Administration Version 6.2.1
 —  Entire Net-Work Messages and Codes  —

Entire Net-Work Message Formats

Each message is identified by a six- or seven-character alphanumeric identifier as described in the following table:

Message Description
NETnnnn Entire Net-Work control module messages.
NETBnnn Expandable buffer pool messages.
NETInn These Entire Net-Work system messages correspond to ADAIOR messages documented in the Adabas Messages and Codes manual. The Entire Net-Work messages begin with NETI; the corresponding ADAIOR messages begin with ADAI.
NETMnn These Entire Net-Work system messages correspond to ADAMPM messages documented in the Adabas Messages and Codes manual. The Entire Net-Work messages begin with NETM; the corresponding ADAMPM messages begin with ADAM.
NETPnnn TCPX line driver messages.
NETUnnn Batch utility program messages.

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