This document describes how to install ADASAF.
This section describes the prerequisites for Adabas SAF Security Version 8.2.
Adabas SAF Security Version 8.2 can be used with any supported level of Adabas Version 8.1 or above, or any supported level of Adabas Cluster Services Version 8.1 or above, or any supported level of Adabas Parallel Services Version 8.1 or above. Refer to the Adabas documentation for more information.
When running an Adabas nucleus with Adabas SAF Security, Software AG
recommends that you use the Adabas router and link routines for the same SM
Adabas SAF Security requires the Adabas nucleus to run
Adabas SAF Security uses the common SAF components supplied on the Adabas Limited Library (the WAL load, jobs and source libraries). Adabas SAF Security Version 8.2 requires the Adabas Limited Libraries supplied with WAL 8.2.3 patch level 1 and above.
Adabas SAF Security 8.2 requires the Adabas System Coordinator 8.2. The System Coordinator libraries must be available to any Adabas nucleus or utility job that you wish to protect. You need a System Coordinator daemon if you wish to protect the online administration usage. To use online administration (SYSAAF) you must assign a System Coordinator configuration file to LFILE 152. For more information, refer to the Adabas System Coordinator documentation and Adabas SAF Security Installation. Adabas SAF Security does not require you to install the Adabas System Coordinator client component. Although it is needed for other System Coordinator based products.
Natural is required by the Online Services application SYSAAF.
Any supported level of Natural Version 4.1 or above can be used. Refer to the Natural documentation for more information.
ADASAF requires the following levels for the security system being used with Adabas:
CA-ACF2 Version 5 and above;
CA-Top Secret Version 4.2 and above;
RACF Version 2.1 and above.
The Software AG System Maintenance Aid procedure copies the ADASAF data sets (files) from the installation tape to disk. For more specific information about the tape contents, refer to the Report of Tape Creation that accompanies the ADASAF tape.
The data sets (files) are named AAFvrs, where vrs is the current ADASAF version, revision, and system maintenance level. The following are the DASD space requirements for the ADASAF installation data sets (files):
Name | 3390 Disk Space Requirement |
AAFvrs.LOAD | 10 tracks |
AAFvrs.SRCE | 3 tracks |
AAFvrs.JOBS | 2 tracks |
AAFvrs.INPL | 105 tracks |
AAFvrs.ERRN | 2 tracks |
There may also be a ZAPS data set (file) containing important last-minute corrections in AMASPZAP format and INPL update data sets (files) containing corrections to the ADASAF online system.
The data set (file) AAFvrs.JOBS contains the following members:
Name | Equivalent SMA Jobs | Description |
SAGI010 | I020 | Job to authorize ADARUN. |
SAGI030 | I010 and I011 | Job to link the ADASAF security router (SVC). The job as distributed provides an example for temporary linking; it can be modified for permanent linking. This job is only required if you are using a version of the Adabas SVC below 8.2.2. |
SAGI050 | none | Job to temporarily install the ADASAF router (SVC). This job is only required if you are using a version of the Adabas SVC below 8.2.2. |
SAGI055 | none | Job to assemble a grouped resource name table. |
SAGI060 | none | Job to assemble the Adabas operator command table ADAEOPTB and link to ADAIOR. |
SAGI061 | I061 | Job to load ADASAF Online Services. |
Before installing ADASAF, be sure that the prerequisite system configuration is available. Then perform the following steps:
Step 4: Relink the Adabas SVC (Not Required When Using the SVC from Adabas 8.2.2 and Above)
Step 7: Install the Operator Command Security Exit (optional)
Step 9: Assemble and Link Grouped Resource Name Tables (optional)
Step 13: Install the System Coordinator daemon security service
If you are using System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the SMA documentation (included on the current edition of the Natural documentation CD). If you are not using SMA, perform steps 1a, 1b and 1c as described in this section:
If the data sets (files) for more than one product are delivered on
the tape, COPY.JOB contains the JCL to unload the data sets (files) for all
delivered products from the tape to your disk. After that, you will have to
perform the individual install procedure for each component.
COPY.JOB (label 2) contains the JCL to unload all other existing data sets (files) from tape to disk. To unload COPY.JOB, use the following sample JCL:
where: <hilev> is a valid high level qualifier <Tnnnnn> is the tape number <vvvvvv> is the desired volser
Modify COPY.JOB to conform with your local naming conventions and set the disk space parameters before submitting this job:
set HILEV to a valid high level qualifier
set LOCATION to a storage location
set EXPDT to a valid expiration date
Submit COPY.JOB to unload all other data sets (files) from the tape to your disk.
Ensure that the Adabas load library, the ADASAF load library and the Adabas System Coordinator load library are APF-authorized; otherwise, message AAF017 occurs and the Adabas nucleus is terminated.
Execute the SAGI010 job to link ADARUN with an authorization code of 1.
Before the ADASAF router can be installed, a set of router security exits must be linked. Currently, the router security extensions protect the following environments:
Environment | Description |
Batch and TSO |
Adabas calls from ADALNK can be secured by the external security system using ADASAF. The external security User ID is retrieved from the ACEE address in the TCBSENV field or, if TCBSENV is not set, the User ID is retrieved from the ASXBSENV field. |
Com-plete or Entire Service Manager |
Adabas calls from ADALCO can be secured by the external security system using ADASAF. The external security User ID is retrieved from the ACEE address in the TCBSENV field. |
CICS 4.1 or above |
CICS passes the external security identifier as a parameter to the Adabas TRUE, which in turn passes the identifier on to the Adabas router. Note: |
IMS Version 2 and 3 |
Adabas calls from ADALNI can be secured by the external security system using ADASAF. The external security User ID is retrieved from the IOPCB in an IMS environment. External security must enable for the /SIGN transaction. |
IMS Version 3 and above |
The external security User ID is retrieved from the IOPCB or, for batch regions, from the TCB or ASXB. |
Job SAGI030 described below is not required when using the Adabas SVC
supplied with Adabas 8.2.2 and above.
Execute SAGI030 to relink the Adabas SVC with the router security extensions supplied on the Adabas Limited Load library.
To link the security extensions with ADASVC, change the job control for either permanent or temporary installation of the SVC. Examples are provided below and in job SAGI030. For more information, see the Adabas Installation documentation.
For permanent installation, change the JCL as follows:
For temporary installation, change the JCL as follows:
You should review and make any neccessary modifications to the SAFCFG configuration options. For more information, see the section Configuration and also the SAF Security Kernel documentation as well as the documentation of any other Software AG SAF Security product you have installed.
The ADASAF source library contains an example member, AAFPARM, which illustrates how to set the SAFCFG configuration options relevant to ADASAF. You will need to create a similar source member which invokes the SAFCFG macro, specifying configuration options appropriate to how you intend to install and operate ADASAF at your site.
Assemble and link the site-dependent SAF Security Kernel modules:
SAFCFG, SAFPSEC, and SAFPMAC, using the jobs SAFI010, SAFI020 and SAFI021
supplied on the Adabas Limited jobs library. Change the SAFCFG assembly job
(SAFI010) to reference your configuration module source member. By default
SAFI010 creates a load module called SAFCFG. However, you may specify a load
module name of the format Annnnn to create a configuration module that
will only be used by database nnnnn. This is particularly useful when
you have some databases with different requirements to the majority. For
example, if database 153 has special requirements, create a configuration
module called A00153 by specifying LOADMEM=A00153
in a copy of job SAFI010.
Adabas SAF Security will automatically use A00153 rather than SAFCFG for
nucleus and utility jobs running against database 153. All other databases will
continue to use SAFCFG.
For SAFPSEC (job SAFI020), you need to specify your security system.
SAFPMAC (source SAFPOS) is assembled as supplied using job SAFI021.
For more information, see the SAF Security Kernel documentation.
To permit ADASAF to perform security validation for operator commands, modify and execute the supplied sample job SAGI060. This will assemble the command grouping table ADAEOPTB and link it together with ADAIOR and the ADASAF operator command security exit ADAEOPV.
If individual command rather than group checking is to be performed, remove the Include statement for ADAEOPTB. A weak unresolved external reference for ADAEOPTB can be ignored in this case.
ADAEOPV also enables the ADASAF operator commands.
The Adabas SAF Security Online Services (SYSAAF) objects are delivered on the Adabas SAF Security distribution tape.
Use your everyday Natural INPL job to load the administration tool (Natural application SYSAAF) and associated message texts into your Natural system. For reference a sample Natural INPL job called CORI061 can be found with the sibling System Coordinator product in the jobs distribution file. The INPL job’s work file 1 must reference the distribution file AAFvrs.INPL and work file 2 must reference AAFvrs.ERRN.
If you use Natural Security in this system, define the libraries
SYSAAF and SYSMXvrs (where vrs is the level you are
installing, for example 821) and protect as you require. You may define MENU as
the startup transaction for SYSAAF. However, you must
not define a startup transaction for SYSMXvrs.
Before using SYSAAF, you must also have:
installed the Adabas System Coordinator configuration file (refer to the Adabas System Coordinator installation documentation) and
assigned the file to Natural LFILE 152, either in the Natural parameter module:
NTLFILE 152,dbid,file,password,cipher
Or in your dynamic Natural parameters:
If you wish to use grouped resource names for protecting the use of Adabas files, rather than the standard database id/file number specific names, you must define the names you wish to use and list the file numbers for which those names are to be used. You do this by assembling a set of AAFFILE macros to create a load module. The name of this load module must be provided via the FILETAB configuration option (in SAFCFG or DDSAF) and the module must be in one of the nucleus step libraries. Use the supplied sample job SAGI055 to create your grouped resource name tables.
The library containing the ADARUN module linked
in step 3 must be first in the STEPLIB
concatenation for the Adabas start-up procedure.
Also ensure that the ADASAF load library, the target load library used in step 6 (if different), and the Adabas limited load library are APF-authorized and added to your STEPLIB concatenation.
You must also APF-authorize the Adabas System Coordinator load library and add it to your STEPLIB concatenation.
If you wish to protect Adabas utilities and single-user mode batch jobs, you must also ensure that the ADASAF, SAF Security Kernel, and Adabas System Coordinator libraries are available in the STEPLIB concatenation of those batch jobs. For utilities and single-user mode batch jobs, ADASAF does not have to run APF-authorized.
Create the necessary security profile and rule (entity) definitions required by the security package. See section Configuration for more information.
Ensure that the job control contains an appropriate DDPRINT DD statement and, if required, DDSAF and SAFPRINT statements.
DDSAF and SAFPRINT are optional. DDSAF may be used to override some
SAFCFG settings for this nucleus (see
Overriding ADASAF Parameters Using
DDSAF Data Set). ADASAF auto-detects DDSAF. Sample DDSAF input is
supplied in the SAFPARM source library member. If DDSAF has not been specified,
you will see a system message to that effect, which you can ignore. SAFPRINT
contains security trace messages and is only used if the SAFCFG configuration
option SAFPRINT is set to Y.
In order to protect online administration for Adabas SAF Security and sibling products Fastpath, Vista, Transaction Manager and System Coordinator you must run the security service in your System Coordinator daemon. To do this:
Add these APF-authorized load libraries to the daemon’s STEPLIB concatenation
The Adabas SAF Security load library.
The Adabas Limited load library.
The load library containing your SAFCFG, SAFPMAC and SAFPSEC modules. You may use the same SAFCFG for your daemon as for your databases, or a different one and the load module may be named SAFCFG or Annnnn where nnnnn is your daemon node-id
Ensure the daemon job control contains an appropriate DDPRINT DD statement and, if required, SAFPRINT statements.
SAFPRINT DD is optional, for security trace information. It is only
required when SAFCFG’s SAFPRINT is set to Y (the daemon security service does
not use DDSAF).
Add a PRODUCT=AAF record to your daemon DDCARD file.