Version 8.1.4
 —  Getting Started  —

Main Menu Functions

Start of instruction setTo enter Adabas Online System

  1. Log on to the Natural application SYSAOS and enter MENU at the NEXT prompt, if one appears.

    08:10:40         *****  A D A B A S  ONLINE  SYSTEM  *****         2006-03-13
                                    -  Main Menu  -                     PMAIN02
                 Code  Basic Services                Code  Other Services
                 ----  ----------------------        ----  -------------------
                  A    Session monitoring             1    Cache Services
                  C    Checkpoint maintenance         2    Delta Save Facility
                  F    File maintenance               3    Trigger Maintenance
                  M    Database maintenance           4    AOS Security
                  O    Session opercoms               5    Transaction Manager
                  R    Database report                6    Adabas Statistics
                  S    Space calculation              7    Vista
                  ?    Help                           8    Fastpath
                  .    Exit                           9    SAF Security
                 ----  ----------------------        ----  -------------------
     Code ....... _
     Database ... 105     (RD-105)
    Command ==>
    PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
    Help               Exit
  2. From the main menu, you can access Basic Services or any Other Service that is installed on your system. Such services are highlighted on the menu.

    The Adabas Online System Main Menu indicates the main DBA tasks within Basic Services:

    Code Function Section
    A Session monitoring functions display nucleus parameters, session statistics, buffer sizes for queues and areas, and maintenance levels Session Monitoring
    C Checkpoint maintenance lists and deletes checkpoint information. Checkpoint Maintenance
    F File maintenance controls Adabas fields (increase or add a field, release a descriptor) and files (define a new file; delete a file; refresh, rename, or renumber a file; allocate file space; change file parameters). It also controls ISN / storage block reuse. File Maintenance
    M Database maintenance controls Adabas database (ASSO/DATA) file and space allocation, DIB blocks, and lets you recover space unused by ABENDed utilities. Database Maintenance
    O Session opercoms control extended error recovery, lock/unlock of files, stop user(s), session termination, and management of online utilities System Operator Command Functions
    R Database report displays tables of "critical" extents, a file's FDT, general and specific file information, VOLSER, and general database information. Database Report
    S Space calculation provides an aid to calculating database ASSO, DATA, sort, temp, and WORK space. Space Calculation

Subsequent sections in this document describe the major Basic Services functions and menu/screen structures in the order that they appear on the Main Menu.

Specifying the Basic Services Database

The database on which Basic Services is installed becomes the default database for Basic Services functions. However, you can specify the database of any active Adabas nucleus session. Subsequent Basic Services functions refer to that database until you specify another database or exit Basic Services.

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Using Program Function (PF) Keys

Available PF keys and their functions are listed at the bottom of each Basic Services screen. The following program function (PF) keys appear on all Basic Services screens; other navigation keys appear on some screens:

PF1 Help
PF3 Exit to previous screen
PF12 Return to the Adabas Online System main menu

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Invoking Basic Services Functions

Selecting a Menu Option

Start of instruction setTo select a function or option

  1. Enter the option code in the Code field.

    Selecting a Main Menu function displays a menu of choices for that function.

Entering Commands Directly

Most Basic Services functions can be invoked using direct commands from the command line. The only exceptions are Adabas Online System Security functions.

Each direct command corresponds to a function on a Basic Services menu. You can issue a direct command for a function on a different menu from the one currently displayed. You do not have to leave the current menu to perform a function that is not displayed.

More information about the direct commands is included in the Basic Services Direct Commands, where the direct command equivalent to each menu function is described.

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Getting Help

Two direct commands that can be issued from any Basic Services menu are ? and help.

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Basic Services Messages

Basic Services issues a message confirming each completed function. If an error occurs, a message appears containing a reference number and describing the error.

Before analyzing an error

Response code 22 is returned if the Adabas session is terminated and restarted while Basic Services is active. In this case, the application should be stopped and restarted.

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