Version 4.5.2
 —  Installation and Operations for z/VSE  —

Preparing for the Installation

This section of the documentation provides installation preparation information for Adabas Review under z/VSE operating system environments.

For information about using Software AG's System Maintenance Aid (SMA) for the installation process, refer to the System Maintenance Aid Documentation.

This document covers the following topics:


Other prerequisites for Adabas Review are described in Software AG Product Support.

TP Monitor Support

This version of Adabas Review supports the following TP monitors:

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Storage Requirements

Adabas Review must allocate storage to execute. Storage is required for

The type, purpose, and size of these storage areas is discussed in the following sections.

Adabas Review allocates storage above the line whenever it is permitted by the architecture of the machine and the operating system on which it is executing.

Storage for the Hub

If you use Adabas Review in hub mode, the hub has a separate storage requirement for its operating queues and working areas. The queues are used to buffer the incoming command log records from the clients until the records can be sent to REVIEWB.

Two queues, both controlled by the database administrator (DBA), are used by the Adabas Review hub: the command queue (sized using the ADARUN parameter NC) and the attached buffer (sized using the ADARUN parameter NAB). For more information, read about these ADARUN parameters in ADARUN Parameters.

Command Queue

The command queue stores information about the client nucleus such as job name, internal ID, etc. Each entry in the command queue represents one command log record from a client.

An entry exists for the time that a command log record is queued and awaiting selection from the hub until the time that the record is sent to REVIEWB. Once the command log record is sent to REVIEWB, the entry is released from the command queue.

This means that the command queue must be large enough to accommodate the backlog of command log records from the client nuclei. If the command queue is too small, it is possible that command log records will be dropped by the hub.

The ADARUN parameter that controls the command queue size is NC. The value of this parameter should be set higher for the hub than it is for individual client nuclei.

The NC value should be set to handle the arrival rate based on:


If a client nucleus can process 2000 commands per second, then the expected arrival rate at the hub is a maximum of 2000 command log records per second. When possible, buffering occurs in the client nucleus to buffer several command log records and send them with one call to the hub.

There is no general rule for estimating the NC requirements for a particular hub. However, in this example, you could start with NC=1000 and monitor the results.

Attached Buffer

The attached buffer is used to store the contents of the command log records and their associated data extensions.

As with the command queue, an element within the attached buffer is allocated to hold the command log record for the duration of time that the record is queued for selection, up to the time the record can be sent to REVIEWB. The element is freed once the record is sent to REVIEWB.

Also like the command queue, the attached buffer must be large enough to hold the queued command log records for the time required to stage the records for REVIEWB. Software AG recommends setting the parameter high to ensure that command log data is not dropped by the hub.

The ADARUN parameter controlling the attached buffer size is NAB. The value of this parameter should also be set higher for the hub than it is for individual client nuclei.

The NAB value must be large enough to buffer the data passed by the client nuclei. The amount of data passed by a client nucleus depends upon the Adabas Review report requirements (for example, whether control buffers are required or whether the I/O list option is being used).


The average size of a command log record and extensions, excluding control buffers, is 2500 bytes.

One approach would be to compute:

NAB = (NC * 2500 / 4096)

- where 4096 is the size of one NAB segment. If NC=1000 (see the example) , the starting value would be:

NAB = (1000 * 2500 / 4096) = 610

This computation assumes that there are no control buffers or I/O list elements being passed to the hub.

Storage for the REVIEW-BUFFER

REVIEW-BUFFER is used to queue Adabas command log records to be sent to REVIEWB. In hub mode, it is located in the hub (server) address space.

The BUFFER-SEGMENTS parameter specifies the size of the REVIEW-BUFFER. Each buffer segment is 512 bytes. When a value for BUFFER-SEGMENTS is specified, the total storage indicated by the specification is split in half between 4K buffers and 32K buffers.

In addition, two INPUT statement parameters have been added as replacements for the BUFFER-SEGMENTS parameter. The BUFFER-SEGMENTS parameter will no longer be supported in a future release of Adabas Review. It is still valid in Adabas Review 4.5, but is ignored if the following parameters are specified:

Parameter Description Minimum Value Default Value
BUFFERS-4K The number of buffer pool entries that have a length of 4096 bytes or less. This parameter is usually specified along with the BUFFERS-32K parameter. If this parameter is not specified, any BUFFERS-32K parameter setting is ignored. If a value below the minimum value is specified for this parameter, the default is used. 124 256
BUFFERS-32K The number of buffer pool entries that have a length of 4097 bytes or greater. This parameter is usually specified along with the BUFFERS-4K parameter. If this parameter is not specified, any BUFFERS-4K parameter setting is ignored. If a value below the minimum value is specified for this parameter, the default is used. 15 30

For more information about the interaction of the BUFFER-SEGMENTS, BUFFERS-4K, and BUFFERS-32K parameters, read BUFFER-SEGMENTS Parameter Changes

For z/OS, z/VSE, and BS2000, it is possible to execute with a REVIEW-BUFFER that is one megabyte.

A larger REVIEW-BUFFER provides a larger queueing area for command log records being sent to REVIEWB and decreases the possibility that Adabas will have to wait for REVIEWB to process these records in the event that REVIEW-BUFFER becomes full.

Storage for Reports

For Control Blocks

When a report is started, either using autostarted report definition parameters or by an online Adabas Review user, storage is allocated for control blocks that define the criteria for the collection of the data.

Typically, the storage allocation for control blocks is two (2) kilobytes, but may be as much as four (4) kilobytes if the report is a history report or the report specifies the collection of many fields.

For Data Collection Areas

In addition to the report control blocks, storage is allocated for the collection of data. The data collection areas are allocated in two (2) kilobyte pieces and a subsequent data collection area is only allocated when the current area is full.

Total Storage Limit

The total storage allocation for a report is limited by the MAXSTORE report parameter. When the total storage allocation for a report is equal to the MAXSTORE value, the report is marked as inactive and stops accumulating data. When a report is purged, all storage associated with the report is deallocated.

Storage for Online Users

Adabas Review's online system uses Adabas calls to start, view, or purge a report. Each request requires that Adabas Review perform some processing to fulfill the request.

Storage for Work Areas

Adabas Review allocates storage for work areas and areas used for reading from and writing to files. These areas are typically small and are kept and used throughout the time that Adabas Review is active.

Size of Adabas Review in z/VSE Environments (Local Mode Only)

In z/VSE environments, the available GETVIS in the Adabas partition may need to be increased to accommodate Adabas Review. An increase of 500K is normal.

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About the Adabas Review Installation Tape

This section describes the contents of the Adabas Review installation tape and the space requirements for each data set. Sample JCS to accomplish the transfer is also included.

Refer to the "Report of Tape Creation" for the volume serial number, density, media type, data set names, and data set sequence numbers for the SM level being installed.

Copying the Tape Contents

If you are using SMA, refer to the System Maintenance Aid documentation. If you are not using SMA, follow the instructions below.

This section explains how to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS from tape to disk. All other data sets can be installed directly from the tape.

You will then need to perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

Step 1: Copy Data Set COPYTAPE.JOB from Tape to Disk

The data set COPYTAPE.JOB contains the JCL required to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS from tape to disk. Copy COPYTAPE.JOB to your disk by using the following sample JCL:

* $$ JOB JNM=LIBRCAT,CLASS=0,                                          + 
* $$ DISP=D,LDEST=(*,UID),SYSID=1                                       
* $$ LST CLASS=A,DISP=D                                                  
// JOB LIBRCAT                                                           
* *****************************************                              
*     STORE COPYTAPE.JOB IN LIBRARY                                    
* *****************************************                              
// ASSGN SYS004,nnn 
// MTC REW,SYS004                                                        
// MTC FSF,SYS004,4                                                      
ASSGN SYSIPT,SYS004                                                      
// TLBL IJSYSIN,'COPYTAPE.JOB'                                           
// EXEC LIBR,PARM='MSHP; ACC S=lib.sublib'
// MTC REW,SYS004                                                                       
ASSGN SYSIPT,FEC                                                         
* $$ EOJ


nnn is the tape address
lib.sublib is the library and sublibrary in which COPYTAPE.JOB is to be stored

Step 2: Modify COPYTAPE.JOB

Modify COPYTAPE.JOB according to your local naming conventions and set the disk space parameters.

Step 3: Submit COPYTAPE.JOB

Submit COPYTAPE.JOB to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS from tape to your disk.

Installation Tape Contents

The installation tape contains the following data sets:

Data Set Created Using Contents
REVvrs.INPL NATUNLD Adabas Review Natural objects
REVvrs.SYSF ADAULD Adabas Review repository file
REVvrs.VSEZAPS -- Adabas Review ZAP data set
REVvrs.VSELIBR LIBR BACKUP The Adabas Review sublibrary; contains relocatable objects, phases, source, and example installation jobs

Disk Space Requirements

The space requirements for each of the data sets on the installation tape is shown below:

Data Set Name Cylinders (3390)

Additionally, the alternate history file, which is created when installing Adabas Review under Adabas, requires additional space as follows:

Data Set Type Cylinders (3390)
Alternate history file 2

Sublibrary Members

The Adabas Review sublibrary members are listed below. The members are listed by type, where

Members of type A are:

Member Description
RAOSLUBS Sample Assembler code to change the default logical units used by Adabas Review.
REVCOST Sample Adabas Review parameters used to produce an Adabas cost accounting report.
REVUEX1 Sample user exit 1 (User field exit) program.
REVUEX5 Sample user exit 5 program.
REVUXLOG Sample Assembler source code for an Adabas Review command logging user exit.
REVUXSUM Sample summary report user exit.
UEX5PARM Adabas user exit 5 macro used for the Adabas Review hub in REVUEX5.
ZAPOPT Adabas Review optional zaps.

Members of type X are:

Member Description
ARCHIVE Sample JCS to define Adabas Review to MSHP.
AREVUEX1 Sample job for assembling the REVUEX1 (User field exit)
BATCHRPT Sample job to create batch reports.
DBFILES Create Adabas Review data sets.
EXPAND3 Sample JCS to upgrade a version 4.3 or 4.4 repository to version 4.5.1.
EXPAND4 Sample JCS to upbrade a version 4.5.1 repository to a version 4.5.2 repository.
HISTCOMP Sample JCS to compress history data from a batch Natural execution.
HISTDEL Sample JCS to delete history data from a batch Natural execution.
HISTVIEW Sample JCS to view history data from a batch Natural execution.
HUBJCS Sample JCS to start the Adabas Review hub server.
LINKREV Sample job to relink Adabas Review after applying maintenance.
LNKLUBS Sample JCS to assemble and link RAOSLUBS system file number assign module.
LOCJCS Sample JCS to run Adabas Review local nucleus.
LREVLCIC For CICS installations, sample JCS to assemble the CICSGBLS module and link it with the necessary Adabas LNK and Adabas Review exit objects.
LREVLCO For Com-plete installations, sample JCS to assemble the LCOGBL module and link it with the necessary Adabas LNK and Adabas Review exit objects.
LREVLNK For batch installations, sample JCS to assemble the LNKGBLS module and link it with the necessary Adabas LNK and Adabas Review exit objects.
LREVLNKR For batch installations, sample JCS to assemble the LNKGBLS module and link it with the necessary reentrant Adabas LNK and Adabas Review exit objects.
LREVUEX1 Sample job for binding the ADALINK REVEXIT modules (RDBLxxxx) together with the user exit REVUEX1 (User field exit).
REVCLCOP Sample JCS to copy and set end-of-file for a sequential command log created by Adabas Review.
REVIEWB Sample JCS to process a sequential command log by the batch component of Adabas Review.
REVINPL Sample JCS to INPL the Adabas Review programs and DDMs from the INPL data set to the Natural system files.
REVLOAD Sample JCS to load the Adabas Review repository file into an Adabas environment.
REVPROC Sample job to catalog the Adabas Review standard label procedure.

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Installation Overview

Adabas Review is installed in two phases:

  1. Install non-TP-specific components. All steps in this phase are identical regardless of the TP monitor in use:

  2. Install TP-specific components. Separate procedures are used to install Adabas Review under each of the supported TP monitors: Com-plete and CICS.

Phase one procedures are described in section Installation (Phase 1); phase two procedures in section Installation (Phase 2).

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