Version 7.5.1

Installing RRMS Interface Under z/OS or OS/390

If you intend to use Adabas Transaction Manager in conjunction with the Recoverable Resource Management Services (RRMS), use the following installation procedure.

Installation Checklist

The steps needed for a successful installation are as follows:

OS/390 version 2.6 or above, or z/OS is required.

Step Description
1 Perform standard installation procedure for Adabas Transaction Manager, and verify the installation.
2 Copy the Adabas Transaction Manager RRMS exits into an LPA library.
3 APF-authorize the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon.
4 Link the RRMS interface modules to the Adabas Transaction Manager kernel (job ATMI070).
5 Define job parameters for the jobs and IMS systems whose transactions will be controlled by RRS.
6 Verify the system logger and RRS operation.
7 Activate the Adabas Transaction Manager RRMS interface.

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Installation Procedure

The following is the general procedure for installing the Adabas Transaction Manager RRMS interface. All steps are required for a successful installation.

The actual installation depends on your particular requirements and the specific contents of the release package provided by Software AG for your site. Information in the release package is intended for your system. If that information differs from the information in this section, use the release package information or contact Software AG technical support for assistance.

Step 1: Install Adabas Transaction Manager

It is strongly recommended that you first install and verify the execution of the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon and proxy without activating the RRMS interface.

Step 2: Copy RRMS Exits into an LPA Library

The Adabas Transaction Manager RRMS exits are contained in the single module ATMRRSEX, which is supplied in the Adabas Transaction Manager load library.

This module must be made available in the LPA of your OS/390 or z/OS system. You can use various third-party tools to place ATMRRSEX in the LPA temporarily. For permanent installation, you should copy the module into a library that appears in the system LPALST concatenation, then IPL the system specifying the CLPA option.

If ATMRRSEX is not available in the LPA when Adabas Transaction Manager attempts to initialize its RRMS interface, system ABEND 052 occurs.

Step 3: APF-Authorize the Adabas Transaction Manager Daemon

RRMS requires that resource managers execute as APF-authorized programs. The Adabas Transaction Manager daemon must run authorized if its RRMS interface is to be used. However, databases that run with DTP=RM do not need to be authorized.

Ensure that every library in the STEPLIB concatenation of the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon JCL procedure is APF-authorized.

Step 4: Link the RRMS Interface Modules to the ATM Kernel (Job ATMI070)(SMA Job I070, Step 4190)

In order for an application’s transactions to be coordinated by RRMS, some additional interface modules from IBM must be linked into the Adabas Transaction Manager kernel.

Job ATMI070 can be adapted for this purpose. Unresolved external references can be ignored, provided that the named RRMS modules are included successfully.

Step 5: Create Job Parameters

Use Adabas Transaction Manager Online Services to define the required job parameters.

The required parameters are described in section Parameters. Some special considerations are necessary when running with the RRMS interface active. Define a set of job parameters for those batch jobs and IMS/TM systems that require the transactional control of RRS, and pay particular attention to the TRNCTL parameter.

Step 6: Verify the System Logger and RRS Operation

Ensure that the system logger is active in your OS/390 or z/OS system and that RRS has been started. Refer to the IBM OS/390 or z/OS documentation for details.

Step 7: Activate the Adabas Transaction Manager RRMS Interface

Start of instruction setto activate the RRMS Interface:

  1. Specify TMSYNCMGR=RRMS in the Adabas Transaction Manager ADARUN parameters.

  2. Ensure that the Adabas System Coordinator daemon is running.

  3. Start the Adabas Transaction Manager daemon.

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