Version 7.4.4
 —  System Operator Command Functions  —

Manage Online Utilities

Selecting option "U" (Manage Online Utilities) from the Session Opercoms menu displays the following screen:

10:28:33         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-24
 DBID 105                 - Manage Online Processes -               PACIP02

 Total Processes...
 Mark entries with 'S' (Suspend), 'R' (Resume), or 'X' (Stop):
    I       I  Process  I Sort I Current   I  Throw-  I  Process I           I
  M I  FNR  I    Type   I Seq  I RABN/ISN  I  Backs   I    ID    I  Status   I
  _ I    50 I Reor Data I Phy  I     3345  I        6 I 000003FC I Active    I
  _ I    61 I Invert DE I AA   I      286  I        1 I 000003FF I Suspended I
  _ I   101 I Reor Asso I BJ   I           I        1 I 000000C2 I Active    I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I
  _ I       I           I      I           I          I          I           I

 PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
 Help               Exit      Refresh   --       -        +        Menu

From this screen, you can manage (that is, monitor, suspend, resume, and stop) online utility processes.

All online processes currently in the database nucleus are listed, up to a maximum of 40. You can use PF6 (back to the start of the list), PF7 (back one screen), and PF8 (forward one screen) to scroll among the processes.

The equivalent direct command is


To maintain the processes, enter one of the following maintenance codes in the M column to the left of the process named in the Process Type column:

S suspend an active process
R resume a suspended process
P stop a process

You can maintain multiple processes at the same time.

The equivalent direct command is


The sort sequence being used by a process is indicated in the Sort Seq column:

For process type . . . Sort Seq. contains the descriptor currently being . . .
reorder Data Storage reordered*
invert descriptor inverted
reorder Associator reordered

* When reordering Data Storage for a file, the default sort sequence is physical sequence or "PHY". Other possible options include "ISN" if the file is to be sorted in ISN order, or the two character descriptor name to sort the file according to the value of the specified descriptor.

The Current RABN/ISN column shows the progress of work:

For process type . . . Current RABN/ISN displays the current . . .
reorder Data Storage RABN being processed
invert descriptor ISN, as this function works in ISN sequence
reorder Associator (left blank)

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