Version 8.2.1

Before You Install

This section describes actions which must be taken prior to performing Adabas Vista installation.

Adabas System Coordinator and TP Library Names

Before you start to install Adabas Vista, you must:

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Configuration File Conversion

The layout for translation rules and partition definitions has changed for Adabas Vista Version 8. These changes are described in the Adabas Vista 8.2 Release Notes, section New Features.

Adabas Vista Online Services (SYSAVI) will detect automatically if a configuration file has not already been converted and will prompt you to run the conversion.

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Configuration File Availability

Adabas Vista will only operate correctly if a configuration file is continuously available. Operational procedures are necessary to ensure that an approriate configuration file is available:

The configuration file must remain available throughout the duration of all Vista-enabled jobs.

When a Vista-enabled job initializes, Adabas Vista will establish base level runtime controls for use by all clients within that job. These base level runtime controls are defined using Adabas Vista Online Services. If no base level runtime controls are defined for the current job, or the configuration file is not available at initialization time, default runtime controls will be used.

If the configuration file becomes temporarily unavailable, client sessions will continue. However, without the configuration file Adabas Vista will not be able to determine the existence of translation and partitioning rules for a particular source database and file number. In these circumstances all database communication will be routed unchanged to the source database and file number provided by the application. Because the results of these accesses may be unpredictable, it is recommended that you use virtual source database numbers for files that are to be defined as partitioned or translation files.

System Initialization

The base level runtime controls needed for the current job become effective when clients initialize. These runtime controls are defined using Adabas Vista Online Services.

If no runtime controls are defined for the current job - or the configuration file is not available - default runtime controls will be used.

Client Initialization

The presence of translation rules or partitioned files is determined when the user initializes.

If the configuration file is temporarily unavailable, the session is allowed to continue processing to minimize the impact, although Adabas Vista's partitioning and translation capabilities cannot be used until the configuration file becomes available and the user subsequently logs off and back on again.

A console message with the prefix AVI-0013 is displayed once when the configuration file becomes unavailable and again when it becomes available.

All database communication by a session that has been allowed to continue without the availability of the configuration file is routed unchanged to the source database and file number provided by the application. Because the results of these accesses may be unpredictable, it is recommended that you use virtual source database IDs for files that are to be defined as partitioned or translation files.

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Use of Unmodified ADALNK

As in previous releases, there is a requirement to use an unmodified ADALNK in certain areas. With Version 8 this has been reduced to unmodified ADALNK being needed to run standalone Adabas utility jobs only.

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Installation Under CICS

If you are installing under CICS, the Adabas Vista modules can be loaded either from the DFHRPL or the STEPLIB libraries. Software AG recommends that you use DFHRPL. If you are not using the CICS program autoinstall feature, you will need to define the Adabas Vista client modules (AVIKRN, AVIPXY) and the configuration module (CORCFG) to CICS. All of the modules should be defined with the following characteristics: Language: Assembler ; RELoad :No ; DAtalocation: Any ; EXECKey : User.

Please also refer to the Adabas System Coordinator Installation documentation for similar CICS requirements for that software component.

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Use of Client-Side ADALNK User Exits

Your site may attach user exits to the Adabas link module such as LUEXIT1/UEXITB and LUEXIT2/UEXITA. These exits may be site specific or required by third party products or both. Without Adabas Vista these exits experience the database and file numbers as they are set in the application program. Once you adopt Vista there may be a need for your own site exits and/or 3rd party software exits to experience the database and file numbers of the actual target (after Vista has altered it based upon the translation and partition rules you set). If any of your exits need to experience actual database and file numbers please refer to the Adabas System Coordinator Installation documentation, section Before you Install, sub-section Use of Client-Side ADALNK User Exits.

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