Version 7.5.1
 —  Adabas Transaction Manager Introduction  —

Adabas Transaction Manager Benefits and Features

This section provides an overview of the benefits and features provided by Adabas Transaction Manager.

The Role of the Adabas Transaction Manager

The Adabas Transaction Manager is a server for coordinating distributed transaction processing in distributed Adabas environments. It manages global transactions that are distributed across multiple Adabas databases by coordinating changes to the databases in a seamless, integrated way, using a two-phase commit protocol when necessary.

Adabas Transaction Manager addresses two basic needs:

Adabas customers have significant investments in existing application systems. The Adabas Transaction Manager proxy and Adabas Transaction Manager daemon make it possible for these systems to participate in distributed transaction processing transparently.

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Global Transactions

What is a Global Transaction?

A global transaction is a unit of work that involves changes to resources under the control of one or more database management systems (DBMSs) operating in one or more system images. The databases and operating system images can be local or remote. Transaction processing operations can be handled serially or in parallel.

Once Adabas Transaction Manager software has been installed and configured, existing applications can execute global transactions with guaranteed all-or-none integrity. In terms of application logic, nothing changes except that the application may receive new response codes if errors occur that are associated with the management of global transactions. Such error conditions can be handled normally by an error-handling routine. Details of the possible error conditions can be found in the section Messages and Codes.

Global Transaction Status

A user is said to be at global transaction status when there are no uncommitted changes for that user in databases running with runtime parameter setting DTP=RM; that is, when the user has no pending changes in databases that are capable of two-phase commit processing.

Global Transaction Time Limits

In the same way that Adabas provides a time limit for local database transactions, Adabas Transaction Manager supports a time limit for global transactions. If a global transaction is incomplete when the time limit expires, Adabas Transaction Manager attempts to complete it by committing it or rolling it back, depending on its status. If the transaction is rolled back, the application receives response code 9 with a suitable subcode notifying it of the backout (assuming that Adabas Transaction Manager is not restarted in the meantime).

Coordinating Global Transactions across Systems

If Entire Net-Work is installed, global transactions can cross system boundaries. The Adabas Transaction Manager daemon that represents one operating system image coordinates with one or more other daemons, each of which represents another operating system image.

The root Adabas Transaction Manager daemon operating in the system image that is local to the user (application) takes a superior role in coordinating the global transaction; the partner daemons operating in other system images that process parts or branches of the global transaction take a subordinate role.

An Adabas Transaction Manager daemon can take a superior role for one transaction while simultaneously taking a subordinate role for another transaction.

Through the transaction management proxy component, the root daemon accepts a request from the application to commit. It instructs all Adabas databases in its system image to prepare and it instructs all partner daemons to prepare their branches of the global transaction. If all prepare instructions are completed successfully, the root daemon instructs each local database and partner daemon to commit.


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Distributed Transaction Processing

What is Distributed Transaction Processing?

Processing global transactions across multiple local or remote databases and/or system images in parallel is called distributed transaction processing (DTP).

Distributed transaction coordination processing ensures the integrity of global transactions by making it possible for each participating database to process its part of the transaction independently, in parallel with other databases processing their parts of the transaction. Global transactions are secured or rejected as a whole across separately managed resources in two phases:

Each distributed environment includes:

Adabas functions in this scenario as a resource manager.

The transaction manager and communications resource manager roles in this scenario belong to the Adabas Transaction Manager, which processes a global transaction across multiple Adabas databases and, if necessary, across multiple system images using Entire Net-Work to communicate between those images.

Adabas Transaction Manager works in partnership with transaction managers that take a higher-level, controlling role in coordinating global transactions, such as the CICS Syncpoint Manager or the Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS) from IBM. In this way, Adabas Transaction Manager participates in global transactions that involve changes to both Adabas and non-Adabas database or file systems such as DB2 or VSAM, within a single operating system image.

As an Entire Net-Work node, each Adabas Transaction Manager is aware of the other Adabas Transaction Managers in the distributed system and the resource managers they coordinate. The Adabas Transaction Managers act in partnership to coordinate distributed transactions. At any time, each Adabas Transaction Manager can account for the status of the global transactions it is coordinating.

Distributed transaction support can be implemented for some applications and not for others. Applications that use an Adabas link module with a transaction manager proxy can benefit from Adabas Transaction Manager's two-phase commit processing while those without a proxy continue to execute as before without Adabas Transaction Manager. Additional control is possible through the use of job parameters.

Adabas Support for Distributed Transaction Processing

Adabas incorporates nucleus functions to support the execution of distributed transaction processing using a two-phase commit protocol that is transparent to existing Adabas application systems and to Natural. The following items are relevant to distributed transaction processing:

Distributed transaction support is available for ET logic users only.

Adabas Transaction Manager version 7.4 does not provide distributed transaction support for SMP databases.

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Processing Modes

Global transactions may be processed using the following processing modes:

Distributed Transaction Mode

In distributed transaction mode, a two-phase commit protocol is used as described below.

Phase 1: Prepare

During phase 1, each database changed by a global transaction is asked to prepare its changes. This means that the database and its associated logs must reach a state where the changes can either be committed or removed as requested by the caller. The database must respond to the prepare request, indicating success or failure.

Phase 2: Commit or Remove

When Adabas Transaction Manager has received the results of the prepare requests from all databases participating in the global transaction, it can begin phase 2.


An application program processes a transfer of funds from a savings account to a checking account. The accounts are stored in different databases.

First, the application reduces the balance in the savings account record in database A and increases the balance in the checking account record in database B.

Next, it decides to commit the changes and issues an ET command. The transaction manager proxy asks Adabas Transaction Manager to commit the global transaction. Adabas Transaction Manager first issues a prepare request to database A and a prepare request to database B.

If both databases respond that they have prepared the transaction successfully, Adabas Transaction Manager instructs each database to complete its part of the transaction by committing the changes.

However, suppose database B is unable to complete the prepare operation for some reason.


The transaction cannot be completed. Adabas Transaction Manager initiates phase 2 by issuing a remove or roll back request to each database.

Serial Mode

Serial Mode Transaction Control

In the absence of Adabas Transaction Manager and the associated software components, a global transaction must be committed by a series of ET commands, or backed out by a series of BT commands. A 3GL application must do this explicitly. Natural implements this automatically and transparently if it detects that a transaction has changed more than one database. This method of transaction control is known as serial mode. It does not provide the global transaction integrity guaranteed by two-phase commit in all circumstances.

Suppose an application is running and Adabas Transaction Manager is operating. If some component of the transaction management software fails; for example, if Adabas Transaction Manager becomes unavailable, the application receives a response code indicating that a problem exists and that global transaction integrity can no longer be guaranteed. Once such an error condition has been reported to the application, the transaction manager proxy component can switch the user automatically to serial mode, if set up to do so.

The application may react to the error condition (by restarting, for example), then continue to operate exactly as it would if the transaction management software were not installed. This means that, in case of a critical failure of the transaction management software, applications can continue to execute without any serious interruption, but also without the guarantee of all-or-none integrity for global transactions. Operating in serial mode carries no risk if only a single resource manager is changed in each transaction, even if the transaction is controlled by an external coordinator.

At every suitable opportunity, the transaction management proxy component attempts to switch the user back from serial mode to distributed mode, but does not report an error to the application if it fails to do so. When the switch is successful, the application continues to execute, once again with guaranteed global transaction integrity.

Alternatively, the transaction management proxy may be set up to regard such a failure as critical so that applications are not allowed to continue without the guarantee of global transaction integrity. In this case, transaction management returns a response code to the application indicating the nature of the failure. The application cannot continue normal processing until the fault is corrected.

The use of serial mode is controlled using the SERIAL parameter.

Serial Mode and ET Data

It is important for the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon to be active whenever ET data is written or read.

If the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon is inactive and a user is switched to serial mode, ET data requests are directed to the database specified in the Adabas control block and not to Adabas Transaction Manager. This could result in

For these reasons, it is strongly recommended that the parameter setting SERIAL=NO is used if the Adabas Transaction Manager is to manage ET data (see also the parameter setting TMETDATA=ATM).

If an ETID is used to read or write ET data through a link module that has an active transaction management proxy component and job parameter ATM=ON, then for the same reasons it is important that the ETID always use a link module with an active proxy component and with the job parameter setting ATM=ON.

Conversely, if the ETID uses a link module with no component available, or with ATM=OFF, it must always use a link module with no transaction management processing component, or with ATM=OFF.

Serial Mode and a Single ET Command

In an environment in which Adabas Transaction Manager is active, global transactions are committed with a single ET command. This might be the first of a series of ET commands.

If an application is written so that it issues only a single ET (or BT) command, this command will cause transaction management processing to generate ET (or BT) commands to all changed databases when in serial ET/BT mode.

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Interfacing with Adabas Applications


New or existing Adabas application systems written in Natural or a 3GL participate in two-phase commit processing transparently when the transaction manager proxy (TMP) component is available to the Adabas link module for each supported client environment (batch, Com-plete, CICS, UTM). The TMP functions as a transparent application stub.

TMP invokes Adabas Transaction Manager on behalf of the application in two-phase commit processing and responds to the application according to the result. It transmits information to the Adabas Transaction Manager about the start, commit, and roll back points of a global transaction as they occur.

TMP keeps the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon informed of changes in the distribution scope of the global transaction so that the daemon can correctly manage commit, roll back, and restart processing.


  1. The application communicates with its target Adabas databases in the normal way. TMP monitors the commands issued by the application, selecting any that are transactional and reacting appropriately.

  2. Depending on the Adabas commands issued by the application, TMP issues appropriate requests to the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon.

  3. The daemon issues commands to the Adabas nuclei participating in the transaction in response to events such as requests from TMP.

Adabas Transactional Commands

Certain standard Adabas commands trigger special processing by the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon and TMP. These commands are referred to as transactional because they affect or are related to the processing that ensures transaction integrity. The transactional commands are listed below together with information about how they are handled.

Data Modification Commands

The data modification commands A1,E1,N1, and N2 change application data in Adabas files.

The first data modification command issued to a database that is enabled for two-phase commit processing (parameter setting DTP=RM) by a user at global transaction status marks the beginning of a global transaction. Subsequent data modification commands issued to such databases may bring other databases into the scope of the global transaction.

Data modification commands issued to databases with the parameter setting DTP=NO have no effect on global transaction logic; they execute in the normal way and cause no special processing by Adabas Transaction Manager. Even though these changes cannot be fully synchronised with changes made to DTP=RM databases, Adabas Transaction Manager will do its best to ensure that they are committed or backed out along with the user’s global transaction, if there is one. Changes made to DTP=NO databases are committed or backed out:

If the user is operating in serial mode following some component failure, Adabas Transaction Manager takes no part in processing data modification commands; they are simply passed to the appropriate Adabas database(s). Even so, Adabas Transaction Manager will do its best to ensure that changes to all databases are either committed or backed out together.

Termination Commands: ET and BT

Natural or 3GL applications currently terminate a global transaction by issuing a sequence of ET or BT commands, targeting each changed database in turn:

A 3GL application that manages its own subtransactions (that is, it commits changes on one database while leaving changes uncommitted on another) must run without an Adabas Transaction Manager proxy, or with job parameter ATM=OFF, and cannot therefore make use of Adabas Transaction Manager.

Processing Logic

A termination command issued by a user who is operating in distributed transaction processing mode always triggers a commit (ET) or back out (BT) operation, even if the command is directed at a database running with the parameter setting DTP=NO.

With ET Data

If an ET command with ET data is issued by a user in distributed transaction processing mode, the processing just described occurs, but the ET data is also stored according to the value of the Adabas Transaction Manager ADARUN parameter TMETDATA:

Extended Hold Processing

The P and M command options allow a program to commit (ET) or back out (BT) a transaction while leaving some records in hold status. Adabas Transaction Manager's transparency feature supports these options when the Extended Hold job parameter is set. Extended hold processing proceeds as follows:

If a user has been switched to serial mode because of the failure of some component, and extended hold is active, the proxy will continue to process ET and BT commands as described above. The only difference is that any changes will be secured by a series of ET commands, without the synchronization that would normally be guaranteed by the two-phase commit protocol used by the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon.

If the extended hold option is not active (the default setting), any ET or BT command will cause all the user’s held ISNs to be released in databases where changes have been made, except possibly in the database that is the target of the command; for this database, any P or M option present in the command will be honored.

Extended hold processing does not occur when an unsolicited syncpoint occurs. See the TRNCTL parameter for more information.

Using ET Data IDs (ETIDs)

ETIDs are not required. However, an application that uses Adabas Transaction Manager must be consistent in either using or not using ETIDs. A user must always use the same ETID, or always operate without an ETID, for the duration of the user session.

If it becomes necessary to change an ETID or the use of ETIDs, the application must close all of its database sessions and reopen them with the new ETID or with no ETID.

An application must not use one ETID on one database and a different ETID or no ETID on another database at the same time, otherwise errors might occur in storing or retrieving ET data.

Close Commands

Since a close command implies end-of-transaction, every CL command triggers the same processing as for an ET command, except that the user is also closed in the target database.

Open Commands

If an OP command is issued by a user who has no global transaction in process, and the user has no uncommitted changes in the target database, the command is simply passed to the indicated target database.

An OP command sent to a database in which the user has uncommitted changes will cause all of the user's uncommitted changes on all databases to be backed out, regardless of their distributed transaction processing parameter settings.

An OP command sent to a database in which the user has no uncommitted changes will simply be passed to its target without affecting the user’s global transaction status. This logic allows “open on demand” processing without interference in global transaction processing.

If the OP command specifies that ET data is to be read, the above processing occurs. If processing is successful, the user’s ET data is returned to the calling program. This applies even if the target database has the parameter setting DTP=NO. The ET data is read either from the ATM daemon’s database or, if the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon is running with the parameter setting TMETDATA=TARGETS, from the database indicated by the OP command.

RE Commands

If a user issues an RE command while operating in serial mode, the command is simply directed to the indicated target database without any interference by Adabas Transaction Manager.

If an RE command is issued in distributed transaction processing mode, the required ET data is obtained either from the ATM daemon’s database or, if Adabas Transaction Manager is running with the parameter setting TMETDATA=TARGETS, from the database indicated by the RE command.

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Adabas Transaction Manager Support for ET Data

ET data is a special type of application data. Changes to ET data take effect if and only if a transaction completes successfully.

Adabas Transaction Manager supports ET data with global transactions. If the global transaction completes successfully, the new ET data is stored; otherwise, the existing ET data remains unchanged.

If ET data is stored, its location is determined by the Adabas Transaction Manager ADARUN parameter TMETDATA:

For information about:

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Interfacing with Other DBMSs

Using External Transaction Managers

Adabas Transaction Manager also provides configurable facilities (APIs) to respond to directions from external transaction managers such as


  1. An external transaction manager is responsible for the two-phase commit process. When instructed by the application (or some other agent), it directs the subordinate transaction managers that are involved in a transaction to prepare the transaction and, if all prepares are successful, to commit the transaction.

  2. Each subordinate transaction manager is responsible for implementing each phase of the two-phase commit process separately, as directed. For example, the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon issues a prepare to each Adabas nucleus participating in the transaction, then takes no further action for the transaction until it receives the instruction to commit or roll back from the external transaction manager.

When participating in global transactions with non-Adabas DBMSs, the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon and its proxy jointly handle all communication with the external transaction manager. Using the interfaces provided, an appropriate component of Adabas Transaction Manager registers with the external transaction manager and agrees to use the asynchronous exits that it drives when two-phase commit processing is required. A single instance of Adabas Transaction Manager thus responds to the external transaction manager on behalf of all the Adabas databases within the network. For sites with a large number of databases, this provides an additional efficiency bonus.

Using the ATM CICS RMI and the CICS Syncpoint Manager

Adabas databases defined as resource managers according to the requirements of the Adabas Transaction Manager CICS Resource Manager Interface (RMI) are directly coordinated by a locally executing daemon which, in turn, acts as a resource manager coordinated by the external CICS Syncpoint Manager. Other resource managers coordinated by the CICS Syncpoint Manager can include other Adabas Transaction Managers and/or DBMSs.

Adabas databases in a CICS environment can participate along with any combination of other DBMSs in global transactions that are coordinated by the CICS Syncpoint Manager, which drives the two-phase commit protocol. All the information necessary to recover to a consistent state after a failure is collected in CICS logs and the logs of the subordinate resource managers.

Adabas version 7.1 and above implements RMI through the Adabas task-related user exit (TRUE). From version 7.4, this facility is available on VSE/ESA systems, as well as MVS systems (OS/390, and z/OS).

A transaction that is coordinated through the CICS/RMI can change Adabas databases on local or remote systems. Syncpoints are coordinated across all affected resource managers and Adabas databases if

Databases running with the parameter setting DTP=NO can also be changed by the same transaction; Adabas Transaction Manager will issue ET commands to commit the changes, but these will not be synchronized with the two-phase commit process.


A global transaction changes some Adabas databases, a DB2 database, and some VSAM data. The CICS Syncpoint Manager controls the two-phase commit process across all DBMSs. The application’s decision to commit might be signaled by

In each case, the CICS Syncpoint Manager requests each resource manager (ATM, DB2, and VSAM) to prepare and then commit (assuming all prepares are successful) its part of the global transaction.

Because Adabas Transaction Manager is able to coordinate global transactions across operating system images, the support for CICS/RMI also covers transactions that change Adabas databases across system boundaries.

Using CICS RMI with APPC Applications

The Adabas Transaction Manager CICS RMI implementation makes it possible for server programs, executing under CICS, to make Adabas changes under the transactional control of a remote CICS region or some other agent. The most common way of achieving this is through the use of Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communication (APPC).

The programmer of an APPC application must ensure that the protocol is followed correctly. Syncpoints may be executed only when the program has the correct conversation state, otherwise abends such as ASP2 can occur.

In such an environment, a SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK operation changes the conversation state of all participants. In particular, a BT command should not be followed by an ET command in an APPC application, otherwise ASP2 abends are likely.

If you plan to use the CICS RMI implementation with APPC applications, please refer to the IBM documentation and ensure that your applications follow the correct protocol. Remember to consider the syncpoints that ATM generates when ET,BT and CL commands are issued.

Using CICS RMI in Serial Mode

Serial mode execution allows applications to continue processing without interruption, if the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon should be unavailable for a period, but without the guarantee of transaction integrity in the case of system failure. If a CICS user who is running under the RMI is switched to serial mode, the Adabas Transaction Manager proxy will ensure that any CICS syncpoint (commit or roll back) is propagated to all changed Adabas databases, through the use of a series of ET or BT commands. This does not prevent the possibility of a mixed result (some databases committed and others backed out) in the case of a system or component failure, but it does allow CICS applications to continue running until the daemon can be restarted.

Using RRMS

Using RRMS in z/OS and OS/390 Environments

In OS/390 or z/OS environments, the IBM Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS) makes it possible for any combination of resource managers (typically DBMSs) to participate in global transactions that are coordinated by Resource Recovery Services (RRS), a component of RRMS that drives the two-phase commit protocol. Its logs and the logs of the subordinate resource managers provide all the information needed to recover to a consistent state after a failure.

To participate in this process Adabas, like any other DBMS, must be implemented as an RRMS-compliant resource manager. This is possible with Adabas version 7.4 and Adabas Transaction Manager. The locally executing Adabas Transaction Manager participates as an RRMS resource manager on behalf of all Adabas databases on mainframe systems, both local and remote.

For example, suppose a global transaction changes several Adabas databases and a DB2 database. RRMS controls the two-phase commit process by driving exit routines provided by DB2 and Adabas Transaction Manager. The application’s decision to commit can be signaled by

In each case, RRMS executes the prepare exit routines of each resource manager (ATM and DB2) and then, if all prepares are successful, their commit exit routines.

Because Adabas Transaction Manager is able to coordinate global transactions across operating system images, its RRMS support also handles transactions that change Adabas data across system boundaries.

RRMS support is provided for single-user, single-TCB batch applications, and for applications running under IMS/TM.

Using RRMS with IMS/TM

If your applications run under IMS/TM, and IMS allows its transactions to be coordinated by RRMS, Adabas Transaction Manager can ensure that their Adabas changes are committed (or backed out) in a synchronized manner, under the control of RRMS. An IMS commit syncpoint causes RRMS to carry out a commit operation for all changed resources that are managed by RRMS-enabled resource managers. An IMS rollback syncpoint causes all changes to be backed out.

The completion of an IMS message (normally this means screen I/O) causes a syncpoint to take place. In the case of successful completion, this is a commit syncpoint. Moreover, a commit syncpoint implies the completion of processing for the current message. For this reason, an ET or CL command that is issued during the processing of a message will not cause an RRMS commit syncpoint; any pending Adabas changes will be committed, but non-Adabas resources will be unaffected. Further, any held ISNs will be released, or will remain in held status, depending on the presence of P or M command options, and the setting of the extended hold job parameter.

The syncpoint that takes place at message end is unsolicited, from Adabas Transaction Manager’s point of view. As in the case of unsolicited syncpoints under the CICS Resource Manager Interface, this syncpoint will affect pending changes in any Adabas databases, and will cause all held ISNs to be released.

A roll back operation is signaled by an IMS rollback command, or by abnormal termination of message processing. Rollback can occur during the processing of an IMS message, and does not necessarily indicate that processing of the message has completed. Any Adabas command that causes a backout to take place will trigger an IMS rollback syncpoint; this causes an RRMS roll back for all changed resources that are managed by an RRMS-enabled resource.

Dynamic Transaction Routing

Using the Adabas System Coordinator, Adabas Transaction Manager can be used to provide support for distributed transactions in environments where dynamic transaction routing can take place. This includes application environments such as CICS MRO and IMS/TM. Adabas Transaction Manager will recognize a user who has been dynamically migrated from another address space, or even from another operating system image, and will allow the user to continue processing. If your systems allow a user to be relocated dynamically to a different system you should set the ADARUN parameter TMETDATA=TARGETS for your Adabas Transaction Manager daemons. The alternative setting, TMETDATA=ATM, relies on each user having a consistent (unchanging) local Adabas Transaction Manager daemon for the duration of the user session.

If your systems use ETIDs, and allow users to be dynamically relocated between systems, you must take care to ensure that each ETID is unique across all the systems.

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