Adabas Online System (AOS) is an interactive, menu-driven analysis and control facility for Adabas and the related environment. A database administrator (DBA) uses it to manage your Adabas database and the users of the database.
Adabas Online System is a selectable unit to Adabas customers who have exercised a separate purchase agreement for this feature. A demonstration version is included with Adabas and is documented in the Adabas DBA Tasks Manual.
This document provides release notes for the Adabas Online System 8.2 release. It is organized as follows:
Adabas Online System (AOS) supports back-level versions of Adabas. However, Adabas 8.2 is a prerequisite for this version of AOS if you want to use AOS to manage any new features provided in Adabas 8.2.
For additional information about installation requirements, read Installation Requirements.
The following sections describe the enhancements made to Adabas Online System (AOS) in this release.
Maintenance changes only were made for this release.
This release of Adabas Online System(AOS) supports the new features of Adabas 8.2.2:
You can now specify the maximum number of occurrences for MU system fields allowed in a file using the SYFMAXUV field on the Define File screen. The SYFMAXUV field also appears in the Database Report for the file. For complete information, read Defining a New File.
You can set the CLOG and PLOG alert message level using the new LOGWARN ADARUN parameter. It appears under Additional Miscellaneous parameters on the Display Parameters and Modify Parameters screens. For complete information, read Displaying or Modifying Parameters.
You can now logically delete and undelete a descriptor from a database file. Logically deleting a descriptor from a file removes the descriptor from the file, but retains the field data in the database. A logically-deleted descriptor cannot be used as a search descriptor. This functionality is provided using a new option (L) on the File Maintenance menu and introduces a new screen, the Logically Delete Undelete Descriptor screen. For complete information, read Logically Deleting or Undeleting a Descriptor.
You can now specify the new time zone field option, TZ, to identify date-time fields that should be presented in the user's local time and stored in UTC time. For more information about adding and modifying fields using Adabas Online System, read Defining or Modifying the FDT.
You can now specify two new system file field options, SY and CR. The SY option should be used to identify the contents that should be stored in the system field; the CR option should be used to indicate that the system field value should only be set when the record is inserted into the Adabas file (it will not be modified when an update operation occurs). For more information about adding and modifying fields using Adabas Online System, read Defining or Modifying the FDT .
In cluster environments, the PF2 key has been activated on
some screens to allow you to scroll sequentially through nucleus IDs in the
cluster using the NextNucid
command. In addition,
the current nucleus ID is shown in a NucID field on
these screens. When the highest nucleus in a cluster is reached, PF2
causes AOS to cycle back to the beginning and changes the nucleus ID to the
lowest nucleus ID in the cluster.
The screens on which this functionality has been added are the
, , and menus, as well as the Display Parameters, Modify Parameters, and Display User Queue screens.Once the nucleus ID is changed, it remains in use for all AOS screens until it is changed again.
For complete information about all of these new features supported by Adabas Online System, refer to your Adabas 8.2.2 documentation.
This release of Adabas Online System(AOS) supports the new features of Adabas 8.2.1:
You can now logically delete and undelete fields from the FDT using AOS. This update affects multiple AOS screens. It provides two new options (F and G) on the menu, which lead to two new screens: Delete Field and Undelete Field. In addition, the FDT section of the now identifies deleted fields in the Options column.
For information on these new AOS screens and screen updates, read Defining or Modifying the FDT and Displaying the Field Definition Table (FDT).
If the new ADARUN parameter, INFOBUFFERSIZE (event log buffer size), has been specified for an Adabas database, you can now review and modify the parameter as well as display the event log buffer. This update affects multiple AOS screens. It provides a new option (L) on the menu, which leads to a new Display Event Log Buffer screen. In addition, the setting of the INFOBUFFERSIZE parameter is displayed under the heading Event log buffer size under the heading Additional Miscellaneous on the fourth page of the Display Parameters and Modify Parameters screens.
If the INFOBUFFERSIZE parameter is not specified for an Adabas database, you cannot perform these functions.
For information on these new AOS screens and screen updates, read Displaying the Event Log Buffer and Displaying or Modifying Parameters.
ADARUN parameters specific to cluster databases (MXMSG, MXMSGWARN, MXCANCEL, MXCANCELWARN, MXWTOR, and MXSTATUS) can now be reviewed on the AOS Display Parameters and Modify Parameters screens. They appear under the heading Cluster/Parallel Services on the fifth page.
To view these AOS screen updates, read Displaying or Modifying Parameters.
Statistics for the internally-used Y* and V* commands are now included on the Command Usage screen. These commands are used internally by Adabas and Adabas add-on products and should not be used in direct calls in your applications. Should you use them, errors will result.
To view these AOS screen updates, read Monitoring Command Usage.
The High Water Marks screen now includes data for Work parts 1, 2, and 3. This allows you to monitor the use of the Work data set. To view this AOS screen update, read Reviewing High Water Marks.
Using the Filereadonly field on the Modify File Parameters screen, you can now put a database file in read-only mode. This allows you to perform maintenance on the file while the database is up. Your database users will be able to read data from the read-only file while your system administrators perform maintenance on it. In addition, other files in the database, not in read-only status, can be read and updated as normal. For more information, read Making the File Read-Only
The maximum setting of the LFIOP ADARUN parameter has increased in Adabas 8.2. To accommodate this change, the parameter display has moved the fourth page of the Display Parameters and Modify Parameters AOS screens. It appears under the heading Flush I/O Pool (LFIOP).
To view this AOS screen update, read Displaying or Modifying Parameters.
The new ADARUN parameter LOGVOLIO now appears on the third page of the Display Parameters and Modify Parameters screens. It appears under the heading Log VOLSER info (LOGVOLIO).
To view this AOS screen update, read Displaying or Modifying Parameters.
You can now remove the UQ (unique descriptor) option from a descriptor field using the PF4 key on the Change Field Parameters screen.
To view this AOS screen update, read Changing Field Parameters.
Edit masks that have been defined for packed or unpacked date and time fields are now displayed in the online Database Report. In addition, you can now alter the edit masks of date and time fields for existing in the FDT and specify edit masks for new fields you add in the FDT.
For more information about valid edit masks, refer to your Adabas documentation. For more information about the online Database Report, read Reviewing the Database Report. For information on altering the edit masks of existing date and time fields in the FDT, read Changing Field Parameters. For information on specifying edit masks for new date and time fields in the FDT, read Adding One or More Fields.
This version of AOS now allows you to dynamically add and delete CLOG and PLOG data sets without terminating your current nucleus session. Using function, you can specify up to eight CLOG or PLOG data sets. This will reduce the chances of a wait condition in the nucleus, when the nucleus waits for an available CLOG or PLOG. You might find this particularly useful during busier times of the month or year.
For more information, read Allocating/Deallocating CLOG and PLOG Data Sets.
This version of AOS now allows you to reactivate command logging in an active nucleus where it had been disabled previously as a result of an I/O error. The cause of the I/O error needs to be corrected before running this function or command logging will simply fail again and will not be reactivated.
For more information, read Reactivating Command Logging.
Parameters that control the operation of Adabas Online System can be set at installation time by changing the defaults in the Natural program AOSEX1. Some of the AOSEX1 parameters have changed for this release. Specifically, the EX1-N3 parameter has been renamed to NR-EXT2. The EX1-N3 parameter is no longer supported. For complete information on AOSEX1 parameters, read Setting the Adabas Online System Defaults .
For information on how long a product is supported by Software AG, access Software AG's Empower web site at
Log into Empower. Once you have logged in, you can expand
in the left menu of the web page and select to access the Product Version Availability application. This application allows you to review support information for specific products and releases.The documentation for this product has been updated for this release. When additional updated versions of the documentation are created, you can review them on the Software AG documentation web site: The documentation at this site will be updated as required. If you have a maintenance contract, past versions of documentation can be reviewed by linking to the following Empower web site: If you do not have an Empower user ID and password yet, you will find instructions for registering on this site (free for customers with maintenance contracts).
The Adabas Online System documentation includes:
online HTML topics describing all aspects of the product;
Adobe Acrobat Reader Portable Document Format (PDF) files created from the HTML topics;
Adobe Acrobat Reader Portable Document Format (PDF) files for a series of manuals created from the HTML topics.
No hard-copy documentation is provided, but you can print the PDF and HTML files on your local printer.
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