Version 8.2.3
 —  Installation  —

Setting the Adabas Online System Defaults

Parameters that control the operation of Adabas Online System can be set at installation time by changing the defaults in the Natural program AOSEX1. Once you have altered the parameters as needed for your installation, copy the AOSEX1 and P-AOSEX1 members from the SYSAOSU library to the SYSAOS library.

The table below lists the parameters and possible values.

Parameter Valid Values Default Description
ADMIN-LEVEL 0-9 6 Administration level: Allows access to certain functions that can cause error conditions in the ADABAS environment. When set to 8 or higher, it allows the "CATCH RSP-CODE" direct command to occur, and when set to 9, it allows the "ZAP" function to be issued.
AOS-END-MSG Yes (Y) or No (N) Y Display AOS end-of-session message?
AOS-LOGO Yes (Y) or No (N) N Display AOS logo?
BATCH-ERROR Yes (Y) or No (N) N Batch job cond code: When AOS is executing from a batch job and has an error condition, and if BATCH-ERROR is set to "Y", AOS will terminate with a condition code of 8. This function will be fully implemented over time, as all AOS programs must be modified for this.
BLK-CYL Cylinder (C) or Block (B) B Space control by block or cylinder
CMD-INT Natural (N) or AOS ( A ) A Pass-through control for invalid AOS
"N" passes invalid commands to Natural;
"A" displays an error message for invalid
CPEXLIST No (N) or Yes (Y) N Display extended checkpoint list? A value of "N" displays the normal list; a value of "Y" displays the extended list.
EX1-A1 --- --- Reserved for future use.
EX1-N3 --- --- Reserved for future use.
EXF-UTI E or U U UTI or EXF file lock exception. A value of E specifies an EXF exception; a value of U specifies a UTI exception.
MAX-AC-IOS 0-999999 150 AC read converter block threshold value
MAXANZ 1-99999999 100 Maximum displayed user queue elements
NR-EXT 1-5 4 Critical extent threshold for listing file. This parameter applies to Adabas 7.4 (or earlier) installations.
NR-EXT2 1-99 50 Critical extent threshold for listing file. This parameter applies to Adabas 8 (or later) installations.
NR-PERCENT 1-99 89 Report function: NR-PERCENT is a threshold value for the display of critical files concerning the percentage full of the extents reached in AC/UI/NI/DS table type. A value greater than NR-PERCENT will be highlighted.
PURGE-UQE Yes (Y) or No (N) N Remove user queue element?
SAVEFDT Yes (Y) or No (N) N Keep deleted file's FDT?
STATINTV 1-9999 seconds 60 Statistics-gathering interval, in seconds
TID-DISPLAY B, A, I I Control display for TID in "display user queue" function:
"B" = binary TID display;
"A" = alpha TID display;
"I" = alpha for A-Z/0-9, otherwise binary.
TIMELA 0-99999999 seconds 0 (no limitations) Display user queue elements with activity during the last "n" seconds.
TIN-JOBN T or J J Display either job name or time-in in "display command queue" function. A value of "T" indicates that time-in should be displayed; a value of "J" indicates that the job name should be displayed.

To change the defaults, you must edit the Natural AOSEX1 program and make the changes directly within the program listing in the defaults area, which looks as follows:

ADMIN-LEVEL = '6'    (Allows access to certain functions that can cause error conditions in the ADABAS environment)
AOS-END-MSG = 'Y'    (Display end-of-session message)
AOS-LOGO = 'Y'       (Adabas Online System logo display-set to 'N' for no logo display)
BATCH-ERROR = 'N'    (If BATCH-ERROR is set to "Y", AOS will terminate with a condition code of 8 if an error occurs.)
BLK-CYL  = 'B'       (Space allocation default-set to 'C' for cylinders)
CMD-INT  =  'A'      (Pass invalid Adabas commands to (N)atural, or intercept (A))
CPEXLIST = 'N'       (Checkpoint list control-set to 'Y' for extended checkpoint list)
NR-EXT2 = '50'       (ADA V8 critical extent threshold.  Range: 1-99)
EXF-UTI  = 'U'       (File locking exception-set to 'E' to except files in EXF status)
MAXANZ  = 100        (Maximum user queue elements displayed. range: 1 - 99,999,999 elements)
NR-EXT = 4           (ADA V7 critical extent threshold.  Range: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
NR-PERCENT = '89'    (NR-PERCENT is a threshold value for the display of critical files)
MAX-AC-IOS = 150     (AC read converter block threshold)
PURGE-UQE  = 'N'     (Remove element from user queue. Pre-5.1 default is "Y")
SAVEFDT  = 'N'       (Keep old FDT for SAVE operation-set to 'Y' to save FDTs)
STATINTV = 60        (Statistic-gathering time. range: 1 - 9999)
TID-DISPLAY = 'I'    (TID display control: B=binary, A=alpha, I=normally alpha, special characters as binary)
TIMELA = 0           (Include activity in last 'n' seconds. range: "all" (0) -last 99,999,999 seconds)
TIN-JOBN = 'J'       (Command queue display-"J" for job name, "T" for "time in queue" )

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