Version 4.5.2
 —  Installation and Operations for z/VSE  —

Installation: Phase 2

The second phase installs the components that are specific to the particular TP monitor in use at your site. Separate procedures are used to install Adabas Review under each supported TP monitor: Com-plete, CICS, and batch.

This document covers the following topics:

Install Adabas Review under Com-plete

Start of instruction setTo install the Com-plete components of Adabas Review for use with the Adabas 8 Com-plete link routine:

  1. Use the JCS contained in the sublibrary member LREVLCO.X to set and assemble the LCOGBL module and link this to make the ADALCO phase with the Adabas Review link routine exit.

    The target of the link in this step must be a sublibrary in the Com-plete LIBDEF PHASE search concatenation.

  2. Restart Adabas and Com-plete.

  3. Initialize and test Adabas Review.

    Refer to section Starting Adabas Review for information about initializing and verifying the installation of the online portion of Adabas Review.

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Install Adabas Review under CICS

Start of instruction setTo install the CICS components of Adabas Review for use with the Adabas 8 CICS link routine:

  1. Modify the sample job LREVLCIC.X to set the SVC, DBID, library, and sublibrary information and submit it.

  2. Restart Adabas and CICS.

  3. Initialize and test Adabas Review.

    Refer to section Starting Adabas Review for more information about initializing and verifying the installation of the online portion of Adabas Review.

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Install Adabas Review under Batch

This section provides instructions for installing the batch components of Adabas Review with the Adabas batch link routines.

Start of instruction setTo install the batch components of Adabas Review for the Adabas 8 batch link routine:

  1. Edit member LNKGBLS.A in the Adabas distribution sublibrary. Provide values for the LOGID, SVC, GBLNAME, and other keywords to suit your installation requirements. Be sure to set the LGBLSET keywords:


    If you elect to use the reentrant link routine, edit member LNKRGBL.A in the Adabas distribution sublibrary.

  2. Edit the ALNKLNK8.X member found in the Adabas 8 sublibrary. This member will assemble and catalog the LNKGBLS.A module and link it and any desired exits with the LNKVSE8.OBJ module to create the ADALNK.PHASE member for Adabas 8. The ALNKLNK8.X member includes sample link-edit control cards to support UES by including the LNKUES.OBJ. module with the ASC2EBC and EBC2ASC translation tables. Modify the link-edit control cards to include any additional Software AG exit or user exit, as specified in the updated LNKGBLS.A member.

    If you elect to use the reentrant link routine, edit member ALNKLNR8.X in the Adabas distribution sublibrary.

  3. Provide the ADALNK.PHASE member in the LIBDEF search chain for the job step that will require Adabas database access or Software AG services.

    If you elect to use the reentrant link routine, provide the ADALNKR.PHASE member in the LIBDEF search chain for the job step that will required Adabas database access or Software AG services.

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