Version 8.2.3
 —  Messages and Codes  —

CWARN* - Caching Facility Error Messages

When errors are detected during the processing of the input statements, the appropriate warning message is displayed indicating the cause of error. The remaining portion of the statement is ignored and processing continues with the next statement. All input statements and warning messages are displayed only on DD/PRINT.

Messages generated during Adabas Caching Facility operations are documented in Adabas Console Messages (ADANnn) starting with ADAN80.

Overview of Messages

CWARN-126 | CWARN-127 | CWARN-128 | CWARN-129 | CWARN-130 | CWARN-131 | CWARN-132 | CWARN-133 | CWARN-134 | CWARN-135 | CWARN-136 | CWARN-140

CWARN-126 Illegal RABN range, overlapping extents

A CASSOxxx or CDATAxxx parameter specified a RABN range that overlaps a previously specified RABN range. Adabas Caching Facility ignores this latest RABN range.

CWARN-127 Illegal starting/ending RABNs

A CASSOxxx or CDATAxxx parameter specified an invalid RABN; that is, a RABN equal to zero, or an ASSO RABN range that falls entirely within the restricted ASSO RABNs 1-30.

CWARN-128 Retry < 60, setting to 60

The CRETRY parameter must be set between 60 and 2,147,483,647. The specified value is less than 60; the default is 60.

CWARN-129 RABN(s) outside of GCB, RABN(s) ignored

A CASSOxxx or CDATAxxx parameter specified a RABN range that exceeded the highest RABNs contained in the GCBs. Adabas Caching Facility ignores the remaining parameters that specify RABN ranges.

CWARN-130 A/D DSS < 81,920, using default size

A CASSOMAXS or CDATAMAXS parameter specified a value less than 81,920. The default for CASSOMAXS or CDATAMAXS os used.

CWARN-131 CRETRY > 2,147,483,647, setting to maximum

The CRETRY parameter must be set between 60 and 2,147,483,647. The specified value is greater than the maximum; the default is the maximum 2,147,483,647.

CWARN-132 CWORK2FAC/CWORK3FAC cannot exceed 100

The percentage factor cannot exceed 100 percent. The invalid factor is ignored, and the default 0 is taken.

CWARN-133 CMAXCSPS > 16, setting to 16

The CMAXCSPS parameter must be set between 1 and 16. The specified value is greater than 16; the default is 16.

CWARN-134 Incorrect CSTO or CWORKSTO storage type

A CSTORAGE or CWORKSTORAGE parameter did not specify extended memory, data space, hiperspace, or 64-bit virtual storage. If the error occurred for CSTORAGE, no storage type is established. If the error occurred for CWORKSTORAGE, the default type of DATASPACE is established.

CWARN-135 CBUFNO invalid in SMP or sysplex

The CBUFNO parameter is not supported in an Adabas Parallel Services or an Adabas Cluster Services environment. Adabas Caching Facility ignores the parameter.

CWARN-136 CEXCLUDE invalid in SMP or sysplex

The CEXCLUDE parameter is not supported in an Adabas Parallel Services or an Adabas Cluster Services environment. Adabas Caching Facility ignores the parameter.

CWARN-140 File caching parameter error; invalid xxxx

While processing a request to start caching for a file, an error was encountered in the data supplied on the request. This can be caused by errors in CFILE parameters, CFILE operator commands, or operator requests. The request is rejected and the file is not cached.

description of error as follows:
File number file number does not exist
Scope the scope is not ASSO, DATA, or BOTH
Class of service the class is not 1 through 5
Cache type the type is not extended memory, data spaces, hiperspace, or 64-bit virtual storage.

Virtual 64 and h i perspace are not available i n all environments and, if requested, may generate the above error.


Correct the invalid CFILE parameter, correct the CFILE operator command, and reissue it or issue a valid Adabas Online System request.

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