Version 7.4.4
 —  Database Report  —

Display Files

If no particular file is specified, option "F" lists all files in the specified database. If a file is specified, option "F" provides detailed layout information for the file. Physical device and file layout information is available only for a specific file.

This document covers the following topics:

Display a List of Files in the Specified Database

When no file number or "0" (zero) is specified in the File No field on the Database Report menu, a list of the files in the specified database is displayed:

15:24:38         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-22
   DBID 105                      - Display Files -                    PDRF002

 Fnr  File Name        Loaded     Top-ISN    Max-ISN    Ext. Pad %  Ind.   %Used
                                                        NUAD  A  D ACISEXU  A  D
 ---- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---- -- -- ------- -----
    1 EMPLOYEES        2005-11-22       1110       5511 1111  3  3 NNISNNN 68 88
    2 MISCELLANEOUS    2005-11-22       1779       5511 1111  3  3 NNISNNN 32 88
    4 AUTOMOBILES      2005-11-22       1000       5511 1111  3  3 NNISNNN 34 36
    5 PERSONNEL        2005-11-22       1000       5511 1111  3  3 NNISNNN 38 52
    6 FINANCE          2005-11-22       1000       5511 1111  3  3 NNISNNN 52 52
    7 GDMUSIC          2005-11-22       3292      16535 1111  3  3 NNNSNNN 81 95
    8 SAMPC-REV311DATA 2005-11-22      44679     100593 1111  3  3 NNNSNNN 79 99
    9 RD-NAT217-FUSER  2005-11-22     163272     175005 1111  3  3 NNISNNN 76 99
   10 RD-PRD314-FDIC   2005-11-22      60016      63387 1111  3  3 NNNSNNN 73 90
   11 REV320-DBFILE    2005-11-22       4442      11023 1111 10 10 NNNSNNN 42 82
   12 REV340-DBFILE    2005-11-22      52008      63387 1111 10 10 NNNSNNN  6 13
   13 SASRM-ZAP-TEST   2005-11-22         11       1377 1111  3  3 NNNSNNN 93  4
   14 SASRM-ZAPSYS     2005-11-22          5       1377 1111  3  3 NNNSNNN 28  4
   16 SAGDT-PRD-FDIC   2005-11-22      25649      30315 1111  3  3 NNISNNN 57 85

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help     Repos     Exit                --       -        +        Menu

The PF2 (Reposition) key displays a window in which you can enter a new starting value for the file list. When you enter a file number, the Display Files list begins with that file.

The Display Files screen provides the following information for each file:

The equivalent direct command is


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Display Information for a Specific File

When a valid file number is specified on the Database Report menu, the following Display File Layout information is displayed for that file:

15:32:22         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-22
   DBID 105                   - Display File Layout -                 PDRF012
   *  File 75     *   UES-FILE
   Records loaded ..... 1107          Date loaded .......... 2005-11-22 15:18:17
   Top ISN ............ 1107
   Max ISN expected ... 1502          Max Compr Rec Lngth .. 4816
   Minimum ISN ........ 1             Asso/Data Padding .... 3%/3%
   Size of ISN ........ 3 Bytes       Highest Index Level .. 3
   Number of Updates .. 0
   ISN Reusage ........ NO            USERISN .............. NO
   Space Reusage ...... YES           MIXDSDEV ............. NO
   ADAM File .......... NO            PGMREFRESH ........... NO
   Ciphered File ...... NO            NOACEXTENSION ........ NO
   Coupled Files ...... NONE          Universal Encoding ... YES
   Blk per DS Extent .. 0
   Blk per UI Extent .. 0
   Blk per NI Extent .. 0             Length of Owner ID ... 0

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu

The information for the file can be refreshed by pressing PF4.

You can display additional information about UES codes, coupling, and space allocations by pressing ENTER.

The equivalent direct command is

DISPLAY FILE file-number

The Display File Layout screen displays the following information for the file:

When universal encoding support (UES) is being used, pressing ENTER from the initial Display File Layout screen lists the current code values:

15:33:00         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-22
   DBID 105                   - Display File Layout -                 PDRF012

   Universal Encoding Support enabled for this file

   Encoding Keys:
   File Alpha Code .............. 37
   File Wide Code ............... 4095
   User Wide Code ............... 4095

In any case, pressing ENTER from the initial Display File Layout screen displays the following space allocation and usage information:

15:33:41         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-22
   DBID 105                  - Display File Layout -                  PDRF022

   File 75

        IDeviceIListI  Space allocated  I     From     To     I  Unused        I
        I Type ITypeI  Blocks   / Cyls. I     RABN    RABN    I  Blocks / Cyls.I
   -----I------I----I-------------------I --------------------I----------------I
        I      I    I                   I                     I                I
   ASSO I 3380 I AC I         3       0 I      724 -      726 I        0     0 I
        I 3380 I UI I        15       0 I      747 -      761 I        0     0 I
        I 3380 I NI I        20       0 I      727 -      746 I        0     0 I
        I 3380 I NI I        56       0 I      762 -      817 I        2     0 I
        I      I    I                   I                     I                I
   DATA I 3380 I DS I       116       0 I      216 -      331 I       29     0 I

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit      Refresh                              Menu

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