Version 7.4.4
 —  System Operator Command Functions  —

Maintain the User Table

This option is available in Adabas nucleus cluster environments only.

When option "V" (User Table Maintenance) is selected, the following screen is displayed:

10:39:29          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2005-11-24
                         - User Table Maintenance -                 PACIV02   
                       Code    Service                                        
                       ----    -------------------------                      
                        C      Begin CLUFREEUSER process                      
                        ?      Help                                           
                        .      Exit                                           
                       ----    -------------------------                      
         Code ......... _                                                     
         TNA .......... 0______                                               
         UID .......... ___________________                                   
         Force ........ _                                                     
         Global ....... _                                                     
         Database ID .. 1955  (WIS1955)              NucID .. 1022            
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu

The CLUFREEUSER command is only valid in cluster environments. It can be issued against the local nucleus only or, with the Global option, against all active and inactive nuclei in the cluster.

The command is used to delete leftover user table elements (UTEs) in common storage that are no longer associated with user queue elements (UQEs) in a nucleus where:

TNA is a decimal number specifying the timeout value in seconds. UTEs that are not used during the time specified may be deleted if other conditions are fulfilled. If TNA is not specified, UTEs may be deleted without regard to their recent use.
UID is a character string or hexadecimal byte string as follows:
cccccccc where the argument is 1-8 letters, digits, or embedded '-' signs without surrounding apostrophes.
'cccccccc' where the argument is 1-8 characters with surrounding apostrophes.
X'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' where the argument is an even number of 2-16 hexadecimal digits enclosed by apostrophes and preceded by an X.

A character string must be enclosed in apostrophes if it contains characters other than letter, digits, or embedded '-' signs. If a specified character string is less than 8 characters long, it is implicitly padded with blanks. If a specified hexadecimal string is shorter than 16 hexadecimal digits, it is implicitly padded with binary zeros. If the last 8 bytes of a user's 28-byte communication ID match a specific user ID or user ID prefix, that user's UTE may be deleted if other conditions are fulfilled. If UID not specified, UTEs may be deleted regardless of their user IDs.

FORCE Delete leftover UTEs even if the users are due a response code 9, subcode 20. If FORCE is not specified, such UTEs are not deleted. Before using the FORCE parameter, ensure that the users owning the UTEs to be deleted will not expect any of their transactions to remain open. Specify FORCE on this screen by marking the Force field with any character.
GLOBAL Delete leftover UTEs throughout the Adabas cluster if they are no longer associated with UQEs and are eligible according to the other specified parameters. Additionally and subject to the other rules, delete leftover UTEs if their assigned nuclei have terminated since their last use. If GLOBAL is not specified, only UTEs assigned to the local nucleus and used since the nucleus start are elibigle for deletion. Specify GLOBAL on this screen by marking the Global field with any character.

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