Version 7.6.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

System Status

Adabas Manager System Status provides a comprehensive overview of Adabas operation.

This document covers the following topics:

Reviewing General System Status of Databases

Start of instruction setTo review the general system status of an Adabas database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select System Status in tree-view.

    The system status information for the database is displayed in tables on the System Status panel in detail-view.

    Read about Database Monitoring and Tuning in the Adabas DBA Tasks documentation for detailed information about system status statistics.

The system status information for a database is provided in three tables, as described in this section:

Physical I/O Table

The physical I/O table is the first table on the System Status panel. It displays the number of physical reads and writes executed during the session to the Associator (ASSO), Data Storage (DATA), and Work (WORK) data sets. In addition, it displays the number of physical writes during the session to the data protection log (PLOG).

General Statistics Table

The general statistics table is the second table from the top of the System Status panel. It lists the following information about the database:

Property Explanation
Logical Reads The number of logical reads issued for the buffer pool.
Buffer Efficiency The number of logical reads divided by the number of ASSO and DATA reads. The higher the value for buffer efficiency, the more efficient is buffer pool usage. If the value is less than 10, you may want to increase the size of the Adabas buffer pool (see the ADARUN LBP parameter).
Format Translations Adabas read and update commands require a format buffer that specifies the fields to be read or updated. Adabas interprets the format buffer and translates it into an internal form and stores it in an internal format buffer pool. The internal format buffer is identified by a combination of user ID/ command ID. Format buffer translation is CPU-intensive.
Format Overwrites When the internal format buffer pool becomes full, an existing entry must be overwritten to accommodate a new entry. If you have an excessive number of format overwrites, you may need to increase the size of the internal format buffer pool (see the ADARUN LFP parameter).
Throwbacks The number of times a command could not be executed because the Adabas nucleus was waiting for an available ISN or Adabas work pool space. In these cases, the command is thrown back into the command queue for processing at a later point in time.
Thread Switches The number of times in this session that a thread was automatically switched by Adabas during the processing of a single command. A thread switch occurs if I/O activity suspends command processing in an active thread. Ideally, each command should be processed to completion without a thread switch. The count of thread switches is thus an indication of the balance between the size of the I/O buffer and the number of threads allocated.
Number of Calls Total number of calls issued to Adabas during the session.
Internal Autorestarts The number of autorestarts performed during the session.
PLOG Switches Applies only when dual protection logging is in effect; when one dataset is full, Adabas switches automatically to a second dataset and continues writing protection log records. In the meantime, data in the first dataset is copied off using ADARES PLCOPY to a sequential file, either manually or under the control of user exit 2, so that the dataset can be safely overwritten when the second dataset becomes full and Adabas switches automatically back to the first dataset. The system is most efficient when sufficient time is available to copy a full protection log off to the sequential dataset before the other protection log dataset becomes full. Protection logs are sized using the DUALPLD parameter to specify the device and thus the block size and the DUALPLS parameter to specify the number of blocks allowed in a log.
Buffer Flushes The number of times the buffer pool has been flushed to Data Storage during the session. The buffer pool contains the most frequently used ASSO and DATA blocks and its purpose is to minimize physical I/O activity. The buffer pool should be as large as possible without causing undue paging by the operating system.

Pool and Queue Statistics Table

The pool and queue statistics table is a high-water mark display. It is the third table from the top of the System Status panel. It shows the usage statistics and graphs the highest percentage used of selected pools and queues in the current session, as well as the date and time when the high point was reached. Values are displayed for the:

In addition, the units and defined settings of the ADARUN parameters associated with establishing the sizes of these queues and pools is also listed in the table.

The high-water values are a good starting point when looking for a problem with limited buffer, pool, or queue space, or if you are looking for unused storage resources.

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Resetting the System Status

You have the following options for resetting the system status:

Start of instruction setTo reset the pool and queue statistics display:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select System Status in tree-view and right-click on it.

  3. Select Reset Pool on the drop-down menu.

    The counters in the pool and queue statistics table are reset to zero.

Start of instruction setTo reset the counter:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select System Status in tree-view and right-click on it.

  3. Select Reset Counter on the drop-down menu.

    The counters in the general statistics table are reset to zero.

Start of instruction setTo reset all:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select System Status in tree-view and right-click on it.

  3. Select Reset All on the drop-down menu.

    All counters in the System Status tree are reset to zero.

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CLOG/PLOG Statistics

Start of instruction setTo review the CLOG/PLOG statistics:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select CLOG/PLOG Statistics in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    Two tables are displayed in the detail-view panel; in the first table the following command log properties are shown:

    In the second table the following protection log properties are shown:


Using this option, you can immediately switch (by forcing an end-of-file) between dual or multiple command log (CLOG) or protection log (PLOG) files. Switching (that is, "toggling") changes from one CLOG or PLOG file to another.

Start of instruction setTo force a CLOG/PLOG switch:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select CLOG/PLOG Statistics in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    Two tables are displayed in the detail-view panel, showing the command/protection log properties. If dual logging is active, Force CLOG Switch and Force PLOG Switch buttons are displayed.

  3. Click the action you want to perform.

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Reviewing Command Queue

Start of instruction setTo review the command queue:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Command Queue in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    A list of the current commands in the queue and their status are listed.

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Reviewing Command Usage

Start of instruction setTo review command usage:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Command Usage in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    A table is displayed in detail-view showing the total and average execution time of each Adabas command type issued during the current session and processed by the Adabas nucleus, and the total of all Adabas commands issued.

    The following commands are listed:

    Command Description
    A1/4 Update Existing Records
    BT Backout Transactions
    CL Close User Session
    ET End Transaction
    E1/2 Delete Records
    L1/4 Read by ISN
    L2/5 Read Physical
    L3/6 Read by Descriptor
    L9 Read Descriptor
    LF Read Field Definition
    N1/2 Add Records
    OP Open User Session
    UC Utility Commands
    RC Release Command id's
    RE Read ET User Data
    REST Other Commands
    S1/4 Find Records
    S2 Find records sorted
    S5 Find Coupled ISN
    S8 Process ISN List
    S9 Sort ISN List
    YCAL Internal Communication
    V1 to V4 Internal Communication
    UCAL Utility Commands

Start of instruction setTo reset the command usage status display:

  1. Right-click on Command Usage under System Status.

  2. Select Reset on the drop-down menu.

    The counters in the command usage status table are reset to zero.

Selecting Reset All on the drop-down menu will reset all counters in the System Status tree to zero.

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Reviewing File Usage

Start of instruction setTo review file usage:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select File Usage in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    A table is displayed in detail-view showing the total number of accesses for all files of the database used during the current session is displayed.

Start of instruction setTo reset the file usage status display:

  1. Right-click on File Usage under System Status.

  2. Select Reset on the drop-down menu.

    The counters in the file usage status table are reset to zero.

Selecting Reset All on the drop-down menu will reset all counters in the System Status tree to zero.

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Reviewing High Water Marks

Start of instruction setTo review high water marks:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select High Water Marks in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    A table is displayed in detail-view showing the maximum percent of use of selected pools and queues in the current session, and the date and time when the high point was reached.

    Values are displayed for the user, command, and hold queues; the ISN list and sequential command tables; the format, security, and work pools; and the attached buffers (NAB).

    These values are a good starting point when looking for a problem with limited buffer, pool, or queue space, or if you are looking for unused storage resources.

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Reviewing Hold Queue

Start of instruction setTo review the hold queue:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Hold Queue in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    A list of ISNs currently in hold status is displayed along with the file in which it occurs, the related TID, CPU-ID, VM-ID and OPSYS-ID.

Start of instruction setTo stop a user:

  1. Click in the check box for the user you want to stop until a check mark appears.

  2. Click the Stop User button to confirm your selection.

Filtering the Hold Queue Display

You can filter the hold queue display by file number or name and User ID.

Once you have specified a filter for the hold queue display, it remains in effect for all databases registered until you turn it off.

Start of instruction setTo filter the hold queue display:

  1. Access the hold queue display and in the upper left corner of the display, click on the Filter button (graphics/filefilt.png).

    The Hold Queue filter panel appears.

  2. Enter the file name or number and/or the TID you want to filter the hold queue for. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character.

  3. Verify that the Turn Off Filter check box does not have a check mark in it. If it does, click in the check box until the check mark is gone.

  4. When all filters have been specified, click on the OK button to save the filters or click on the Cancel button to cancel the filter settings and revert to the prior settings (if any).

When you refresh the hold queue display, the filters are applied to the hold queue display.

Start of instruction setTo stop a user:

  1. Select the user you want to stop from the resulting list and click the Stop User button.

Start of instruction setTo clear all filters on the hold queue display:

  1. Access the hold queue display and in the upper left corner of the display, click on the Filter button (graphics/filefilt.png).

    The Hold Queue filter panel appears.

  2. Click in the Turn Off Filter check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click on the OK button to save the filters or click on the Cancel button to cancel the filter settings and revert to the prior settings (if any).

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Installed Products

Start of instruction setTo review the installed products associated with the database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Installed Products in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The products associated with the database are displayed in detail-view.

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Reviewing Nucleus File Status

Start of instruction setTo review the nucleus file status of the database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Nucleus File Status in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The nucleus file status of the database is displayed in a table in detail-view.

    The following information is listed:

    Property Explanation
    File Number The Adabas file number.
    Locking Nucleus ID In an Adabas cluster environment, the file may be locked for exclusive use by another cluster nucleus. If this is the case and the file is in the nucleus file status table, this column for the file shows the ID of the nucleus that has exclusive control.
    Access Count Display the number of access users, respectively, that refer to the specified file in their user queue elements (UQEs). These users either have specified the file in an OP command with R-option or are using the file in an as yet incomplete transaction.
    Update Count Display the number of update users, respectively, that refer to the specified file in their user queue elements (UQEs). These users either have specified the file in an OP command with R-option or are using the file in an as yet incomplete transaction.
    Status Indicates when the file is used for access only or for access and update. The Status column field indicates to what extent a nucleus can use a file on its own. If the requested use exceeds the given state, the nucleus must first communicate with the other nuclei in the cluster in order to upgrade the state.

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Reviewing Online Status

The Online Status panel displays the online utility processes (inverting files, reordering files) currently in the database nucleus. For details on how to start the online utilities, see sections Inverting Files and Reordering Files.

Start of instruction setTo review the online status of the database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Online Status in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The online status of the database is displayed in a table in detail-view.

    The following information is listed:

    Property Explanation
    ET-ID The logical user ID assigned by the ADALOD LOAD parameter ETID (which defines owner IDs to all records being loaded into a multiclient file).
    Process Type The current process type.
    Status The current status.
    File Number The Adabas file number.
    Reorder Type The reorder type set for the file.
    Current RABN The RABN assigned for the file.
    Current ISN The ISN allocated for the file.
    Number of Throwbacks The number of commands in the command queue for processing at a later point in time.

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Reviewing PPT (Parallel Participant Table) Status

The parallel participant table (PPT) located in a database's Associator tracks all active Adabas nuclei in the cluster and displays additional information about a nucleus.

The information about each Adabas nucleus maintained in the PPT is used when ADARES PLCOPY is copying and merging all active protection logs in the cluster. It is also used during nucleus initialization to ensure that the dataset information required for autorestart and PLOG merge is available:

Start of instruction setTo review the PPT:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select PPT in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The table in detail-view displays a list of nuclei participating in the cluster and information about the current status of each nucleus.

  3. Click on a nucleus ID in the table to display additional information about a nucleus.

    For an Adabas cluster nucleus that has a nonzero nucleus ID, its entry in the PPT is displayed in the detail-view panel.

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Reviewing Resource Statistics

Resource statistics provide information about file and command use either for all currently active users (general statistics) or for a single user (user statistics). The statistics are collected by starting a sampling period for which you have specified a time period in seconds (duration).

Start of instruction setTo obtain statistics for all currently active users:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Resource Statistics in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The Resource Statistics panel is displayed in detail-view.

  3. Specify the duration period in seconds (default is 60 seconds) and click on the Start General Statistics button.

    The General Statistics collection is started.

  4. After the specified duration, click on the Read General Statistics button.

    The following command usage information for all currently active users is displayed in the detail-view panel:

    The following commands are listed:

    Command Description
    A1/4 Update Existing Records
    BT Backout Transactions
    CL Close User Session
    ET End Transaction
    E1/2 Delete Records
    L1/4 Read by ISN
    L2/5 Read Physical
    L3/6 Read by Descriptor
    L9 Read Descriptor
    LF Read Field Definition
    N1/2 Add Records
    OP Open User Session
    UC Utility Commands
    RC Release Command id's
    RE Read ET User Data
    REST Other Commands
    S1/4 Find Records
    S2 Find records sorted
    S5 Find Coupled ISN
    S8 Process ISN List
    S9 Sort ISN List
    YCAL Internal Communication
    V1 to V4 Internal Communication
    UCAL Utility Commands
  5. Choose Files in the selection box in this panel to display the file usage information for all currently active users.

    The resulting table provides the following file usage details:

    Click on the Back button to return to the Resource Statistics panel.

Start of instruction setTo obtain statistics for a single user:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Resource Statistics in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The Resource Statistics panel is displayed in detail-view.

  3. Click on the Select button.

    The User Queue panel is displayed in detail-view.

  4. Select a user ID to retrieve statistics for that user. This will return you to the Resource Statistics panel.

  5. Specify the duration period in seconds (default is 60 seconds) and click on the Start User Statistics button.

  6. After the specified duration, click on the Read User Statistics button.

    The following command usage information for the user you selected is displayed in the detail-view panel:

    The following commands are listed:

    Command Description
    A1/4 Update Existing Records
    BT Backout Transactions
    CL Close User Session
    ET End Transaction
    E1/2 Delete Records
    L1/4 Read by ISN
    L2/5 Read Physical
    L3/6 Read by Descriptor
    L9 Read Descriptor
    LF Read Field Definition
    N1/2 Add Records
    OP Open User Session
    UC Utility Commands
    RC Release Command id's
    RE Read ET User Data
    REST Other Commands
    S1/4 Find Records
    S2 Find records sorted
    S5 Find Coupled ISN
    S8 Process ISN List
    S9 Sort ISN List
    YCAL Internal Communication
    V1 to V4 Internal Communication
    UCAL Utility Commands
  7. Choose Files in the selection box in this panel to display the file usage information for this user.

    The resulting table provides the following file usage details:

    Click on the Back button to return to the Resource Statistics panel.

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Reviewing Thread Status

Start of instruction setTo review threads:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Threads in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The threads are listed along with their status (active or not active), the command type currently in process in each active thread, and the number of commands processed by each thread in the current session.

Start of instruction setTo reset the thread status display:

  1. Right-click on Threads under System Status.

  2. Select Reset on the drop-down menu.

    The counters in the thread status table are reset to zero.

Selecting Reset All on the drop-down menu will reset all counters in the System Status tree to zero.

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User Profiles

Adabas allows you to retain user-related information from session to session in a user profile table. For each user, you can maintain

Start of instruction setTo review the user profiles:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select User Profiles in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The user profiles are displayed in a table.

Start of instruction setTo modify a user profile:

  1. In the User Profiles table displayed in detail-view, click on the user ID for which you want to modify the profile.

    The profile table for the user is displayed.

  2. In the resulting profile table, enter the values you require in the text boxes.

  3. Click on the Modify button to confirm your changes or Cancel to return to the User Profiles table without modifying the profile.

Start of instruction setTo delete a user profile:

  1. In the User Profiles table displayed in detail-view, click on the user ID you want to delete.

    The profile table for the user is displayed.

  2. Click on the Delete button to delete the user ID or Cancel to return to the User Profiles table without deleting the profile.

Creating New User Profiles

In addition to modifying or deleting existing profiles, you can also add new user profiles.

Start of instruction setTo create a new user profile:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select System Status in tree-view and right-click on it.

  3. Select New Profile on the drop-down menu.

    A user profile table appears in detail-view.

  4. Enter the user ID for the new profile and allocate the values you require in the text boxes (as default the boxes show the active parameter values).

  5. Click on the OK button to confirm the new user profile or Cancel and return to the User Profiles table.

    The new user profile is now displayed in the table.

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User Queue and User Queue Elements (UQEs) for Databases

Each user who calls Adabas is assigned a user queue element (UQE). The user queue stores the UQEs for all users of a given database.

This section covers the following topics:

User Queue

Start of instruction setTo review the user queue for a database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select User Queue in tree-view under the expanded System Status.

    The user queue for the database appears on the User Queue panel in detail-view.

The user queue information is displayed in a table that provides the following information:

Statistics Description
TID The unique internal identifier assigned to the user.
ET-ID Logical user ID assigned by the ADALOD LOAD parameter ETID (which defines owner IDs to all records being loaded into a multiclient file).
Job Name The job name associated with the user.
User Type The user type. Possible values include:
ACC access-only user
ET ET user
EXF exclusive file control access user
EXU exclusive file update user
UTI utility update control user
Status The user status. Possible values include:
ET The user is in "End Transaction" state.
T-OUT The user has been timed out.
TRANS The user is in "Open Transaction" state.
Last Activity Period of inactivity (in seconds).
Files The file numbers of the Adabas files currently in use by the user. Note that no file list is provided for ET users.

You can stop a specific user, all users from a specific job, all users using a specific file, or all inactive users. Any open transactions of the stopped users are backed out. You can also request that the stopped users be deleted. Note that EXF and UTI users are not stopped or deleted.

Start of instruction setTo stop specific users:

  1. Click in the check boxes for all users you want to stop until check marks appear.

  2. Click the Stop User button to confirm your selection.

    If Adabas is running with ADARUN OPENRQ=NO (specifying that users are not required to issue an OP as the first command of the session), stop specific users only if you are certain that the users to be deleted are no longer active. If a user with an open transaction is deleted, but then returns (by sending a command), no indication is given about the transaction backout. If the user continues the transaction, logical inconsistencies in the database could occur.

  3. Click on the Yes button to confirm or click on the No button to cancel. Both will return you to the previous panel.

    The nucleus backs out any open transactions of the selected users and deletes them (purges the user queue elements).

Start of instruction setTo stop users using a specific file number:

  1. Right-click on User Queue under the expanded System Status.

  2. Select Stop Users Using File on the drop-down menu.

    The Stop Users using File panel is displayed in detail-view.

  3. Enter the file number for which you want users stopped.

  4. If you want the stopped users deleted (if you want to purge their user queue elements), check the Purge User Queue Elements check box.

    If Adabas is running with ADARUN OPENRQ=NO (specifying that users are not required to issue an OP as the first command of the session), stop users with Purge User Queue Elements checked only if you are certain that the users to be deleted are no longer active. If a user with an open transaction is deleted, but then returns (by sending a command), no indication is given about the transaction backout. If the user continues the transaction, logical inconsistencies in the database could occur.

  5. Click on the OK button to confirm or click on the Cancel button to cancel. Both will return you to the previous panel.

    The nucleus backs out any open transactions of the affected users. If Purge User Queue Elements is checked, the nucleus also deletes the users (purges their user queue elements).

Start of instruction setTo stop inactive users:

  1. Right-click on User Queue under the expanded System Status.

  2. Select Stop Inactive Users on the drop-down menu.

    The Stop Inactive Users panel is displayed in detail-view.

  3. Enter the inactivity time interval (in seconds). Users who have not executed a command during this time limit will be stopped.

  4. If you want the stopped users deleted (if you want to purge their user queue elements), check the Purge User Queue Elements check box.

    If Adabas is running with ADARUN OPENRQ=NO (specifying that users are not required to issue an OP as the first command of the session), stop users with Purge User Queue Elements checked only if you are certain that the users to be deleted are no longer active. If a user with an open transaction is deleted, but then returns (by sending a command), no indication is given about the transaction backout. If the user continues the transaction, logical inconsistencies in the database could occur.

  5. Click on the OK button to stop the users or click on the Cancel button to cancel. Both will return you to the previous panel.

    The nucleus backs out any open transactions of the affected users. If Purge User Queue Elements is checked, the nucleus also deletes the users (purges their user queue elements).

Start of instruction setTo stop users by jobname:

  1. Right-click on User Queue under the expanded System Status.

  2. Select Stop Users by Jobname on the drop-down menu.

    The Stop Users by Jobname panel is displayed in detail-view.

  3. Enter the name of the job whose users you wish to stop.

    If Adabas is running with ADARUN OPENRQ=NO (specifying that users are not required to issue an OP as the first command of the session), stop users by jobname only if you are certain that the users to be deleted are no longer active. If a user with an open transaction is deleted, but then returns (by sending a command), no indication is given about the transaction backout. If the user continues the transaction, logical inconsistencies in the database could occur.

  4. Click on the OK button to stop the users or click on the Cancel button to cancel. Both will return you to the previous panel.

    The nucleus backs out any open transactions of the affected users and deletes them (purges their user queue elements).

User Queue Element (UQE)

Start of instruction setTo review the user queue element for a specific user:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select User Queue under the expanded System Status.

    The user queue for the database appears on the User Queue panel in detail-view.

  3. On the User Queue panel in detail-view, click on the TID of the user whose user queue element you want to review.

The UQE information is displayed in several tables that provide the following information.

Statistics Description
TID The unique internal identifier assigned to the user.
User ID The Adabas-assigned user ID, if available.
Job Name The job name associated with the user.
User Type The user type. Possible values include:
ACC access-only user
ET ET user
EXF exclusive file control access user
EXU exclusive file update user
UTI utility update control user
Status The user status. Possible values include:
ET The user is in "End Transaction" state.
T-OUT The user has been timed out.
TRANS The user is in "Open Transaction" state.
Last Activity The date and time activity last occurred by the user.
CPU ID The CPU ID of the user (a component of the Communication ID).
VM ID The VM ID of the user (a component of the Communication ID).
OPSYS ID The operating system ID of the user (a component of the Communication ID).
User ID The user ID (a component of the Communication ID).
Communication ID (hexadecimal) The 28-byte hexadecimal communication ID of the user.

CPU ID, VM ID, OPSYS ID and User ID are all components of the Communication ID and guarantee its network-wide uniqueness even in heterogeneous environments. The individual IDs are dependent on the operating system the Adabas call has been issued from.

Hold Queue Limit The maximum number of held ISNs the hold queue can contain from one user. For detailed information about the NISNHQ parameter, see the ADARUN Control Statement in the Adabas Operations documentation.
Max. parallel CIDs per User The total number of CIDs (command IDs) allowed per user, and therefore the maximum number of table elements the user has available at any point in time. For detailed information about the NQCID parameter, see the ADARUN Control Statement in the Adabas Operations documentation.
Max. ISNs per TBI Element The maximum number of ISNs kept in a TBI (table of ISNs) element in memory (list of resulting ISN lists). For detailed information about the NSISN parameter, see the ADARUN Control Statement in the Adabas Operations documentation, .
Max. Time of Nonactivity The maximum length of time, in seconds, that the user can be inactive before inactive processing occurs. For more information about Adabas timeouts, refer to your Adabas documentation.
Time Limit for Sx Commands The maximum length of time, in seconds, permitted for Sx commands by this user.
No. of ISNs currently held The number of ISNs currently held by the user.
No. of CIDs currently in use The number of CIDs (command IDs) currently in use. For detailed information about the NQCID parameter, see the ADARUN Control Statement in the Adabas Operations documentation.
No. of Calls The number of calls issued by the user during the user session.
No. of I/Os The number of I/Os initiated by the user during the user session.
Priority from ET/CP File The priority of the user.
Start Session The start time of the user session.
Start Transaction The start time of the transaction.
File List The file numbers of the files currently in use by the user. Note that no file list is provided for ET users.

You can return to the User Queue panel by clicking the Back button or you can stop this user. When users are stopped, they are deleted. Any open transactions of the stopped/deleted users are backed out. Note that EXF and UTI users are not stopped or deleted.

If Adabas is running with ADARUN OPENRQ=NO (specifying that users are not required to issue an OP as the first command of the session), stop them only if you are certain that the users to be deleted (stopped) are no longer active. If a user with an open transaction is deleted, but then returns (by sending a command), no indication is given about the transaction backout. If the user continues the transaction, logical inconsistencies in the database could occur.

Start of instruction setTo stop this user:

  1. Click the Stop User button.

Filtering the User Queue Display

You can filter the user queue display by last activity (elapsed time in seconds), ET-ID, user type, job name and user ID.

Once you have specified a filter for the user queue display, it remains in effect for all databases registered until you turn it off.

Start of instruction setTo filter the user queue display:

  1. Access the user queue display and in the upper left corner of the display, click on the Filter button (graphics/filefilt.png).

    The User Queue filter panel appears.

  2. Enter the values you want to filter the user queue for. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character.

  3. Verify that the Turn Off Filter check box does not have a check mark in it. If it does, click in the check box until the check mark is gone.

  4. When all filters have been specified, click on the OK button to save the filters or click on the Cancel button to cancel the filter settings and revert to the prior settings (if any).

When you refresh the user queue display, the filters are applied to the file list display.

Start of instruction setTo stop a user:

  1. Select the user you want to stop from the resulting list and click the Stop User button.

Start of instruction setTo clear all filters on the user queue display:

  1. Access the user queue display and in the upper left corner of the display, click on the Filter button (graphics/filefilt.png).

    The Hold Queue filter panel appears.

  2. Click in the Turn Off Filter check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click on the OK button to save the filters or click on the Cancel button to cancel the filter settings and revert to the prior settings (if any).

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Reviewing Work Status

Start of instruction setTo review the work status:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Work Status under the expanded System Status.

    Work Status displays the WORK area sizes (in blocks) for the

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Reviewing Work Pool Usage

Start of instruction setTo review the work pool:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Work Pool Usage under the expanded System Status.

    Work pool statistics are displayed including the total length set in the ADARUN parameter LWP, the length of the used and unused parts of the pool, and the length of the longest single unused part. These numbers can be used to tune the work pool length for the next session.

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