -  High Water Marks  -                  PACUH12   
 NucID: 1021                                                                   
  Pool / Queue       I    Size    I    Used    I %Used I   Date       Time   I 
Attached Buffer(NAB) I     409600 I      48640 I  11.8 I                     I 
Command Queue  (NC)  I       3840 I        192 I   5.0 I 2009-08-13 10:55:07 I 
Format Pool    (LFP) I     150000 I       6336 I   4.2 I 2009-08-12 16:32:41 I 
Hold Queue     (NH)  I      11256 I       2828 I  25.1 I 2009-08-12 16:32:41 I 
ISN-List Table (LI)  I     360000 I        464 I   0.1 I 2009-08-12 16:32:41 I 
Seq. Cmd. Table(LQ)  I      20000 I        600 I   3.0 I 2009-08-12 16:32:41 I 
User Queue     (NU)  I      61200 I       1800 I   2.9 I 2009-08-13 09:25:00 I 
Unique DE Pool (DUQ) I      50000 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
Security Pool  (LCP) I      10000 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
UQ File List   (UQF) I      19584 I        288 I   1.4 I 2009-08-13 09:25:00 I 
ATM Trans. IDs (XID) I          0 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
Work Pool      (LWP) I    1500000 I      55332 I   3.6 I 2009-08-12 09:58:58 I 
Redo Pool      (LRDP)I      80000 I      48952 I  61.1 I 2009-08-12 16:31:40 I 
                                                                   Page 1 of 2 
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
 Help               Exit      Refresh                     +        Menu        
 14:55:08          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
 DBID 1955                   -  High Water Marks  -                  PACUH12   
 NucID: 1021                                                                   
  Pool / Queue       I    Size    I    Used    I %Used I   Date       Time   I 
Replication     (RPL)I     100000 I        784 I   0.7 I 2009-08-12 09:58:59 I 
Work Part 1      (LP)I       1000 I         99 I   9.9 I 2009-08-12 16:31:40 I 
Work Part 2   (LWKP2)I        106 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
Work Part 3          I       6984 I          0 I   0.0 I                     I 
PLOG Prot buf(NPROT1)I          1 I          1 I 100.0 I 2009-08-12 13:58:59 I 
Work Prt1 Prot bf(NW)I          1 I          1 I 100.0 I 2009-08-12 13:58:59 I 
                                                                   Page 2 of 2 
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
 Help               Exit      Refresh            -                 Menu        

Monitoring Work Pool (LWP) Usage

Selecting Work Pool (LWP) Usage (option L) on the Resource Utilization menu displays the length of the used and unused parts of the work pool as well as the length of the longest single unused part. These numbers can be used to tune the work pool length for the next session.

The equivalent direct command is:

14:59:10          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID 1955                    -  Workpool Usage  -                   PACUL02   
NUCID: 1021                                                                   
Workpool (LWP)                                                                
   Used part ............       9192 Bytes                                    
   Unused part ..........    1487496 Bytes                                    
   Biggest unused part ..    1487496 Bytes                                    
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu        

Reviewing Nucleus File Status

Selecting Nucleus File Status (option N)on the Resource Utilization menu is the equivalent of entering the DNFV operator command. The following display appears:

16:09:17          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****           2006-07-14
DBID  1955                 - Nucleus File Status -                   PACUN02   
NucID 1021                                                                    
      File   NucID  Access count   Update count   State                       
      -----  -----  -------------  -------------  ----------------------      
      24                        0              0  Access                      
      25                        0              0  Access, Update              
 Last page                                                                    
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help     Repos    Exit     Refresh   -        +                   Menu

In an Adabas cluster environment, the file may be locked for exclusive use by another cluster nucleus. If this is the case and the file is in the nucleus file status table, the Locking NucID column for the file shows the ID of the nucleus that has exclusive control.

The Access count and Update count columns display the number of access or update users, respectively, that refer to the specified file in their user queue elements (UQEs). These users either have specified the file in an OP command with the "R" option or are using the file in an as yet incomplete transaction.

The State column indicates when the file is used for access only or for access and update. It indicates to what extent a nucleus can use a file on its own. If the requested use exceeds the given state, the nucleus must first communicate with the other nuclei in the cluster in order to upgrade the state.

Reviewing Protection Log (PLOG) Status

Selecting Protection Log (PLOG) Status (option P) on the Resource Utilization menu displays the status of dual protection logs, if used.

The equivalent direct command is:

15:06:40          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID 1955                     -  PLOG Status  -                     PACUP02   
NucID: 1021                                                                   
      The nucleus is currently writing on ............ PLOGR2                 
      Size of one PLOG area (in BLKs.) ...............      240               
      Last block written .............................       26  (  11 %)     
      Number of switches since nucleus start .........        1               
      Date/Time of last switch ....................... 2009-08-12 16:32:41    
      Number of switches due to coordinated switch....          0             
      Number of writes forced by the merge process....          0             
      Number of switch requests before threshold met..          0             
      Threshold setting .............................. 75%                    
      Number of PLOGs ................................   2                    
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh            PrevNuc  NextNuc  Menu        

Reviewing System Status

Selecting System Status (option S) on the Resource Utilization menu displays I/O counts for the ASSO, DATA, WORK, and PLOG data sets; remote and local call distribution; and other current session status information.

The equivalent direct command is:

15:07:19          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID 1955                     -  System Status  -                   PACUS02   
NucID: 1021                                                                   
             Reads          Writes                Call Distribution           
           --------------------------  ---------------------------------------
 ASSO            1198             221  Remote Logical .............          0
 DATA            1625             153  Remote Physical ............          0
 WORK              99             398  Local  Logical .............       2527
 PLOG                             377  Local  Physical ............          0
 Logical Reads:                        No. of HQEs active .........          0
   ...                         14,143  No. of UQEs in User Queue ..          2
 Buffer Efficiency ....           5.0  No. of CQEs waiting in CQ ..          0
 Format Translations ..            44  Total intern. Autorestarts .         17
 Format Overwrites ....             0  No. of PLOG switches .......          1
                                       No. of Bufferflushes .......         55
 Throw Backs for ISN ..             0  No. of CLOGs ...............          2
 Throw Backs for Space.             0  No. of PLOGs ...............          2
                                                           page 1 of 2        
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                       +      Menu        

If you are running Adabas version 8.1, press PF8 to display an additional screen that indicates if one or more of the following are in progress:

Otherwise, "Adabas operation normal" is displayed.

15:07:19          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID 1955                     -  System Status  -                   PACUS02   
NucID: 1021                                                                   
                              Nucleus Status Flags                            
                      Adabas operation normal                                 
                                                          page 2 of 2         
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                       +      Menu        

Monitoring Thread Usage

Selecting Thread Usage (option T) on the Resource Utilization menu displays a table of all defined Adabas threads, the status of each, the command type currently in process in each active thread, and the number of commands processed by each thread in the current session.

The equivalent direct command is:

15:54:29          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID 1955                     -  Thread Usage  -                    PACUT02   
NucID: 1021                                                                   
Nr. I Thread Status     I Command Type    I Wait Event        I Nr. CMDs    I 
  1 I Active            I Simple Cmd.     I                   I 3994        I 
  2 I Not active        I                 I                   I 27          I 
  3 I Not active        I                 I                   I 9           I 
  4 I Not active        I                 I                   I 0           I 
  5 I Not active        I                 I                   I 0           I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
    I                   I                 I                   I             I 
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu        

Reviewing Work Status

Selecting WORK Status (option W) on the Resource Utilization menu displays the Work area sizes (in blocks) for the:

The equivalent direct command is:

 15:57:18          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
 DBID 1955                     -  WORK Status  -                     PACUW02   
 NucID: 1021                                                                   
                   W O R K  Dataset                                            
           I  Protection Area                             1000 Blks I          
           I  Intermediate ISN Area                        106 Blks I          
           I  Resulting ISN Area                          6984 Blks I          
           I  Distributed Transaction Processing Area        0 Blks I          
 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
 Help               Exit                                           Menu        

If you have DTP=RM in your ADARUN parameter settings, and press PF4 on the new screen, then the new screen DTP Work Area displays (shown below):

17:04:47          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
                             -  DTP Work Area -                     PACUK02   
                   Code    Service                                            
                   ----    --------------------------------------             
                    D      Display PET-status users                           
                    H      Display heuristically terminated users             
                    R      Display DTP rabns                                  
                    U      Work Part 4 usage                                  
                    X      Force heuristic BT/ET                              
                    ?      Help                                               
                    .      Exit                                               
                   ----    --------------------------------------             
 Code ............. _                                                         
 Selected User ....                                                           
 Database ID ...... 1955   (WIS1955)                                          
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help  Clear UID    Exit                                           Menu

The DTP Work Area menu performs the following functions:

Option Function Action
D Display PET-status users Displays the current environment of PET-status users. You can select one or more to display additional information.
H Display heuristically terminated users Displays a list of the heuristically terminated users. You can select one or more to display additional information.
R Display DTP Rabns Displays a list of allocated RABNs. You can select a user, display additional information, issue BT or ET, and display total RABNs for a user.
U Work Part 4 Usage Displays the breakdown of information of the Work Part 4.
X Force Heuristic BT/ET Issues a BT or ET for a selected user. Select the user through the "Display DTP RABNs" menu item.
--- PF2 Clears the selected user.

If you select Display PET-status users, the screen Display PET-Status Users displays (shown below):

17:17:39        ***** A D A B A S BASIC SERVICES *****           2009-08-13
DBID 1955            - Display PET-Status Users -                PACUKD2 

Mark entries with 'D' (Display): 

M I Global ID                                                I RMID hex I 
------------------------------------------------------------ - -------- - 
_ I 000F710020640000B96353B18528B38200000000B96353B185286F02 I 044E0059 I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 
_ I                                                          I          I 

PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12----- 
Help               Exit      Refresh            -        +        Menu

Monitoring Cluster Usage

This option is only active in an Adabas nucleus cluster environment.

Selecting Cluster usage (option X) on the Resource Utilization menu displays nucleus cluster statistics that are equivalent to those displayed using the DXCACHE, DXLOCK, and DXFILE operator commands. These statistics are made available through selections on the Cluster Usage menu. For more information, read the Adabas Cluster Services or Adabas Parallel Services documentation.

The equivalent direct command is:

16:02:32          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
                              -  Cluster Usage -                    PACUX02   
                        Code    Service                                       
                        ----    ----------------                              
                         C      Cache statistics                              
                         F      File statistics                               
                         L      Lock statistics                               
                         ?      Help                                          
                         .      Exit                                          
                        ----    ----------------                              
          Code ......... _                                                    
          File Number .. 0                                                    
          Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1021           
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2----- PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF9----- PF10----- PF12-----   
Help              Exit                         Fuse     Flist     Menu        

This section covers the following topics:

Cache Statistics

Choosing Cache Statistics (option C) on the Cluster Usage menu displays the Cache Statistics menu:

16:04:21          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
                            - Cache Statistics -                    PACUX12   
                  Code   Service                                              
                  ----   -----------------------                              
                    K    Cast-out / Directory                                 
                    P    Publishing requests                                  
                    X    Individual cache blocks                              
                    .    Exit                                                 
                    ?    Help                                                 
                  ----   -----------------------                              
     Code ......... _                                                         
     Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1021                
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8-----  PF12-----    
Help              Exit     Refresh                               Menu         

On all subscreens of cache statistics, displayed counters may include a unit code, with the following possible values:

Unit Code The total shown is in . . .
blank bytes
K kilobytes
M megabytes
G gigabytes
T terabytes

If a value has a unit code shown, it has been divided by the unit measurement to convert it to bytes, showing the significant digits to nine places with no decimal point.

Press PF9 to see the entire value. This value is the exact count up to 20 digits in length.

Cast-out / Directory

Choosing Cast-out / Directory (option K) on the Cache Statistics menu display the following:

16:04:21          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID  1955                 - Cast-out / Directory -                 PACUX12   
NucID 1021                                                                    
        Cast-out Directory Reads          Directory Reads                     
        ---------------------------       ---------------------------         
        Total .......         112         Total .......          37           
           Sync .....           0            Sync .....           1           
           Async ....         112            Async ....          36           
        Unlock Cast-out Calls                                                 
        Total .......          82                                             
           Sync .....           0                                             
           Async ....          82                                             
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help              Exit     Refresh                    Detail      Menu        
Publishing Requests

Choosing Publishing Requests (option P) on the Cache Statistics menu displays the following:

16:30:28          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID  1955                 - Publishing Requests -                  PACUX12   
NucID 1021                                                                    
                     Publishing Request Category                              
                     Update sync .......          50                          
                     BT or CL or ET ....           7                          
                     Redo threshold ....          74                          
                     Full bufferpool ...          13                          
                     All blocks ........          43                          
                     Specific RABN .....           0                          
                     File DS blocks ....           0                          
                     All DSST blocks ...          55                          
                     File NI blocks ....           0                          
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help              Exit     Refresh                    Detail      Menu        
All Cache Blocks

Choosing All Cache Blocks (option X) on the Cache Statistics menu displays the following:

16:32:59          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID  1955                  - All Cache Blocks -                    PACUX12   
NucID 1021                                                                    
  Reads                                 Writes                                
  --------------------------------      ----------------------------------    
  Total ............       3,118        Total ..............       1,559      
     Sync ..........       1,752           Sync ............       1,559      
     Async .........       1,366           Async ...........           0      
     In cache ......         345           Written .........       1,559      
     Not in cache ..       2,773           Not written .....           0      
     Struc. full ...           0           Struc. full .....           0      
  Cast-out Reads                        Other                                 
  --------------------------------      ----------------------------------    
  Total ............         677        Validates ..........      24,388      
     Sync ..........         677           Invalid .........           0      
     Async .........           0        Deletes ............           2      
                                           Timeouts ........           0      
                                        Redo processes .....           0      
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help     Repos    Exit     Refresh  PrevBlk  NxtBlk   Detail      Menu        

Use PF7 and PF8 to scroll through the cache blocks; use PF2 to reposition.

Statistics are displayed for the following:

File Statistics

Choosing File Statistics (option F) on the Cluster Usage menu for file 25 displays the following menu:

16:35:19          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID  1955                - File 0 Statistics -                     PACUX22   
NucID 1021                                                                    
  Reads                                 Writes                                
  --------------------------------      ----------------------------------    
  Total ............          45        Total ..............          70      
     Sync ..........          37           Sync ............          70      
     Async .........           8           Async ...........           0      
     In cache ......          29           Written .........          70      
     Not in cache ..          16           Not written .....           0      
     Struc. full ...           0           Struc. full .....           0      
  Cast-out Reads                        Other                                 
  --------------------------------      ----------------------------------    
  Total ............          69        Validates ..........       1,102      
     Sync ..........          69           Invalid .........           0      
     Async .........           0        Deletes ............           0      
                                           Timeouts ........           0      
                                        Redo processes .....           0      
PF1----- PF2----- PF3----- PF4----- PF7----- PF8----- PF9-------  PF12-----   
Help     Repos    Exit     Refresh                    Detail      Menu        

Lock Statistics

Choosing Lock Statistics (option L) on the Cluster Usage menu displays the Lock Statistics menu:

16:37:07          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
                             - Lock Statistics -                    PACUX32   
Code   Service                       Code   Service                           
----   ---------------------------   ----   -------------------------------   
  A    Buffer flush lock               J    Global update command sync lock   
  B    Cancel lock                     K    Hold ISN lock                     
  C    Checkpoint lock                 L    New-Data-RABN lock                
  D    DSF lock                        M    Online save lock                  
  E    ETID lock                       N    Parameter lock                    
  F    File-lock-table lock            O    Recovery lock                     
  G    FST lock                        P    RLOG lock                         
  H    GCB lock                        Q    Security lock                     
  I    Global ET sync lock             R    Spats lock                        
  .    Exit                            S    Unique descriptor lock            
  ?    Help                                                                   
----   ---------------------------   ----   -------------------------------   
       Code ......... _                                                       
       Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)             NucID .. 1021              
PF1----- PF2----- PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7------ PF8----- PF12-----   
Help              Exit      Refresh                               Menu        

Each of the options on the Lock Statistics menu displays statistics for a particular lock. For each lock, the screen displays obtain-and-release information about the various types of that lock that are currently in use by a cluster nucleus:

For example, choosing Hold ISN Lock (option J) on the Lock Statistics menu displays the Hold ISN Lock screen:

16:37:07          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-13
DBID  1955                   - Hold ISN Lock -                      PACUX32   
NucID 1021                                                                    
     Obtains                               Releases                           
     ------------------------------        ----------------------------       
     Conditional ....           313        Issued .......           313       
        Granted .....           313           Sync ......           287       
        Rejected ....             0           Async .....            26       
     Unconditional ..             0                                           
     Sync ...........           189                                           
     Async ..........           124                                           
PF1----- PF2----- PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7------ PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Repos    Exit      Refresh            PrevLok   NxtLok   Menu        

Use PF7 and PF8 to scroll through the lock displays; use PF2 to reposition to a different lock display.

Top of page

Replicator Management

The Replicator management screens are only visible if the Event Replicator for Adabas is installed and active. If the V option on the Session Monitoring menu is not highlighted, the Event Replicator is not installed and this option cannot be selected. For more detailed information concerning Replicator Management screens, refer to the Event Replicator for Adabas documentation.

Top of page

Displaying Maintenance Levels

This function is only available for Adabas version 8 or above databases.

Selecting Display Maintenance Levels (option Z) on the Session Monitoring menu displays information about the Adabas nucleus modules:

18:34:02          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-11-13
DBID 1955             -  Display Maintenance Levels  -              PACZ002   
NucID .. 1021                                                                 
 Select Module Name:  ________                                                
   ADARUN   RUNMVS   Date 2009-07-30, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AO828008        
            RUNIND   Date 2009-07-30, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AI828000        
   ADANCX            Date 2009-07-23, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AN828000        
   ADAXCF            Date 2007-06-15, Version 8.1, SP 1, Base AP818000        
   ADAXEC            Date 2008-02-20, Version 8.1, SP 1, Base AP818000        
   ADAXEL            Date 2009-05-25, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AP828000        
   ADACLU            Date 2009-07-23, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AN828000        
   ADAMXI            Date 2009-07-20, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AN828000        
   ADAMIM            Date 2009-01-26, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AN828000        
   ADARVU            Date 2009-07-12, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AN820000        
   ADACLX            Date 2009-07-09, Version 8.2, SP 1, Base AN820000        
   ADARMT            Date 2009-06-03, Version 8.1, SP 1, Base AN810000        
Command ===>                                                                  
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                --       -        +        Menu        

Maintenance levels for each module are displayed. Any zaps that are applied to the module are also listed.

The list of modules can be limited by entering a specific module name in the Select Module Name field at the top of the screen. An asterisk (*) can also be used as a wildcard value in this field. For example, specifying "ADARUN" displays information for the ADARUN module only. Specifying "ADAR*" lists all modules with names that begin with "ADAR", which would include ADARUN as well as ADARVU and other modules.

Top of page