Version 8.1.2
 —  Messages and Codes  —

Response Codes and Subcodes

Overview of Messages

RC 9 | RC 48 | RC 240 | RC 241 | RC 242 | RC 243

RC 9

When Adabas Transaction Manager is in use, a response code 9 can be accompanied by one of the following subcodes in the Adabas control block Additions 2 field, in the low-order (rightmost) two bytes:

Subcode Explanation and Recommended Action

The client session had an externally-controlled transaction, the outcome of which was “in doubt”. ATM forcibly resolved the “in doubt” transaction. There is a possibility that ATM’s resolution of the transaction might be inconsistent with the intended outcome.

Check that the outcome of the session’s Adabas changes, in its previous transaction, was consistent with its changes to non-Adabas resources.

Check the external transaction coordinator for reasons why the original transaction might have been left in the “in doubt” state. If the external coordinator indicates that the transaction was completed, and if the relevant system logs give no indication of the cause of the problem, contact your Software AG support representative.


The client’s database session has lost its ETID. If a transaction was in progress, ATM attempted to back it out from all affected databases and release all held records.

Issue a new OP command to the database.


Either a commit operation involving an external transaction coordinator failed, or resynchronization with an external transaction coordinator caused the transaction to be backed out. In the first case, ATM attempted to back out the transaction.

For the first case, check the external transaction coordinator for the reason. Check for error messages from ATM transaction managers or the ATM client proxy of the failing job.


An error occurred while an ATM transaction manager was attempting to rebuild the transaction hierarchy of a client session that has migrated from another ATM transaction manager’s domain as a result of dynamic transaction routing. ATM attempted to back out the transaction.

Check the status of the transaction using Online Services. Check for error messages from ATM transaction manager or the ATM client proxy of the failing user.


This message indicates that the client session had an open transaction and has been migrated from one node to another within a cluster (Sysplex), but ATM could not handle the transaction safely because no Migrated Transaction Record (MTR) file had been defined. The transaction was therefore backed out.

Define and create an MTR file, and restart the ATM transaction managers and clustered application environments in the COR group.


It was not possible to commit the client session’s transaction because of a pending ET syncpoint on a target database. This could be because of a concurrent online save operation, database termination, or a SYNCC operator command. Backout of the incomplete transaction was attempted.

Restart the transaction when the pending ET syncpoint has been completed.


The client session was not at ET status in the target database. Backout of the incomplete transaction was attempted.

Restart the transaction.


A memory shortage in the ATM transaction manager's address space caused the current global transaction to be backed out.

Increase the amount of memory available to the ATM transaction manager, restart it, then restart the transaction.


A memory shortage occurred in the ATM transaction manager's address space, and ATM attempted to back out the current global transaction.

Increase the amount of memory available to the ATM transaction manager, restart it, then restart the transaction.


An error occurred during a commit or backout operation for a global transaction. ATM attempted to back the transaction out.

If the cause of the error is not apparent from console messages, contact your Software AG technical support representative.


ATM reported conflicting use of an ETID. For an RE command, this subcode can be returned if the client is known to ATM but has no ETID.

The client should issue a CL command to each open database; then re-open.


The global transaction time limit (TMGTT) has been exceeded, and an attempt has been made to back out the global transaction.

Correct the cause of the timeout, then restart the transaction.


The global transaction time limit (TMGTT) has been exceeded, and the global transaction has been backed out.

Correct the cause of the timeout, then restart the transaction.


The ATM client proxy detected either an inconsistency between its view of the client session’s status and the ATM transaction manager’s view, or that the transaction manager had restarted. It attempted to back out on all target databases.

Close the client’s sessions and start them again.


Transactions on a target database were being quiesced, or an administrator issued a "stop" request for the session's transaction via ATM Online Services or operator command, or there was a pending ET syncpoint on the database. Backout of the incomplete transaction was attempted.

Restart the transaction when all required target databases are available.


Transactions on a target database were being quiesced, or an administrator issued a stop request for the user via ATM Online Services or operator command, or there was a pending ET syncpoint on the database. The incomplete transaction was backed out.

Restart the transaction when all required target databases are available.


An error occurred while ATM was attempting either to start a new global transaction or to bring a new database into a transaction. The client proxy backed out changes from all databases.

The next command issued returns details of the error that caused the backout. Check the meaning of the response code and act accordingly.


An error occurred while ATM was attempting either to start a new global transaction or to bring a new database into a transaction. The client proxy attempted to back out changes from all databases.

The next command issued returns details of the error that caused the backout. Check the meaning of the response code and act accordingly.


The client session’s transaction was controlled by an external transaction coordinator, which reported that the transaction has been backed out.

Restart the transaction.


The client session’s transaction was controlled by an external transaction coordinator, which reported “backed out, outcome pending” for the transaction. This means that backout has begun for the transaction, and will be completed when all the resource managers involved in it are able to comply with the backout request.

Restart the transaction.


The CICS Resource Manager Interface is in use, and the ATM client proxy detected that the client session’s Task Interface Element (TIE) was being used by another session.

This can occur if all of the following are true:

  • Natural is being used, in such a way that two Adabas sessions are maintained for each client;

  • The client control Transaction Model is set to MESSAGE;

  • Natural parameters are set such that Natural might not generate OP commands for all database sessions.

You can make sure that Natural generates OP commands by using a non-blank ETID, or by means of Natural’s DBOPEN parameter.

The condition can also occur if all of the following are true:

  • Natural is being used, in such a way that two Adabas sessions are maintained for each client;

  • The Adabas System Coordinator has timed out Natural’s “system” session.

In this case, a new Natural LOGON might clear the condition. Otherwise terminate the session and start a new session.

If the error persists, contact your Software AG support representative.


The client session was executing in serial mode, and requested that changes be committed. Some of the changes were committed, and some were backed out.

Examine the results of the transaction. If necessary, correct the result by manual intervention.


The client session incurred a security response code; ATM backed out the user’s changes.

If security permissions are not adequate, correct them and rerun the transaction.

RC 48

When Adabas Transaction Manager is in use, a response code 48 can be accompanied by one of the following subcodes in the Adabas control block Additions 2 field, in the low-order (rightmost) two bytes:

Subcode Explanation and Recommended Action

The client session has an open global transaction that could not be backed out because it is under the control of an external transaction coordinator and its status is “in doubt”.

Depending on the transaction coordinator, you may have a choice of actions:

  • Wait for the external transaction coordinator to complete or back out the existing transaction.

  • Use the coordinator’s facilities to force completion or removal of the transaction.

  • Restart the transaction coordinator to cause resynchronization of in-doubt transactions.

  • Use ATM Online Services to force backout of the local, Adabas-related part of the global transaction.

    Using ATM Online Services to force backout of the local, Adabas-related part of the global transaction could result in loss of transaction integrity.

RC 240

ATM encountered an error. The error code can be found in the Adabas control block Additions 2 field, in the low-order (rightmost) two bytes. A response code may occur in the first two bytes of the Additions 2 field.


Check the meaning of the error code. If the cause of the problem is not apparent, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

RC 241

ATM received an unexpected Adabas response code. The subcode and response code can be found, in that order, in the Adabas control block Additions 2 field. If a positive response code value appears in the Additions 2 field, the response code was detected by the ATM transaction manager. If a negative response code value appears in the Additions 2 field, take its complement: this is the response code received by the client proxy’s attempt to communicate with the ATM transaction manager.


Check the meaning of the Adabas response code and subcode. If the cause of the problem is not apparent, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

RC 242

The ATM transaction manager or ATM client proxy was unable to determine the status of the caller’s transaction. There might be an ATM error code in the Adabas control block Additions 2 field, in the low-order (rightmost) two bytes.


Check the meaning of the error code , if one is present. Otherwise, determine the status of the global transaction using Online Services. If the required action is not apparent, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

RC 243

The ATM transaction manager or client proxy received an unsolicited syncpoint request. The action taken or the status of the global transaction that was open is indicated by a subcode in the Adabas control block Additions 2 field, in the low-order (rightmost) two bytes.


Review the ATM transaction manager’s TMSYNCMGR ADARUN parameter and the TransactionControl, Client-sideTransactionManager, and HostSystemTransactionManager client runtime controls for the failing job.

Subcode Explanation and Recommended Action

The unsolicited syncpoint request was accepted. The status of the current global transaction is not known.

Use Online Services to determine the status of the global transaction.


The unsolicited syncpoint request was accepted. The client session’s global transaction has been committed.


The unsolicited syncpoint request was accepted. The client session’s global transaction has been backed out.

4 The unsolicited syncpoint request was accepted. The client session’s global transaction had mixed completion (partially backed out, partially committed).
5 The unsolicited syncpoint request was accepted. The client session’s global transaction is in backout.
6 The unsolicited syncpoint request was accepted. The client session’s global transaction is in commit.
7 The unsolicited syncpoint request was accepted. The client session had no global transaction open.
12 The unsolicited syncpoint was attempted, but ATM returned response code 148 so the outcome is not known.
16 The unsolicited syncpoint request was rejected.

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