You can start and review Adabas Review reports in a batch job to obtain statistics on a batch Adabas job as output from the job itself.
To run the batch job in the correct environment, you must specify the:
Target ID (the database or hub ID with which the subsequent program or programs will communicate). This is referred to as the DBID/Hub or current Adabas Review target in SYSREVDB. This must be specified explicitly when running in hub mode.
Database ID and file number where the Adabas Review repository file is located. These are referred to as the Repository DBID and Repository File in SYSREVDB. This information is required when accessing history data in the batch job.
This document covers the following topics:
The default target ID is the database in which the Natural system file is located. If the LFILE parameter for logical file number 241 is specified, the DBID value from this parameter will be taken. The default for the repository database ID and file number are specified using the Natural LFILE parameter for logical file number 24..
A defined SYSREVDB (online Natural) user profile overrides any default settings. However, the target ID setting can be specified in SYSREVDB using the command MENU HUB=hubid prior to issuing the START command for a report.
However, both the Natural default settings and the SYSREVDB user profile settings of the target ID, database ID, and file number can be overridden using the SET statement in any of the existing batch Natural job streams.
The syntax of the SET statement is:
The SET statement overrides the Natural default and SYSREVDB values for the target ID, database ID, and file number. The values specified by SET remain in effect until changed by a new SET statement.
When you specify the SET statement in a batch Natural job stream, you must also specify one or more of the following: a TARGET parameter and value, a DBID parameter and value, or a FILE parameter and value. Only one of each parameter type can be specified in a single SET statement (for example, you cannot specify two DBID parameters in the same SET statement). If you specify more than one of the parameters (for example, a TARGET and a DBID parameter), they can be specified in any order and should be separated with commas.
The following is an example of the SET statement in a batch Natural job stream:
A batch Natural job (PAYROLL1) is run each night. When the job is completed, Adabas summary statistics are requested to determine the number of Adabas calls issued by the job, the files accessed, the type of Adabas commands issued, and a summary of ASSO, DATA, and WORK IOs for each command type within each file.
To implement the request for Adabas summary statistics:
Ensure that the Review load library is in the STEPLIB concatenation.
Define the following report definition and related processing rules to Adabas Review:
20:47:38 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2009-06-18 Edit Report HUB=15690 Detail/Summary: S Report Name: TRACE PAYROLL REPORT____________ DBID to Monitor: _____ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Field Order Sum Min Max Avg Pct Rate Round ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! FILE____ _10 _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! CMD_____ _20 _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! COMMANDS ___ X _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! ASSOIO__ ___ X _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! DATAIO__ ___ X _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! WORKIO__ ___ X _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! ________ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! ________ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! ________ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! ! ________ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ! +---------------------------- Page 1 -----------------------------+ This report contains processing rules Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Optns Exit Save Start - + Rules Flds Menu |
20:47:59 A D A B A S - R E V I E W 2009-06-18 Report Processing Rules HUB=15690 TRACE PAYROLL REPORT +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Field Op Value And/Or ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! JOBNAME_ EQ PAYROLL1________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! ! ________ __ ________________________________________________________ ___ ! +---------------------------------- Page 1 ----------------------------------- Command: ______________________________________________________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- Help Optns Exit Save Start - + Flds Menu |
Save the report definition.
Change the PAYROLL1 job stream if necessary to produce the required results shown below:
LOGON SYSREVDB <---logon to Review Natural library START TRACE.PAYROLL.REPORT targetid <---start Review report LOGON PAYROLL * * PAYROLL1 NATURAL STREAM * LOGON SYSREVDB <---logon to Review Natural library VIEW TRACE.PAYROLL.REPORT targetid <---to display report results DELREP TRACE.PAYROLL.REPORT targetid <---to delete report results FIN
You may also use batch Natural programs to display, purge, or compress history data from the Adabas Review repository. Adabas Review provides sample jobs to perform these tasks.
To use these jobs:
Add the report name and date range.
Enter any embedded blanks in the report name as periods.
To display history data:
The following Natural statements are contained in the display history data job stream:
LOGON SYSREVDB <--logon to Review Natural library. HISTORY A.HISTORY.REPORT start-date end-date <--report name and dates. FIN /*
To delete history data:
The following Natural statements are contained in the delete history data job stream:
LOGON SYSREVDB <--logon to Review Natural library. DELHIST A.HISTORY.REPORT start-date end-date <--report name and dates. FIN /*
To compress history reports:
The following Natural statements are contained in the compress history job stream:
LOGON SYSREVDB <--logon to Review Natural library. COMPRESS A.HISTORY.REPORT start-date end-date et-factor <--report info. FIN /*
Review report definitions can be unloaded to a sequential data set for backup, archive or for the purpose of moving the definition to a different Review system. There are two batch Natural programs to accomplish this, ULDREP and LODREP. ULDREP unloads a single report definition to a sequential data set as defined by the Natural work file CWFWK01. LODREP restores the definition from the same sequential data set.
where is the report name with periods between each word in the report name.
The job control statements to run ULDREP and LODREP are the same as other Review batch Natural jobs such as START, VIEW and DELHIST.