Version 8.2.1

Adabas System Coordinator online administration

This section describes the administrative functions relating to Adabas Vista that are found with Adabas System Coordinator.

Current activity display

You can display the activities of Adabas jobs and the client sessions within them. Here, you can focus down into the detail provided by Vista.

Use the System Coordinator current activity display function to see the activities of Adabas jobs and the client sessions within them, including specific detail for Vista.

Display session statistics

Start of instruction setTo display Adabas Vista session statistics within System Coordinator:

  1. Use PF11 to select Adabas Vista and the following will appear:

    09:11:57     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.2.1 *****     2011-02-28
                         -  Adabas Vista Session Statistics  -           U1STS0M3  
     Node ID: LOCAL Session ID: CICSTCQ8 Hex: C3C9C3E2E3C3D8F8 Job Name: DAEFCI18  
     Command Statistics:                                                           
                           Partitioned Calls:             2,479                    
                           Translation Calls:             3,955                    
                                 Other Calls:             1,168                    
     Command ==>                                                                   
                      Exit  Refr                                Tasks Prods Menu   

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