付録 I VAX–11 C の例

Adabas ダイレクトコールを使用する VAX-11 C の例です。付録 B で定義された Adabas ファイルが使用されています。

           !                                                       !
           !      C example program for calling ADABAS(OpenVMS)    !
           !      --------------------------------------------     !
           !                                                       !
           !      Compile, link and run this program by typing:    !
           !                                                       !
           !      $ CC  EXAMPLE                                    !
           !      $ LINK EXAMPLE,SYS$LIBRARY:VAXCRTL/LIB           !
           !      $ RUN EXAMPLE                                    !
           !                                                       !
           !      Function :                                       !
           !                                                       !
           !        Find in the default database all persons       !
           !        named Smith and increase their salary by 10%   !
           !                                                       !
   #include <stdio.h>
   #define EXAMPLE_DB 0            /* default database */
   #define EMPLOYEES_FILE 11       /* file number      */
   #define FMTBUF "ASN,4,F."       /* salary field as 4 byte integer */
   #define FBLEN 8                 /* format buffer's length*/
   #define VALBUF "SMITH"          /* name to search for */
   #define VBLEN 5                 /* value buffer's length */
   #define SEABUF "AE,5."          /* search buffer NAME equal to */
   #define SBLEN 5                 /* search buffer's length */
   #define RBLEN 4                 /* record buffer's length */
   #define IBLEN 4                 /* ISN buffer's length */
   #define OPENRB "UPD=11."        /* record buffer used for OPEN */
   #define OPENRBLEN 7             /* record buffer's length */
   /*      .------------------------.
           !  ADABAS control block  !
       typedef  char       char2   [2]        ;
       typedef  char       char4   [4]        ;
       typedef  char       char8   [8]        ;
       typedef struct control_block 
            char2         filler1            ;
            char2         command_code       ;
            char4         command_id         ;
            char          file_number        ;
            char          db_id              ;
            short int     response_code      ;
            int           isn                ;
            int           isn_ll             ;
            int           isn_quantity       ;
            short int     fmt_buf_lng        ;
            short int     rec_buf_lng        ;
            short int     sea_buf_lng        ;
            short int     val_buf_lng        ;
            short int     isn_buf_lng        ;
            char          cmd_opt_1          ;
            char          cmd_opt_2          ;
            char8         additions_1        ;
            char4         additions_2        ;
            char8         additions_3        ;
            char8         additions_4        ;
            char8         additions_5        ;
            int           command_time       ;
            char4         user_area          ;
           } ;
           struct control_block cb ;
   /*      .----------------.
           ! define buffers !
           int isn_buffer;                 /* ISN buffer */
           struct record_buffer            /* record buffer */
              int  salary ;
           } ;
           struct record_buffer rb ;
           ! define variables !
           short int       upd =0 ;
           int             old_salary ;
   /*      .------------------.
           !   Main program   !
   main () 
     printf ("C example program for calling ADABAS(OpenVMS) ") ;
     if ( open_database() != 0 )
        response () ;
        if ( find_record () == 0 )
            printf ("\nFound     : %d  records ", cb.isn_quantity ) ;
            while ( cb.response_code == 0) && (cb.isn_quantity != 0 )
               old_salary = rb.salary ;
               rb.salary += rb.salary/10 ;
               if ( update_record () != 0) 
                  cb.isn_quantity == 0 ;
                  ("\n ISN = %8d  old salary = %10d   new salary = %10d ", 
                       cb.isn, old_salary, rb.salary) ;
                  upd++ ;
                  find_record () ;
         if ( cb.response_code != 0 )
            response () ;
            cb.response_code = 0 ;
            if ( upd != 0 )
               if ( issue_bt () == 0 )
                  upd = 0 ;
                  response () ;
         if ( cb.response_code == 0 )
            if ( close_database () != 0 )
            response () ;
           ! Open the database for  !
           ! updating the EMPLOYEES !
           ! file                   !
   open_database () 
              cb.command_code[0] = 'O'   ;
              cb.command_code[1] = 'P'   ;
              cb.db_id           = EXAMPLE_DB  ;
              cb.rec_buf_lng     = OPENRBLEN ;
              do adabas ( &cb , 0 , OPENRB ) ;
                 while (cb.response_code == 9) ;
              return (cb.response_code) ;
           ! Close the database            !
   close_database ()
                 cb.command_code[0] = 'C'  ;  
                 cb.command_code[1] = 'L'  ;  
                 adabas ( &cb )  ; 
                 return (cb.response_code)
           ! Call ADABAS to find all !
           ! people named SMITH      !
   find_record () 
             cb.command_code[0] = 'L';
             cb.command_code[1] = '4';
             if ( cb.isn_quantity == 0 )
                 cb.command_code[0] = 'S'      ; 
                 cb.command_code[1] = '4'      ; 
                 cb.command_id[0]   = 'F'    ; 
                 cb.command_id[1]   = 'I'    ; 
                 cb.command_id[2]   = 'N'    ; 
                 cb.command_id[3]   = 'D'    ; 
                 cb.file_number  = EMPLOYEES_FILE ;
                 cb.db_id        = EXAMPLE_DB  ;
                 cb.fmt_buf_lng  = FBLEN       ;
                 cb.rec_buf_lng  = RBLEN       ;
                 cb.sea_buf_lng  = SBLEN       ;
                 cb.val_buf_lng  = VBLEN       ;
                 cb.isn_buf_lng  = IBLEN       ;
                 cb.cmd_opt_2    = 'N'         ;
             adabas ( &cb , FMTBUF , &rb , SEABUF , VALBUF , &isn_buffer ) ; 
             if (cb.response_code == 3 )
                cb.response_code = 0 ;
                cb.isn_quantity  = 0 ;
              return ( cb.response_code ) ;
           ! Change the value of salary !
           !  and update the record     !
   update_record ()
               cb.command_code[0] = 'A' ; 
               cb.command_code[1] = '1' ; 
               adabas ( &cb , FMTBUF , &rb ) ; 
               return (cb.response_code) ;
           !   Response   !
   response ( )
              printf ("\n** Response code %d from ADABAS for Command %-2.2s ",
                     cb.response_code , &cb.command_code  );
           ! Issue BT command !
   issue_bt ()
               cb.command_code[0] = 'B'  ;  
               cb.command_code[1] = 'T'  ;  
               adabas ( &cb )  ; 
               return (cb.response_code) ;
           } ;