Version 7.6.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

Reviewing File Properties

Start of instruction setTo review the properties for a file:

  1. List the files in a database, as described in Listing Database Files.

  2. Select the name of a file in the table of files.

    The properties for the file appears in detail-view. Please note that, depending on the file type, not all properties listed in the following table may be displayed:

    Property Description
    Database ID (DBID) The ID of the database in which the file resides.
    File Number (FILE) The number of the file.
    File Name (NAME) The name of the file.
    Records Loaded The number of records currently contained in the file.
    Number of Updates The total number of blocks in the file that have been updated since the file was last loaded.
    Commands during Nucleus Session The number of operator commands entered during the session.
    Date Loaded The date and time the file was last loaded into the database.
    Date of Last Update The date and time the file was last updated.
    Lowest ISN to be Allocated (MINISN) The lowest ISN that can be assigned to a record in the file ("0" indicates that the parameter is not set; the default then is "1"). MINISN is required for expanded files.
    TOP ISN The highest ISN currently used in the file.
    Highest ISN to be Allocated (MAXISN) The highest ISN that can be assigned to a record in the file.
    ASSO Padding Factor (ASSOPFAC) The padding factor (percentage of each block) set for the ASSO dataset (the default is 10).
    DATA Padding Factor (DATAPFAC) The padding factor (percentage of each block) set for the DATA dataset (the default is 10).
    ADAM File (ADAMFILE) Whether the file is loaded using the ADAM option ("NO" indicates that the parameter is not specified).
    Expanded Component Whether the file is part of an expanded file.
    Ciphered File Whether the file is encrypted (see the optional ADACMP COMPRESS CODE parameter; "NO" indicates that the parameter is not specified).
    Coupled File Whether the file is physically coupled to another file (see the ADAINV COUPLE function for more information).
    DATA Space Reusage (DSREUSE) Whether Data Storage space can be reused (the default is "YES").
    Compress File Index (INDEXCOMPRESSION) Whether the index for the file is loaded in compressed form (the default depends on the input file).
    ISN Reusage (ISNREUSE) Whether a freed ISN can be reused for a new record (the default is "NO").
    Size of ISN (ISNSIZE) Whether 3- or 4-byte ISNs are used for the file (the default is 3).
    Owner ID Length for Multiclient File (LOWNERID) The length of the internal owner ID for multiclient files ("0" indicates that it is not a multiclient file).
    Maximum Blocks per DS Extent (MAXDS) The number of blocks allowed per secondary Data Storage extent ("0" indicates that the parameter is not set; the default then is no limit).
    Maximum Blocks per NI Extent (MAXNI) The number of blocks allowed per secondary Associator normal index extent ("0" indicates that the parameter is not set; the default then is no limit).
    Maximum Blocks per UI Extent (MAXUI) The number of blocks allowed per secondary Associator upper index extent ("0" indicates that the parameter is not set; the default then is no limit).
    Maximum Compressed Record Length (MAXRECL) The maximum compressed record length (in bytes) allowed for the file (the default is the maximum possible size).
    Mixed Device Types for DS Extents Allowed (MIXDSDEV) Whether secondary Data Storage extents may be allocated on different device types and therefore with different block lengths ("NO" indicates that the parameter is not specified).
    Record Spanning (Adabas version 8 only) Whether record spanning is activated for the file.
    MUPEX (Adabas version 8 only) Whether the file has been established with the extended MU or PE limits available with Adabas version 8.
    has LOB Fields (Adabas version 8 only) Indicates whether the file contains one or more LB fields.
    LOB File (Adabas version 8 only) Specifies the file number of the associated LOB file.
    Base File (Adabas version 8 LOB file only) Specifies the file number of the associated base file.
    No AC Extensions (NOACEXTENSION) Whether the MAXISN value for the file can be increased ("NO" indicates that the parameter is not specified; "YES" is required for expanded files).
    User Refresh Allowed (PGMREFRESH) Whether a user program is allowed to refresh the file using an E1 call to Adabas when the file is loaded (the default is "NO").
    Requires Universal Encoding Database Whether the file has settings that require a UES-enabled database (see the ADACMP COMPRESS parameters FACODE, FWCODE, FUWCODE, UACODE, UWCODE, and UARC).
    Alpha Num Encoding  
    Wide Char Encoding  
    User ISN (USERISN) Whether ISN numbers are assigned by the user ("YES") rather than by Adabas ("NO"). The default depends on the input file.
    Requires Adabas Version (or Higher) The version of Adabas required to process the database and its files.
    Highest Index Level The highest index level currently active for the file.
    FDT Length The size (in blocks) of the file's field definition table (FDT).
    Online Invert Running Whether an online invert process is currently running in the background against this file. See the ADADBS ONLINVERT function for more information. Since such a background process runs as an ET logic job, 'yes' indicates that EXU/EXF users and utilities are prohibited from using the file, but other users can use it.
    Replication Target ID (RPLTARGETID) The Event Replicator target ID for the Adabas file to be replicated (if replication is active).
    Replication Primary Key (RPLKEY) The primary key for replication (if replication is active).
    Replication Active Indicates whether or not data replication is active for the Adabas database.
    Replication of Before Images of Updates (RPLDSBI) Indicates whether to activate the collection of before images of data storage during an update command to the file (if replication is active).

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