Version 7.4.4
 —  Database Report  —

Display Field Definition Table (FDT)

For more detailed information about field definitions, see the ADACMP utility; for more information about interpreting FDTs, see the ADAREP utility; both in the Adabas Utilities documentation.

15:13:26         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-22
   DBID 105                      - Display FDT -                      PDRD002

   Field Description Table: File 200   (TEST-FILE)
   ========================                            Total Fields ... 31

   *************** T o p  of  F D T ***************
   Lev  I Name I Leng  I Form  I    Options       I Predict Field Names
   -----I------I-------I-------I----------------- I-----------------------------
     1  I  AF  I  064  I    A  I  NU DE           I
     1  I  BX  I  035  I    A  I  MU NU           I
     1  I  LA  I  033  I    A  I  NU DE           I
     1  I  LB  I  002  I    B  I  NU DE           I
     1  I  LC  I  250  I    A  I  MU NU           I
     1  I  LE  I  004  I    U  I  NU DE           I
     1  I  LF  I       I       I  PE              I
     2  I  LG  I  065  I    A  I  NU              I
     1  I  LJ  I  018  I    A  I  NU DE           I
     1  I  LK  I  090  I    A  I  MU NU           I
     1  I  LL  I  018  I    A  I  NU DE           I
     1  I  LM  I  250  I    A  I  MU NU           I

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                --       -        +        Menu

For a specified file, option "D" displays the field definition table (FDT), which includes

On the Display FDT screen, press PF2 to access the special descriptor table (SDT) for the file:

15:13:22         *****  A D A B A S   BASIC  SERVICES  *****       2005-11-22
   DBID 105                      - Display SDT -                      PDRD012

   SUB-/SUPER Table: File 200     (TEST-FILE)

   Type  I Name I Length I Format I  Options        I Structure         I
   SUPER I  H1  I    4   I    B   I DE NU           I AU (    1 -    2 )I
         I      I        I        I                 I AV (    1 -    2 )I
   PHON  I  PH  I        I        I                 I PHON( AE )        I
   SUB   I  S1  I    4   I    A   I DE              I AO (    1 -    4 )I
   SUPER I  S2  I   26   I    A   I DE              I AO (    1 -    6 )I
         I      I        I        I                 I AE (    1 -   20 )I
   SUPER I  S3  I   12   I    A   I DE NU PE        I AR (    1 -    3 )I
         I      I        I        I                 I AS (    1 -    9 )I

  PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----
  Help               Exit                                           Menu

The SDT provides field information about all sub-/super-/hyperdescriptors, collation descriptors, phonetic descriptors, and sub-/superfields for the file.

In addition to the field's special descriptor type, two-character name, length, format (data type), and data definition options, the SDT identifies the structure of the special descriptor; that is, the component fields and field bytes of sub-/super-/hyperdescriptors and sub-/superfields; the equivalent alphanumeric elementary fields of phonetic descriptors; and the associated user exit of collation descriptors.

The equivalent direct commands are:

DISPLAY FDT file-number

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