Version 7.6.3
 —  Adabas Manager Documentation  —

Active Parameters

Start of instruction setTo review the ADARUN parameter settings for an Adabas database:

  1. Select an Adabas database in tree-view and expand it.

  2. Select Active Parameters in tree-view.

    The active ADARUN parameters for the database are displayed in tables in detail-view:

For detailed information about ADARUN parameters and their possible values, see the ADARUN Control Statement in the Adabas Operations documentation.

The meaning of ON/OFF options in the Logging section of the active parameters panel are explained in the following table:

Parameter Action
Command Logging Enable command logging.
Log Adabas Control Block Enable Adabas control block logging.
Log Format Buffer Enable format buffer logging.
Log Record Buffer Enable record buffer logging.
Log Value Buffer Enable value buffer logging.
Log ISN Buffer Enable ISN buffer logging.
Log I/O Activity Enable I/O activity logging.
Log User Exit B Data Log User Exit B data (only available if CLOGLAYOUT=5 (the default) is also used).
Merge Cluster Command Logs automatically Enable automatic merging of cluster command logs.
Protection Log required Indicates whether a protection log is required for this session (the default is On).

The meaning of ON/OFF options in the Options section of the active parameters panel are explained in the following table:

Parameter Action
Log AOS/DBS Update Log commands that update the active nucleus coming from AOS or ADADBS.
Batch Support Enable batch support.
Async. by Vol-Ser Flush buffers asynchronously based on volume serial number.
Cache Facility Enable support for Dynamic Caching.
Delta Save Facility Enable support for the Delta Save Facility.
Resource Manager Enable distributed transaction processing as a resource manager with other resource managers (databases) coordinated by a transaction manager.
Transaction Manager Enable distributed transaction processing as a transaction manager.
Ignore DIB Entry Ignore and delete an existing data integrity block (DIB) entry in the Associator and initiate a new session.
Ignore Work Part 4 Ignore data related to the recovery of previously incomplete transactions that resides in the two-phase commit area (Work part 4) and start the nucleus anyway. For emergency use only: contact your Software AG technical support center before using.
LOCAL Nucleus Restrict a nucleus to local use only (no connection to other Entire Net-Work nodes).
Non-DE Search Restrict searches to descriptors only in search buffers (no searches on nondescriptors).
OPEN Required Require an OPEN command as the first command of a user session.
Read-Only Session Restrict a database session to reading data only (no updates allowed).
Ext. Error Recovery Enable extended error handling and message buffering.
Triggers and Procedures Enable use of triggers and stored procedures.
UTI-only Session Restrict a database session to running utilities only.
TCP/IP Access Control Enable a direct TCP/IP link to the Adabas nucleus (UES-enabled databases only).
Event Replication Enable data replication.

Start of instruction setTo modify the parameter settings for an Adabas database:

  1. Click the Modify command button.

    The parameter tables are displayed. Where settings can be modified, text boxes allow you to enter the required values; where options can be selected, check boxes can be marked.

  2. The following parameter values can be modified:

    Pools and Queues

    Time Limits

    Logging (on/off)

    The following parameters can be set:

    Options (on/off)

    The following options can be checked:

    For detailed information about ADARUN parameters and their possible values, see ADARUN Control Statement in the Adabas Operations documentation.

  3. Modify the settings in the table as required and click OK to confirm your changes and to return to the Active Parameters display.

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