Version 8.2.3
 —  Utilities  —

ADADBS REPTOR: Activate, Deactivate, Open, or Close Event Replicator Resources

The ADADBS REPTOR function provides activation and deactivation control of Event Replicator resources. This function should be used with Event Replicator Servers; it is not valid with other Adabas databases.


This document covers the following topics:

Essential Parameters

ACTIVATE: Event Replicator Server Resource Activation Request

The ACTIVATE parameter requests activation for the specified file, database ID, destination, or subscription.

One of the parameters, ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, OPEN, or CLOSE must be set. There is no default.

DEACTIVATE: Event Replicator Server Resource Deactivation Request

The DEACTIVATE parameter requests deactivation for the specified file, database ID, destination, or subscription.

One of the parameters, ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, OPEN, or CLOSE must be set. There is no default.

OPEN: Event Replicator Server Resource Open Request

The OPEN parameter requests that an unavailable destination or input queue be opened. When this parameter is specified, either the DESTINATION or IQUEUE parameter must be specified.

One of the parameters, ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, OPEN, or CLOSE must be set. There is no default.

CLOSE: Event Replicator Server Resource Close Request

The CLOSE parameter requests that an available destination or input queue be closed. When this parameter is specified, either the DESTINATION or IQUEUE parameter must be specified.

One of the parameters, ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, OPEN, or CLOSE must be set. There is no default.

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Optional Parameters

DBID: Replicated DBID

The DBID parameter, when specified without the FILE parameter, will activate replication for any inactive files or deactivate replication for any active files for a given DBID. When specified with the FILE parameter, the DBID parameter identifies the database in which the file specified by the FILE parameter resides.

The DBID parameter is mutually exclusive with the DESTINATION, IQUEUE, and SUBSCRIPTION parameters.

DESTINATION: Replication Destination

The DESTINATION parameter can only be specified when the ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, OPEN, or CLOSE parameters are specified. The DESTINATION parameter supplies the name of the destination that should be activated, deactivated, opened, or closed. The destination specified must be defined to the Event Replicator Server.

If "ACTIVATE" is specified, the destination must already be inactive; if "DEACTIVATE" is specified, the destination must already be activated.

If "OPEN" is specified, the destination must be in an unavailable state; if "CLOSE" is specified, the destination must be in an available state.

The DESTINATION parameter is mutually exclusive with the DBID, FILE, IQUEUE, and SUBSCRIPTION parameters.

FILE: Replicated File

The FILE parameter will activate or deactivate replication for a single file in a specific database. A corresponding DBID parameter must also be specified.

If "ACTIVATE" is specified, the file must already be deactivated; if "DEACTIVATE" is specified, the file must already be activated.

The FILE parameter is mutually exclusive with the DESTINATION, IQUEUE, and SUBSCRIPTION parameters.

IQUEUE: Replication Input Queue

The IQUEUE parameter can only be specified when the OPEN or CLOSE parameters are specified. It supplies the name of the input queue (IQUEUE) that should be opened or closed and must be defined to the Event Replicator Server.

If "OPEN" is specified, the input queue must be in an unavailable state; if "CLOSE" is specified, the input queue must be in an available state.

The IQUEUE parameter is mutually exclusive with the DBID, DESTINATION, FILE, and SUBSCRIPTION parameters.

SUBSCRIPTION: Replication Subscription

The subscription specified for the SUBSCRIPTION parameter must be defined to the Event Replicator Server. It specifies the name of the subscription definition to use.

If "ACTIVATE" is specified, the subscription must already be deactivated. If "DEACTIVATE" is specified, the subscription must already be activated.

The SUBSCRIPTION parameter is mutually exclusive with the DBID, FILE, IQUEUE, and DESTINATION parameters.

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The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server activate all inactive files for database 232.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server activate file 2 on database 232. The file is currently inactive.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server activate the destination defined by the DEST0001 destination. The destination is currently inactive.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server activate the subscription defined by the SUBS0001 subscription. The subscription is currently inactive.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server deactivate all active files for database 232.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server deactivate file 2 on database 232. The file is currently active.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server deactivate the destination defined by the DEST0001 destination. The destination is currently active.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server deactivate the subscription defined by the SUBS0001 subscription. The subscription is currently active.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server open (restart) destination DEST0001. Each output task will be asked to process the destination if that output task does not already have the destination open for processing.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server close destination DEST0001. Each output task will be asked to close the destination if that output task does not already have the destination closed for processing.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server open (restart) input queue IQUEUE01. Each input task will be asked to open the input queue if that input task does not already have the input queue open for processing.


The following example requests that the Event Replicator Server close input queue IQUEUE01. Each input task will be asked to close the input queue if that input task does not already have the input queue closed for processing.


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