This section provides an overview of new features and terminology for Adabas Vista Version 8.2.
Console messages may be issued by Adabas Vista in client jobs, in databases and in System Coordinator daemons. Until now the console has been the only place where you can see them but now you can direct them to an alternate destination. You can accumulate messages as they have been in the past or you can now accumulate them in a file associated with individual client jobs or collect messages for all client jobs into a file in the Coordinator daemon, etc.
The new Runtime messages client runtime control allows client messages to be routed to:
The console.
This is compatible with previous releases.
A local DDMSG file in the client job.
The JCL for the job must be altered to accommodate this option.
A DDMSG defined by the System Coordinator daemon.
The daemon JCL must be altered.
The new daemon group setting Runtime messages – databases allows messages to be routed to:
The console.
This is compatible with previous releases.
A local DDMSG file in the database.
The JCL for the job must be altered to accommodate this option.
The new daemon group setting Runtime messages – daemon allows messages to be routed to:
The console.
This is compatible with previous releases.
A local DDMSG file.
The JCL for the job must be altered to accommodate this option.
Vista is fully compliant with the new memory management options introduced with Adabas System Coordinator. These options reduce the amount of memory consumed and also allow advanced crash-recovery capabilities for compliant TP systems such as CICS. Refer to the Adabas System Coordinator for more information on the types of operations you can choose. XML EXPORT for configuration objects Configuration objects can now be exported in XML form. For more information please refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation.
The new common tracing functionality will ultimately replace AVICLOG. AVIVLOG remains supported, in parallel, for this release. AVICLOG will be removed at the next release and fully replaced by the new tracing facility.
You can now display all Vista activities for every job in the system. All you have to do is configure the client runtime controls to make the activity details available to an Adabas System Coordinator group running in your system. Refer to the Adabas System Coordinator for more details on how to set this up and refer to the section Adabas System Coordinator online administration here in Vista for the information that is made available
You can now display all Vista activities for every session in the system. All you have to do is configure the client runtime controls to make the activity details available to an Adabas System Coordinator group running in your system. Refer to the Adabas System Coordinator for more details on how to set this up and refer to the section Adabas System Coordinator online administration here in Vista for the information that is made available
The Adabas Vista partition feature now accommodates files with record volumes that go way beyond the existing Adabas limit of 4 gigabytes. Now you can have files with essentially an unlimited number of records with all the benefits of partitioning too; to allow parallel maintenance etc. For more information, see Adabas Vista extreme files in the Programming Guidelines for more information.
Adabas SAF Security sites who also use Vista can now secure the use of Vista online administration. Refer to the section SAF Security Settings for more information on how to implement this.
Online administration now allows a test function to verify the partition settings are valid so you can have much more confidence in the settings you make. See Maintain Partitions: Test partition settings for more information.
Configuration objects can now be exported in XML form. For more information please refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation.