Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Adabas Console Messages (ADAN* & ADACM*)

The following messages may be displayed on the operator console during an Adabas session. Each message number is followed first by either:

Then follows the error date and time and finally the message text. The console messages have the same general format:

ADANnn database ID yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss message text

Because of space restrictions, the message descriptions are shown here without the database ID and date/time portion of the message.

Some message numbers have been assigned to more than one message text.

Top of page

ADANnn Console Messages

Overview of Messages

ADAN01 Adabas (vv . r . s) is active
Mode = {single | multi}
Running {with | without} recovery-log

The Adabas nucleus at release level v.r.s has been initiated successfully. Multi- or single-user mode is indicated, and whether the nucleus is running with or without the Adabas Recovery Aid (ADARAI) log.

ADAN02 Nucleus-run {with | without} protection log

The Adabas nucleus session has been initiated and database protection logging either has or has not been specified. The subsequent execution of the REGENERATE and BACKOUT functions of the ADARES utility for any updates applied during the session is only possible when protection logging has been specified. However, transaction recovery for ET logic users is not affected by PLOG specification since data protection information for such users is still maintained on the Adabas Work file.

ADAN03 Adabas coming up

Adabas session initialization is in progress.

ADAN03 Initializing NUCID=nnnnn INTNUCID=xx

Initialization is in progress for the specified external nucleus ID (nnnnn) with the specified internal nucleus ID (xx). This message is useful for determining the internal system-assigned nucleus ID associated with the external user-assigned NUCID.

ADAN04 Abnormal end due to work overflow

The Adabas nucleus detected an overflow condition on the Work data set that could not be rectified by normal Adabas backout processing. The Adabas session was therefore terminated abnormally.


Notify the DBA immediately.

ADAN05 Warning. Now it is too late to copy DDPLOGRn
FROMBLK=blk1, FROMTIME=timestamp1
TOBLK =blk2, TOTIME=timestamp2
00199 ERROR obtaining timestamp information
00199 IOR function = fx, response = X'nn'

Adabas has begun to write data protection log data to the data set identified by DD/PLOGRn. This means that the data set can no longer be copied to tape for subsequent use as input to the REGENERATE or BACKOUT functions of the ADARES utility. A user exit 2 (dual log processing) or a user exit 12 (multiple log processing) call either was not made or did not successfully copy the DD/PLOGRn data set with the ADARES utility.

Normally, the from and to blocks and the from and to timestamps being overwritten are given in the message. However if there was a problem obtaining this block and timeout information, the 00199 messages listed above may be issued.

ADAN05 I/O error on PLOGRn

An I/O error occurred on the dual or multiple protection log data sets. Processing continues without protection logging.

ADAN06 Number of HQES = nnn

This message is displayed in response to the operator command DNH. The number of ISNs currently in the Adabas hold queue is represented by "nnn".

ADAN06 I/O error on SIBA

An I/O error occurred on sequential protection log SIBA. If the nucleus runs with PLOGRQ=YES, the nucleus terminate with user abend 22; otherwise, the SIBA is set to dummy and processing continues without protection logging.

ADAN07 Current HQ is empty

This message is displayed in response to the operator commands DHQ or DHQA in the event that the hold queue is empty.

ADAN07 SIBA is set to DUMMY

This message may follow an ADAN06 message.

ADAN08 FILE=file-number, ISN=isn, USER=userid[,SHARED]

This message is displayed in response to the operator command DHQ or DHQA. For each ISN in the hold queue, the file number, ISN, and Adabas-assigned ID of the user for whom the ISN is being held is given.

If the user ID is not shown, a cluster nucleus (with Adabas Cluster Services or Adabas Parallel Services) has issued a global hold request for the ISN, but has not yet reserved the ISN for a particular user.

If the SHARED keyword is shown, the user has the ISN in shared hold status. Other users, not shown, may have this ISN in shared hold status too.

ADAN08 Rerun ADARES with larger LP-SIZE

The LP parameter specifies the number of blocks to allocate to the data protection area, which is part 1 of the Work data set. This area must be large enough to accommodate the data protection information for the current transaction for all ET Logic users.

ADAN09 Number of UQES = nnn

This message is displayed in response to the operator command DNU. "nnn" indicates the number of user queue elements currently active.

ADAN10 Current UQ is empty

This message is displayed in response to the operator command DUQ in the event that there are no users currently active and/or the current UQ does not contain utility UQEs (response to DUUQE).

ADAN11 USER=userid, JN=jobname, TY=t, LA=ns, TID=aaaaaaaa (xxxxxxxx)

This message, a response to a DUQ, DUQA, or DUUQE operator command, provides the following information about each user:

userid the Adabas-assigned user ID
jobname the name of the related job
User type:
A: access-only user
E: ET logic user
U: utility or Adabas Online System user
X: exclusive update user
ns time (in seconds) since the last activity
aaaaaaaa terminal ID (alphanumeric)
xxxxxxxx terminal ID (hexadecimal)

The terminal ID is the contents of the UQE.

ADAN12 USER=userid, JN=jobname
TY=t , LA=ns
USERID=op-userid, ST=status, TRST=m, NF=count

This message is displayed in response to the operator command DUQE. The following information is given for each user queue element:

userid the Adabas-assigned user ID, or "WITHOUT USER-ID"
jobname the name of the related job
user types:
A: access-only user
E: ET logic user
U: utility or Adabas Online System user
X: exclusive update user
ns time (in seconds) since the last activity
op-userid user ID assigned by user with OP command
user status:
E: ET user in ET status
-: ET user not in ET status
T: timed-out user
m time in seconds since start of transaction
count number of files in the file list
"n" is the file number; "s" is the file status:
A: being accessed by the user
F: open for EXF user
P: open for Adabas utility
U: being updated by the user
X: open for exclusive updating

ADAN13 Number of posted CQES = nnn

This message is displayed in response to the DNC operator command. "nnn" indicates the number of posted command queue elements.

ADAN14 Current CQ is empty
USER=userid, JOBNAME=jobname
CMD=cmd-code, FILE=fnr, STCK=timestamp, IUBL=buf-length

This message is displayed in response to the DCQ operator command. Unless the command queue (CQ) is empty, the message displays the following for each command queue element (CQE):

userid the last eight bytes of the user's 28-byte communication ID presented in characters if it is readable or in hexadecimal if it contains noncharacter data.
jobname the user's job name
cmd-code the two-character Adabas command code
fnr the Adabas file number specified in the command
timestamp the machine time (in STCK format) as of when the command entered the command queue
buf-length the total length of the buffers belonging to the command.

ADAN15 LBP-size too small for the number of threads

The specified or available buffer pool space may not be large enough for the number of threads specified by the ADARUN NT parameter. This message is a warning. Adabas allocates 50 kilobytes per thread and processing continues.


Either increase the buffer pool size (specified by the ADARUN LBP parameter) or decrease the thread count (with the ADARUN NT parameter). Restart Adabas. If the error occurs again, allocate more address space for the Adabas nucleus and check the session I/O statistics for buffer efficiency.

ADAN16 ADARUN-parameter-settings

This message is displayed on the console in response to the operator command DPARM. The current setting for each ADARUN parameter specified for an Adabas nucleus is given using this message number.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADAN17 [special nucleus status indicators, if applicable]
READ I/Os A=nnn, D=nnn, W=nnn
WRITE I/O A=nnn, D=nnn, W=nnn
Nr. of commands=nnn , buffer efficiency=nn.n
Nr. of fmt-tran.=nnn , nr. of fmt-ovwr.=nnn
THREADnnn = nnn commands

This message is displayed in response to the operator command DSTAT.

Except for the first optional message line, the messages display the following information:

READ I/Os A=nnn physical read I/Os to Associator
READ I/Os D=nnn physical read I/Os to Data Storage
READ I/Os W=nnn physical read I/Os to Work
WRITE I/Os A=nnn physical write I/Os to Associator
WRITE I/Os D=nnn physical write I/Os to Data Storage
WRITE I/Os W=nnn physical write I/Os to Work
NUMBER OF COMMANDS=nnn number of commands processed
BUFFER EFFICIENCY=nn.n number of logical I/Os divided by number of physical I/Os
FORMAT TRANSLATIONS=nnn number of translations into internal format buffer
FORMAT OVERWRITES=nnn number of times an existing internal format entry format entry was overwritten
THREADnnn=nnn COMMANDS number of commands processed in the specified thread. The nucleus omits threads in which no commands are executed.

The special nucleus status indicators that can occur in the first message are as follows:

Message Text Explanation
ADAEND IN PROGRESS The Adabas nucleus is shutting down.
ET-SYNCHRONIZATION IN PROGRESS New transactions are delayed until all open transactions are finished.
ONLINE DATABASE SAVE RUNNING Update utility functions are rejected.
ONLINE FILE SAVE RUNNING Update utility functions on the files being saved are rejected.
{ READ | UTI } -ONLY TRANSITION Transition into read-only or utility-only status.
READ-ONLY STATUS Update commands are rejected.
UTI-ONLY STATUS Only privileged users such as the Adabas utilities and AOS can log on.
UPDATE PROCESSING SUSPENDED Update commands are delayed until normal processing resumes.

ADAN18 THN=nnn, ST=status, USE=ccc

In response to the operator command DTH, shows the following information for each thread:

nnn thread number
thread status:
AA Active
RR Ready to run
UU Unused
WAP Waiting for asynchronous post
WE Waiting for event
WHQ Waiting for hold queue space
WI Waiting for I/O
WSP Waiting for workpool space
WLF Waiting for logical buffer flush
WPF Waiting for physical buffer flush
WP2 Waiting for PLOG write I/O
WQE Waiting for queued event
WRB Waiting for RABN
WSE Waiting for simple event
WTI Waiting for time elapse
WW2 Waiting for WORK write I/O
W* Waiting for other event
ccc count of commands processed by the thread

ADAN19 Buffer flush is asynchronous

This message and the asynchronous buffer flush occur when the ADARUN LFIOP parameter specifies a nonzero value.

PLOG-NR=session-number, BLK-NR=block-number

Online execution of the ADASAV utility's SAVE database function has started. The message shown above occurs for both database and file SAVEs and specifies the following:

session-number the number of the session with which SAVE begins.
block-number the RABN block that specifies the SYN1 starting point of the SAVE.
volume the current SIBA volume/serial number.

Save this session/RABN information and the related PLOG and other SAVE output for later ADASAV restore activity.

ADAN21 Protection log DD/PLOGRN started

Adabas is now ready to begin writing data protection information to the dual or multiple data protection log identified by DD/PLOGRn.


Execute the PLCOPY function of the ADARES utility at this time.

ADAN22 File dump online started
DATASET-NR=session-number, BLK-NR=block-number

The online ADASAV SAVE FILE execution has begun. The SAVE operation begins with session session-number, using the SYN4 start point indicated by RABN block-number.


Save this session/RABN information and the related PLOG and SAVE output for later ADASAV RESTORE activity.

ADAN23 date time online process {started | partially done | done | stopped | terminated with error}
process-type, FNR=fnr, DE=aa

An online process has started, is ongoing or has completed, terminated due to an error, or was stopped. The type of process is displayed, as well as the file number and details about the process as appropriate.

ADAN24 date time DISPLAY PPT RABNs nnnn TO mmmm

In response to operator command DPPT (Display PPT), this and subsequent messages show the contents of the Participating Plex-ID Table (PPT).

ADAN25 DIB block is currently empty
JOBNAME=jobname, STARTTIME=hh:mm:ss , LID=userid

In response to operator command DDIB (display DIB block), this message either indicates an empty DIB block or provides the following DIB information:

jobname job name
hh:mm:ss job start time
userid user ID assigned in the OP command

ADAN26 Files locked=file-number, ...

In response to the DDIB operator command, this message displays the file-number of a file that is locked because it is being used by an Adabas utility.

ADAN27 message
Message Explanation
date time release DE
Release done, FNR=fnr DE=de
The Release Descriptor function at the end of an aborted online invert process has released the descriptor shown for the file shown.
Release DE terminated due to error
File will be locked completely
FNR=fnr DE=de RESPONSE=rsp
The Release Descriptor function at the end of an aborted online invert process has failed with the response code shown. The file is locked.
date time release DE
Function terminated
The Release Descriptor function at the end of an aborted online invert process has finished. If the online invert was processing an expanded file, the Release Descriptor function has been executed on all component files of the expanded file.

ADAN28 High water marks
name value cur-value hw-value

In response to the DRES operator command, this message displays the pool/queue allocated record count, current value, and highest value reached ("high water mark") for the current session. The second line of the message occurs once for each of the following pool or queue items:

is the pool or queue item:
AB: attached buffer table
CQ: command queue
FI: internal format buffer pool
HQ: hold queue
TBI: ISN table
TBS: sequential ISN list
UQ: user queue
WORK work pool
WKP1 Work Part 1

The maximum pool value of Work part 1 is derived from the LP parameter. It corresponds to the maximum number of blocks a transaction can spend on Work Part 1 before Adabas decides to back it out.

WKP2 Work Part 2
WKP3 Work Part 3
value is the maximum pool value for the related 'name'
cur-value is the current record count in the pool/queue
hw-value is the highest count of the maximum pool value used to this point in the current session.

ADAN29 (No) users stopped

In response to the STOPI operator command, this message displays either as "users stopped" or "no users stopped", depending on the action performed by the STOPI command.

ADAN2A Overwriting PPT entry for NUCID=nnnnn

There are already 32 entries in the parallel participant table. The nucleus ID entry specified was inactive and is being overwritten.

ADAN2B Different work data set was detected

A Work data set was specified that is different from the one used in the previous session. This message is displayed only when the previously used Work data set contains a pending autorestart.

ADAN2C Unable to open or read previous work data set

A Work data set was specified that is different from the one used in the previous session. An attempt to read the Work data set used in the previous session to search for a pending autorestart failed.

ADAN2D Caution - pending autorestart detected

A Work data set was specified that is different from the one used in the previous session. The previously used Work data set was read and contains a pending autorestart. The ADAI63 message identifies the previous Work data set.

ADAN2E Warning - PLOG datasets have changed. PPT overwritten.
Use ADARES PLCOPY NOPPT to copy previous PLOG datasets.

The protection log (PLOG) data sets have changed from the previous session and the previous PLOG data sets have not been copied. Because FORCE=YES was not specified, the parallel participant table (PPT) entry for these data sets has been overwritten.


Software AG recommends that you use the ADARES PLCOPY NOPPT function to copy the PLOGs from the previous session.

ADAN30 FILES=n,n, ...
No files locked

In response to the operator command DLOCKF, this message displays the files that have been locked by LOCKF or LOCKU.

ADAN31 FILE=n, ACC=n, UPD=n, EXU=n, UTI=n

In response to the operator command DFILES, this message displays the number of users currently active for the specified file.

FILE=n is not used

In response to the operator command DFILUSE, this message displays the number of active commands (USAGE=n) for the specified file (FILE=n), or that the specified file does not exist in the database.

ADAN34 No users stopped

In response to operator command STOPF, this message indicates that no users were active when the command was issued.

ADAN35 date time online processes:
process-type SORTSEQ=file=fnr, CUR-RABN=rabn-nr, CUR-ISN=isn
ID=x'nnnnnnnn', {active | suspended}

In response to the operator command DONLSTAT, this message lists all online processes present in the nucleus session, the kind of process, the file number, the current RABN or ISN (depending on the function), the ID of the process, and whether the process is active or suspended.

ADAN36 date time Dataset=dsn
date time nLOG number x has been {deleted|added}

A CLOG or PLOG data set has been dynamically added or deleted by an ADADBS utility function or using the Adabas Online System (AOS). The CLOG or PLOG data set name (dsn) and number (x) are given in the message.

ADAN41 Function completed

The command or function issued was completed successfully.

ADAN42 date time function accepted

The command issued was accepted by Adabas.

ADAN43 Invalid type-in: request

Either the request request was invalid or it was not correctly entered.


Check the request/command syntax and validity, then retry the request.

  • A request to end a nucleus session with DUMP is invalid, and should not be retried.

  • An operator command to change the cache space parameters for a file (CFILE) that has an existing cache space is invalid. It is necessary to first delete the existing cache space and then add a new one with different parameters.

ADAN44 Function not executed

Adabas could not perform the function because of

  • space restrictions;

  • a conflict between the requested command/function and the system status.


Check for other related messages, correct any previously indicated errors, then retry the operation. Otherwise, contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support.

ADAN45 User does not exist

The user specified in the request/command is either not active or not known to the system.


Check for the validity of the user ID or possible errors when the specified user ID was entered.

ADAN46 Function not executable

The requested function/command was valid but could not be executed. This message may occur alone or preceded by one of the following ADAN46 messages, which provide reasons why the current nucleus status does not allow the requested function:

ADAN46 Message Text Explanation Action
Online process running The ADAEND request was rejected because an online reorder or online invert process is running. Request ADAEND again after the online process finishes. Consider using HALT to stop the online process and shut down the nucleus.
Not yet supported by Cluster Services The version of Adabas Cluster Services you are running does not support the requested function. The function is supported only by a nucleus running in noncluster mode.  
Failed to acquire global parameter lock An error occurred when a nucleus running in Adabas cluster mode attempted to acquire the global parameter lock in order to change a global Adabas parameter. The parameter was not changed. Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

In addition, if User Exit 2 is attempting to switch from one dual log to another and if the data set to be overwritten is full, this error will be issued.


Wait a minute or two, then retry the command. If the message recurs, advise your system support personnel. If the message recurs while trying to issue a command in response to a previous error, make a note of that error and the related information for future reference.

ADAN47 Online DUMP-DB is running, function not executed

A SYNCC, ADAEND, HALT, or CANCEL operator command was issued, but is not permitted during the current online save operation.


Wait until the online save has ended, then retry the command.

ADAN47 Net-work termination target-node due to conflict

In Entire Net-Work, target node IDs must be unique across all connected systems. If an attempt is made to connect to a target node ID that is not unique, the system terminates abnormally (ADAEND).


Identify the conflicting node IDs and determine which one is to be active under the specified ID number.

ADAN48 File currently in use - function not executed

A LOCKF, LOCKU, or LOCKX operator command was issued but the file specified is currently in use.


Wait until the file is no longer in use, then retry the command.

ADAN48 File not loaded

The file specified in the ALOCKF function is not loaded.

ADAN49 {userid | jobname} backed out {during system open | by ADARES } UID=communication-id

The last, incomplete transaction of the specified user (or job, if the user is not displayable) has been backed out during Adabas session autorestart or at the end of REGENERATE processing. The user ID (or job name) and communication ID are shown.

The user ID is the user's ET-ID. For users without an ET-ID, "ADAEND" is displayed as their user ID.

The field following UID= is the last 8 bytes of the 28-byte communication ID of the user in hexadecimal format; that is, the terminal ID for an online user or a STCK time stamp for a batch or TSO user.


None required. This is an information message only. The transaction status of the specified users may need to be checked.


ET-SYNC has occurred for the TRANSACTIONS SUSPEND process. This message is followed by the ADAN4E message.

ADAN4B TRANS SUSPEND started TT=time-limit

All verifications in the nucleus are complete and the SUSPEND process has started. TT indicates when the transactions will time out. The TT value is derived either from the TTSYN parameter in the ADADBS TRANSACTIONS SUSPEND TTSYN=nn job or the nucleus default ADARUN TT setting.

ADAN4C Transactions TT rejected

TPC is in effect and there are transactions on PET status. This is followed by the ADAN4B message displaying the original TT value.


The timer specified by TRESUME in the ADADBS TRANSACTIONS SUSPEND process has been exceeded. The database returns to normal processing. This message is followed by the ADAN4F message.

ADAN4E Updates stopped. TRESUME=time-limit

ET-SYNC has occurred for the SUSPEND function and updates are discontinued until either the RESUME function is issued or the timer specified by TRESUME expires.

ADAN4F Normal processing resumes

The database once again accepts and processes update commands as a result of either the RESUME function or a timeout.

ADAN50 Excluded files: file1 ...

This message documents the files that were excluded from autorestart due to the ADARUN AREXCLUDE parameter. These files remain unavailable for normal users and must be recovered (restore - regenerate).

ADAN51 {operator | aos-user} typein: command

Adabas repeats the operator command "command" before continuing. The second message is written for an operator command issued by an Adabas Online System user.

ADAN52 Partially inverted descriptor {present | released descriptor=descriptor, file=fnr

During session start, the nucleus detected the specified descriptor of the file fnr left over from an incomplete online invert operation. If the previous session terminated abnormally, the nucleus automatically releases the incomplete descriptor.


If the nucleus did not release the descriptor and no regenerate on the file in question is to follow, release the incomplete descriptor using the AOS or ADADBS RELEASE function.

ADAN53 DBID waiting to serialize (rrrddddd)

The nucleus is trying to perform an action that only one nucleus or utility can do at a time. Another nucleus or utility is performing a similar action at the moment, so this nucleus must wait. rrrddddd identifies the logical resource used for serialization. The resource name comprises three letters followed by five digits representing the database ID. Possible resource names include:

  • SSEddddd for serializing nucleus session start and end.

  • DIBddddd for serializing DIB updates.

  • FSTddddd for serializing FST updates.


None required. This message is for information only.

If the nucleus hangs after displaying this message, another nucleus or utility is blocking the logical resource specified in the message. Identify the other job and either allow it to continue or terminate it.

ADAN54 DBID global serialization error (rrrrrrrr)

An attempt to lock or unlock a logical resource failed. The ADAIOR function number was ff (in hexadecimal), its response code cc (in hexadecimal). Depending on the circumstances, the nucleus terminates abnormally or ignores the error.


This is an unexpected error. Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

ADAN55 Recovery data found on work data set(s)

During session start (or, with Adabas nucleus clusters, during online recovery), the Adabas nucleus found recovery data on the Work data set (or Work data sets, in the case of nucleus clusters) that is needed to recover the database from a previous failure. The nucleus performs session autorestart logic.

ADAN56 Backward repair done
Forward repair done
Autobackout done

These message lines are printed when the Adabas nucleus finishes a phase of session autorestart (backward repair, forward repair, autobackout). The statistics (block counts and time durations) indicate how much repair and recovery work has already been done and how much remains to be done.

Session autorestart repairs physical inconsistencies in the database, redoing updates belonging to completed transactions and backing out updates belonging to incomplete transactions.

The following is an example of the messages produced. The database ID and actual values shown in the example are variable, depending on the database and situation.

ADAN56 dbid backward repair done
ADAN56 dbid work blocks processed    =             887
ADAN56 dbid work blocks remaining    =           1,269
ADAN56 dbid time used so far         =     00000:00:03

ADAN56 dbid forward repair done
ADAN56 dbid work blocks processed    =           1,774
ADAN56 dbid work blocks remaining    =             382
ADAN56 dbid time used so far         =     00000:00:05

ADAN56 dbid Autobackout done
ADAN56 dbid time used so far         =     00000:00:06

ADAN57 dbid date time WK4 (DTP) GETMAIN failed
dbid date time WK4-area (DTP) too small
dbid date time
WORK4-index too small
Increase the LDTP-parm and rerun
DTP=RM nucleus: GETMAIN failed
Increase the region size and rerun

Various message texts can appear for this message number. The explanation and action for each is given in the following table.

Message Text Explanation Action
dbid date time WK4 (DTP) GETMAIN failed A nucleus with support for distributed transaction processing (DTP=RM) was performing the session autorestart after an abnormal termination. The nucleus was trying to allocate virtual storage for the processing of transactions for which the preliminary ET (PET) but not the final ET (FET) had been given. The storage allocation request failed, probably due to insufficient virtual storage being available to the nucleus address space. Increase the region size, or decrease the size of a large pool (such as the buffer pool -- LBP), and restart the nucleus.
dbid date time WK4-area (DTP) too small A nucleus with support for distributed transaction processing (DTP=RM) was performing the session autorestart after an abnormal termination. The nucleus was trying to copy transactions to Work part 4 for which the preliminary ET (PET) but not the final ET (FET) had been given. Work part 4 was too small to keep the protection data for all these transactions. Increase the LDTP parameter and restart the nucleus.
dbid date time
WORK4-index too small
Increase the LDTP-parm and rerun
DTP=RM nucleus: GETMAIN failed
Increase the region size and rerun
An error occurred during nucleus startup at the time of DDWORKR4 interpretation.

DDWORKR4 must be interpreted before the system autorestart is done.

Adjust the startup JCL as requested in the message so DDWORKR4 is interpreted before the system autorestart and rerun the job.

ADAN58 Buffer-flush start record detected during autorestart. The nucleus will terminate after autorestart. In case of power failure, the database might be inconsistent because of partially written blocks. Only in this case, repair the database by restore and regenerate; Otherwise restart the nucleus.

An autorestart operation found that a buffer flush was being performed when the action that caused the autorestart occurred; the buffer flush was therefore incomplete. The nucleus completes autorestart processing before terminating.

  • If the cause of the autorestart was a power failure, the database may be inconsistent in a way that cannot be repaired by autorestart.

  • If the cause of the autorestart was not a power failure, the database has already been made consistent and needs only to be restarted.


If a power failure caused the autorestart and your storage subsystem does not guarantee that no block is partially written, perform the following utility operations to ensure database consistency:

  • ADASAV RESTORE (database)


If your storage subsystem technology does guarantee that no block is partially written, even in the case of power failure, there is no need to restore/regenerate after this message is received: simply restart the nucleus.

You may restrict the RESTORE - REGENERATE to the files modified by autorestart (see the ADAN5A message) but be sure to run the REGENERATE FILE with transaction logic (autobackout at the end of the regenerate) by specifying the ADARES parameter CONTINUE.

If the autorestart operation was not caused by a power failure, do not perform the utility operations described above. Simply restart the nucleus.

ADAN59 Abend UCODE at address [= module+offset]
register-00 register-01 register-02 register-03 (r0-r3)
register-04 register-05 register-06 register-07 (r4-r7)
register-08 register-09 register-10 register-11 (r8-rb)
register-12 register-13 register-14 register-15 (rc-rf)

An internal error occurred that caused the nucleus to terminate abnormally. The message shows the abend code and the address, if possible also the module and offset, where the error was detected, as well as the contents of the general registers at that time.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

ADAN5A Files modified during autorestart: {none | file-list }

During nucleus startup, an autorestart was performed that modified the files listed in the message text.

ADAN60 ARM element element-name successfully registered/deregistered

The ARM ELEMENTNAME parameter has been specified and the nucleus has successfully registered or deregistered this element with the Automatic Restart Manager (ARM).

ADAN61 ARM registering /deregistering failed
ARM reason code=X"xxxx"

The ARMELEMENTNAME parameter has been specified, but registering or deregistering with the Automatic Restart Manager (ARM) has failed. ARM has returned the reason code shown. The possible reason codes are described in the IBM manual MVS Programming Sysplex Services Reference. Common reason codes include:

  • X`002C' The ARMELEMENTNAME parameter value is invalid.

  • X`013C' The Adabas nucleus has improper SAF authorization to register with ARM.

  • X`0150' ARMELEMENTNAME is not unique across the sysplex.

  • X`0004' The system does not support ARM.

The nucleus ignores the error and continues processing.


Look up the meaning of the reason code. If this explains the error, correct it. Otherwise, contact your systems programmer or your Software AG technical support representative.

ADAN62 FNR=fnr A= U= ID= CA= CU=

This message is displayed in response to the DNFV operator command.

  • FNR supplies the file number

  • A is set to either "Y", indicating that the file is being used by access-only users, or blank, indicating that it is not being used by access-only users.

  • U is used in the same way as A, but indicates usage by update users.

  • ID shows the ID of the database which has exclusive control over the file

  • CA provides the count of how many access-only users are using the file.

  • CU is the count of how many update users are using the file.

ADAN65 TSP subsystem (nn) name has abended

The triggers and stored procedures facility has been activated for the current session. However, subsystem number nn, batch Natural nucleus name, terminated abnormally and will not restart.


Determine the cause of the abend and correct the problem.

BASE FNR=base-fnr, UPDATE STATUS=upd-status1
LOB FNR=lob-fnr, UPDATE STATUS=upd-status2

A LOB file group consisting of a file with LB fields (base file) and a file containing the associated LB field values (LOB file) has become inconsistent. An illogical sequence of utility operations has exported (saved, restructured, unloaded) the files from, and subsequently reimported (restored, stored, loaded, defined) them into the database in a way that the two files no longer reflect the same point in time during processing.

The base and LOB file have gotten out-of-sync. It is possible that the base file contains references to LB field values that should be, but are not, stored in the LOB file. Also, the LOB file may contain LB field values that should be, but are not, referenced by records in the base file.


Investigate the cause of the base and LOB file getting out-of-sync. Take corrective action, such as reloading or restoring both files, depending on the findings. If necessary, you can use the following function to just mark the two files as being back in sync:


ADAN70 Retry to switch PLOG/CLOG

The nucleus is retrying the attempt to switch PLOGs or CLOGs. The retry is performed when the FEOFPL/CL attempt is made and there is currently no free PLOG or CLOG.


Submit an ADARES PLCOPY or CLCOPY to copy the appropriate data sets.

ADAN75 date time Rsp=rep-code, Fnr=fnr, ISN=isn
Cmd=cc, Op='cop1', DE=de-name, Val=x'descriptor-value'
NI-RABN=index-rabn, USER=x'userid'

The nucleus prints this message to the operator console and DD/PRINT when certain response codes are set. This message is used to inform your database administrator of a potential problem. The nucleus will print the message and then continue processing as it did before.

Within the message, the following information is supplied:

Message Value Description
rsp-code The Adabas response code being set.
fnr The number of the Adabas file on which the error condition occurred.
isn The ISN of the data record on which the error occurred.
cc The Adabas command code of the command that encountered the error condition.
cop1 The Command Option 1 value of the command.
de-name The name of the descriptor being processed when the error condition occurred.
descriptor-value The related descriptor value (in hexadecimal, if it is not printable).
index-rabn The RABN of the Normal Index block in which the descriptor value was sought or found.
userid The last eight bytes of the communication ID of the user who issued the command (in hexadecimal, if it is not printable).

No action is required for this informational message.

ADAN76 I/O-error { ASSO | DATA | WORK } RABN=rabn-number

The Adabas nucleus detected an internal I/O error.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

ADAN77 Security violation. USER=userid JOBNAME+-=jobname ETID=et-id

User userid attempted to use a file for which that user is not authorized. The active job is jobname.


Refer to the command log entry for the failed command to determine if any corrective action is needed.

ADAN78 Function extent
Nucleus terminated after { ASSO | DATA } function

The function INCREASE or ADD for an Associator or Data Storage extent has been performed by the nucleus. The nucleus terminates and permits the newly added part of the Associator to be allocated and formatted, which is necessary before another Adabas session can be started and the new extent can be used.


Perform the necessary allocation/reformatting utility operations, and then restart the nucleus.

ADAN79 I/O - error during asynchronous buffer flush ADAIOR-RESP = hex-resp the nucleus terminates with dump

An I/O error occurred during asynchronous buffer flush operation. The nucleus ends operation.


Correct the cause of the I/O error.

ADAN7A ECS error error-code in function ecs-function

ECS is the Entire Conversion Services, a subsystem of the Adabas universal encoding support (UES) system. This message is written after a function of the subsystem has failed.

Error codes produced by the ECS component are described in Universal Encoding System (UES) Component Error Codes.

The following ECS functions may return errors:

ECS Function Description
ECS LOAD An error loading ECS. Check that the ECS load module is in the Adabas load library.
COX LOAD An error loading ADACOX, which is loaded if the database is UES-enabled. ADACOX is the Adabas conversion exit for special conversions.
APS INIT An error occurred during APS (POSIX Services) initialization. Verify that the APS library is in the load library concatenation and/or that the APS parameters are specified in SYSPARM.
SLIBLOAD An error loading SAGECS, SAGOVO, or SAGSMP2. Check that these modules from the Software AG base technology library can be found in the load library concatenation.
DDECSOJ An error occurred during initialization while reading ECS standard conversion objects. Check that the nonexecutable binary ECS conversion object library is specified in the DDECSOJ DD statement of the JCL.
GETHANDLE nnnn An error occurred reading the ECS encoding descriptor object EDDnnnn. Check that the nonexecutable binary ECS conversion object library is specified in the DDECSOJ DD statement of the JCL. Check that EDDnnnn is contained in the library. If it is not, then either an invalid number was specified or the object is missing and must be added.
GETHANDLE mmmm/nnnn See the GETHANDLE nnnn explanation. In this case, an ECS plane table object (PTO) is missing Txxx2yyy where xxx or yyy are the hexadecimal value of the decimal mmmm or nnnn, respectively. For some conversion combinations, it may be necessary to request additional PTOs from your Software AG support representative.

Resolve the problem and try again.

ADAN7C Entire conversion services v.r.s initialized

The specified version of Entire Conversion Services was successfully initialized.

ADAN7D Collation exit nn initialized

The specified collation descriptor user exit was successfully initialized.

ADAN80 ADABAS dynamic caching environment established

Adabas Caching Facility was successfully initialized.

ADAN80 ADABAS dynamic caching virtual 64 environment available

Adabas Caching Facility determined that 64-bit virtual storage is available for use.

ADAN80 ADACSH active for work part 2 and work part 3 only

In an Adabas nucleus cluster environment prior to version 7.2, caching is available only for Work parts 2 and 3.

ADAN81 Warning: not all blocks of the DB are allocated and formatted - run ADAREP to check the DB's size

The highest RABN of an ASSO or DATA extent, as defined in the GCBs, is not readable. Most likely, an Adabas Online System or ADADBS INCREASE function was performed without allocating and formatting the new database area. The nucleus continues. Any attempt to access an unallocated area of the database causes an I/O error.


Ensure that the defined extents are completely allocated and formatted.

ADAN81 No statistics available for file file-number file not used

An attempt was made to change cache space parameters for a file without first deleting its existing cache space.


Delete the existing cache space for the file; then add a new cache space with the changed parameters.

ADAN81 (see explanation below)

This message displays the output of the CSTAT, CFSTAT, and CSUM operator commands of the Adabas Caching Facility. See the Adabas Caching Facility documentation for more information.

The CSTAT command is used to display the current cache space statistics. A sample report display is shown below:

+ 005 DATA SPACE, DATA, RABNS 81 THRU 135                +
+ ALLOCATED, LA=17:04:26                                 +
+        253 CACHE WRITES  +            47 BLKS IN CACHE +
+         47 READ EXCPS    +       172,032 DATA SPC SIZE +
+        408 CACHE READS   +            55 BLKS/DATA SPC +
+        455 TOTAL READS   +          1320 INDXSPCE SIZE +
+       89.6 DSP EFFICIENCY+       167,936 MAX DSP USED  +
+   0.071810 MAX NIOT (SEC)+      0.698682 MAX EXCPT(SEC)+
+   0.000080 MIN NIOT (SEC)+      0.009600 MIN EXCPT(SEC)+
+   0.000245 AVE NIOT (SEC)+      0.167286 AVE EXCPT(SEC)+

The CFSTAT command is used for file-level caching to display the current cache space statistics for one or more files. When file-level caching is active, a report is produced for each RABN range associated with the file request. A sample report display is shown below:

+ FNR 00001 AC CL1 EXT RABNS 91 THRU 93
+   ALLOCATED, LA=09:55:36           
+         60 CACHE WRITES  +             0 BLKS IN CACHE +
+          2 READ EXCPS    +    32,767,404 EXTM  SIZE    +
+         52 CACHE READS   +        16,351 BLKS/EXTM     +
+         54 TOTAL READS   +            28 RABN TAB SIZE +
+       96.2 ESP EFFICIENCY+         4,008 MAX ESP USED  +
+   0.001503 MAX NIOT (SEC)+      0.092800 MAX EXCPT(SEC)+
+   0.000018 MIN NIOT (SEC)+      0.092071 MIN EXCPT(SEC)+
+   0.000062 AVE NIOT (SEC)+      0.092435 AVE EXCPT(SEC)+

The CSUM command is used to display, for a session, the accumulated cache summary for all active and inactive cache spaces, including statistics from previously deleted cache spaces. A sample report display is shown below:

+        52.5 CURRENT ADABAS BUFFER EFFICIENCY           +
+           3 ACTIVE CACHE SPACES                        +
+           4 CACHE SPACES DEFINED                       +
+ ------------ -----ASSO---- -----DATA---- -----WORK---- +
+ CACHE WRITES        27,367         6,674           212 +
+   READ EXCPS            78           444             0 +
+  CACHE READS        27,288         6,203         4,865 +
+  TOTAL READS        27,366         6,647         4,865 +
+   EFFICIENCY          99.7          93.3         100.0 +

ADAN82 Status switch
readonly = {yes | no}

The READONLY status of the nucleus has been switched. This message occurs as a response to the operator command or Adabas Online System function READONLY.

ADAN83 status switch
utionly = {yes | no}

The "utility use only" (UTIONLY) status of the nucleus has been switched. This message occurs as a response to the operator command or Adabas Online System function UTIONLY.

ADAN84 LP parameter has been increased, additional
Protection area blocks are being formatted.

The ADARUN LP parameter was increased in the current Adabas session. Therefore, additional Work part 1 RABNs had to be formatted.


None required. Consider increasing the Work data set to ensure that sufficient Work part 3 space is available.

ADAN85 Work part 4 problem detected during start-up
dbid date time DTP = RM
initialization problems:

Various message texts can appear for this message number. The explanation and action for each is given in the following table.

Message Text Explanation
Work part 4 problem detected during startup During system startup and Work part 4 interpretation of a nucleus defined with DTP=RM, a problem was detected with Work part 4. This message is following by ADAN86.
dbid date time DTP = RM
A problem was detected during DDWORKR4 interpretation.

Examine error ADAN86 for the cause of the error.

ADAN86 WK4 I/O error was detected
{ rabn=__ ior-resp=__ | resp-code=__ subcode=__ }
dbid GETMAIN (TBWK4) failed
dbid File-list pool too small
dbid User-queue too small
dbid Physical-WORKR4-name unequal
in the cluster
dbid Nucleus response code detected:
dbid WORK4 size is diff. to last session
BUT/AND IGNDTP not defined
dbid WORK4 I/O-error:
RABN= rabn IOR-RESP= resp
dbidGCB contains WORK4 definition
dbidParameter conflict
- MODE=SINGLE but last session run with DTP=RM
- DTP=NO but WORKR4 defined

Various message texts can appear for this message number. The explanation and action for each is given in the following table.

Message Text Explanation Action
WK4 I/O error was detected
{ rabn=__ ior-resp=__ | resp-code=__ subcode=__ }
During system startup and Work part 4 interpretation of a nucleus defined with DTP=RM, a Work part 4 I/O error was detected. This message follows ADAN85 and indicates either the RABN location and ADAIOR response code of the error or the nucleus response code and subcode of the error. Determine the cause of the error, correct it, and rerun the job.
dbid GETMAIN (TBWK4) failed If DTP=RM is specified, an additional GETMAIN is needed to allocate the tables used by a DTM=RM nucleus. Increase the GETMAIN and rerun the job.
dbid File-list pool too small The UQEFLIST_POOL, an extension of the user queue, is too small to receive all file definitions found on DDWORKR4. Increase the number of user queue elements using the ADARUN NU parameter and rerun the job.
dbid User-queue too small The user queue is too small to receive all user queue elements found on DDWORKR4. Increase the number of user queue elements using the ADARUN NU parameter and rerun the job.
dbid name unequal
in the cluster
The DDWORKR4 data set is a container file. All nuclei in a cluster must use the same DDWORKR4 data set. A subsequently started nucleus used an invalid DD statement. The nucleus will not come up. Correct the DD statement and rerun the job.
dbid nucleus response code detected:
A nucleus response code was detected. The nucleus will go down. Determine the cause of the error, correct it, and rerun the job.
dbid WORK4 size is diff. to last session
BUT/AND IGNDTP not defined
The DDWORKR4 data set size is unequal to the size of the last session, but the data set is not empty. Correct the DDWORKR4 DD statement and rerun the job.
dbid WORK4 I/O-error:
RABN= rabn IOR-RESP= resp
The nucleus will go down. Determine the cause of the error, correct it, and rerun the job.
dbid GCB contains WORK4 definition
The nucleus will not come up. Determine the cause of the error, correct it, and rerun the job.
dbidParameter conflict
- MODE=SINGLE but last session run with DTP=RM
- DTP=NO but WORKR4 defined
A parameter conflict exists, as described in the message text. Correct the parameter conflict and rerun the job.

User actions are given in the explanation.

ADAN87 WK4 area too small
The nucleus will terminate
Increase LDTP parm and rerun
dbid date time DDWORK4 too small
The nucleus will terminate.
Rerun with a bigger data set size.

Various message texts can appear for this message number. The explanation and action for each is given in the following table.

Message Text Explanation Action
WK4 area too small
The nucleus will terminate
Increase LDTP parm and rerun

During startup of a nucleus defined with DTP=RM when it is necessary to copy partially completed transactions or during an ADARES REGENERATE for all files, insufficient space was available in Work part 4 to reestablish the previous environment.

Because the nucleus cannot reestablish the previous environment and cannot terminate the incomplete transaction(s) heuristically, it terminates.

Increase the size of the Work part 4 area using the ADARUN LDTP parameter and rerun the job.
dbid date time DDWORK4 too small
The nucleus will terminate.
Rerun with a bigger data set size.
A utility with exclusive database control is running. The nucleus will terminate with this message, followed by the U019 abend dump. Increase the size of DDWORKR4 and rerun the job.

User actions are given in the explanation.

ADAN88 (rm=yes) abend
dbid date time (DTP=RM) ABEND

During initialization of a nucleus defined with DTP=RM, a logic error was detected while executing DTP functions.

The nucleus terminates abnormally with abend 19. The registers at entry to the abend and the load addresses of ADANC0-ADANCB are printed.


Contact your local Software AG technical support representative.

ADAN89 dbid date time DTP support
WORKR4 open error
WORKR4 I/O-error: RABN=rabn
WORKR4 close-error
dbid date timeDTP-database:
Heuri. terminated user is moved:

Various message texts can appear for this message number. The explanation and action for each is given in the following table.

Message Text Explanation Action
dbid date time DTP support
WORKR4 open error
WORKR4 I/O-error: RABN=rabn
WORKR4 close-error
An I/O error occurred for the DDWORKR4 data set. Check the DDWORKR4 data set or the nucleus JCL definition for DDWORKR4 to identify the problem. Then fix the problem and rerun the job.
dbid date timeDTP-database:
Heuri. terminated user is moved:
A LOCAL HALT or LOCAL ADAEND request must move the HEURI users to the next available Adabas nucleus. The cluster must not lose knowledge of those users. No action is required for this informational message.

User actions are given in the explanation.

ADAN8A file already being cached

The file specified for caching is already being cached by Adabas Caching Facility. This error can occur if you use operator or Adabas Online System commands in an attempt to define different types of memory to cache Associator and Data Storage RABNs of the same file.


It is possible at startup using ADARUN CFILE parameters to specify different types of memory to cache Associator and Data Storage RABNs of the same file. However, once a memory type is set for caching any RABNs of a file, Adabas Online System and operator commands do not allow you to specify any other memory type for the same file. If you want to change the memory type for the file, you must delete the existing cache space and then add a new one with different parameters.

ADAN8B Device constants could not be acquired.

ADACSH (Adabas Caching Facility) could not acquire the Constant Set during initialization..


Contact your local Software AG technical support representative.

ADAN8C Memory allocation failure or insufficient space available

ADACSH could not acquire space for its working areas. Adabas Caching Facility is not started and the associated message ADAN8H is displayed.


Increase the region, partition, or address space size.

ADAN8D zzz (aaaa) cache active

A RABN range has been activated. This generally occurs when Adabas writes a RABN from its buffer pool to cache storage.

Message Variable Description
zzz The type of RABN range ("DSP" for data space; "ESP" for extended memory; "HSP" for hiperspace; "V64" for virtual 64; or "FNR" for file-related)
aaaa The type of RABN range storage ("ASSO", "DATA" or "WORK")

ADAN8E {track | hiperspace} I/O buffer allocation failure
CSP (ASSO) RABNINDX allocation failure

Adabas Caching Facility could not allocate storage for the track or hiperspace I/O buffer, or for RABNINDX blocks. When the track I/O buffer is not available, a RABN I/O request being considered for read-ahead caching is issued normally. When the hiperspace I/O buffer is not available, caching using hiperspaces is not possible. When the RABNINDXes for a cache space area are not available, the attempt to allocate the associated cache space area fails and is not attempted again until at least CRETRY seconds have elapsed.


Increase the region, partition, or address space size.

ADAN8H ADABAS dynamic caching is -not- in service

Adabas Caching Facility was not activated due to a previous parameter specification or error condition.

ADAN8J CSP nnn (aaaa) released due to parallel utility operation
xxx BLKS released due to parallel utility on FNR y

Depending on the utility, Adabas Caching Facility acted to maintain database integrity by releasing an entire cache space or a number of cache blocks because of a parallel utility operation.

Message Variable Description
nnn The cache space number
aaaa The type of RABN storage: "ASSO", "DATA" or "WORK"
xxx The number of blocks released
y The file that owned the released blocks

ADAN8K zzz (aaaa) released after exceeding non-activity time limit

A cache storage area was released after it was inactive for a continuous elapsed time period of CCTIMEOUT seconds.

Message Variable Description
zzz The type of cache space area ("DSP" for data space; "ESP" for extended memory; "HSP" for hiperspace; "V64" for virtual 64)
aaaa The type of RABN storage: "ASSO", "DATA" or "WORK".

ADAN8L zzz nnnnn (aaaa) active, RABNS xxx thru yyy

This message is displayed whenever a RABN range is activated. This generally occurs when Adabas writes a RABN from its buffer pool to cache storage.

Message Variable Description
zzz The type of RABN range ("DSP" for data space; "ESP" for extended memory; "HSP" for hiperspace; "V64" for virtual 64; or "FNR" for file-related)
nnnnn The file number when zzz is "FNR"; otherwise, the RABN range ID
aaaa The type of RABN range storage ("ASSO", "DATA" or "WORK")
xxx,yyy The RABN range, with xxx representing the starting value and yyy representing the ending (and inclusive) value.

ADAN8M zzz (aaaa) size extended to yyy bytes
zzz (aaaa) extension failed

An attempt was made to add an additional cache storage area for a cache space.

Message Variable Description
zzz The type of cache space area ("DSP" for data space; "ESP" for extended memory; "HSP" for hiperspace; "V64" for virtual 64)
aaaa The type of cache space area storage ("ASSO", "DATA" or "WORK")
yyy The size of new area, in bytes

When the request is successful, the additional storage is available for the cache space and "yyy" reflects the size of the new area which is equal to the current CASSOMAXS or CDATAMAXS setting.

If unsuccessful, the system simply uses the storage areas already allocated for the cache space until CRETRY seconds pass. Then another attempt is made to add a new storage area for the cache space if this is still required.


Check with the system programmer; the extension failure may be due to insufficient ESA capabilities (memory or page data sets), or too many data spaces or hiperspaces allocated at one time.

ADAN8O AOS operator command: xxxxx

An Adabas Online System (AOS) operator issued a command to change one of the Adabas Caching Facility system parameters.

Message Variable Description
xxxxx Change as follows: CASSOMAXS=new size CDATAMAXS=new size CCTIMEOUT=new value CDISPSTAT=YES/NO CRETRY=new value CBUFNO=new value CEXCLUDE=exclude list CINCLUDE=include list

ADAN8P zzz nnnnn (aaaa) disabled after exceeding non-activity time limit

Demand caching is in effect and a RABN range or file has been inactive for a period longer than the CCTIMEOUT specification.

Message Variable Description
zzz The type of RABN range ("DSP" for data space, "ESP" for extended memory, "HSP" for hiperspace; "V64" for virtual 64; or "FNR" for file-related)
nnnnn The file number when zzz is "FNR"; otherwise, the RABN range ID
aaaa The type of RABN range storage ("ASSO" only, "DATA" only, "WORK", or "BOTH" if both ASSO and DATA are cached for the file)

ADAN8Q Hiperspace READ/WRITE error. RETCODE = nn

An error occurred during the processing of a hiperspace cache request. The system return code from the request (nn) is given in the message.

Generally speaking, this error causes a request to write to or read from a hiperspace cache to fail. In most cases, the system can continue by reading the RABN from disk or writing, ignoring the request from the nucleus.

However, where Work parts 1 or 2 are being cached 100%, the failure of a request to return a cached RABN may have more serious consequences because there is no copy of the RABN on disk and therefore the I/O cannot be satisfied.


Determine if the error was caused by some event or problem in the system that could impact on hiperspaces used by Adabas Caching Facility. If there is nothing evident, report the error and the circumstances surrounding the error to your Software AG technical support representative.

ADAN8R Insufficient storage for xxxx

An attempt to allocate dynamic storage in extended memory failed due to a shortage of space in extended memory.

Message Variable One of the following for which the storage was intended:
xxxx File table Table of file control block entries
File control block Required for file caching
RABN extent block Required to define one RABN extent
RABN table Required to described RABNs cached
RABN table expansion Required when file becomes larger

Review your storage estimates to insure that there is sufficient storage available for the parameters specified.

ADAN8R Hiperspace WRITE error. RETCODE = nn

The write to hiperspace operation returned a nonzero condition code. The requested RABN is not written to hiperspace and is flagged as unused.


No operator intervention is required.

ADAN8S zzz (aaaa) allocate failed. RETCODE = nn

An attempt to allocate the first storage block for a cache area failed.

Message Variable Description
zzz The type of cache space area ("DSP" for data space; "ESP" for extended memory; "HSP" for hiperspace; "V64" for virtual 64)
aaaa The type of cache space area storage ("ASSO", "DATA", or "WORK")
nn The return code from the system function used to allocate the storage.

No storage is available for caching the RABNs for which the cache storage allocation was attempted. The situation continues at least until CRETRY seconds have elapsed and another attempt to allocate the storage is made, if required.


Check with the system programmer; the allocation failure may be due to insufficient memory or page data sets or too many data spaces and/or hiperspaces allocated at one time.

ADAN8T zzz nnnnn (aaaa) xxxx by yyyy command
zzz nnnnn (aaaa) not xxxx due to conflicts

An operator command was received and was either successfully completed or not.

Message Variable Description
zzz The type of RABN range ("DSP" for data space, "ESP" for extended memory, "HSP" for hiperspace; "V64" for virtual 64; or "FNR" for file-related)
nnnnn The file number when zzz is "FNR"; otherwise, the RABN range ID
aaaa The type of RABN range storage ("ASSO" only, "DATA" only, "WORK", or "BOTH" if both ASSO and DATA are cached for the file)
The operation requested by the command. Valid values are:
ADDED CASSOxxx, CDATAxxx, or CFILE command
The command requesting operation xxxx was issued by either:
AOS OPER An Adabas Online System user; or
OPERATOR The operator.

If the command was unsuccessful, check DDPRINT for warning messages to determine why the command failed. Alternately, insure that the syntax used for the command is correct.

ADAN8U zzz nnnnn (aaaa) enabled on demand

This message is displayed for each inactive RABN range or file that is enabled when the Adabas buffer efficiency drops below the specified CDEMAND threshold level.

Message Variable Description
zzz The type of RABN range ("DSP" for data space; "ESP" for extended memory; "HSP" for hiperspace; "V64" for virtual 64; or "FNR" for file-related)
nnnnn The file number when zzz is "FNR"; otherwise, the RABN range ID
aaaa The type of RABN range storage ("ASSO" only, "DATA" only, "WORK", or "BOTH" if both ASSO and DATA are cached for the file)

ADAN8V parameter list

This message is displayed in response to the CPARM operator command. The parameters displayed are:

Parameter Description
CASSOMAXS maximum ASSO cache space size
CDATAMAXS maximum DATA cache space size
CDISPSTAT display to console option
CDEMAND Adabas buffer efficiency threshold
CMAXCSPS maximum number of cache spaces
CRETRY retry time interval
CCTIMEOUT non-activity time limit
CWORKSTORAGE Work parts 2 and 3 cache type
CWORK2FAC Work part 2 cache space factor
CWORK3FAC Work part 3 cache space factor

ADAN8W FNR nnnnn (aaaa) synchronized

When Adabas Caching Facility first accesses a RABN belonging to a file to be cached, it learns about the extents and RABNs associated with the file and synchronizes its view of the file with the file's FCB.

If ADASCR detects that the structure of the file has changed (e.g., a new extent is added), ADASCR resynchronizes its view of the file at the next possible opportunity and issues this message.

nnnnn file number
aaaa what is being cached for the file (ASSO only, DATA only, or BOTH if both ASSO and DATA are being cached)

ADAN8Y File-level caching initialized

File-level caching is active for the current nucleus.

ADAN8Z Logic error in ADACSH+xxxxxxxxx

A logic error occurred during Adabas Caching Facility processing.


Report the error and the hexadecimal offset to your Software AG technical support representative.


The Adabas trigger driver was unable to obtain enough storage within the region or address space to set up its I/O buffers.


Determine the source of the problem and correct it. Try increasing the region size for the MPM.

ADAN91 TSP GETMAIN failed. Increase REG. size

The Adabas trigger driver was unable to obtain enough storage within the region or address space to set up its I/O buffers.


Increase the region size for the MPM.

ADAN92 TSP initialization completed

The triggers and stored procedures facility was initialized successfully. Commands for detecting triggers are now processed.

ADAN92 TSP trigger refresh in progress

A request to refresh the trigger table buffer was made and the Adabas system is being quiesced in order to perform this function.

ADAN93 TSP has been deactivated via AOS (SYSTRG)

The ADARUN parameter SPT=YES was specified; however, because the database administrator has overridden this using the Adabas triggers subsystem, triggers will not be activated.


To reactivate triggers, access the Adabas triggers subsystem function "modify profile information" (located on the Miscellaneous Functions Menu), and change the triggers status field in the profile to "active".

ADAN93 TSP cannot be run in single user mode

The Adabas nucleus has been started with SPT=YES and MODE=SINGLE. This is not allowed.


Start the nucleus with MODE=MULTI in the ADARUN parameters (DDCARD), or specify SPT=NO.

ADAN93 TSP incurred an internal error with cluster

During the startup of the Adabas trigger driver, certain communication must occur with Adabas Parallel Services if it is active. The Adabas trigger driver was unable to complete the communication.


After obtaining a dump, contact your Software AG technical support representative and report the error.

ADAN93 TSP trigger refresh completed

The trigger table buffer was refreshed. The triggers have been reloaded and the Adabas nucleus will continue to run normally.

ADAN93 TSP trigger refresh incurred an error

During the refresh of the trigger table buffer, an error occurred. This error was identified by a previous console message. The error causes an inconsistent state in the triggers subsystem that necessitates a shut-down as indicated in the error action option setting in the profile.


Review previous console messages to determine the error. Correct it and, if necessary, restart the nucleus to restart the triggers subsystem.

ADAN94 TSP unable to read the trigger file FDT

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to read the trigger file FDT; however, the FDT could not be found. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Determine the reason why the FDT could not be found and correct the problem. Ensure that the file was correctly loaded as a system file.

ADAN95 TSP unable to read the trigger file FCB

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to read the trigger file FCB; however, the FCB could not be found. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Determine the reason why the FCB could not be found and correct the problem. Ensure that the file was correctly loaded as a system file.

ADAN96 TSP incurred resp xxx reading triggers

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to read the entries from the trigger file; however, a nonzero response code was received. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Determine the source of the problem; that is, analyze the response code and take the necessary action to resolve the problem.

ADAN97 nucleus will terminate with U021 dump due to internal autorestart failure; CMD=command, FILE-NR=file-number, RSP=rspcode

The nucleus terminates with a dump due to failure of the internal autorestart.

ADAN98 TSP unable to find any trigger entries

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to read the entries from the trigger file; however, no valid trigger entries were found in the file. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Verify that there are triggers defined on the trigger file and that the trigger file is set up correctly; that is, the file is loaded on the database where the error occurred.

ADAN99 TSP unable to load all trigger entries

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to load the entries from the trigger file into its buffer; however, the size calculated for the buffer is incorrect. The cause could be one of the following:

  • triggers were added by some means other than the Adabas triggers subsystem, or

  • the buffer size was not calculated or was specified incorrectly. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Recalculate the size required for the buffer. Issue the NUMBER or CHECK command from the Modify Profile screen to verify that the number is recorded correctly by Adabas Online System. Also check the buffer size specified in the "trigger table size" field in the Adabas triggers and stored procedures profile.

ADAN99 TSP has ignored triggers gt file nnnnn

An attempt was made to process triggers that are assigned to file numbers greater than the maximum acceptable file number; that is, the highest loaded file plus 10.


This message is a warning. Triggers should not be assigned to file numbers greater than the maximum file number allowed.

ADAN9A TSP CNTL data missing on TRIG file (nnnnn)

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to read the profile definition from the trigger file; however, the profile definition could not be found. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Using the Adabas triggers subsystem, add a profile for the subsystem.

ADAN9B TSP unable to read trigger control data

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to read the profile definition from the trigger file. However, an internal error occurred during the read. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Determine the cause of the error and correct it using the Adabas triggers subsystem. Possibly modify the profile again to ensure that it is correct.

ADAN9C TSP could not get work area. Check LWP

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to acquire space for its buffer, but insufficient space was found. This can occur if the value specified for the LWP ADARUN parameter is too small. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Check the value specified for the LWP ADARUN parameter and increase it as appropriate.

ADAN9D TSP no trigger file defined

The Adabas nucleus started with SPT=YES; however, no trigger file exists for this database. As a result, triggers will not be activated.


Either set SPT=NO or load a trigger file that contains at least one trigger definition onto the database.

ADAN9E TSP missing module for subsystem

During the triggers initialization process, Adabas needs to start the subsystems for the execution of procedures; however, the name specified was invalid. As a result, triggers has been deactivated.


Check the batch Natural name setting in the Adabas triggers and stored procedures profile. Also ensure that the Natural nucleus module is concatenated in the JCS/JCL startup and is a loadable module.

ADAN9F TSP terminated the nucleus due to errors

A serious or fatal error occurred that created an inconsistent state in the system. The nucleus has been shut down.


Review previous console messages to determine the error. Correct it and restart the nucleus to restart the triggers subsystem.

ADAN9F TSP has been deactivated due to errors

Triggers incurred one or more errors and has been deactivated. The error action taken depends on the error action setting in the Adabas triggers and stored procedures profile.


Review previous console messages to determine the cause of the errors and correct the problem.

ADAN9I TSP subsystem (nn) name has abended / SSF error return code code

nn is the unique number and name is the name of the Natural nucleus subsystem. The specified subsystem incurred an error and terminated abnormally. The Adabas trigger driver will try three times to restart it. A subsequent message will inform the user of the type of abend.


Determine the cause and resolve the problem. The return code code given should provide additional information.

ADAN9J TSP subsystem (nn) name shut down

nn is the unique number and name is the name of the Natural nucleus subsystem. Either a request was made to shut down the specified subsystem or three consecutive abends have occurred and the Adabas trigger driver has decided to deactivate the subsystem.


Determine the cause and resolve the problem. The return code given should provide additional information.

ADAN9K TSP subsystem (nn) name CQE timed out

nnis the unique number and name is the name of the Natural nucleus subsystem. During the processing of a trigger, it was detected that the originating command had timed out. The trigger will not be processed successfully.


Retry the command.

ADAN9K TSP subsystem (nn) name cancelled

nn is the unique number and name is the name of the Natural nucleus subsystem. The specified subsystem was cancelled when a timeout occurred for a procedure that was executing in the subsystem. The subsystem will be restarted. A previous message gives specifics about the cancellation.


Determine the cause and resolve the problem. The reason code given should provide additional information.

ADAN9K TSP subsystem (nn) name initialized

nn is the unique number and name is the name of the Natural nucleus subsystem. During the triggers initialization process, a specified number of Natural subsystems will be started for the execution of procedures. This message informs the user of the successful initialization of each subsystem.


No action is required. The subsystem will wait for work.

ADAN9K TSP requested: halt

The Error Action field in the Adabas triggers and stored procedures profile is set to halt, and either a fatal error occurred or Adabas Online System requested a shut-down of the Adabas triggers subsystem.


Review previous messages to determine whether a problem occurred and, if so, correct the problem.

ADAN9L TSP timeout on PROC proc-name JOB jobname CMD yy FNR nnnnn FIELD-UID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Adabas trigger driver determined that a triggered procedure exceeded the specified time limit. The procedure was cancelled so that processing can continue with another procedure and queuing can be prevented. UID is the last 8 bytes of the user ID in hexadecimal, as specified in the UQE.


Check the procedure. Determine if it was looping, is doing too much work, or if the time-out parameter is too low. Correct the problem for the next time.

ADAN9L TSP subsystem (nn) name shut down

nn is the unique number and name is the name of the Natural nucleus subsystem. The shut-down of triggers has completed successfully. This message is shown for each subsystem.

ADAN9L *stored procedure req ** UID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Adabas trigger driver determined that a particular stored procedure exceeded the specified time limit. The procedure has been cancelled so that processing may continue with another procedure and queuing may be prevented. UID is the last 8 bytes of the user ID in hexadecimal, as specified in the UQE.


Check the procedure. Determine if it was looping, is doing too much work, or if the time-out parameter is too low. Correct the problem for the next time.

ADAN9M TSP waiting on UID userid

Triggers is shutting down and must queue the subsystems. However, a procedure is still running. The user ID (UID) is provided to help the database administrator investigate a potential problem.


No action is necessary. However, the database administrator may not want the Adabas trigger driver to wait; therefore, the user's procedure may be stopped.

ADAN9N TSP subsystem (nn) name cancelled

nn is the unique number and name is the name of the Natural nucleus subsystem. Subsequent to ADAN9N, the Adabas trigger driver decided not to wait for the specified subsystem to complete processing; therefore, the subsystem was cancelled.


This message is for information only. No action is required.

ADAN9O TSP subsystem shutdown in progress

Either the nucleus is terminating (ADAEND or HALT) or the triggers and stored procedures facility has requested a halt, probably due to an error, and the Adabas trigger driver has also been requested to shut down.


No action is required. The user is informed that this is in progress.

ADANA1 SMGT display active DUMP= {on | off}

A display command is about to be processed with (ON) or without (OFF) a formatted dump.

ADANA2 SMGT {active | not active}

Indicates whether the error handling and message buffering facility is active in the nucleus.

ADANA3 Abnormal termination handler {active | not active}

Indicates whether the error handling and message buffering facility's abnormal termination handler is active.

ADANA5 No error conditions handled

The error handling and message buffering facility has not encountered any of the errors it is looking for.

ADANA6 Last error occurred at: date time

Indicates the date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (hh:mm:ss) of the most recent error handled by the error handling and message buffering facility.

ADANA7 Condition: {mvs-abend-code | rsp: rsp-code} location: location

Identifies the abnormal termination that has occurred or the response code that has been received and indicates the location (if any) of the most recent error handled by the error handling and message buffering facility. Explanations of z/OS abnormal termination codes can be accessed in the System Codes Manual from IBM.

ADANA8 Count executions of abnormal termination handler

Indicates the number of times an error or abend code is trapped and actually handled by the error handling and message buffering facility.

ADANA8 Count executions of response code handler

Indicates the number of times a response code is actually handled (that is, a PIN routine is invoked) by the error handling and message buffering facility.

ADANA8 Count executions of total error recovery calls

Indicates the total number of times the error handling and message buffering facility is invoked to handle a condition (response code or abend code).

ADANA9 Last error handled by pin pin-number

Indicates the PIN routine invoked by the error handling and message buffering facility to handle the most recent error encountered.

ADANAA xxx condition PIN routines recovered yyy errors

Indicates the number of condition-handling PIN routines invoked and the number of errors they recovered.

ADANAB xxx location PIN routines recovered yyy errors

Indicates the number of location-only PIN routines invoked and the number of errors they recovered.

ADANAC xxx response PIN routines recovered yyy errors

Indicates the number of response-code PIN routines invoked and the number of errors they recovered.

ADANAD xxx total PIN routines recovered yyy errors

Indicates the total number of PIN routines invoked and the number of errors they recovered.

ADANAE Message buffering is {active | not active}

Indicates whether message buffering in the error handling and message buffering facility is active.

ADANAF nnn messages in buffer from date time

Indicates the number of messages currently in the message buffer and the date (yyyy-mm-dd) and time (hh:mm:ss) of the oldest message.

ADANAG PIN nnnn uses: nnnn condition: {mvs-abend-code | rsp:rsp-code} {this pin valid for all locations routine-name | location: hexno hexno (routine-name)}

Provides information about an active (PIN) or inactive (*PIN) routine: the number of times used, the condition it handles (the abnormal termination that occurred or the response code that was returned), and the location(s) for which it is valid. Explanations of z/OS abnormal termination codes can be accessed in the System Codes Manual from IBM.

ADANAL There are currently no exits in use

The DISPLAY=EXITS command was issued but no exits are currently in use.

ADANAX Exit: exit-code modname: exit-module-name status: {ACTIVE | ACTIVE CRT | ENACT}

Indicates whether the specified exit is active, active and critical, or inactive.

ADANC1 dbid yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Caution: DDCLOGRn dataset not yet copied

The nucleus detected that there is one or more CLOG data set that needs to be copied and the LOGWARN timer has expired. One message will occur for each data set that needs to be copied.


Check the status of the CLCOPY jobs affecting the oldest CLOG to be copied to determine why the copy has not worked correctly or in a timely fashion. If necessary, make corrections and resubmit the job. If all CLOG data sets become full, your nucleus may stall waiting for a free CLOG.

ADANC2 dbid yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss CLOG warning no longer in effect

All CLOG data sets have now been copied.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADANC3 dbid yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Command logging has stalled

There are no free command log data sets. The nucleus is unable to write command log data. This also prevents Adabas from executing commands and the environment may appear to be completely stalled.


Check the status of the latest CLCOPY jobs, concentrating on the jobs affecting the oldest CLOG to be copied. If necessary, make corrections and resubmit the jobs.

ADANC4 dbid yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Command logging has resumed

Command logging has resumed after a stalled situation. An ADANC3 stalled message should have appeared sometime before this message.


No action is required for this informational message. The crisis of stalled command logging has been resolved.

ADANI2 SMGT abend handler active

Indicates that the abnormal termination handler of the error handling and message buffering facility is active.

ADANI4 GETMAIN failed for exit table

Not enough memory is available to run the error handling and message buffering facility. Adabas runs without the facility.


Increase the region size available to the Adabas nucleus.

ADANI5 GETMAIN failed for initial PIN area

Not enough memory is available to run the error handling and message buffering facility. Adabas runs without the facility.


Increase the region size available to the Adabas nucleus.

ADANL0 Error opening license file (DDLIC)

An error occurred opening the license file specified by the DDLIC statement.


Omit the DDLIC statement and use the load module method of licensing instead.

ADANL1 License file size exceeds limit

The license being read is larger than expected (8000 bytes).


Verify that you are using the original license file obtained from Software AG.

ADANL2 Error reading license file

An empty file or invalid record structure was detected.


Verify that the license file has been copied correctly to the license data set. The file should not be empty and the data should not have been converted to EBCDIC (it should be in ASCII format).

ADANL3 Error license function fx subfunction sfx returned err

An unexpected error occurred while performing the Adabas license check.. The license function (fx), subfunction (sfx) and return code (err) are given in the message.


Examine the Adabas nucleus JCL and verify that the Adabas license is available as load module ADALIC or is assigned with the link (DD) name DDLIC.

ADANL4 License module could not be loaded

The license processor module could not be loaded.


Verify that the modules from the MLCvrs load library can be loaded by the Adabas nucleus.

ADANL6 License check failed

The license file is physically correct, but some license property was found that did not match your Adabas nucleus execution environment. This is a final message, accompanied by another message specifying details of the failure. The Adabas nucleus is started.


Contact your Software AG sales representative to resolve the discrepancy between your license file and your execution environment.

ADANL7 License check completed

The license check completed successfully and the Adabas nucleus is started.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADANL9 ADALIC license could not be loaded

The ADALIC license module could not be loaded.


Verify that the installation of the license file occurred correctly. For more information, read about the Adabas database installation steps for your operating environment. If problems persist, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADANN1 NWCONNECT RSP/ rsp/ // subcode// node/*

The NWCONNECT operator command received an unexpected response when attempting to define the DBID target to Entire Net-Work. The response and subcodes given in the message are from Entire Net-Work. Depending on the error, the Entire Net-Work node name may also appear. The most common response codes are 148 (ADARSP148 - Entire Net-Work not available) and 145 (ADARSP145 - target already defined on another Entire Net-Work node).


Resolve the Entire Net-Work problem. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

ADANO1 Invalid SMGT cmd: command

The operands on an SMGT command were invalid.


Correct the operands and reissue the command.

ADANO2 SMGT command processed

The error handling and message buffering facility finished processing a command.

ADANO5 SMGT not currently active

The error handling facility must be active (SMGT=ON) before the command can be issued. The command issued can be found in the ADANO1 message immediately following the ADANO5 message.


Activate the error handling facility and reissue the command.

ADANP1 dbid yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Caution: DDPLOGRn dataset not yet copied

The nucleus detected that there is one or more PLOG data set that needs to be copied and the LOGWARN timer has expired. One message will occur for each data set that needs to be copied.


Check the status of the PLCOPY jobs affecting the oldest PLOG to be copied to determine why the copy has not worked correctly or in a timely fashion. If necessary, make corrections and resubmit the job. If all PLOG data sets become full, your nucleus may stall waiting for a free PLOG.

ADANP2 dbid yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss PLOG warning no longer in effect

All PLOG data sets have now been copied.


No action is required for this informational message.

ADANP3 dbid yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Protection logging has stalled

There are no free protection log data sets. The nucleus is unable to write protection log data. This also prevents Adabas from executing update commands which could eventually lead to a complete stall of the environment.


Check the status of the PLCOPY jobs, concentrating on the jobs affecting the oldest PLOG to be copied. If necessary, make corrections and resubmit the jobs.

ADANP4 dbid yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Protection logging has resumed

Protection logging has resumed after a stalled situation. An ADANP3 stalled message should have appeared sometime before this message.


No action is required for this informational message. The situation of stalled protection logging has been resolved.

ADANR1 SMGT handling condition: {mvs-abend-code | rsp: rsp-code }

The error handling facility has been invoked for the specified condition. Note that explanations of z/OS abnormal termination codes can be accessed in the System Codes Manual from IBM.

ADANR2 Error is in {user | hyper} exit xx, exit disabled

An error occurred in the specified, noncritical exit. The exit is not invoked until the error is corrected.


Consult diagnostic messages; correct the exit; reload the exit using the SGMT,XLOAD command; then reactivate the exit using the SGMT,XACT command.

ADANRP PSW: hexno hexno hexno hexno

Displays the PSW when the error was encountered.

ADANRR ry-ry hexno hexno hexno hexno

Displays the registers when the error was encountered.

ADANRS Response rspc/subc when posting commands in cluster

An unexpected response / subcode occurred when trying to post commands waiting for advance-locks in a cluster environment.


Ensure that the communication between the cluster nodes works.

ADANRT Condition is a error-type error

The error handling facility is handling an error of the specified type.

ADANS1 SNAP file unavailable

The nucleus startup JCL did not define a data set to hold a formatted hexadecimal dump of an area in memory, either an address space or a data space.

To use the error handling and message buffering facility's SMGT,DUMP={ON| OFF } or SMGT,SNAP[=(start,end)] command successfully, the data set ADASNAP must be defined in the Adabas startup JCL.


Stop the Adabas session; add the required statement to the startup JCL, and start a new session.

ADANS4 Nucleus storage above the 2gig bar is [NOT] backed by large pages

Two different messages may appear using this message ID, depending on whether the word NOT appears in the message text. These messages appear because the LARGEPAGE ADARUN parameter was set to "YES" and the messages indicate the ability of your operating system to support them.

If the message indicates that nucleus storage above the 2 gigabyte bar is NOT backed by large pages, the LARGEPAGE ADARUN parameter was set to "YES", but either the system does not support large pages or insufficient 1-megabyte pages were available to support the request.

If the message indicates that nucleus storage above the 2 gigabyte bar is backed by large pages, the LARGEPAGE ADARUN parameter was set to "YES", and is fully supported by the operating system.


If the message indicates that nucleus storage above the 2 gigabyte bar is NOT backed by large pages, consider the following actions:

  • If your system does not support large pages, do not use the LARGEPAGE ADARUN parameter. Remove it from your nucleus startup JCL and restart the nuclei

  • If your system does support large pages, consider increasing the number of 1-megabyte pages specified for your operating system using the LFAREA parameter in PARMLIB member IEASYxx. Contact your system administrator for assistance. For more information, read your IBM MVS Initialization and Tuning documentation.

If the message indicates that nucleus storage above the 2 gigabyte bar is backed by large pages, no action is required for this informational message.

ADANT1 SMGT {activated | deactivated}

Indicates a change of status in the error handling and message buffering facility.

ADANT2 Message buffering {activated | deactivated}

Indicates a change of status in message buffering.

ADANT4 Abnormal termination handler {activated | deactivated}

Indicates a change of status in the abnormal termination handling or the error handling and message buffering facility.

ADANT5 GETMAIN failed for PIN descriptors

Not enough memory was available to add new PINs. Adabas runs without the PIN module.


Increase the size of the region available to the Adabas nucleus.

ADANT6 Module module-name load failed

Unable to load the specified module. The error handling and message buffering facility runs without the module.


Ensure that the module is available to the error handling facility by placing it in the Adabas program library.

ADANT7 Invalid exit exit-code

The exit-code indicated in the message is not a valid code, or is not in the correct state for the command requested. Adabas rejects the command.


Ensure that the exit-code is correct. If it is, ensure that the exit is in a state that allows the requested command.

ADANT8 Exit exit-code in use module(module-name)

The exit-code specified in the message indicates an active exit. Adabas rejects the command.


Ensure that the exit-code is correct. If it is, ensure that the exit is in a state that allows the requested command.

ADANT9 No module name for exit load

Adabas cannot load the exit without the name of the module. Adabas rejects the command.


Retype the SGMT,XLOAD command and include a member name for the exit.

ADANTA Exit exit-code not loaded

A command that requires an exit cannot be processed because the exit is not loaded. Adabas rejects the command.


Ensure that the exit-code is correct. If it is, load the exit.

ADANTB exit exit-code module exit-module-name status: {active | inact | loaded | crit | notcrt}

The status (active, not active, loaded, critical, or not critical) of an exit changed as a result of an operator command, and this messages provides the details.

ADANTC Invalid SNAP parameters

The parameters provided for a SNAP command are invalid. Adabas rejects the command.


Ensure that the addresses provided to the SNAP command are correct.

ADANTD PIN routine pin-number disabled

The specified PIN routine has been disabled.

ADANTE PIN routine pin-number not found

The PIN routine for the previous command was not found. Adabas rejects the command.


Ensure that the PIN routine is correct and reissue the command.

ADANTF PIN routine pin-number enabled

The specified PIN routine has been enabled.

ADANTG PIN module module-name loaded

The specified PIN module has been loaded.

ADANTH PIN module module-name deleted

The specified PIN module has been removed from memory.

ADANTI PIN module module-name not {found | valid}

The PIN module for the previous command is not available. Adabas rejects the command.


Ensure that the PIN module name is correct, and that the PIN module is in the Adabas library; then reissue the command.

ADANTJ { FULL | SNAP } dumps taken for events

Indicates whether a full dump or a snap dump is taken.

ADANTM Message buffering unable to activate

Message buffering cannot be activated.


Add the MSGBUF= parameter to the initial ADARUN parameters.

ADANX1 Command cmd Command-ID hex-cid FNR file-number Response rsp-code Subcode rsp-subcode FLD field-name TID hex-internal-userid UID open-userid JOB jobname

Format of the diagnostic information produced by the Adabas PINRSP or PINUES routine. The PINRSP routine will produce only the cmd, hex-cid, rsp-code, and rsp-subcode information.

ADANY1 Adabas must be run from an authorized environment

The PIN ADAMXY detected a S047 abend.


Run Adabas from an authorized load library.

ADANY4 Error occurred in routine: routine-name

The PIN ADAMXY determined that the particular error is in the identified routine.


Refer to the appropriate operating system documentation for a description of the system abend that occurred.

ADANZ1 Adabas SMGT terminated

Adabas is in the process of termination, and the error handling and message buffer facility functions have been terminated.

ADEN1 Invalid control string: string

Adabas Online System internal error.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

ADONIS1 Load failed on SMGT module module-name

A load module for the error handling and message buffering facility could not be loaded. Adabas runs without the facility.


Ensure that all modules for the error handling and message buffering facility installed with Adabas are still in the distributed library. If modules are missing, restore a copy of the module from a backup and apply any maintenance.

Top of page

ADATCP Messages (Prefix ADACM)

The ADATCP component displays several information or error messages on the system console.

Overview of Messages

ADACM006E Unable to load PABNKERN

The essential module PABNKERN found in the internal product APS (porting platform) is not available to Adabas.


Add the APSvrsLOAD library to your job's STEPLIB.

ADACM007E Parm error

One of the parameters passed within the URL was incorrect.


Ensure that the URL includes valid values for all required elements: the API name (protocol), stack ID, and port number. Correct the URL and try again.

ADACM008E Invalid value in PORT= parameter

The port that was specified in the URL was not valid.


The port number can be 1-5 bytes; it cannot be zero (0) or greater than 65535.

ADACM009E URL=url already {active | closed}

Either the URL is already opened (ACTIVE) or already closed (CLOSED).


Ensure that the URL includes valid values for all required elements: the API name (protocol), stack ID, and port number. Correct the URL and try again.

ADACM010E URL=url not found

The URL itself was not found.


Ensure that the URL includes valid values for all required elements: the API name (protocol), stack ID, and port number. Correct the URL and try again.

ADACM011I URL=url has been {closed | opened}

The URL was successfully closed or opened.

ADACM012E The network is down

ADATCP cannot be started because the network is not active.


Check that the stack specified in the URL is active. If it is, contact your systems administrator.

ADACM013E No buffer space is available

No buffer space is available to ADATCP to allocate its control blocks.


Ensure that sufficient storage is available on the system.

ADACM014E The link has been severed

An error caused TCP/IP or ADATCP to terminate.


This message is issued along with another message that explains the reason for the termination. Refer to the other message.

ADACM015E TCP/IP is not installed or active

The TCP/IP stack specified in the URL is not installed or not active.


Check that the specified URL is the one intended. If so, either install the specified stack or start it.

ADACM016E The socket descriptor table is full

The maximum number of socket descriptors has been reached: no more sockets can be created.


Increase the maximum number of sockets that can be created.

ADACM017I TCP/IP has terminated

Unless this message is accompanied by an error message, TCP/IP has terminated normally.


If an error message accompanies this message, refer to that message. Otherwise, this message is for information only.

ADACM018E The API cannot locate the TCP/IP specified

The stack specified in the URL is not valid: TCP/IP cannot initialize.


Ensure that the stack is available on the system and that it is active.

ADACM019E The TCP/IP name specified is not valid

The TCP/IP name specified in the URL is not valid.


Check that the URL contains the correct stack name. If so, ensure that the stack is available on the system and that it is active.

ADACM020E TCP/IP failed to load

The TCP/IP stack specified in the URL cannot be initialized.


Ensure that the TCP/IP stack specified is correct and that it is active. If it is correct and active, contact the systems administrator.

ADACM021E Unable to allocate storage for SOCKETCB

ADATCP is unable to allocate the necessary storage.


Ensure that adequate storage is available on the system.

ADACM022E Invalid operating system for api=opsys

The operating system specified in the URL is incorrect.


The only operating systems currently supported are OE, Interlink, and HPS.

ADACM023E Unable to initialize TCP/IP interface

The TCP/IP stack specified in either the URL or the protocol that was used is invalid.


Check that the URL or protocol contains the correct stack name. If so, ensure that the stack is available on the system and that it is active.

ADACM024E Unable to get a socket

The system is unable to create a new socket. This may be caused by an incorrect stack. If an error number accompanies this message, it will inform you if the problem is inadequate system resources (ENOBUFS) or access denied (EACCES).


Ensure that the correct stack is being used. If the problem is inadequate system resources, contact your systems administrator. Contact your security administrator for system access problems.

ADACM025E Unable to bind socket to local system

ADATCP was unable to bind the socket to the local system. Another application may be using the port specified in the URL.


Use the "Tso netstat" command to check current use of the specified port. If something else is using the port, terminate ADATCP and change the port in the URL.

ADACM026E Unable to accept connections

ADATCP is unable to accept connections from client applications. This may indicate a shortage of buffer space or that the maximum number of socket descriptors have already been created/opened.


Ensure that adequate buffer space is available to the system. If necessary, increase the maximum number of sockets available to the system.

ADACM027E Unable to listen for new connections

ADATCP is unable to listen for new connections. This usually indicates that the system resources available to complete the call are inadequate. If an error number is supplied with this message, it will help to identify the problem.


If system resources are inadequate, contact your systems administrator.

ADACM028E Unable to set SOCKOPT REUSEADDR option

An attempt to allow currently used local addresses to be bound failed. This may indicate inadequate system resources. If an error number is supplied with this message, it will help to identify the problem.


If system resources are inadequate, contact your systems administrator.

ADACM029E Unable to give socket to new thread

ADATCP was unable to give control of a socket to a different process. This error occurs only if there is a problem with the socket itself. If an error number is supplied with this message, it will help to identify the problem.

ADACM030E Unable to create a new thread

The system was unable to create a new thread. This indicates inadequate system resources or memory to create the thread.


Contact your systems administrator.

ADACM031E Unable to close the requested socket

ADATCP attempted to close a socket that was being used by another thread in the same process. This occurs only when the system is terminating due to some other error.


Check the console for other messages.

ADACM032E Unable to MALLOCstorage

ADATCP was unable to allocate storage. This may indicate that inadequate storage is available on the system.


Contact your systems administrator.

ADACM034E Unable to receive data

ADATCP cannot receive data from a client. This may indicate that the connection between ADATCP and the client has been severed during a transaction or that system resources are inadequate to complete the call. The error number supplied with this message will identify the problem.


Contact your systems administrator.

ADACM035E Unable to take the socket

The process that send requests to and from Adabas was unable to take control of the socket that was passed to it by the listening task.


Check the error number and the return code that accompany this message.

ADACM036E Unable to set the cancel type

The main request task is unable to set the cancel type for the thread that is currently running.


Check the error number and the return code that accompany this message.

ADACM037E Unable to send data

ADATCP is unable to send data from a client. The error number issued with this message indicates whether the problem is a severed connection between ADATCP and the client or insufficient system resources to complete the call.


Check the error number issued with this message.

ADACM038E Unable to close the socket

ADATCP attempted to close a socket while it was being used by another thread in the same process. This occurs if the system has tried to terminate due to another error.


Check for other messages issued to the console.

ADACM039E Context table full

The number of connections has reached a predefined limit; no entries can be added to the user context table.


Increase the ADARUN NU parameter value to the required number of entries and restart ADATCP.

ADACM040E Bad Message Length - > 1M

A message was received with a length greater than 1,048,576 bytes.


Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

ADACM041E Bad Message Identifier (SAG)

A message was received with a bad identifier in the message header.


Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

ADACM042E ACBX call with more than 250 ABDXs received

An ACBX interface Adabas call was received that contained more than 250 ABDs. The maximum number of ABDs allowed is 250. The call is rejected with response code 253 (ADARSP253).


Change the application to make ACBX calls with fewer than 250 ABDs. Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance.

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