Version 7.4.4


Dataset names starting with DD are referred to in Adabas Online System Documentation with a slash separating the DD from the remainder of the dataset name to accommodate VSE/ESA dataset names that do not contain the DD prefix. The slash is not part of the dataset name.

Software AG provides the Adabas Online System (AOS) as a selectable unit to Adabas customers who have exercised a separate purchase agreement for this feature. A demonstration version is included with Adabas and is documented in the Adabas DBA Reference documentation.

Adabas Online System (AOS) is an interactive, menu-driven analysis and control facility for Adabas and the related environment. A database administrator (DBA) uses it to

AOS is written in Natural, Software AG's fourth generation application development facility, and must be run in a Natural 3.1 or above environment.

The AOS Security functions are available only if Software AG's Natural Security is installed and operating at a version level that corresponds to the level of Natural being used. See the Adabas Security Documentation for more information.

The Adabas Online System Introduction is organized in the following topics:

../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Adabas Online System Services
../graphics/gr_b_sm.gif Basic Services

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