Version 7.5.1


This section describes how to copy ET data into the ATM daemon's database.

ET Data Location and ET Data Migration Requirements

When Adabas Transaction Manager is in use, the location of ET data is determined by the ADARUN runtime parameter TMETDATA:

If the setting TMETDATA=TARGETS is used, no special action is required to set up ET data in the correct locations before using ATM.

If the setting TMETDATA=ATM is used, it may be necessary to transfer existing ET data from application databases into the the ATM daemon recovery database.

If an application that uses ET data is capable of starting from an initial state where no ET data is stored, it can be run with ATM without migrating ET data into the ATM daemon's database.

If, on the other hand, the current ET data contents of the application are required whenever the application is executed, the application’s current ET data must be migrated into the ATM daemon's database. The Natural program T1ETDAP can be used to do this as described in the following sections.

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Upgrading from ATM Version 1.2

If ATM is being upgraded from ATM version 1.2, and your installation uses the parameter setting TMETDATA=ATM, it may be necessary to transfer existing ET data from the checkpoint file of the ATM daemon or recovery database to the new daemon's database. If your applications are capable of starting from an initial state where no ET data exists, this will not be necessary.

If you need to transfer ET data from the checkpoint file of the ATM daemon or its recovery database, follow the same procedure as if you were migrating ET data from an application database, as described below. When specifying the ID of the database from which you want to extract ET data, simply provide the Database ID of the version 1.2 ATM daemon or its recovery database, as appropriate.

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ET Data Migration Checklist

The following checklist outlines the required steps in the ET data migration procedure:

  1. Identify the ETIDs whose ET data needs to be migrated.

  2. Identify the database(s) in which the ET data is currently stored.

  3. For each database identified in step 2, use Adabas Online System to delete ET data for any ETIDs that were not identified in step 1.

  4. For each database identified in step 2, run job ATMETDAT using 'WRITE mode”. See the following section for further information on running this job.

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Running the ET Data Copy Program

The sample job member ATMETDAT, which is located in the ATM JOBS install library, can be used to run the copy ET data program T1ETDAP. Before executing this job, modify the ADARUN parameters and Natural parameters according to the requirements of your installation. The ADARUN SVC parameter should specify the SVC number that is used by the ATM daemon which will manage the migrated ET data.

Execution of T1ETDAP is governed by parameters read from the CMSYNIN input. Two parameters are expected:

Parameter Description
Database ID The ID of the database from which ET data will be read.

A single character indicating the processing mode to be used by T1ETDAP:

  • R: Read mode.

    The program reads all the ET data records stored in the checkpoint file of the database specified by the first parameter, listing all the ET data in its report.

  • W: Write mode.

    In addition to reading and reporting the ET data for all ETIDs in the checkpoint file of the indicated database, the program stores the ET data in the ET data file of the ATM daemon's database. If the daemon's database already contains some ET data for a given ETID, the existing ET data is included in the report, and is not overwritten.

  • O: Overwrite mode.

    The same as Write mode, except that existing ET data for an ETID is overwritten.

T1ETDAP provides a report of all ET data processed.

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