Version 8.2.3
 —  Utilities  —

OPERCOM: Issue Adabas Operator Commands

The OPERCOM function issues operator commands to the Adabas nucleus.

In an Adabas cluster environment, OPERCOM commands can be directed to a single cluster nucleus or to all active nuclei in the cluster. If a particular nucleus is not specified, the command defaults to the local nucleus.

Adabas issues a message to the operator, confirming command execution.


In this section, the discussion of the individual operator commands follows the discussion of the optional parameters, since some of the operator commands behave differently when issued in an Adabas cluster environment.

This document covers the following topics:

Using OPERCOM Commands in Cluster Environments

Some ADARUN parameters are global parameters; that is, they must have the same values for all nuclei in a cluster. Of these, some are set at session initialization and cannot be changed. Others can be modified on a running system. OPERCOM commands that change these modifiable global parameter values are handled in a special way in cluster environments.

If an Adabas cluster nucleus changes one or more global parameters, that nucleus acquires a parameter change lock, makes the changes in its local parameter area, informs the other cluster nuclei of the changes and waits for a reply. The other cluster nuclei make the changes in their own local parameter areas and send an acknowledgment message.

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Optional Parameters

GLOBAL: Operate Across All Active Cluster Nuclei

Five OPERCOM commands use the GLOBAL option to operate across all active nuclei in a cluster: ADAEND, CANCEL, FEOFCL, FEOFPL, and HALT. For example:


All other OPERCOM commands use the NUCID=0 option to operate across all active nuclei in a cluster.

NOUSERABEND: Termination without Abend

When an error is encountered while the function is running, the utility prints an error message and terminates with user abend 34 (with a dump) or user abend 35 (without a dump). When NOUSERABEND is specified, it must be specified as the first parameter (before all other parameters) for the utility function.

If NOUSERABEND is specified, the utility will not abend after printing the error message. Instead, the message "utility TERMINATED DUE TO ERROR CONDITION" is displayed and the utility terminates with condition code 20.

NUCID: Cluster Nucleus ID

Any nucleus running in an Adabas nucleus cluster is allowed to run Adabas utilities such as ADADBS.

With certain exceptions, the NUCID parameter allows you to direct the ADADBS OPERCOM commands to a particular nucleus in the cluster for execution, just as though the command had been issued by a locally run ADADBS OPERCOM operation. You can route most OPERCOM commands to all nuclei in a cluster by specifying NUCID=0.

If NUCID is not specified in a cluster environment, the command is routed to the local nucleus.

For ADADBS OPERCOM and Adabas Online System (AOS), a zero value for the NUCID parameter indicates that the command applies to all nuclei in the cluster (global). A nonzero value for the NUCID parameter indicates that the command applies only to the cluster nucleus specified.

TEST: Test Syntax

This parameter tests the operation syntax without actually performing the operation. Only the syntax of the specified parameters can be tested; nor the validity of values and variables. See Syntax Checking with the TEST Parameter for more information on using the TEST parameter in ADADBS functions.

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Operator Commands

The following Adabas operator commands can be used in the ADADBS OPERCOM utility function:

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