Version 7.6.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

Modifying Files

The information is organized under the following headings:

Locking/Unlocking Files

Start of instruction setTo lock/unlock files:

  1. List the files in a database, as described in Listing Database Files.

  2. The files are listed in a file list display table in detail-view; select the file you want to lock or unlock by clicking in the check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click Lock or Unlock.

  4. Click OK to confirm or Cancel, and return to the file list.

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Reordering Files

Start of instruction setTo reorder files:

  1. List the files in a database, as described in Listing Database Files.

  2. The files are listed in a file list display table in detail-view; select the file you want to reorder by clicking in the check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click Reorder.

  4. In the resulting Reorder Files panel, select the preferred reorder type in the selection box.

    You can reorder:

    When reordering Data Storage for a file, you can specify a sort sequence. The default is physical sequence. Other possible options include "ISN" if the file is to be sorted in ISN order, or the two character descriptor name to sort the file according to the value of the specified descriptor.

  5. Supply the password and click OK to confirm or Cancel, and return to the file list.

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Deleting Files

Start of instruction setTo delete files:

  1. List the files in a database, as described in Listing Database Files.

  2. The files are listed in a file list display table in detail-view; select the file you want to delete by clicking in the check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. In the resulting Delete Files panel, supply the password and click OK to confirm or Cancel, and return to the file list.

    If a file to be deleted is a coupled file, it must first be uncoupled.

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Renumbering Files

Start of instruction setTo renumber files:

  1. List the files in a database, as described in Listing Database Files.

  2. The files are listed in a file list display table in detail-view; select the file you want to renumber by clicking in the check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click Renumber.

    Password-protected files cannot be renumbered.

  4. In the resulting Renumber Files panel, modify the file number according to your requirements and click OK to confirm or Cancel, and return to the file list.

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Renaming Files

Start of instruction setTo rename files:

  1. List the files in a database, as described in Listing Database Files.

  2. The files are listed in a file list display table in detail-view; select the file you want to delete by clicking in the check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click Rename.

  4. In the resulting Rename Files panel and enter the new file name.

    Password-protected files cannot be renamed.

  5. Click OK to confirm or Cancel, and return to the file list.

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Uncoupling Files

The uncoupling option is used to remove the physical coupling between the specified files by erasing the coupling inverted lists from each file's Associator. No change is made to the field definition tables (FDTs) or descriptors for the specified files. This option must be executed before either of the specified files is deleted.

Start of instruction setTo uncouple files:

  1. List the files in a database, as described in Listing Database Files.

  2. The files are listed in a file list display table in detail-view; select the file you want to delete by clicking in the check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click Uncouple.

  4. In the resulting Uncouple Files panel, enter number of the file to be uncoupled and supply the password.

  5. Click OK to confirm or Cancel, and return to the file list.

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Inverting Files

Start of instruction setTo invert files:

  1. List the files in a database, as described in Listing Database Files.

  2. The files are listed in a file list display table in detail-view; select the file you want to delete by clicking in the check box until a check mark appears.

  3. Click Invert.

  4. In the resulting Invert Files panel, enter the definition for the type of descriptor to be inverted and supply the password.


    FIELD='AA'                          HYPDE='01,HD,20,A,NU,MU=AA,AB'
    SUBDE='SB=AA(1,5)'                  PHONDE='PH(AA)'               
    SUPDE='SP=AA(1,5),BB(1,2),CC(3,5)'  COLDE='1,CD=AA'

    For detailed information on the syntax, see ONLINVERT: Start Online Invert in the Adabas Utilities documentation.

    Only one descriptor can be specified per process. Only one invert process can be active for a file at any time.

  5. Click OK to confirm or Cancel, and return to the file list.

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