Administration Version 6.2.2
 —  Administration  —

Entire Net-Work SMH Agent Setup

The System Management Hub (SMH) is Software AG's multi-platform environment for the unified management of Software AG products. It provides a graphical user interface that can be used to monitor and maintain Entire Net-Work.

The use of SMH with Entire Net-Work is optional. To use it, you will need the System Management Hub (SMH) and the Software AG Directory Server (ADI) base technology components. These components are provided with Entire Net-Work 7 and Entire Net-Work Client.

The code for the System Management Hub can be installed from the CD delivered with Entire Net-Work Administration 6.2; however, if you have already installed this code with another Software AG product, you must use the installed code, so that your organization uses only one shared SMH.

The System Management Hub documentation can be accessed from the Windows Start menu as follows: Start|Programs|Software AG Base Technology|System Management Hub|Documentation. You can also access the documentation after entering the System Management Hub interface by clicking on the Documentation control button in the bottom left panel.

This document provides general information about setting up the SMH agent for Entire Net-Work and directs you to documentation on using SMH to perform administration tasks for Entire Net-Work.

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif SMH Agent Prerequisites Describes the prerequisites for using the Entire Net-Work Administration SMH agents
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Setting Up the Entire Net-Work SMH Agents Describes the steps to install the required components and set up the Entire Net-Work Administration agents on the System Management Hub.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif NODE Statement Parameters for SMH Describes the Entire Net-Work Administration NODE statement parameters that have particular relevance to the SMH agents.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif SMH DRIVER Statement Describes the syntax and parameters of the DRIVER statement for the SMH line driver.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif SMH LINK Statement Describes the syntax and parameters of the LINK statement for the SMH line driver.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif SMH Operator Commands Lists and describes the operator commands available for use with the SMH line driver.
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Performing Administration Tasks for Entire Net-Work on Mainframe Systems Explains how to use the Entire Net-Work Administration agents on the System Management Hub to manage and maintain your Entire Net-Work Administration environment.

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