Version 7.6.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

Caching Facility

The Adabas Caching Facility is used to define caching parameter settings and also to monitor caching operations. For detailed information, see the Caching Facility section in the Adabas for Mainframes documentation.

When the Adabas Caching Facility is installed on your system, the Adabas Manager provides easy access to the optional caching facilities.

If the Adabas Caching Facility is not installed on your system, the icon will not be displayed in your Adabas Manager tree-view.

Start of instruction setTo view the files with caching for a database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Caching Facility in tree-view.

    In detail-view, a table displays file names and numbers of the files with caching as well as their cache type and status.

    To change the status of a file, select the file by checking the appropriate box in the table and click on Enable, Disable or Delete.

Defining a File Cache

Start of instruction setTo define a file cache:

  1. Select Caching Facility in the tree-view and right-click on it.

  2. Select Define File Cache on the drop-down menu.

    In detail-view, the Define File Cache table is displayed and allows you to define one or more files to be cached.

    Files already cached are displayed in a second table together with their cache type and status.

  3. The following specifications can be set in the table:

    Enter your specifications in the table and click OK or CANCEL.

    The files you have successfully cached are displayed in a second table together with their cache type and status, i.e, added to the table where cached files already existed.

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Maintaining Cache Parameters

Start of instruction setTo maintain cache parameters:

  1. Select Caching Facility in the tree-view and right-click on it.

  2. Select Maintain Cache Parameters on the drop-down menu.

    In detail-view, the Maintain Cache Parameters table displays the current setting of the Adabas Caching (ADARUN) parameter values and allows you to change them.

  3. The following specifications can be set in the table:

    Values for Max. ASSO Cache Size and Max. DATA Cache Size represent bytes, but may be marked with a K (1 kilobyte=1024 bytes), M (1 megabyte=1,048,576 bytes), or G (1 gigabyte=1,073,741,824 bytes) indicator when the size of the value requires it.

    For more information about these parameters, see Adabas Caching Parameters in the Caching Facility section in the Adabas for Mainframes documentation.

    Enter your specifications in the table and click OK or CANCEL.

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Cache Session Summary

Start of instruction setTo view the cache session summary:

  1. Select Caching Facility in the tree-view and right-click on it.

  2. Select Cache Session Summary on the drop-down menu.

    In detail-view, the Cache Session Summary table displays a summary of information for the Adabas Caching session including cache statistics, read-ahead statistics, and allocation statistics for active and inactive cache spaces.

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