Version 8.1.4

Database Maintenance

The Database Maintenance function controls Adabas database (ASSO/DATA) file and space allocation: you can

18:22:47         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2006-07-20
                            -  Database Maintenance  -                PDM0002

                        Code    Service
                        ----    ----------------------------
                         A      Add new dataset to ASSO/DATA
                         I      Increase/decrease ASSO/DATA
                         R      List/reset DIB block entries
                         S      Recover unused space
                         U      Uncouple two Adabas files
                         ?      Help
                         .      Exit
                       -----    ----------------------------
         Code .......... _
         File No. ...... 0
         Coupled File .. 0
         Database ID ... 105    (RD-105)

  Command ==>
  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

The Adabas Online System Database Maintenance documentation is organized in the following topics:

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Add a New Extent to the Associator or Data Storage
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Increase or Decrease the Size of an Associator or Data Storage Data Set
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Display and Reset DIB Block Entries
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Recover Unused Space
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Uncouple Adabas Files

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