Version 7.6.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

Displaying Files with a Critical Number of Extents (Adabas Version 7 only)

Adabas files can have five extents. You can display a list of the files in the database that are at or near the limit of five extents, i.e., near the "critical" number of extents.

Start of instruction setTo display files with a critical number of extents in a database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Database Files in tree-view and right-click on it.

  3. Select Files with a Critical Number of Extents on the drop-down menu.

    The Files with a Critical Number of Extents panel appears in detail-view.

    A table displays the total number of files, the number of files that have already been processed, and once the operation has been completed, the number of files with critical extents.

    You can cancel the operation at any time by selecting Cancel 'Files with a Critical Number of Extents' on the drop-down menu.

    The exact extent count is listed by table type (AC, DATA, NI, or UI).

    If no files with four or five extents exist in the database, a message will be displayed in the Files with a Critical Number of Extents panel.

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