Version 8.2.5
 —  User Guide  —

Getting Started

This document introduces the AOS screen system and usage conventions. It contains the following topics:

Accessing AOS

Start of instruction set To access the Adabas Online System (AOS) screens:

  1. In ISPF, invoke a Natural session.

  2. On the command line of the Natural session Main Menu, enter:


    You are connected to Adabas Online System.

  3. On the command line of the Natural session Main Menu, enter:


    The Adabas Online System Main Menu appears.

    15:08:13          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
                                   -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
                 Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
                 ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
                  A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
                  C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
                  F    File maintenance             3    Trigger Maintenance      
                  M    Database maintenance         4    AOS Security             
                  O    Session opercoms             5    Transaction Manager      
                  R    Database report              6    Adabas Statistics        
                  S    Space calculation            7    Vista                    
                  ?    Help                         8    Fastpath                 
                  .    Exit                         9    SAF Security             
                 ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
     Code ....... _                                                               
     Database ... 1955    (WIS1955)                                               
    Command ==>                                                                   
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
    Help               Exit                                                       

Top of page

The Main Menu

From the main menu, you can access Basic Services or any Other Service that is installed on your system. Such services are highlighted on the menu.

15:08:13          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
                               -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
             Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
              A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
              C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
              F    File maintenance             3    Trigger Maintenance      
              M    Database maintenance         4    AOS Security             
              O    Session opercoms             5    Transaction Manager      
              R    Database report              6    Adabas Statistics        
              S    Space calculation            7    Vista                    
              ?    Help                         8    Fastpath                 
              .    Exit                         9    SAF Security             
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
 Code ....... _                                                               
 Database ... 1955    (WIS1955)                                               
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                                       

The Adabas Online System Main Menu allows you to perform DBA tasks within Basic Services, selectable by menu option:

Option Task Read
A Session monitoring functions display nucleus parameters, session statistics, buffer sizes for queues and areas, and maintenance levels Monitoring Adabas Sessions
C Checkpoint maintenance lists and deletes checkpoint information. Maintaining Checkpoints
F File maintenance controls Adabas fields (increase or add a field, release a descriptor) and files (define a new file; delete a file; refresh, rename, or renumber a file; allocate file space; change file parameters). It also controls ISN / storage block reuse. Maintaining Files
M Database maintenance controls Adabas database (ASSO/DATA) file and space allocation, DIB blocks, and lets you recover space unused by ABENDed utilities. Maintaining Databases
O Session opercoms control extended error recovery, lock/unlock of files, stop user(s), session termination, and management of online utilities Performing System Operator Command Functions
R Database report displays tables of "critical" extents, a file's FDT, general and specific file information, VOLSER, and general database information. Reviewing the Database Report
S Space calculation provides an aid to calculating database ASSO, DATA, sort, temp, and WORK space. Calculating Space Requirements

This section provides more details about using the Main Menu and some general information about AOS screens:

Specifying the Basic Services Database

The database on which Basic Services is installed becomes the default database for Basic Services functions. However, you can specify the database of any active Adabas nucleus session. Subsequent Basic Services functions refer to that database until you specify another database or exit Basic Services.

If you specify a database that is also an Event Replicator Server, the main menu identifies the database as an Event Replicator Server by displaying "Replicator" in the upper left corner of the screen, as shown below. This is the only screen on which this identification explicitly occurs, but the Basic Services functions available and the information displayed for Event Replicator Server databases vary slightly from those provided regular Adabas databases.

15:36:09          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
Replicator                     -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
             Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
              A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
              C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
              F    File maintenance             3    Trigger Maintenance      
              M    Database maintenance         4    AOS Security             
              O    Session opercoms             5    Transaction Manager      
              R    Database report              6    Adabas Statistics        
              S    Space calculation            7    Vista                    
              ?    Help                         8    Fastpath                 
              .    Exit                         9    SAF Security             
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
 Code ....... _                                                               
 Database ... 1954    (WIS1954)                                               
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                                       

Using Program Function (PF) Keys

Available PF keys and their functions are listed at the bottom of each Basic Services screen. The following program function (PF) keys may appear on Basic Services screens:

Function Key Description
PF1 Get help
PF3 Exit to previous screen
PF7 Page backward through a series of screens.
PF8 Page forward through a series of screens.
PF12 Return to the Adabas Online System main menu

Invoking Basic Services Functions

You can invoke AOS Basic Service functions by selecting a menu option or, for most functions, by entering a command directly on the command line.

Selecting a Menu Option

Start of instruction setTo invoke function using a menu option:

  1. Enter the option code in the Code field.

    Selecting a Main Menu function displays a menu of choices for that function.

Entering Commands Directly

Most Basic Services functions can be invoked using direct commands from the command line. The only exceptions are Adabas Online System security functions.

Each direct command corresponds to a function on a Basic Services menu. You can issue a direct command for a function on a different menu from the one currently displayed. You do not have to leave the current menu to perform a function that is not displayed.

More information about the direct commands is included in the Basic Services Direct Commands, where the direct command equivalent to each menu function is described.

Getting Help

Two direct commands that can be issued from any Basic Services menu are ? and help.

Basic Services Messages

Basic Services issues a message confirming each completed function. If an error occurs, a message appears containing a reference number and describing the error.

Before analyzing an error:

  1. Try reviewing the Help information (option ? or PF1) for the last step you performed to see if any requirements were overlooked.

  2. Retry the operation.

Response code 22 is returned if the Adabas session is terminated and restarted while Basic Services is active. In this case, AOS should be stopped and restarted.

Top of page

Adabas Online System Demo Version

The Adabas Online System (AOS) Demo version is a version of AOS with limited functionality, as described in this section. The items on each AOS menu that are not provided with the AOS Demo version have asterisks for their menu option codes. In general, you are only allowed to view information in the Demo version; to maintain parameters and settings, you must have the full version of AOS installed.

For example, on the following screen, the Main Menu. Space calculation as well as Trigger Maintenance options are not available.

15:08:13          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-11
                               -  Main Menu  -                      PMAIN02   
             Code  Basic Services              Code  Other Services           
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
              A    Session monitoring           1    Adabas Cache Facility    
              C    Checkpoint maintenance       2    Delta Save Facility      
              F    File maintenance             *    Trigger Maintenance      
              M    Database maintenance         4    AOS Security             
              O    Session opercoms             5    Transaction Manager      
              R    Database report              6    Adabas Statistics        
              *    Space calculation            7    Vista                    
              ?    Help                         8    Fastpath                 
              .    Exit                         9    SAF Security             
             ----  ----------------------      ----  ---------------------    
 Code ....... _                                                               
 Database ... 1955    (WIS1955)                                               
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                                       

The rest of this section describes which AOS options are available in the Demo version and which are not.

Selecting A from the Main Menu displays the Session Monitoring menu. You can only select Display parameters, Display installed products, Display queues, Display resource utilization, and Display maintenance levels on this menu.

19:17:59          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                           -  Session Monitoring  -                 PAC0002   
 Code   Service                         Code   Service                        
 ----   --------------------------      ----   ----------------------------   
  *     Display cluster members          *     Refresh nucleus statistics     
  *     Maintain user profiles           *     Current resource statistics    
  D     Display parameters               *     Maintain TCP/IP URL            
  I     Display installed products       U     Display resource utilization   
  *     Display event log buffer         *     Replicator Management          
  *     Modify parameters                Z     Display maintenance levels     
  Q     Display queues                                                        
  ?     Help                             .     Exit                           
 ----   --------------------------      ----   ----------------------------   
        Code ......... _                                                      
        Database ID .. 1955    (WIS1955)                                      
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting Q on the Session Monitoring menu causes the Queue Displays menu to appear. You can only select Display Hold Queue on the Queue Displays menu.

19:23:16          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                             -  Queue Displays  -                   PACQ002   
                       Code    Service                                        
                       ----    ---------------------------                    
                        *      Display User Queue Elements                    
                        *      Display Command Queue                          
                        H      Display Hold Queue                             
                        ?      Help                                           
                        .      Exit                                           
                       ----    ---------------------------                    
   Code ............... _                                                     
   Max No. Elements ... 100                                                   
   Last Activity ...... 0         (elapsed time in seconds)                   
   Selection Criteria                                                         
     ET-ID (User-ID) .. ________  User Type ... ___                           
     Job Name ......... ________                                              
     Terminal ID ...... ________                                              
   Database ID ........ 1955      (WIS1955)                      0            
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Clear UID                            Menu        

Selecting U on the Session Monitoring menu causes the Resource Utilization menu to appear. You can only select System status and Thread usage on the Resource Utilization menu.

19:24:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                          -  Resource Utilization  -                PACU002   
Code  Service                           Code  Service                         
----  -------------------------------   ----  ------------------------------- 
 *    Command usage                      S    System status                   
 *    File usage                         T    Thread usage                    
 *    High water marks (pools/queues)    *    WORK status                     
 *    Workpool (LWP) usage               *    Cluster usage                   
 *    Nucleus File Status                *    Display PPT table               
 *    PLOG status                                                             
 ?    Help                                                                    
 .    Exit                                                                    
----  -------------------------------   ----  ------------------------------- 
        Code ......... _                                                      
        File Number .. 0                                                      
        Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                       
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting C on the Main Menu causes the Checkpoint Maintenance menu to appear. You can only select List checkpoints on the Checkpoint Maintenance menu.

19:26:42          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                         -  Checkpoint Maintenance  -               PCP0002   
                        Code    Service                                       
                        ----    -----------------------                       
                         C      List checkpoints                              
                         *      Delete checkpoints                            
                         ?      Help                                          
                         .      Exit                                          
                        ----    -----------------------                       
      Code ............. _                                                    
      Date(YYYY-MM-DD) . 0000-00-00                                           
      Ext. CP-list ..... N                                                    
      Checkpoint Name .. ALL                                                  
      Database ID ...... 1955   (WIS1955)                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting F on the Main Menu causes the File Maintenance menu to appear. You can only select Define/modify FDT on the File Maintenance menu.

19:27:42          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                            -  File Maintenance  -                  PFL0004   
Code  Service                          Code  Service                          
----  -------------------------------- ----  -------------------------------- 
  C   Define/modify FDT                  *   Modify file parameters           
  *   Release descriptor                 *   Reorder file online              
  *   Delete existing file               *   Refresh file to empty status     
  *   Define new file                    *   Allocate/deallocate file space   
  *   Logically delete/undel descriptr   *   Maintain expanded files          
  ?   Help                               .   Exit                             
----  -------------------------------- ----  -------------------------------- 
       Code ......... _                                                       
       File No ...... 0      Descriptor Name .. __                            
       Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                        
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting C on the Main Menu causes the FDT/SDT Definition / Modification menu to appear. You can only select Define new FDT on the FDT/SDT Definition / Modification menu.

19:29:54          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                   -  FDT/SDT Definition / Modification  -          PFLC004   
                      Code    Service                                         
                      ----    -----------------------                         
                       *      Add new field(s)                                
                       *      Change field parameters                         
                       D      Define new FDT                                  
                       *      Delete field from FDT                           
                       *      Undelete field from FDT                         
                       *      Online invert                                   
                       *      Define/add SDT                                  
                       ?      Help                                            
                       .      Exit                                            
                      ----    -----------------------                         
        Code ......... _                                                      
        File No. .....                                                        
        Field Name ... __                                                     
        Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                       
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Def. File Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting M on the Main Menu causes the Database Maintenance menu to appear. In the Demo version, this menu only shows the options available when there is a licensed product installed; no options are available in Demo mode.

19:31:45          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                          -  Database Maintenance  -                PDM0002   
                      Code    Service                                         
                      ----    ----------------------------                    
                       *      Add new dataset to ASSO/DATA                    
                       *      Increase/decrease ASSO/DATA                     
                       *      List/reset DIB block entries                    
                       *      Recover unused space                            
                       *      Uncouple two ADABAS files                       
                       ?      Help                                            
                       .      Exit                                            
                      ----    ----------------------------                    
       Code .......... _                                                      
       File No. ...... 0                                                      
       Coupled File .. 0                                                      
       Database ID ... 1955   (WIS1955)                                       
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting O on the Main Menu causes the Session Opercoms menu to appear. You can only select Extended Error Recovery, Lock or unlock files, Stop user(s) and Termination Commands on the Session Opercoms menu.

19:36:22          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                             -  Session Opercoms  -                 PACI002   
 Code  Service                           Code  Service                        
 ----  ------------------------------    ----  ------------------------------ 
  *    Allocate/Deallocate CLOG/PLOG      S    Stop user(s)                   
  *    Issue reactivate CLOG command      T    Termination Commands           
  E    Extended Error Recovery            *    Manage Online Utilities        
  *    Force CLOG or PLOG switch          *    User Table Maintenance         
  L    Lock or unlock files               *    Replicator Management          
  *    Reset ONLINE-DUMP-Status                                               
  .    Exit                               ?    Help                           
 ----  ------------------------------    ----  ------------------------------ 
       Code ........... _                                                     
       Userid(ETID) ... ________                                              
       CLOG/PLOG Ind .. _                                                     
       Database ID .... 1955   (WIS1955)                                      
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting E on the Session Opercoms causes the Extended Error Recovery menu to appear. You can only select Add/Delete PIN modules and Display/modify PIN routines on the Extended Error Recovery menu.

19:41:23          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                          -  Extended Error Recovery  -             PACIE02   
                   Code    Service                                            
                   ----    ----------------------------------                 
                    *      Display message buffer                             
                    *      Display/modify environment                         
                    *      Display/modify Exit routines                       
                    M      Add/Delete PIN modules                             
                    P      Display/modify PIN routines                        
                    *      Refresh threshold and alert exits                  
                    *      SNAP a nucleus dump                                
                    ?      Help                                               
                    .      Exit                                               
                   ----    ----------------------------------                 
   Code ........... _                                                         
   Start Address .. ________   End Address ... ________                       
   Database ID .... 1955   (WIS1955)                                          
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting L on the Session Opercoms causes the Lock/Unlock Files menu to appear. You can only select Display locked files on the Lock/Unlock Files menu.

19:43:48          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                          -  Lock / Unlock Files  -                 PACIL02   
                  Code    Service                                             
                  ----    ----------------------------------                  
                   D      Display locked files                                
                   *      Lock file for all users                             
                   *      Advance lock file                                   
                   *      Lock file except for UTI/EXF users                  
                   *      Unlock file from general lock                       
                   *      Release an advance lock                             
                   *      Unlock file from UTI/EXF lock                       
                   ?      Help                                                
                   .      Exit                                                
                  ----    -----------------------------------                 
    Code .........                                                            
    File Number ..                                                            
    UTI/EXF Ind .. U                                                          
    Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                           
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   

Selecting S on the Session Opercoms causes the Stop Users menu to appear. In the Demo version, this menu only shows the options available when there is a licensed product installed; no options are available in Demo mode.

19:46:31          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                               -  Stop Users  -                     PACIS02   
                      Code  Service                                           
                      ----  -----------------------                           
                       *    Stop users using file                             
                       *    Stop inactive users                               
                       *    Stop users by jobname                             
                       *    Stop a selected user                              
                       ?    Help                                              
                       .    Exit                                              
                      ----  -----------------------                           
    Code ............. _                                                      
    File Number ...... _____                                                  
    Last Activity .... ________ (elapsed time in seconds)                     
    Job Name ......... ________                                               
    Purge UQE(s) ..... N                                                      
    Selected Userid ..          ( XXXXXXX                                     
    Database ID ...... 1955     (WIS1955)                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help     Disp UQ   Exit      Clear UID                            Menu        

Selecting T on the Session Opercoms causes the Session Termination menu to appear. You can only select Normal session termination on the Session Termination menu.

19:47:44          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                           -  Session Termination  -                PACT002   
                    Code    Service                                           
                    ----    -----------------------------------               
                     A      Normal session termination (ADAEND)               
                     *      Cancel session immediately (CANCEL)               
                     *      Stop session               (HALT)                 
                     ?      Help                                              
                     .      Exit                                              
                    ----    -----------------------------------               
      Code ......... _                                                        
      Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                         
       Current nr. of users in User Queue ... 1                               
       Nr. of users with open transactions .. 0                               
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Selecting R from the Main Menu displays the Database Report menu. You can only select Display file(s) and General database layout on this menu.

19:50:37          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2009-08-18
                             -  Database Report  -                  PDR0002   
                  Code    Service                                             
                  ----    -------------------------------------               
                   *      List files with crit. no. of extents                
                   *      Display field description table (FDT)               
                   F      Display file(s)                                     
                   G      General database layout                             
                   *      List VOLSER distribution of database                
                   *      Display ASSO/DATA block (RABN)                      
                   *      Display unused storage                              
                   ?      Help                                                
                   .      Exit                                                
                  ----    -------------------------------------               
    Code ......... _                                                          
    File No ...... 0_____ Password ..                                         
    Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                           
    VOLSER ....... ______                                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Option F will display system files only.

Top of page