Version 4.5.2
 —  Using Adabas Review  —

Managing Report Output

This document describes the commands you can use to process the results of started reports. It covers the following topics:

Viewing Report Results

The VW command enables you to view the data accumulated by a history report or a report that has been started. The command may be issued from any of the list function screens (LR, LS, and LH).

When you issue the VW command, the display program associated with the report is executed, and the collected data is displayed online.

Start of instruction setTo view report results from the report list screen:

Restrictions apply to the commands that may be issued while viewing reports. For more information, refer to the Command Reference.

Viewing Wide Reports

When reports have more columns than will fit on a screen, PF10 and PF11 may be used to scroll the display to the left or right. When available, these keys are marked with left and right arrows. PF10 scrolls the display to the left, and PF11 scrolls the display to the right. The first column is repeated on each screen.

Viewing Multiple Reports

You can view more than one report. More than one VW command can be entered at a time on the Report Definitions or Started Reports screens. The reports are opened in the order they appear on the report list screen. You can only view them one at a time; the first report must be closed before the next one can be viewed.

You cannot view multiple history reports. In other words, you cannot issue more than one VW command on the History Reports (LH) screen.

Start of instruction setTo view multiple report results from the report list screen:

  1. Enter the command VW on the selection line preceding the name of more than one report that has been started.

    The results of the first report appear.

    You can scroll forward through the report using the PF8 key. For information on scrolling backwards and forwards through the report data, read Scrolling Through Report Results in Redisplay Mode

  2. When you have finished viewing the results of the first report, press PF3 to close it.

    The results of the second report you selected for viewing appear.

  3. Repeat Step 2 until all reports have been viewed and closed.

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Scrolling Through Report Results in Redisplay Mode

When you view report data that spans multiple screens, you can normally only scroll forward through the data. If you need to scroll both backwards and forwards through the data, you must enter redisplay mode.

In redisplay mode, a copy of the most recently-collected data is displayed and is not refreshed until you leave redisplay mode. However, while you are in redisplay mode, Adabas Review continues to collect and summarize data, depending on the report definition and the frequency at which the data for the report changes. So it is possible that the report data you observe in redisplay mode may not match the data you see when you leave redisplay mode.

Start of instruction setTo enter redisplay mode and scroll backward and forward through your report data:

  1. While viewing the report, click PF7 to enter redisplay mode.

    The colors of the report on the screen change.

  2. Use the PF7 and PF8 keys to scroll forward and backward through the report data in redisplay mode.

Start of instruction setTo leave redisplay mode:

  1. Press PF3 to end redisplay mode.

    Redisplay mode ends and the next screen of the report (the screen after the one from which you originally entered redisplay mode) appears. If you were on the last screen of the report when you entered redisplay mode, the first screen of the report appears.

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Sorting Report Results

The VIEW command has within it a SORT command that enables you to dynamically change the setting of the "Display By" report option.

The following settings are available within the SORT command:

Setting Sorts the data in . . . Display Option
Account (Ascend) ascending order by control break SORTED
Number of Commands descending order by the "Number of Commands" USAGE
First Summary Field descending order by the first field designated as a summary field in the report definition SUMFIELD
Account (Descend) descending order by control break SORTEDDE
Date and Time ascending order by the start date and time of the control break interval DATETIME
Physical Sequence the physical sequence in which it was collected

This setting is not available in batch mode.


This section covers the following topics:

Using the SORT Command

Start of instruction setTo issue the SORT command:

  1. Enter the VW command on the selection line preceding the name of a started report.

  2. From the display of the report results, press PF2 or enter SORT on the command line.

    A window is displayed, listing the sort options. The option preceded by an arrow (>) is the current sorting sequence report option.

  3. Change the sort option by placing the cursor on your selection and pressing ENTER.

    The order of the data in the display is changed according to the sort option you selected.

Examples of Sort Options

The "Sample Sort Displays" report example illustrates the differences in data presentation that occur when the SORT command is used with the VIEW command. This example collects and calculates the following statistics on Adabas commands:

Field Statistic Designated as the . . .
15M 15 minute interval in which the command was issued first control break
CMD command code second control break
CMDRESP total response time for the command first summary field
IOS total number of I/Os issued by the command second summary field
COMMANDS total number of commands third summary field
CMDRESP average response time used per command
IOS average number of I/Os issued per command
20:02:18                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
                                  Edit Report                         HUB=15690
      Detail/Summary: S                                                        
      Report Name: SAMPLE SORT DISPLAYS____________      DBID to Monitor: _____
      !  Field      Order   Sum   Min   Max   Avg   Pct   Rate   Round  !      
      ! 15M_____     _10     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
      ! CMD_____     _20     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
      ! CMDRESP_     ___     X     _     _     X     _     _    ______  !      
      ! IOS_____     ___     X     _     _     X     _     _    ______  !      
      ! COMMANDS     ___     X     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
      ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
      ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
      ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
      ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
      ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
      +---------------------------- Page 1 -----------------------------+      
Command: ______________________________________________________________________
      Help  Optns Exit        Save  Start  -     +          Rules Flds  Menu   

The Account (Ascend) Option

Using the "Account (Ascend)" sort option (equivalent to setting the Display By parameter to "SORTED"), the results of the "Sample Sort Displays" report are displayed as follows:

20:16:51                    SAMPLE SORT DISPLAYS                     2009-06-18
                 20:02:01 2009-06-18 Thru 20:15:47 2009-06-18         HUB=15690
                                                                     Page:    1
              Total          Total        Total          Avg                   
Time  Cmd    Cmd-Resp     Num-of-IOs     Commands      Cmd-Resp                
----- --- -------------- ------------- ------------ --------------             
20:00 RC        0.005760             0            3       0.001920             
      S1        0.774144             0            6       0.129024             
***** ***       0.779904             0            9       0.086656             
20:15 L3        0.838656             0           12       0.069888             
      RC        0.003840             0            2       0.001920             
      S1        0.774144             0            6       0.129024             
***** ***       1.616640             0           20       0.080832             
***** ***       2.396544             0           29       0.082639             
*****   E N D    O F    R E P O R T   *****                                    
REV00245 - PF-KEY NOT DEFINED                                                  
Command: _____________________________________________________________________ 
      Help  Sort  Exit              --           +                ===>  Menu   

Data is grouped in ascending order by the first control break, the 15M field. Within the hour group, the data is grouped in ascending order by the second control break, the CMD field.

The Number of Commands Option

Using the "Number of Commands" sort option (equivalent to setting the Display By parameter to "USAGE"), the results of the "Sample Sort Displays" report are displayed as follows:

16:43:10                     SAMPLE SORT DISPLAYS                    2003-07-07
                  16:28:44 04-22-1996 Thru 16:31:06 04-22-1996       LOCL=00009
               Total          Total        Total          Avg
 Time  Cmd    Response         IOs        Commands      Response
 ----- --- -------------- ------------- ------------ --------------
 16:30 N1        0.086016           747          168       0.000512
 16:15 N1        0.232544           540           97       0.002397
 16:30 L6        0.006640           533           24       0.000276
 16:30 ET        0.028688            22           11       0.002608
 16:15 L6        0.036960           261            9       0.004106
 16:15 S1        0.026304             7            3       0.008768
 16:15 ET        0.008320             6            3       0.002773
 ***** ***       0.425472          2116          315       0.001350
 *****   E N D    O F    R E P O R T   *****

 Command: _____________________________________________________________________
       Help  Sort  Exit                           +                ===>  Menu

Data is grouped in descending order by the "Number of Commands".

In Adabas Review, COMMANDS is now a selectable field. The "Number of Commands" sort option may be used to sort the display, even if the COMMANDS field is not displayed in the report.

The First Summary Field Option

Using the "First Summary Field" sort option (equivalent to setting the "Display By" parameter to "SUMFIELD"), the results of the "Sample Sort Displays" report are displayed as follows:

16:43:21                     SAMPLE SORT DISPLAYS                   2003-07-07
                  16:28:44 04-22-1996 Thru 16:31:06 04-22-1996      LOCL=00009
               Total          Total        Total          Avg
 Time  Cmd    Response         IOs        Commands      Response
 ----- --- -------------- ------------- ------------ --------------
 16:15 N1        0.232544           540           97       0.002397
 16:30 N1        0.086016           747          168       0.000512
 16:15 L6        0.036960           261            9       0.004106
 16:30 ET        0.028688            22           11       0.002608
 16:15 S1        0.026304             7            3       0.008768
 16:15 ET        0.008320             6            3       0.002773
 16:30 L6        0.006640           533           24       0.000276
 ***** ***       0.425472          2116          315       0.001350
 *****   E N D    O F    R E P O R T   *****

 Command: _____________________________________________________________________
       Help  Sort  Exit                           +                ===>  Menu

Data is grouped in descending order by the Total Response column, because the CMDRESP field was designated as the first summary field.

The Account (Descend) Option

Using the "Account (Descend)" sort option (equivalent to setting the Display By parameter to "SORTEDDE"), the results of the "Sample Sort Displays" report are displayed as follows:

16:43:33                     SAMPLE SORT DISPLAYS                   2003-07-07
                 16:28:44 04-22-1996 Thru 16:31:06 04-22-1996       LOCL=00009
               Total          Total        Total          Avg
 Time  Cmd    Response         IOs        Commands      Response
 ----- --- -------------- ------------- ------------ --------------
 16:30 N1        0.086016           747          168       0.000512
       L6        0.006640           533           24       0.000276
       ET        0.028688            22           11       0.002608
 ***** ***       0.121344          1302          203       0.000597
 16:15 S1        0.026304             7            3       0.008768
       N1        0.232544           540           97       0.002397
       L6        0.036960           261            9       0.004106
       ET        0.008320             6            3       0.002773
 ***** ***       0.304128           814          112       0.002715
 ***** ***       0.425472          2116          315       0.001350
 *****   E N D    O F    R E P O R T   *****

 Command: _____________________________________________________________________
       Help  Sort  Exit                           +                ===>  Menu

Data is grouped in descending order by the first control break, the 15M field. Within the 15 minute interval, the data is grouped in descending order by the second control break, the CMD field.

The Date and Time Option

Using the "Date and Time" sort option, the results of the "Sample Sort Displays" report are displayed as follows:

16:43:42                     SAMPLE SORT DISPLAYS                   2003-07-07
                 16:28:44 04-22-1996 Thru 16:31:06 04-22-1996       LOCL=00009
               Total          Total        Total          Avg
 Time  Cmd    Response         IOs        Commands      Response
 ----- --- -------------- ------------- ------------ --------------
 16:15 N1        0.232544           540           97       0.002397
 16:15 S1        0.026304             7            3       0.008768
 16:15 L6        0.036960           261            9       0.004106
 16:15 ET        0.008320             6            3       0.002773
 16:30 L6        0.006640           533           24       0.000276
 16:30 N1        0.086016           747          168       0.000512
 16:30 ET        0.028688            22           11       0.002608
 ***** ***       0.425472          2116          315       0.001350
 *****   E N D    O F    R E P O R T   *****

 Command: _____________________________________________________________________
       Help  Sort  Exit                           +                ===>  Menu

Data is grouped in ascending order by the start date and time of the control break interval.

The Physical Sequence Option

Using the "physical sequence" sort option, the results of the "Sample Sort Displays" report are displayed as follows:

16:01:50                     SAMPLE SORT DISPLAYS                   2003-07-07
                  15:46:24 06-14-1996 Thru 16:01:46 06-14-1996      LOCL=00009
               Total          Total        Total          Avg
 Time  Cmd    Response         IOs        Commands      Response
 ----- --- -------------- ------------- ------------ --------------
 15:45 L6        0.008064           123           63       0.000128
       E4        0.001344             7            6       0.000224
       E1        0.002880            54           12       0.000240
       RI        0.000800             0           25       0.000032
       CL        0.026160             7            3       0.008720
 ***** ***       0.583040          4188         7553       0.000077
 16:00 S4        0.023760            12          135       0.000176
       A1        0.033968           125          193       0.000176
       ET        0.003040            85           95       0.000032
       L3        0.038560           156          482       0.000080
       RC        0.011296             0          706       0.000016
       L9        0.006912            22          108       0.000064
       S1        0.008832            47           69       0.000128
 Command: _____________________________________________________________________
       Help  Sort  Exit                           +                ===>  Menu

Data is grouped in the order of the physical sequence in which it was collected.

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Printing Report Results

The HC command enables you to send report results to a printer, if the hard copy feature of Natural is available. The HC command may be issued from the list of history reports or the list of started reports (LH or LS functions).

Start of instruction setTo print report results:

  1. Enter the command HC on the selection line preceding the report name.

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Downloading Report Output


  1. This command requires that you have Entire Connection installed.
  2. The DL command is not available from the View Report Results (VW) screen.

The DL command enables you to download report output to a personal computer. This command may be issued from the Started Reports screen (LS function) or the History Reports screen (LH function).

Start of instruction setTo download report results:

  1. Enter the DL command on the selection line preceding the report name.

    Entire Connection prompts you for a file name. A default directory name is displayed; you may specify a different directory name, if desired.

  2. Press ENTER to begin the download procedure.

    You are notified when the download procedure is completed.

    The data downloaded to your personal computer contains only the contents of the fields in the report. The headings and edit masks supplied by the display program do not appear in the downloaded data.

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Purging Accumulated Data

The data accumulated by a report that has been started may be purged by issuing the PS command from the Started Reports screen (LS function). The PS command also deactivates the started report so that no further data is accumulated.

Start of instruction setTo purge accumulated data:

  1. Enter the PS command on the selection line preceding the report name from the Started Reports screen.

    Depending on your profile setting, you may be prompted to confirm the purge request.

  2. Confirm the purge request, if required.

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